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No blond hair for sure.
Eye color uncertain.
Face is rather round than long.
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>spergs harder
That's not 'putting your back into it' petrol huffer
you mean gdańsk? that's polish city since 1000 years, try again
>His eyes were blue
*photo may be colourized
It's your fault for allowing Jews to dominate every sector in your faggot mutt of a country. Now look what you've done, You're a fucking disgrace.

>The US white majority will soon disappear forever
Thats Henry of Skalitz

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No matter how big or small the room is, how many stars the hotel is, all hotel rooms always have a single chair facing the bed.
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jews pushing memes that sexualize everything nowadays. I literally have used those chairs to just tie my shoes.
Also this
It’s for sitting retard. You’re addicted to porn.
It's for reading your book you uncultured swine
It’s part of the expected furnishings in a standard hotel room. It fills the space and provides a horizontal surface to set things. It’s also not expensive. All the money in hotel rooms is spent on the bathroom.
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its for reliving the glory and panache of Laurent Fignons back to back TdF victories as a budding young superstar in 83 and 84

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>Notorious IRL streamer Ice Poseidon holds scavenger hunt in Austin Texas for all streamers that want to join in.
>High IQ white guy finds final clue to win 30k prize.
>Gets jumped and maced by La Raza supremacist streamer who steals the clue.
>Gets declared the winner.
>All's Fair in Love and war etc.
>Chat rages but won't do shit.
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It’s not genetics it’s being over-civilized and domesticated. The post-WW2 era of prosperity and move to professional careers ruined us. We used to be outlaws, outdoorsmen, fighters, pioneers and explorers, nowadays that’s viewed as nig-tier or low-iq, white society is based around being le domestic white-collar faggot and chasing like social status while avoiding any and all danger.
You're right. We need to become...
You’re retarded as shit, this is why we’re screwed. Either you’re a basedfags who bows to kikes anand niggers while attempting to larp as some 1950’s working man caricature or you’re a wigger. That era is over. We’re pre-WW2 whites wiggers?
>Considering whites are the only people in the world without an ethnocentric instinct in their body it’s not surprising.
In general, white women don't and white men simp for white women. The problem is white women and white men are too stupid to do anything about it.
dunno why shitskins think rules of engagement and other whypipo shit we came up with when fighting against each other, will apply to them in a race war lmao

some dudes in a white van will pull up to your ghetto water treatment facility and anthrax it

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just stop being fat and get good, newfags. This government has declared it, thou shalt eat fast food four times a day.
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>safe and effective
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you fags got your link, are you gonna cry about it ALL day?
There's no such thing as ultra processed foods. It's just a new buzzword to sanction higher taxes on these foodstuffs.
why even post a thread at all?
you are so fucking lazy
soo fucking lazy
you can barely be motivated to roll over and gargle your boyfriends cum you faggot
Wow. It turns out the slop isn’t slop. The government said it so it must be true. I bet it pairs well with the vax.

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Face it, chuds. Arabs are BASICALLY colonizers...
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In this world either you colonize or you get your faggot ass colonized. Post WW2 westerners became faggots.
Are we niggers or our children are?
Make up your mind, nigger
Castration is haram. You are a niggerfaggot kike who will never be white because your ancestors mixed with their slaves.
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Obviously, but they lost it by the 11th century, leaving only their language.

It was just a joke ok??
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spineless sack of shit
I remember the crowds shouting it a lot, but not sure if Trump himself ever said it. Doesn't really matter much either way, the guy is a useless kike cock sucker.
Dead-End Don... patriots let this parasite latch onto them and waste their time, and become the face of patriotism. An old, fat, jew-loving orange clown face with the narrative set by the MSM from day one.

You were warned. The sad truth is that Trump supporters are just the Republican version of Obamabots: useless idiots for the regime. Both camps had their heart in it but not their brains.
You are really boring. Come back with a video clip or transcript. You won’t, because it doesn’t exist.
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how about you eat a dick

>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

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without context its shit and even with it he should be humble says I would be destitute without my supporters maybe I should hire attorneys that arent a waste of "capital"
>niggers stripping copper so no traffic lights
And sports niggers complain that they lost their heckin sportserinos.
Doesn't look like anyone can afford a ball ticket let alone a pair of shoes.
Such vibrant Californian democracy!
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Get in the cage wagie
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as long as our enemies continue to be retarded subhumans like our ancap friend ITT, I think we'll be alright :^)

Videos from March 2024
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Because America doesn't want to go to war with Yemen because it would require boots on the ground, and they already funding 2 wars. And image of untouchable US fleet must be maintained
Pretty sure they need to vet videos before they can be made public, hence older (but likely not that much older) videos being posted.

But hey it's chimplamists, of course they need the copium shot.
Why post anything at all then? Why not maintain fog of war? As a tactician or strategist, you never want to confirm/deny anything related to positions because the enemy might always be listening in and use some autistic shit like constellations or flight patterns to track you down. This is exactly how /pol/ tracked down Shia's retarded HWNDU flags.
Because they're fighting chimps, not war, no need for genuine stuff.
But they're still military morons so rules are rules and all that.
like your imbecile of a captain posted the video of "undamaged" carrier?

>Houthis about to find out why America doesnt have free healthcare

You saying?
They just struck your fucking carrier and you did jackshit, instead your captain is posting old videos to DEBOOONK that sometihng happened (it happened, deal with it)

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Just post the real post Amerimutt. No need to poison the well with your China larp.

and proud cucks at that?
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slave mentality
incapable of enjoying anything but being a slave
the only exception is having your own business and being the only employee
Ay, lower your Tone
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Never said you didn't.
I will never understand people's pathetic love affair with working like it doesn't make any sense to me. I don't get it like oh you got money probably not even that much I mean. Jesus Christ these people are all so fucking stupid man like fuck every day I'm starting to understand the elites more and more and wish covid had killed all these retards.
they are trying to counter the rise of NEETkings with psyops but it will not work (I will not work either). it will fail. I mean look at this faggot söy.

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Reddit is better than this website by miles

The upvote system lets you see the best content first and filters out the rest.

Plus Reddit lets you sort comments by popularity, that way I'm always guaranteed to see nothing but the best content, as chosen by the community.

Here's it's just "first come first serve" like some disgusting rural cafeteria. I want my web content catered and curated, thank you very much.

4chan is just an endless stream of shit by comparison.

You probably all come here because you're failed Redditors who couldn't get any upvotes with their r*cist trash content.

As we speak I have 3 different Reddit threads on the front page of their respective boards, bringing me many thousands of upvotes each hour.

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Rousseau didnt really ever answer the question. What does pf think of people who are born to 2 european parents, 1 is western european Christian, the other is ashkenazi jewish (the father, not mother so not jewish). The child was baptized at birth, looks and acts white, is a Christian, has never seen a torah or talmud, believes in pro white causes and advocates actively for them and identifies with european traditions and culture and thinks israeli dual citizens should be sent back to israel. Would a person like that be allowed to live in a pf america?
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nobody can resist faggot, just sing along
My local city festival just finished, i was out there all Saturday drinking and hell i heard this song chanted atleast 10 times, once it was the whole crowd. We aren’t talking 50 drunks in a small town here, this was a medium sized city and the event easily had 500+ attendees crowded in the city center at once
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Top kek. Good one, anon.

The job market is so bad that even gay white men are being denied jobs. They used to be the token hire golden nugget. Now employers are hiring random stupid bitches over fags. Are they trying to radicalize the gay white male community?

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What's stopping you from enlisting as Ukrainian volunteer ?
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>Must've been playing too many videogames where tanks just explode after 100 machine gun hits.
Definitely were playing the shit ass games if they believe that even though I've never been in the military and by common sense and experience shooting rifles, I even know rifle rounds couldn't penetrate such armor and I also play a lot of military based video games
t. 1000 hours in Arma 3
Russians are niggers and need to be nuked, there's no need for anyone to enlist
It's literally not my problem. I would enlist to enact TND and TKD though.
Her breasts aren’t big enough
you're brown and that's why you support russia

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were the nose calipers really necessary
Their leader would not pass this test, neither most of the "aryans".
Phrenology is a FAILED science goyim, I said FAILED!!

Put that ruler away, there's no correlation between skull shape and race. I said stop it, stop rolling your on neural networks with pen and paper and slide-rule.

You're being hateful again and I don't like it.
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>were the nose calipers really necessary

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>Lose Iowa Caucus to Ted Cruz
>Claim GOP primary is rigged
>Lose Trump University lawsuit
>Claim courts are rigged
>The Apprentice didn't win an Emmy
>The Emmys are rigged
>Lose 2020 presidential election
>The election was rigged
>Get convicted by a jury in a trial
>The judge rigged it

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How to get a gf
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gay sex doesn't count
These stretched out estrogen freak kids are pissing me off. We should start beating their skinny asses on sight to prove they're weak.
grim, I retired
That's a tranny
Look at the foot size
I don't believe this
Sitting around too much causes hemorrhoids?
I've sat around a lot and have never got a hemorrhoid
You need to use more lube when you stick things up your ass

What is the optimal reproductive age for a human female?
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For some reasone literally everyone will seethe about this
That's from the better timeline
In reality she's now a "man" with a mustache.
Not even joking
I fucking love science, bros.

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You're not going to tell the court appointed psychiatrist about the gangstalkers, are you?
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it could be some cult involved in some illegal shit
bad ending: you told the truth to the psychologist
I love how people believe there is this massive network and operation of system designed to fuck with them, as if they would be important enough to do so. Ignore the fact that these people are also mentally ill.
There's a massive network and operation of system(s) designed to protect us.
i am pretty open with my therapist about my various run-ins with shadowy forces and she says in her professional opinion, i don't seem crazy, more like i'm a rational person who has been put through some very scary and confusing situations, without a framework to understand them.

i was still worried that i'm nuts, like hallucinating them or prone to psychosis or persecution delusions etc, so she sent me to her PhD supervisor and mentor, one of the foremost diagnosticians in the state, a leader in the field who literally wrote the book, who worked for decades at a research university and state hospital

when i outlined my experiences for him, and took all the tests again etc, he said
a) you don't have elevated scores at all on any of the metrics indicating schizophrenia or any other DSM-5 mental illness
b) what you do score high for is signs of trauma, you are suffering from ptsd
c) in my professional opinion, you got the attention of powerful people somehow and they decided to fuck with you. "they have programs to do that, you know" (direct quote)

(keep in mind that this guy was one of the head honchos at a state mental hospital and research lab at a land grant university with connections to MKultra research for 40+ years)

i have been to two other diagnosticians as well and all my scores are sub-clinical, the one thing i was on the threshold for was "hypomanic depression," basically bipolar-lite, specifically during the later winter months when seasonal affective disorder kicks in.

Aryan Art is heavily suppressed by ZOG due to its motivational and inspirational impact on Aryan peoples. Much of the art of the Third Reich which wasn't destroyed outright is now hidden away in ZOG military bases, proving that Aryan Art is a political weapon.


In this thread we discuss why the enemy fears our art, why our art is so threatening to the occupation regime, why Aryan Art is so effective in grounding Aryan peoples in their history, and we share Aryan artworks which have a particular political, ideological, social or cultural effect in awakening our people to their slavery under the vile Semitic occupation regime.
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How does everyone afford Moncler and Canada Goose coats? These things cost anywhere from 800 to 3k each
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>distingushed guests
lmao this faggot is such a paid kike its unbelievable
Wogs are not meant to live naturally above the 40 degree latitude.
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>yet another literal who Twitter thread
What kind of name is Jackson Hinkle? It sounds like the name of the token American character in a 1990s Japanese fighting game.
Here’s a YouTube Chanel that covers businesses. I’d recommend listening to it if you are interested. His fast food ones are great, he explained why Taco Bell went from cheap dollar menus to more premium bullshit

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any guy dressed like that is a faggot. has self-respect issues. plus you become a mark and risk getting robbed

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