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He's the greatest president of your lifetime.
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>republicans grown some balls charge him with murder
That is their favourite part though. Republicans have an identical foreign policy to Hilary Clinton and Obama they just don't like her voice or that he is black.
Not even close, his 2nd term is fucking abysmal.

He deported more illegals than any president in US history, so that's something. Most of the wall/fences etc etc were erected under his presidency as well. He also refused to close GITMO and quadrupled the inmate population there.
Cash for clunkers
Even worse.

Get. Back. To. Work.
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>the average working man can't buy a home
What do you do for work?
>When I am a parent, I will want my kid to save up all his money, so he can use it as a down payment on a home
You nailed it. No one will ever escape poverty renting. A mortgage it's all going into equity/investment. Renting it's all gone forever. Rentoids vs. house chads are the two classes of people in the USA. It's basically impossible to make it as a rentoids while house chads are investing thousands a month without even trying. You will be a good parent. Hopefully more Americans will understand the this and let kids live at home for longer instead of kicking them out early and forcing them into a life of inescapable renting poverty
The funny thing is I got ten times more pussy as a neet than I do now as a working peasant.
I had 5 women I could call up at any time and then some others here and there.
Now I probably get laid every couple months or so
S&Ls were always 6%
Yes tge white incel loser is an expert on life 30 years before he was born

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If you interacted with a femoid, had sex with her. Have friends or a social circle. You DON'T FUCKING BELONG HERE. Don't get it you fucking nigger? This place was a paradise for people like me, who were rejected by society, unwanted and abandoned. This paradise turned into hell when all of you sex-having, relationship-having normalfags invaded it and tainted it forever. You parasites don't belong here, you hate us, we hate you. Stay away from our domain and don't bother us. We don't want your normalfaggotry here.
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Why are YOU not more ashamed of your flag, leaf?
I rather remain an incel
then something like pic related desu senpai
Tbf as people get older they can lose their friends/social circles and with the out of control hypergamy many previous sex havers can become incels
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Jew says jew things

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WW3 postponed.
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>Fagson Twinkle
Well, where is he?
I denounce the talmud, and fuck all kikes.
I also denounce the qu'ran and fuck all araps.

Total Semitic Death!!!!

Are you a sandnigger? Denounce the qu'ran or kill yourself for being a shitskin. You owe it to humanity.
>Not a lesbian

Then follow the rules faggot

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Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Ukraine demolishes orthodox church built on site of first Kievan cathedral - https://archive.today/9sr2U
> Russia gives UK ambassador 1 week to leave Moscow - https://archive.today/59UB3
>Germany expelled 7 Ukrainian soldiers training there for larping as nazi's - https://archive.today/WLSil
>Slovak PM, Robert Fico, target of assssination attempt (suspected shooter has been detained) - https://archive.today/ehsUu
>Estonia 'seriously considering' sending soldiers to Ukraine (all 700 of them) - https://archive.today/mzeJP
>"Putin proposes Belousov as Shoigu's replacement" - https://archive.today/XUw6a
>Battlegroup North liberates several settlements in the Kharkov Region - https://archive.today/78iGs

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the war you shill for is as pointless and criminal as the american war against the vietnamese
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>Knowing how hohols are he'd probably first say it was all fake/CGI, then dedicate himself to destroying the city
for those in the western part this is very likely
also kek at the nnew propelling method for space travel

good afternoon fren
1 day until zelenskys rule officially ends
ganins in chasov yyar and kharkov direction
also streets in ukraine looks like ghost towns due to new mobilization law
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habbiding in Iran
nothing new in Ukraine, steady grind
Why doesnt Putin just drop a 100 megaton tsar bomba on Lyviv and Kyiv and end the war?
AOL has 18+ chatrooms

Do you also feel a deep bond with Poland in your country?
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yer a worthless gypsy whore, and as such you simply have no right of comment. that's all
you also have gay civil unions, abortions, and are irreligious and the porn capital of europe along with czechia, not to mention the chinese police and your gypsy king prostituting himself full-time for Russian and Chinese money

we have
>no gypsies, aren't a brown turkic nation like u
>no gay civil unions, marriage or any rights for the gays at all
>no abortion
>tradition, no porn or prostitution capital
>no chinese police or any other asiatic influence
>no corrupt kleptocratic dictatorial regime with no freedom of information
just shut up :3 and kys, you awfully hypocritical worthless, shameless gypsy whore with no honor
I never met a Pole who wasn't a devout catholic.
I also never met an american who was a Christian.
Oh knock yourselves out Hans, you won't find me in the ditches trying to drone you.

Unless you step on my propert, the I release my attack parrot on you.
You're probably a thirdworlder who's never even seen a toilet. Don't even pretend like you don't shit in a ditch.

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How come the mainstream media was pretty much running infomercials about how amazing this truck is and then it turned out to be a bricked piece of shit?
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>American made
>Pajeet programmed
>It's shit

I'm shocked desu.
Dude they have so much kick and go from zero to sixty. My boss didn't let me drive it because its so expensive but it was so quiet and fast like a tank. It didn't even feel like we were going 80mph
i see this too at a local mall where there are a few charging stations. lots of apartment dwellers with clout chaser fagtrucks. bonkers times.
>Stop sucking auto industry cum by... buying an inferior product from... Get this... the auto industry!
Trannies are afraid of the implications of the cyber truck

Why do communists say workers should own the means of production when America doesn't produce anything and the means of production are cheap?
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thats also why they're all owned by poos.
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based mexican at heart
go sell watermelons in the streetcorners, loose cigarrettes in your open window, tacos in the street
become the working class
Same here in Germany, but they are either fully gone now, or switch owner every year after closing down for a few months.
What people mean when they say "own the means of production" is "give me free stuff".
>lots of inspectors to bribe to get your license too.
No the fuck there's not.

T. Restaurant/bar owner

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In this thread we discuss fat people, and everything political that relates to fat people.
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There is some depression in them. The lighting the expressions on both of them and the camera. Looks like something done by evil jews.
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No idea, but it just started being posted here suddenly...
The diarrhea
The wiping
The hemmerhoids
The trapped sweat
The lethargy
The cost
How do fat people do it all their lives? I was 30 over obese BMI and I wanted to fucking die.
I guess that only depends on how badly you want sex
I know I wouldn't have had that self control
but fortunately my first was with a normal girl in the 90s when being obese wasn't too common
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We are the dreamers of dreams and the makers of memes

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Sounds like they had the same drug dealer who fucked up the cut.
>Trump is such a weak fat pussy he couldn't stop the democrats from making him doing warp speed and making sure the bug phramas couldn't be sued

consider a bridge
>another dead leftist
Let us join hands, nu/pol/, and weep for our fallen brethren.
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All vaxxies are gonna be dead by 2030 aren't they?
88% of India
88% of China
70% of Western Countries
40% of Africa

Wild. I do wonder what the age of aquarius that the elite are gonna usher in with automation, robotics, and AI will be like. Whats done is already done.
we might just be the first immorzals

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>Oh shit we got btfo again! DELETE THIS!
Satan won WW2
>operation shingles
Is that where they turbo vaxxed the soldiers and they all got sick and died?
No its where your great grandmother sucked a whole platoon of GIs dry. They called her the mouth of Mary because should would suck for days if she had to.
how did you know she was French?

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Poor families
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no in the original video he was doing the usual nigger ramble about "dem opps dont want no smoke nigga" or whatever other tribal chant he could think of at the spot
missed the vitals but still died...
https://www.gofundme com/f/support-for-grieving-aunt-after-tragic-loss

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What happens here?
Can we colonise it?
Is that Neptune? It's too far away, bro.
It's not Neptune bruv.
Island niggers a hootin and a hollerin huffin gas drinking toilet wine and eating yuman flesh
Sounds kinda fun desu
Well it doesn't look like Uranus.

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>Israeli forces have recovered the body of one of the hostages from Gaza, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has said.
>Israeli military spokesperson Rear Adm Daniel Hagari said in a statement posted on X that military intelligence found he was killed on 7 October.
>killed on 7 October.
>body of one of the hostages
>killed on 7 October.
Why do these kikes keep calling them "hostages" if they were already killed (likely by the IDF in the crossfire, like so many were) before they were ever taken hostage? Do they really think we'll believe the terrorists raided a music festival and chose to take dead bodies with them back home rather than actual living hostages, and have for months been moving these rotting, stinking bodies from place to place to avoid losing them in raids?

Sounds like kike cover-up for their own mistakes again, like how they killed those other 3 "hostages" themselves. Screenshot this, the IDF killed these people accidentally and are pinning it on Hamas.
Eh, I'd argue the opposite on this one. Hamas has every reason to take back corpses and claim they're hostages; like how the fuck are you going to prove that wrong? No videos, please :^) please gib prisoners + cease fire
>Well, the Israelis probably killed them in the cross fire
To be blunt, Israel admits to doing embarrassing shit. Why? Because if they deny it and then it comes out everyone gets fucked -- they get fucked for lying, their citizens get pissed for being lied to, their courts look illegitimate and their government gets fucked, etc. Like do you think Israel wants to admit their tank crew literally friendly fired a building full of kikes?
Corpses are "hostages" in their New World Order speak.
But you can claim you have hostages without having to keep the bodies around for months on end. The IDF claimed one of the women was confirmed dead within a month of the attack when they found a piece of her skull. But apparently, Hamas still wanted to keep that body afterwards? Can't exactly pretend they're a hostage if it's already confirmed she's dead.
You could, but as soon as the corpses are recovered you sort of lose that bargaining position.

Like, Hamas could admit however many hostages they actually have any time they want, but what's the fun in that?
You can't, though. She was confirmed dead, they literally found a piece of her skull. At that point, claiming she's a hostage when you eventually find her body is ridiculous, as is the idea that Hamas would bother to keep hold of a rotting corpse for months when they have no way of ever pretending she's alive. The others hadn't been confirmed as dead, so finding their bodies and claiming they're hostages is similar to the above, or alternatively, they found them alive and killed them like the other lot, and this time have to cover it up. The whole hostage situation is the only thing kikes are criticising Bibi for, he can't afford another screw up.

>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

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and good luck repairing or insuring one. Oh also an unexpected incendiary event, but a little bigger than a phone

Yep he compromised the battery. I bet in 50 years young people will laugh at us for our overuse of Lithium Ion batteries in everything.

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Iranian aircraft maintenance has been a clown show since the 1979 revolution and rain/fog at night in the mountains is the worst possible place to fly a helicopter for visibility. They probably just crashed.

Pick one
Catholics teach how to be good Catholics. The Bible teaches you how to be Christian.
It's supposed to be an aesthetic match to Starship, a prototype for a Moon/Mars rover, and bulletproof for Urban Diversity. Yeah it looks dorky as hell but I at least see where he was going with it.

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It’s official. Nearly every American is better off today than they were during trumps presidency. Mainly due to the booming economy, inflation under control, and unity brought by Biden.
Trumpflation almost killed this country. Luckily bidenomics saved us. Thank you, president biden!
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In 2020 I had $15k in savings and a $80k a year job and didn't really need to clip coupons for my groceries and paid extra to get them delivered. In 2024 its now $8k in savings, a $100k job and I cant afford to get my groceries delivered and clip coupons every Sunday. Live in the same house at both times and have the same car so rent and car payments aren't killing me but everything else is.
People won't be happy until their buying power comes back. Since they correctly note that prices coming down is a bad way for this to happen, they should abolish income tax to make it happen. Just waiting until inflation finally hits wages to the same extent that it hit everyday goods is fucking retarded and libshits deserve to lose for thinking it's a solid plan
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They pay for bots to spread bullshit lies all over Reddit and elsewhere. Their entire strategy this time is to gaslight everyone hoping it will buy votes. No one is buying this crap. No one, except for kikes, are doing better today than 4 years ago.
Ask me how I know you're a pedophile with a Japanese VPN.

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https://i.4cdn.org/gif/1716099550874283.webm (embed)

>Sending troops to our country to attack our people = act of war
>Doing so without declaring hostilities first = war crime
>Doing so perfidiously out of uniform and lacking insignia = war crime
>Targeting civilians = war crime
The United States Congress is obligated to destroy Tel Aviv and to bring these people to justice.

Israeli soldiers attacked US citizens on the night of April 30th and the morning of May 1st. They attacked unarmed protestors with; baseball bats, metal pipes, plywood, 2x4s, bear spray, skunk spray, frozen water bottles, and of course their fists causing SERIOUS BODILY INJURY and almost killing one 4th Year UCLA student.

The name of one such IDF soldier was Eliran Bismut. He was in the US not on a VISA but on a 90 day "special visiting pass" that allows Israelis to bypass VISA requirements since Visa Requirements were changed for Israel on October 19th, 2023 (https://archive.is/sH00c). HE IS AN ISRAELI SOLDIER WHO SPECIFICALLY CAME TO THE US TO ATTACK AMERICAN CITIZENS AND ATTEMPT TO SERIOUSLY INJURE OR KILL THEM.

To make matters worse the DA, the Police Chief, the FBI, every L.E.O is actively protecting these men after they so viciously and brazenly attempted to kill American Citizens on livestream. There are no warrants out for their arrests. There is no ongoing investigation. The media is refusing to talk about it! DO NOT LET THIS BE MEMORY HOLED.

Eliran Bismuts victims WANT TO press charges but the LAPD, CHP, DA, FBI, among other law enforcement agencies are REFUSING to open an investigation and issue a warrant for the arrest of Eliran Bismut.

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I'll do better next time lol. o7
doesn't matter, the info is there, and the work continues.
Great work op.

The advisor the police were using the night in question
Well, at some point you just have to accept the fact that the US is a colony of Israel.
K, thanks ;)


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Doubt. CDU will probably win and create a coalition with the greens and SPD
It's by design anon
Just stop carrying
Literally this easy
it does work, they didn't even have to ban them, just do the usual "muh le bad nazism, remember?" song and dance and """""""""""""people""""""""""""" don't vote for afd, but nation-killer merkel or the even bigger nation-killer 5th columnists and leftists.
Every every election campaign the past 10 years was "afd at 20%", "oy gevalt remember the sixhunderentrillionen! ist das le nazismists again!", "merkel government already cracking down on immigration (which is a bad thing btw, immigration is good, remember Hans!)", then afd gets only half the votes they had a few months before
People are retarded NPCs, liberalism is a retarded meme, snap out of it
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(((they))) are getting worried that they may have overplayed their hand once again...
Stopped being relevant ages ago. I would also argue that this title design is illegal and violates several criminal codes.

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>12% in 5 days
Are we fucked, if so how and why?
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honestly im all for this. why should I put my hard earned fiat currency in ponzi schemes like the stock market or a bank?
Thank you for an actually big brain response, this is what I was looking for thank you kind stranger, here's your reddit gold

Because the money out there isn't going to disappear, it's just going to slosh around in the system constantly increasing in size radically and markets are going to eat all of it.
Just wait until the system starts pushing housing market harder and makes it easier for people to borrow and buy homes.
We don't even need lower interest rates for that, we just need to see the US government start subsidizing housing purchases and making it easier to take equity out of the existing homes.
Every meme stock is going to explode as late stage normies pile into this and then at some point the bubble pops.
But the money won't be gone when the bubble goes. Instead the increased money supply just moves into another sector, this being the massive commodity cycle.

One of the biggest things is going to be the green energy sector. That's going to get such an astronomical amount of investment that it's not even funny. There's going to be an intense push for wind and solar and raw materials involved in it.
The prediction is anywhere between 4-30 trillion in investment required for the field in the next decade. Government will be involved neck deep in it and that means guaranteed growth.
This in turn means that the inflated tech money will move to chasing crazy profits in the commodity sector, along with retail at some point getting the same idea.
Commodity bubble is going to reach even higher than what the meme tech shit is going for and commodities are still super cheap.
Everything is cyclical and we're just getting started with the raw materials.
And if you don't put your money into the markets, your purchasing power is going to get utterly fucked as prices explode due to manufacturing costs going through the roof.
>$800 oil
even $125 oil would bring down the entire system at this point. inflation would go through the roof because transportation would get real expensive real fast, and that would trickle down immediately.

and if the fed increases interest rates, a lot more businesses, banks, homeowners would blow up immediately. (and if they decrease interest rates while inflation is increasing, it would signal that they are done trying to fight inflation, basically a declaration of defeat- leading to hyperinflation)

meanwhile China and Japan, the two biggest foreign holders of US bonds, are in desperate need of a way to bolster their failing currencies. if they start selling their US treasuries more quickly- the US treasury will have to start buying bonds directly, aka Yield Curve Control, and, uhhh

tldr it's Happening but nobody in the media can say anything about it because it will trigger a panic.
because theyre manipulating the prices

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