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Like slaughtering, raping and exploding? Pic as a little reminder.
They activated shillbots en masse because of how badly it makes piggers & zog look to normal nonpozzed people.
Modern Europe is zogbots arresting White natives laying on their back while having pigs kneel on their chest. At the same time ignoring a shitskin with a knife at your back to get stabbed twice in the neck & go into a coma or die. A huge number of useless pigger whores screaming&crying who are employed for their bosses to get sex or bjs for promotions. 1 shitskin foreign cop had the balls to shoot his fellow shitskin, of course because it is discouraged for White pigs to kill nonWhite criminals.
In fact too many pigs to police one small right wing protest instead of you know policing the hordes of nonWhite migrant criminals throughout Europe. Crowds of dumb drugged up delusional goyim walking past not a care in the world. Soijacks on a train poster pointing&laughing at your own death
Really shows zog priorities, which is White genocide.
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This picture represents modern Europe
He looks like a s o y meme.

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/pol/ will justify this

What will 111 be??
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he is a theatre kid dork who does skits on the internet by playing a character. he debases himself for entertainment and money, because he is lazy and creatively bankrupt, and this is the easiest way for him to earn a living.

it is disingenuous and typically this type of content is for children, who love seeing adults act like kids because it makes them feel included.
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>That does not count
This made me depressed. Some empty shell of a man imitating joy over consumerism.
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Your clue is in the "duel Israeli citizenship" you dumb brown subhuman

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I'm beginning to understand the dynamic between 4chan and Reddit.
Reddit is for autistic men who cut their penis off.
4chan is for autistic men who didn't cut their penis off.
Does that sound about right?
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>I'm beginning to understand the dynamic between 4chan and Reddit.
If you didn't figure that out years ago then you have to go back.
Edit: Locked. Y'all can't behave.
Not upset so much as scared.
I see you made this just for me. Appreciate the effort ty roastyfren

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Are we looking at a “Second Cold War” era?
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This isn’t a war map.
Nah, there is no second bloc and the NATO one is mortally wounded.
Not thanks to any outside force mind you, America's Nordstreambetrayal did that.

It's why they don't want the Ukraine war to end, because then that shit comes to the fore.
The “New Eastern Bloc” is more informal. Russia, China and Iran don’t have official alliances with each other. But are all working together in alignment.
Nuclear war is based, it's like chemotherapy for the cancer that is our cities. Only jews don't want nigger hives destroyed.
I don’t think you would survive nuclear war and its fallout

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>t-trump lost!!
Fake news. Trump is in his Shadowprez term, that began when "Biden" "won" the rigged 2020 election so that he can fight the Satanic Deep State.
>b-but the MSM said he lost!!
Debunked. Everything that happened under "Biden's" "term" was actually President Trump's doing this whole time.
Cope harder. Project 2025 is approaching soon and it's going to wipe Deep State shills like you off the face of this Earth. There's no preventing it, you have less than a year.
Totally normal.
I like Trump but the shadow president shit was one of the funniest copes I've ever seen on this board
That post right there was some of the biggest psyop damage control efforts in the history of humanity.

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No blond hair for sure.
Eye color uncertain.
Face is rather round than long.
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ESL faggot explain yourself better
fucking cringe
shut the fuck up Juan
>muh 6million le edgy gag
lolocaust never happened
William Patrick Hitler
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Every time

>no you can't fight the jews everyone that fights the jew is a jew
>just let them win lol
Low effort shilling just disgusts me, put your back into it you lazy abo
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>Eye color uncertain.
Ffs, Pjotr, don't you have some berries to pick, or toilets to clean? Or shall I call you Pjotrsteinbergblatt?

Why are women like this? How do we save them?
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Pretty much this. Why do you think when black men literally dominate a woman they always come back to BBC? It's genetics.
>25 year old women gives phone number to 17 year old boy
the opposite genders would label him a groomer
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It's fake.
Kyle killed a pedophile and a mentally ill cunt. Based Kyle.

Are christcucks wrong about homosexuality?

Should we return to tradition?
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yeah like raping faggots to death for choosing gayness as an identity instead of Roman. You wanna be gay then die gay
Thirty years ago I thought live and let live. After a couple decades of gay pride parades, grooming, trannies, lesbian marital abuse and all the garbage that comes with it, I no longer agree that it is an innocuous non-factor in societal erosion.
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Our history is of dumb faggot civilizations that existed long after the real civilizations fell. Human lines are designed to go back to monkey after a few dozen generations. Faggots are sub-human trash on the path to monkey.
I understand where homosexuals are coming from, women suck. but the engineer in me says that the alternative you're providing has to be better than what's currently in use.
homosexual men have all the emotional faggotry of women, plus extra depravity due to being homosexual and identifying with LGBT psyop movement. might as well keep dealing with women and their bullshit.
no, faggots are destroying society.

[1Co 6:9 KJV] 9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,

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What's stopping you from enlisting as Ukrainian volunteer ?
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Is this the most perfect woman alive?
My family needs me more than Israel does
This made me lol. Some idiot brought his phone and was posting videos from their training barracks that was in a hotel or school or something, that's how the ruskies traced them.
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Many such cases what fucking retards
Must've been playing too many videogames where tanks just explode after 100 machine gun hits.

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Why is racemixing bad?
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White women chase bbc collectively with or without an incentive. They are biologically programmed to chase BBC.

Why do you think white men are transitioning for BBC?
As a person with 130+ IQ who’s still dumb enough to end up on 4chan, can confirm. Wouldn’t call it a completely useless “meme” measurement though, it does have its uses.

The idea that an interracial child is always or even more likely to have a lower IQ or general intelligence than either of their parents is absurd though, my childhood best friend was mixed race and very much intelligent. People point to the average IQ of Africans being lower as “evidence” of their inferiority, and then completely dismiss the malnutrition, diseases, and lack of education in African countries which leads to that fact.
>As a person with 130+ IQ
>People point to the average IQ of Africans being lower as “evidence” of their inferiority, and then completely dismiss the malnutrition, diseases, and lack of education in African countries which leads to that fact.
anon I......
Are you trolling?

Most White women care about their social ranking and doing whatever's currently fashionable to seem relevant and be part of the in-group, taking their cues from media, which can be (and does get) manipulated.
Even if it means fucking a literal, stinking ape.
Look at some other historic precedents when women engage in the retard feedback loop to social signal: suffrage, white feather campaign, prohibition, civil rights, and abortion.
They wouldn't have given a single shit about any of those causes unless they were all regurgitating the same shit they had gotten from media sources, and it's only gotten worse with the advent of the internet, and especially social media.
TV and the internet really are the devil's black box.
It's much worse; like mixing ice cream with shit vs. mixing shit with slightly darker shit.

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Maldives banning israelis from entering the country over the war in gaza

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SEND IN the Boeing YAL-1. Hope it does not crash over the target!
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Good news, you've been pre-approved for upgrading your lands from boring dirt sand and soil to premium Luxor.com glass. You'll be able to see the lava under your feet by looking down and seeing all the caves put there by volcanic vents and the movement of mammoth quantities of water from high ground down to ocean level.

Here's some scrip that won't spend at market when you need it most, to make you feel better during this difficult transition.
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Nice. Guess it's time to paint my roof blue.

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Being that she's a literal 20/10, I'm pretty sure you guys can find it in your heart to forgive her. Calling her a one in a million beauty would be an understatement. What a loss it would've been.
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I don’t know why so many men find giant mouths and lips attractive like that. I don’t.
Have you ever heard the voice of a woman who detransitioned? Their voices are ruined. The same goes for her tits, vagina, her entire hormonal cycles, everything totally fucked. She's smiling in front of the camera but believe me she has regrets. Her parents fucked her future up. Her mind is warped.
lol, her smiles is 100% Jolie, the rest is Pitt's
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If you still had a penis you'd understand.
Hey brad i know You're lurking over here.
End this chapter of your life and Let go of the past forever. start a new family with your spanish cutie just like Richard gere.

>Obesity is a desease
people should be shamed if they are obese

>Being LGBTQ+ is a mental disorder
should be illegal

>Women have no souls and mind of their own
they are demons and shouldn't have any civil or political right and should be beaten to a pulp if they decide to talk in public

>Kikes are pure evil
and should be gassed till the last one

>Niggers are not homo sapiens
they're just monkeys and should be treated as such, let them live in africa just like any other wild animal and do not allow for them to invade nowhere

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Sad taht good threads don't get the bump they deserve, this site is done
Massive bump, I've found one of my older informative threads.

There is a peculiar set of words polluting the air in recent decades. I’m sure you’ve noticed, when watching TV (which is a terrible idea, but we’ll get to that later) or perhaps when you were in school, or maybe in daily conversation, the use of these words, and their particular capability to bring a conversation to a screeching halt. You may have also noticed the even stranger behavior of those around you when you choose to neglect to pay the expected societal homage to these words. When you did so, did the others sputter? More commonly found, did they explode into anger, and attempt to punish you? Did they threaten the law? I had all three happen, and you may have as well. What are these words, then? What is it about them that makes people behave so strangely? Well, let’s list the words off, and you’ll have an idea:

The first group we have are the “isms”, varied, and growing in number daily:

racism, sexism, communism, liberalism, conservatism, satanism (this last term, satanism, now growing defunct, but was in wide use in the media as a fear tactic up through the 1990s)

Secondly, we have the “phobias”, which have taken special prominence in the media as of late, with the heavy pushing of the gay and transsexual agenda:

homophobia, islamophobia, transphobia, for example

Lastly, we have “oddball” words, which don’t fit into the usual method of construction for trigger words, as they were inserted into the public conscience in earlier decades. The majority of them are related to WWII, as it so happens:

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Did you automatically feel discomfort when reading the word “racism”, or perhaps the name “Hitler”? I certainly still do, even though I have come to recognize the presence and purpose of these words.

Perhaps that is a testament to the power of this conditioning, on simple utterance of the word “racist”, we, the white population, have been conditioned to wince, to brace ourselves for impact, to numb ourselves for the inevitable browbeating we are about to receive.

It was only the day I refused to wince, refused to pull back in the face of that word, refused to offer myself up as sacrifice in the face of that word “racist”, that I realized the extent that these insidious words have been worming their way across the European conscience, leaving trails of dark slime in their wake. The conversation went something like this:

‘Oh, I’d rather not go to Africa, it isn’t really interesting to me.’

‘So you’re a racist!’

‘And what if I am?’

From there, the other person descended into what I can only describe as incoherent sputtering, which progressed to yet more incoherent rage, and then stunned silence, as if their brain was not able to process a lack of concern for catering to the political mantra du jour. This sort of unnatural reaction is what I then sought after, plucking out the words that were programmed in this way by testing the reactions I would garner from them.

When we look at the official definitions and histories of each term, it becomes even more clear wherein the conditioning lies. For its ubiquity, and seemingly boundless utility, let’s take “racism” as our first example. Merriam-Webster gives the following definition:
“Any action, practice, or belief that reflects the racial worldview—the ideology that humans are divided into separate and exclusive biological entities called “races,” that there is a causal link between inherited physical traits and traits of personality, intellect, morality, and other cultural behavioral features, and that some “races” are innately superior to others.“

This definition is frighteningly general, simply a variety of different views tacked together into one monolith of ambiguity. It could be an action, or simply a thought you hold inside your head, that might be anything from the belief that that there exists a biological difference between the “races”, to the mere acknowledgement that, say, people from Africa tend to have darker skin.

According to this definition, if you believe that Africans have darker skin than Europeans, and that perhaps that trait is inherited genetically, you have just committed the grievous sin of racism. You may say “oh, there at the end, there is a qualifier that says ‘and that some races are innately superior to others”, but I urge you to look at the beginning of the definition, which clearly states ANY action, practice, or belief, that reflects the racial worldview, the laundry list that follows being any of its possible incarnations. If you look at other definitions, you will find much the same ambiguity, and I refer you to this wonderful documentary that does a much better job with the term “racism” than I ever could in my limited space:

Racism in America Today.
It is important to note how the word “racist” is used exclusively against those of European heritage today. It is perfectly acceptable to be an African supremacist, or perhaps a member of La Raza, who believes that they have the right to conquer the southern United States. Although I will not argue against their causes here, as I quite frankly don’t care about them, it should be transparent to you that those groups receive no ire from those who would be most likely you call YOU a racist. Even more sinister is the history of the word, having its origin in Bolshevist Russia, by none other than Leon Trotsky himself. The author of the word speaks volumes in its own right.

Our next example is of equal importance, and far more relevance in the media as of late. If you are the type of unfortunate soul who watches the news on cable television, you may have noticed the sudden pushing of the “transgender community”. How strange, this phenomenon. 10, even 5 years ago, “transgender” was not the accepted term, “transvestite” or “tranny” was.

“Transgender” was step one in the manipulation of our perception of this issue (similar tactics were taken on the racism front, note the transition of negro > black > african american. So effectively done that the original term makes you cringe involuntarily, despite its former accepted use!) The next step was to heavily push imagery of these abominations, presenting them as normal and attractive, though we know the opposite to be true. And, the final step in the conditioning process, which we have seen happen right before our eyes, is the introduction of the “trigger word”, the “red scare” of transsexualism, so to speak: Transphobia.

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i.e. marisa miller types
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because it's not always the jews. most of the time it's late stage capitalism.
The jewish media. Because they hate white people.
That’s jews though
you are the faggiest gook that ever posted on /pol/

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remember you can post on 4chan when you're 65 after you're a grandparent and spending your teens and twenties here is probably the worst use of your time because those decades are important for meeting other people and starting a family. every week you waste posting here is one more week of youth and vitality you will never get back, and every political position you have is completely irrelevant unless you can manifest that into tangible change - which you can't since only a few rich billionaires get that luxury. this entire website and board makes money from you viewing it and engaging in it, and exists simply to give passive income to some japanese neet who is right now at a champagne bar licking some thai prostitutes toes.
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>Only read the first 16 words, qrd on the rest ?
blah-blah don't post goyim.
is that a a piece of green used for SeAsoninG Exceptinal food?
>dont spend your youth towards activism
>dont be part of the most important culture war in history
>you cant change anything cos you're not a billionaire
just kike demoralization 101, thats already evidently false.

also the faggot hasnt heard of ad block.
that blonde hair is the most beautiful possible attribute of a woman
damn nigga, it's like you read the file name or sommething... but what did the poster mean by that?

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Imagine its 2006,your living in the mid west and you just finished your fast food meal after watching a kino in a theater run by a guy named joe.

And after it you sneak into a blonde bimbos rooms after prom to get some cheeks before her dad gets the shotgun

Was this when america peaked?
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Sounds pretty neat

Only niggers would sneak onto someone else's property, get up near their house and look into their daughter's window to see her undress. This is illegal in all parts of the US for a reason and only black "people" do it. Nobody normal behaves like this because normal people are not so horny they want to trespass just to look at boobs. Especially not in the mid-aughts when most people had access to the internet ie pictures of boobs.

Also the idea that you'd actually sneak into their house instead of looking in from outside would get you tried as an adult, removed from school and prison time, because this is one step away from a typical nigger home invasion, regularly and rape. Normal people don't leave their doors unlocked which is how I can tell you have never been to America or lived around non-black people.


The 2000s were peak cozy.
it depends on where you lived and though 2006 was a pretty incredible time compared to now, i would say that the peak was probably in the mid 90s. but only financially speaking. anything post 911 is part of the steep descent.

The image that destroyed civilization
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And? Whats the point of being genetically superior if you dont pass on those genes? How are you superior if you lose?
>honestly this thread is such a comedy

Agree 100%.

A top 5 percenter for me as far as entertainment value.

>the questions you ask yourself when you are a retarded mutated gay leaf.
You're a literal fucking toilet cleaner, you little ugly subhuman polack rat. In the context of the theory of evolution, the "winner" is one that adapts to the conditions and proliferates no matter what. It's like saying street shitter Ranjeet is superior to Michelangelo, Turing, or Tesla. You're a talentless Godless hack, go away.
lack of desire to reproduce is a equal mental condition to being a tranny
heil victory, low iq ubermensch

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>The election in 2020 was stolen
>We will win in 2024 by voting in the election

Why can't the MIGA NPC's compute this ?
If the 2020 election was really stolen then why would Trump be allowed to win this year ?
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seems like all sides shill here

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How did Indians so quickly become the most despised race?
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To all you genuine Indians reading this, I have a message. I assume you're not pretending to be an Indian by using VPNs. Many people posting here are. Don't participate in threads being created by these no good racists. They're good for nothing White Nationalists pushing White First propaganda. Pass it along.
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Healthy countries don't benefit from the presence of parasites. If whites are so evil you should go back to wherever you came from.

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