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What will 111 be??
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It's actually pretty rare for minority groups to be wholly exterminated, no matter how persecuted they are. Just look at gypsies.
There are lots of peculiar minorities that survived millennia of conflict and persecution, kikes are only really noteworthy for their cultural presence in western society.
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Suddenly global warming is over, car farts and coal rolling is legalized, and beef is what's for dinner again. All until the Maldives (((lowest elevation country))) are underwater.
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What was the reason they were forced out of Libya? Surely the only way to justify a total ethnic cleanse is that you have evidence that every single jew is conspiring to destroy said country, right? Because frankly them getting butthurt at Israel is not a good reason to effect people who have zero connections to them at all.
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>109 is basically a matter of meme value.
It's over 350. That's what we know.
> Depending on how you count it we're actually well over 1300.
If you say so I don't know. 1300 sounds like the number of children raped by kikes every minute or something.

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If only you were a paramedic and really knew.
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Link is dead, reupload elsewhere with audio? please?
I dont see a muzzle flash, but I do see the guy fall backwards here maybe? Hard to tell
they just arrest him in that clip
I don't know if he died later
Vaxcattle are not people
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Where'd the flu go, dipshit? What happened to the seasonal flu deaths? Or ANY reported death that wasn't WITH covid? What happened to the standard practice of autopsies to confirm cause of death? So many convenient changes to protocols, just in time.
Why bother.
There's still a pandemic, remember. Take your booster, and don't forget to test and tell us all when you catch it AGAIN.
Did people get vaxxed in Russia? Was there a mandate?

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What makes women so genuinely stupid? Is it genetic? Are they never taught basic "problem" solving?
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It's because they're weak and feel the need to conform to the perceived social norm. They don't want to stand out negatively because they fear doing so will get them ostracized from the group and that is worse than death for a woman.

So when the perceived norm is retarded shit like today in the West then they just blindly support it, they don't care if it's stupid or not as long as it will get them social approval.
lol the world isn't ready!
Computer programmers are not like that at all because they wouldn't survive a week.

90% of what a computer programmer does is translate very vague and not thought through fuzzy ideas into concrete instructions.
They have to be incredible good at reading between the lines and understanding what people mean rather than what they say.
It can be enby.
Clearly a woman, retard.

What if it’s so good people can’t even tell? As it already is possible to be…
It only took like ten seconds to generate. The fact that it might lure 2/10 prospects means the artist wasted hours making something that will only lure 3 more at best
the normgroids (the philosophical zombies who actually buy your shit) can't tell the difference so it doesn't matter
What AI image doesn't have that 3D Pixar look to it? They're all immediately identifiable.

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>"I believe passionately in freedom for women, and whilst many battles have been won in the past century, there is still a long way for society to move until women enjoy the levels of freedom that they should be able to. I am not afraid to use my body as well as my brain to deliver important messages."
Why do women use their body to protest? While it might draw attention to their cause do they not realise it also belittles their message?
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I ask her to sit on a towel
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Basically this. Sometimes an open hand palm fixes women.
You know the rules here..
Middle’s tits are covered in pimples though

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Like you, I feel pretty savvy about detecting psyops.
But what if even the most basic shit we've accepted as true, is also bullshit? Especially now, and as the narratives get seemingly desperate.
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The biggest whitepill is that every event in human history has been in at least some way a psyop.

The Holocaust was a typhus internment program which spun out of control due to bureaucratic incompetency and willful manipulation of photographic evidence.

Most wars are fought in dilapidated, abandoned areas purely as a tax write-off, someone scraping their knee is considered a casualty, all footage is doctored.

Every news station has a rotation of three stories which they deliberately cycle through in such a way to memory hole certain topics whenever necessary.

Gay people aren't real, either. But that's a topic for another day.
Nice list of proper nouns you got there.
It can be fun in a way, once you learn to not internalize the propaganda (or at least think one step ahead)
Finding the symbolic meaning in new music videos or reading between the lines of news reports is a legitimate skill.
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Some kind of degradation. Yes I have some ideas on that.

The first followers of Jesus were essentially all ethnically Jewish or Jewish proselytes. Jesus was Jewish, preached to the Jewish people, and called from them his first followers. According to McGrath, Jewish Christians, as faithful religious Jews, "regarded their movement as an affirmation of every aspect of contemporary Judaism, with the addition of one extra belief – that Jesus was the Messiah."

Italy's Jews came directly from the Holy Land before the Diaspora, first arriving in Rome in the second century BC as esteemed envoys (hoping to establish business ties) and then, after Rome invaded Judaea in the first century AD, as POWs sold into slavery. These first Jews lived, like other foreigners, outside the city — across the river, in Trastevere.

"The Jews belong to a dark and repulsive force. One knows how numerous this clique is, how they stick together and what power they exercise through their unions. They are a nation of rascals and deceivers," - Marcus Tullius Cicero c. 106 BC - 43 BC

“Meanwhile the Jews in the region of Cyrene had put a certain Andreas at their head, and were destroying both the Romans and the Greeks. They would eat the flesh of their victims, make belts for themselves of their entrails, anoint themselves with their blood and wear their skins for clothing; many they sawed in two, from the head downwards; others they gave to wild beasts, and still others they forced to fight as gladiators.” - Cassius Dio

Tacitus and Suetonius portray Poppaea the wife of Nero as an ambitious and ruthless schemer. The Jewish historian Josephus paints a different picture. He calls Poppaea a worshipper of the God of Israel and writes that she urged Nero to show compassion to the Jewish people.
Thanks bb

Irish MP says Netanyahu will burn in hell. Thoughts?
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Irish pirates are welcome to go down there and side with the Hamas pirates against the Jew pirates.
Fake. You think JH would do or print disparaging things about jews?
Aye Captain
Does MP stand for MEGA POOPER?

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Why are most white Canadians poor white trash, who are destined to be serfs to wealthy pajeet landlords? Is it the sc*ttish genes?
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You have to have money to come here you don't have to have money to be born here and the last 2 decades have just been the government making economic conditions worse for those born here. There are no opportunities here. Unless you fill a racial quota for a fortune 500 company that isn't even Canadian.
cool story bro, now go advocate for that in public . You're a delusional joke.
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It's just a pajeet
The two characteristics that define the pajeet above all else are their obsession with money and social status, and their extreme inferiority complex towards whites
These two forces acting within the pajeet cause him to compulsively look up any statistics that could make whites look bad, which gives him temporary relief from his envy, but eventually the envy returns which forces him to compulsively perform this ritual again
If only the pajeet stayed in India, he would never have to encounter whites and make invidious comparisons to himself and his race in the first place
>accuses me of being a fed while using jewish misdirection and sophistry the whole thread
ok poopesh
Those conversations are being had everyday by people that just a few years ago would have been repulsed by the same conversation. Shitlibs even hate your "people"
Your time is running out Ranjeet

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Why does nobody like classical music?
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yes, seven notes per octave within the context of commonly used scales
Years ago I was listening to Beethoven’s 8th at work and the only person who came and listened and said he liked it was a nigger.
Is something spiritual, most people comforts with their own vileness and think that something beautiful is just for a special event or time (most people are so corrupted that cant really understand beauty).
I listened Rock a lot, but once I realized my own divine facet (despite being this bad copy of God, by sin), i just didn't need it anymore, vulgar music like Rock ore even worse genres like nigger/latino music is all about to feed your anxieties, people fall on it because they don't know/care about God, classical music is made by a lot of care and love, when you have Love, you appreciate it, you really want to feel good, not just relief your anxiety with more anxiety.
The beatles we're garbage and retarded
Air on G string...

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The delusion of pederast greeks. This is in Chicago no less. Enjoy breathing in fumes all day long.

>Pay Rate: $20.00 per hour (Negotiable depending on experience.)
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My son is a welder. He makes $40k/year. Where are you getting this from?
Data says 16/hr to 31/hr with an average of 22/hr.
That's 32k$/yr, to an average of 44k$/year, and a top of 61k$/yr.
Calling bullshit on your meme, bro.
>>Been doing this for some years now so you have permanent white spots in your vision
>>Hands ache at 30 from early onset arthritis due to constant repetitive physical work
Yeah, these things don't happen if you take care of yourself.
I can't coubt how many times people just did at work without proper safety and I mean the logical ones.
>yeah it's a 100 kg deadlift, but who cares, I won't use the crane
>no need to use the visor for the welding I'll just squint
>clean flexing with steel wires? Safety squint it is!
my brother went to plumbing school, he's been doing it for 2 years so far and he makes 50k
Most non-academic/(actual) scientific jobs don't actually care what you studied, just that you have a degree. They aren't going on to be professional Lesbian Dance Theorists, they are going on to be middle management HR workers.

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When you realise they don't use soap, everything begins to make sense
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>>cumskin trynna justify supa white poop eating fetish, white peeps posting here daily
these are the leftists that support your cause nigger
him and trannies
literal proof that you need to be mentally retarded to like brown people
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stop refusing the fact that you're the same.
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Why are cumskins always like this?
You never see another race do this.

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Let that sink in...
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>Euros (non anglos) don't put on masks when interacting with others.
Which is their problem. In America you put on a mask because the country you live in doesn't allow you to live in a fantasy which costs money that eurofaggots think is some duty to abide by and pay for. I can see some eurofaggot saying something about the american experiment failing but that's only because hes a poverty stricken retard in some armpit. You should be shamed for behaving in pro social ways, eurofucktardfaggots do the opposite and shame you for being anti social and then ban guns so you can't shoot them
>In America you put on a mask
If you're white and wearing a mask in 2024 it's because you're a tranny that doesn't pass.
If you need to take a 500 mile trip are you going to fly, take a bus, take a train or drive your car?
On a bus you will be taking that trip with a bunch of poor stinky brown people.
Plane is the quick option and probably only 2-3 times more expensive than the bus.
Train would probably cost about the same as a plane if not be more expensive and be slower.
Car is what many people who aren't in a hurry will take so we can make pit stops and have fun on our little road trip while not being in the same vehicle as a nigger.
Want to go from Seattle to Minneapolis? Of course you have to go through Los Angeles and Chicago first. It'll take a couple of days and $800.
Or you could take one of the half dozen daily flights directly between those two cities for as low as $83 and it takes under three and a half hours.
lmfao, straight facts my brother from another mother. yt bois wearing masks is a dead giveaway that they took the gender pills.

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I always see Trump brag about cutting taxes and deregulation. In my opinion, this is a bad platform because most of America's problems come from the lack of regulation in its neoliberal hyper-capitalist economy and the low amount of public expenditure for providing services to its people.
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She needs BWC
>brag about cutting taxes and deregulation
Which makes him a member of the conspiracy since that is sinking the hearer's blows into a /dev/null

Making him the one sneaking into your house and sabotaging all your force protection and force power projection systems.

Making trump, wait for it, a member of the swamp he proports to be resisting. Biden and Trump are both members of this International band of Kingmakers

It's not Judaism. Though they work hard to make you think it is, so that all the blows against "them" can be consolidated, and then whacked out of existence in a single shot with a 300kt.
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Im tired of seeing ugly slant insects posted here. This is your future you race traitor cucks

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You chuds who support Russia, do you not realize this could destroy the entire liberal democratic American world order and all the progess we have made since the end of WWII? Russia winning would bring us a 100 years behind, instead of exploring the stars well be slaves to Putin is that what you want?
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Noah Yuval Harrari
What does "transhuman" mean?
802.15.6 [research]
802.15.5 [research]
802.15.4 [research]
Ian F. AKYLIDIZ [research]
ITU [International Telecommunications Union | research]
WBAN (Wide Body Area Network) [research]
MBAN (Medical Body Area Network)
COV-BAN (research)

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Good. I hope Russia destroys this Jewish fag nation.
Don't threaten me with a good time, libcucks
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I'm ashamed that I Googled just to double check. He could have been a gay Persian for all I know.

Will she fix Mexico?
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No. What happens to meloni? To geert?
She’s jewish
War is coming for Mexico. Just who with is the question. Whenever jews show their power level bad things happen.
Holy shit they have total domination
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There is a way to cope with having a jew president?

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If the Houthis fire off 1 ballistic missile per hour per 15 launchers, 24/7 365 for 4 years can they get off 6 million missiles?
Wtf the global south won
Department of djustice?
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my sides are in orbit
No, 4 years are 2.1 Million minutes, so they would get only 3 Million missiles fired

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How can he have done the woke thing and arrest the victims and be in a coma because of it?
shoot him again.
Cops are unironically the lowest form of life on the planet
Modern day Picasso
Yea, get stabbed and go to sleep and never wake up again.

Artificial Coma? My ass would have been awake for three days straight doing the internal work I needed to do to stay alive.

It's like when I cut a vein one time. I stayed up into the next sun rise and when I finally decided it was time to sleep, I kept my hand in the same position for the entire time I was asleep and I knew this because there was no blood on my sheets or bed and my arm was kind of crampy. For hours I concentrated while asleep.

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No blond hair for sure.
Eye color uncertain.
Face is rather round than long.
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>earlobes detached
>no protruding mandible
>no eye pouches
>straight nose
Gotta tune that jewdar Mr shill
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I don't see attachoids as human
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Previous >>469862886 (Cross-thread)#

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)

>Al-Quds Brigades: In a complex operation, our mujahideen were able to snipe a Zionist soldier and bomb enemy soldiers and vehicles with mortar shells in the Tal Al-Hawa axis, southwest of #Gaza City.
>Hamas - Osama Hamdan to Al Jazeera: It is unacceptable for occupation forces to remain in Gaza or manage the Rafah crossing. The Interior Ministry in Gaza managed the Rafah crossing before the war and will continue to do so after the ceasefire.
>Al-Qassam Brigades destroy a gathering of enemy soldiers and vehicles with mortar shells in the Tal Zorob area in the Tal Al-Sultan neighborhood, west of #Rafah.


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>43 posts by this ID
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Posts old footage for no reason at all
>it’s pronounced chowder
Al-Quds Brigades:

Jointly with DFLP, footage of the preparation and assembly of missiles during the ongoing AlAqsaFlood battle.
https://x.com/warfareanalysis/status/1797177337769013357 6/2/24
https://files.catbox.moe/ayxzeq.mp4 6/2/24
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the ceasefire hasn't happened yet fren
I shit on Allah and his pedophile prophet Mohammed (piss be upon him)

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Why do they think they are welcome anywhere?
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>who is this poojesha
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"FRESNO, Calif. – The House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party on Wednesday issued a report about an illegal biolab that was discovered in Reedley and called for a more coordinated response from federal agencies on similar issues across the country"


"Secret Chinese Biolab With Viral Diseases in California Under Investigation"
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Bro, I have no idea, and I SERIOUSLY don't give a fuck.
Go look it up on ... I think they put it in the wrong place, but it's in Beautiful women or something thread.
You LIKE this SHIT?
Dude, its repulsive to me.

I bet some Chink or Jew is going "FREE COINS" right now..
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>Other countries that are not as understanding and tolerant will come to the same conclusions much faster than Canada did.


"Arrest Made in Central California Bio-Lab Investigation">> https://www.justice.gov/usao-edca/pr/arrest-made-central-california-bio-lab-investigation

Speaker Kevin McCarthy on the Reedley Chinese Bioweapon Lab">>
Because easily the lesser evil next to (sand)niggers.
And frankly if getting pajeets in gets (sand)niggers out then i'm all for it.

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