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Why does nobody like classical music?
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Years ago I was listening to Beethoven’s 8th at work and the only person who came and listened and said he liked it was a nigger.
Is something spiritual, most people comforts with their own vileness and think that something beautiful is just for a special event or time (most people are so corrupted that cant really understand beauty).
I listened Rock a lot, but once I realized my own divine facet (despite being this bad copy of God, by sin), i just didn't need it anymore, vulgar music like Rock ore even worse genres like nigger/latino music is all about to feed your anxieties, people fall on it because they don't know/care about God, classical music is made by a lot of care and love, when you have Love, you appreciate it, you really want to feel good, not just relief your anxiety with more anxiety.
The beatles we're garbage and retarded
Air on G string...
When I was in high school my parents had DirecTV and there was an XM satellite radio channel for classical music. I always had that on in the background while I read books. I alternated between that and shredding newbs on Halo 2. Those were the days. I typically read in silence now though.

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tries to get help in an imaginative way

how well does this situation portray real life?

is it what the feminists actually believe?
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>Grabs phone
Hello? Officer? Some whore is trying to kidnap my wife
>thos is unironically what women ACTUALLY believe
Ohhh god we gave them the right to vote.
Get actual opinions from the women in your lives.

I showed this video to my wife and she said a man with bad intentions would have swiped the phone away and instead of one victim, there are now two. She said she’d use her gun (she comes from a long line of hunters and farmers), but she wouldn’t shoot unless she felt threatened (an important distinction in our state) because she’s not willing to risk going to jail if the woman is lying about her situation.
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What is this face trying to convey?
With men, you either get this or an incel.

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This is serious. I have two cousins, twins actually. One is a boy the other is a girl. They’re from a good family, my uncle is a dentist making good money and my aunt is a teacher. Both Christian and trad with a beautiful house in a small town outside the city. Both children were top students, the girl was also into music and art, while the boy excelled in international chess competitions and basketball. Something changed around 2020. The boy started to fall behind, his mood is visibly worse. He started to get angry and depressed due to social media (claimed so) and decided to delete all his accounts. Meanwhile he started going to the gym 5 times per week and is now obsessed with it. His grades are terrible and his parents have decided to send him to some private university in Romania because they know there is no way he would succeed here. He looks sad though guys, really sad most of the time. Btw he’s more than 6 ft tall, light brown hair and good looking. On the other hand his sister is simply killing it. Still top student, taking part in various competitions in the US and Europe, into (((activism))) and to be honest I can see in her another successful, hypocritical future politician or something. I see this is not uncommon for boys. What the FUCK is this society doing to MEN?
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>I want to see where it is codified.
If they codified it, the mask would slip. Youwill not understand it if you read these laws/policies/programs like an honest person. When reading them, imagine; "I am the slimiest jew alive, how can I twist these laws so I can fuck over as many goyim men as possible while staying entirely legal and free from repercussions?"
You will quickly see how easy it is. But you need to THINK like a scumbag to see how the scumbags use these laws.
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There are job offerings and opportunities that are explicitly only available to minorities.
Something else I was thinking about recently. In all my years of being a decent "gentleman" not once has that ever done me any good, I got a couple of dates that went no where and that's it. But when I played ricky shithead and flat out asked women if they want to fuck it's worked far more often, even though I don't ever want to see them again.
What's the motivation for being a decent guy anymore when a vast majority of women simply want to fuck and nothing more? Again I've tried the "be decent human that is polite and friendly" and they flat out ignore me. Why should I keep being that person if that is all it will bring me? When I talk to men of course I'm cordial and polite because we have an understanding, but you can't be that way with women, they hate it. So why should I treat women with any amount of respect? Why shouldn't I talk to every woman like I ONLY want to sex her and nothing more? After the few hookups I had THEY were the ones that kept trying to message me, I couldn't care less about entertaining them. Is that the only way? Just try to get them to fuck and let them do all the chasing afterwards?

If that's the case then every woman that has raised her son to be a gentleman has massively fucked him over and they shouldn't be at all surprised when they don't get grandkids. Almost everything I've been taught growing up has been a farce and only through real world fucking around have I found out just what does and does not work.

So again, what incentive is there to not revert to the lowest common denominator of being a womanizing whoremonger?
>what incentive is there to not revert to the lowest common denominator of being a womanizing whoremonger?
Spending your time somewhere better than on women.
Again, i've wrote from the POV of an entire species/life itself:
Passing evolving genes is not the same as passing down accessible and interpretable knowledge by the same species, like humans do; (Even though one could argue it's still passing information, that information is not intelligence per se)
If you have as frame of reference the entire species, it's not a zero-sum game. If you have the frame of reference the particular existance of a dinosaur/man/etc, it very might well be a zero-sum game (but even then, it's not a given rule)

> And furthermore, knowledge sharing is neither a linear nor a guaranteed process. How many people in first world, industrial nations understand how to successfully grow a carrot? How many languages (the very basis of human-to-human knowledge sharing) are now dead and lost to time, or actively dying today?
You're right, but we're not analyzing the contribution of a particular man or even a multitude of generations. We're analyzing the net contributions AFTER all these natural processes occured. So even though we lost the ancient library of alexandria, mankind still managed to evolve it's knowledge by passing down information not only through libraries but through word of mouth, written & read concepts, etc.

Information being lost is nothing new and is physically inevitable at the end of the day. The key note is that every notion has to evolve as we expand our understanding. Newton's formula is not perfect, but it was a necessary beginning so that your average man could understand a simple concept. Entropy dictates that you cannot preserve all expanding information forever. It has to be lost somehow

Chuds who have tried LSD, what does it feel like?
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Yeah, sleeping is hard post lsd trip, i even go for 24 hours of no sleep and try to get tired as much as possible to crash at the end. Melatonin helped me with sleeping on few ocassions, but it's not the "work every time" measure. I don't know why you can't trip normally.
Anons in this thread give very good representation, their experience and everything on the subject. Glad to read them all and happy to be with you in this time and age, knowing that there are other cool people on this Planet.
It feels like your brain is being rewired in real time But it's more like someone is spoon feeding you peanut butter and you have had a good amount so you ask the person feeding you to stop but they tell you no and just keep shoveling peanut butter in your mouth.
I've hallucinated more from MDMA than I ever have from mushrooms or LSD.
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If mushrooms feel like mushrooms (they don't, but stay with me for the sake of analogy), LSD feels like a diamond, a synthetic, pure, perfect diamond.

It feels like your brain is firing on all cylinders because it is. Parts of your brain that interpret information are the domain of other parts of your brain, wires are crossing. It feels like you've been opened up internally, like the curtain is drawn on your mind.

I think with many of these substances one is also opened up to something beyond the material world.

I'm kind of a chud, but I'm also a massive faggot and a drag queen. I can go on, if you'd like.
It's always been this way.
>Inb4 you've never had good mushrooms of LSD
We had a connection for the good stuff pre-2001 until arrest of the literal one guy that was synthesizing it. I have 10 grams of penis envy and another almost ounce of some other variety of shrooms in my spice cabinet right now.

>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

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Fair enough
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oh noes ;_;
guess it’s time to leave /ptg/ for good!
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Oh hey it's newnigger, hows it going newnigger?
This is new and I don’t run the OP.
>dead kid's
ahh, so you are mentally challenged.

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>The election in 2020 was stolen
>We will win in 2024 by voting in the election

Why can't the MIGA NPC's compute this ?
If the 2020 election was really stolen then why would Trump be allowed to win this year ?
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>Why can't the MIGA NPC's compute this ?
They can, they just don't ACTUALLY believe the election was stolen, hence voting is still worth it. They're just liars, like most trash people. They play pretend, and don't even bother thinking about what it means when their actions contradict their apparent "beliefs"
Right-leaning independent voter here
"election was stolen" is a slogan. It's not a statement on specific voting machines. The election was literally stolen by the media and leftoid George Groid rioters who literally threatened citizens with violence if Trump won again. The fact that you'll offer 1/6 as an equivalent, and even think I'm crazy for reversing the narrative that trump supporters want to kill you, is proof of how polarized and distant our information ecosystems are.
>irrelevant time-wasting question
Offer a solution, or fuck off.

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What is the optimal reproductive age for a human female?
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Noooo stop having sex with the most firtile women goy!!!
what the fuck did you just say to me?
Between age 20 to 29 is best time for a baby. Teen years come with health risks like precclampsia. 30 to 34 you're less firtile, slightly harder to conceive. 35 and beyond much harder to conceive, precclampsia could rear its ugly head again, and now you're much more concerned about miscarriage and retard babies
>but political implications
More western lonely cat ladies, more immigrants, more third worlders fucking, more communism
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see >>469939172

Younger pregnancies are less likely to suffer a miscarriage.
It’s commonly known that women who wait till their 20’s or 30’s face higher and higher rates of infertility with many women in their 30’s often never able to conceive at all.
Numerous studies find that earlier pregnancies face lower risk of autism, birth defects, and ADHD.
Mothers who delay having their first child until after 24 are more likely to develop breast cancer later in life.
Younger mothers are more likely to succeed at breast feeding, which reduces postpartum weight retention and improves 28 different health outcomes for their children.
Older mothers who wait till their 20’s or 30’s to have children are much more likely to never lose all the weight they gain during pregnancy — and therefore suffer from higher rates of diabetes and heart disease later in life.
Younger mothers have better compliance rates at avoiding dangerous habits like smoking and drinking during pregnancy since they often haven’t even started these health damaging behaviors.
Younger mothers are less likely to require c-sections. Health outcomes of both mothers and children who undergo c-sections are routinely found to be worse, with children succumbing to higher rates of acute and chronic respiratory illness and mothers suffering from months of reduced physical mobility and higher long-term obesity rates (with the attendant increased risk of heart disease and diabetes).
Median statistics show that having children younger lowers a woman’s lifetime earnings. But this can be deceptive. The distribution has many bad outcomes but two distinct poles. Although having children early in life (when poor and underprivileged) can trap a young woman in poverty, the most successful women have also pointed out many times, that having children when you’re so old that you’re already out of college is actually the kiss of death
>don't realize how fucked their situation really is
Brother, as a society, we are soon to find out.
By their 30s, their pairbonding neural pathways have been burnt out, and there is no longer hope for forming the type of meaningful relationships that are required for successful cooperative child rearing.

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>"I believe passionately in freedom for women, and whilst many battles have been won in the past century, there is still a long way for society to move until women enjoy the levels of freedom that they should be able to. I am not afraid to use my body as well as my brain to deliver important messages."
Why do women use their body to protest? While it might draw attention to their cause do they not realise it also belittles their message?
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Basically this. Sometimes an open hand palm fixes women.
You know the rules here..
Middle’s tits are covered in pimples though
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So could say, men with huge dick n balls and a wafting werewolf scent wear these out in public? *cough *cough my dick stinks *cough. Ahem

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What are the political implications of millions of Americans being riddled with parasites but don't even know it? I've read about how parasites can influence the minds of their hosts does this explain a lot of the strange degenerate/immoral behaviors that are commonplace in America now?


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We are far more worried about the parasites in Washington DC.
The #1 parasite
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Goddamn, Jerry Seinfeld here.
>t. vampire
This is the poster that still thinks garlic and onion are foods and not poisons, and that in 2 more weeks the garlic and onion will kill the parasites.

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I'm sorry my tax dollars are killing your sons, brothers, and fathers.
Please know it is not our people that want this.
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Russia will be de mongrelised
We are not brothers.
i want this and im more than happy my tax dollars go to making /pol/cel vatniggers seethe and humiliating the russian military on a daily basis
Your DNA is the same.

Will she fix Mexico?
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She’s jewish
War is coming for Mexico. Just who with is the question. Whenever jews show their power level bad things happen.
Holy shit they have total domination
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There is a way to cope with having a jew president?
What is she going to do about the cartels?

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Why would any politician with a political future risk everything to join the Trump 24 ticket when they could just wait until 2028 and run as a MAGA candidate without the baggage of being associated with a second Trump term/ failed Trump reelection bid?
Right now, Trump:
>Is tied on aggregate in polls to the incumbent president he already lost to once
>Is absolutely despised by half of the country
>Is only legally able to serve one more term
>Turned on his first VP and ended his political career
and now
>Is a convicted felon
What does any politician with a political future stand to gain from being associated with him even if he wins?
>Why would any politician with a political future risk everything to join the Trump 24 ticket
maybe they care about the state of america and the total hypocracy thats going on?


idk maybe people care about whats going to happen to the country when political oppoents and previous presidents can be targeted for crimes that all of them commit?
what kind of precedent does that set going forward?
what kind of control do ((they)) have?

How many more illegal immagrants will be imported in the next 4 years if no one stops it?
what will happen to the USA if no one stops that?
Being Trump's VP would be fucking awesome.
Allying with political prisoners is noble
How'd it turn out for Pence?
Are you aware of many noble American politicians?

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Like you, I feel pretty savvy about detecting psyops.
But what if even the most basic shit we've accepted as true, is also bullshit? Especially now, and as the narratives get seemingly desperate.
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Nice list of proper nouns you got there.
It can be fun in a way, once you learn to not internalize the propaganda (or at least think one step ahead)
Finding the symbolic meaning in new music videos or reading between the lines of news reports is a legitimate skill.
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Some kind of degradation. Yes I have some ideas on that.

The first followers of Jesus were essentially all ethnically Jewish or Jewish proselytes. Jesus was Jewish, preached to the Jewish people, and called from them his first followers. According to McGrath, Jewish Christians, as faithful religious Jews, "regarded their movement as an affirmation of every aspect of contemporary Judaism, with the addition of one extra belief – that Jesus was the Messiah."

Italy's Jews came directly from the Holy Land before the Diaspora, first arriving in Rome in the second century BC as esteemed envoys (hoping to establish business ties) and then, after Rome invaded Judaea in the first century AD, as POWs sold into slavery. These first Jews lived, like other foreigners, outside the city — across the river, in Trastevere.

"The Jews belong to a dark and repulsive force. One knows how numerous this clique is, how they stick together and what power they exercise through their unions. They are a nation of rascals and deceivers," - Marcus Tullius Cicero c. 106 BC - 43 BC

“Meanwhile the Jews in the region of Cyrene had put a certain Andreas at their head, and were destroying both the Romans and the Greeks. They would eat the flesh of their victims, make belts for themselves of their entrails, anoint themselves with their blood and wear their skins for clothing; many they sawed in two, from the head downwards; others they gave to wild beasts, and still others they forced to fight as gladiators.” - Cassius Dio

Tacitus and Suetonius portray Poppaea the wife of Nero as an ambitious and ruthless schemer. The Jewish historian Josephus paints a different picture. He calls Poppaea a worshipper of the God of Israel and writes that she urged Nero to show compassion to the Jewish people.
Thanks bb
They werent temporary. Notice how the constructions photos alll have scaffolding and vanilla skies? Ill let you figure that one out.

Being European doesnt afford you to more history and insight. That history you have just brainwashes you more. It is your crutch not your strength over us. Tartaria existed. The titans of industry came here and found it abandoned. Then erased history. Used the power for themselves and enslaves mankind.

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Why was national socialism such a catastrophic failure? It barely lasted 10 years.
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It was a death cult planted by Jesuits to kill a fuck ton of Jews, Marxists, Pagans, and Protestants, and frame the Germans who they already got killed en masse
It wasnt a failure, it was stopped, you stupid nigger tankie
On the other hand, the union fell on its own lmao
Its almost as if military expansion with the aim of achieving total continental hegemony unites the entire continent in question to not get fucking conquered and germanized ?(also exterminated, either by starving or industrialised system murder(guns))
Except it wasn't. Its legacy makes Jews seethe and inspires the youth. Unfortunately when the Three largest countries by size (British Empire USA USSR) are against you and your allies are pizza time and someone whos across the globe. It isn't going to turn out well
>Since the inferior always outnumber the superior, the former would always increase more rapidly if they possessed the same capacities for survival and for the procreation of their kind; and the final consequence would be that the best in quality would be forced to recede into the background. Therefore a corrective measure in favor of the better quality must intervene. (Mein Kampf)

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When you realise they don't use soap, everything begins to make sense
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these are the leftists that support your cause nigger
him and trannies
literal proof that you need to be mentally retarded to like brown people
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stop refusing the fact that you're the same.
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Why are cumskins always like this?
You never see another race do this.
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>>eat some human shit and calm down david

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What makes women so genuinely stupid? Is it genetic? Are they never taught basic "problem" solving?
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lol the world isn't ready!
Computer programmers are not like that at all because they wouldn't survive a week.

90% of what a computer programmer does is translate very vague and not thought through fuzzy ideas into concrete instructions.
They have to be incredible good at reading between the lines and understanding what people mean rather than what they say.
It can be enby.
Clearly a woman, retard.
Girl, sorry.

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Why is racemixing bad?
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Why is fucking animals bad?
Why is fucking children bad?
Why is cutting off your dick bad?

Are you a fucking Libertarian or something? There should be rules imposed on humanity otherwise civilisation is unsustainable.
So men are at fault for mixing the most, like pottery.
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Puerto Rican. Shits ruined my entire family.
They rarely if ever to stay together. Just results in a bastard kid.

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does anyone have more screencaps of women getting annoyed about this? i dont have twitter
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I memeber, lads a brit/pol/ legend
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>the way black people talk
Isn't the way black people talk the same as how southern white people used to talk? Black people didn't invent broken English, and that weren't the first ones to speak it.
It's not worth it.
t. ex hog fucker
It does not cure being a late bloomer or an ugly duckling, or even lust or loneliness. You will cheat, covet, and desire for actual-human pussy.
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Go on, continue to imagine they have agency. See where that gets you.
without the fat rolls she's fuckakble. thats all im saying.

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Is a far right without Zionists and Israel flags too much to ask for?
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Tommy Robenstien is the text book example of controlled opposition, and you'd have to be a gigantic retard to support him. He doesn't even try to hide it.
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manlet Fagget was always a glownigger
muh white people supporting white terrorist, imagine my surprise
'Tommy Robinson' isn't English.

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>Some Americans have stopped tipping. Should you do the same?

>Tipping is dead.

>At least tipping, as you and I understand it. A mandatory 20 percent gratuity on every restaurant meal? Obligatory tips for housekeepers, concierges and tour guides? Kiss them goodbye.
Tipping has been tipped over. Free at last!
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Fast food isn't even cheap anymore anyway, and the heavy-hand tipping pressure is just more spit in our faces.
the real problem is that those lazy fucks will sometimes force you to partake in said stupid shit (when you have to socialize) because they're normalgoyim and that's what they do.
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>The 15% tip used to be the norm.

>But recently, Durango restaurants have been pushing higher tip percentages ranging anywhere from 15% to 30%.

>And as more establishments switch to a counter service model, customers have begun to ask why they are tipping for no service at all. Others question why tipping in restaurants is necessary in the first place.

>“I really don’t think it should be my job to subsidize underpaid employees, particularly counter employees that are not doing more than a few button clicks to serve you,” said Durango resident Maria Megnia.

>She is quick to point out that minimum wage – which is what many service workers earn before tips – is not necessarily a livable wage. Yet, it shouldn’t be up to customers and their tipping patterns to ensure service staff has a livable wage. She said the 20% tip was created to make up for servers being paid lower than minimum wage, which isn’t always the case now.

>The state’s hourly minimum pay rate for servers who earn gratuities is $11.40.

>Some customers say employee pay should be elevated and tipping should be eliminated altogether, a concept heavily used in European countries.

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>Why tipping culture has changed

>Tipping expectations have grown over the past few years. According to a 2023 Pew Research survey of nearly 12,000 adults in the U.S., about 72% say they are being asked to tip service workers more frequently than in the past. And only about a third say it's "extremely or very easy" to know when and how much to tip.

>One of the reasons is the pandemic. We started tipping people we didn't use to tip and tipping more than usual as a way to support essential workers at a time of crisis, Singh.

>At the same time, the technology around how we pay has changed, says Singh. Square, the company behind many electronic payment screens gets a cut of each transaction. So creating software that encourages tipping (and encourages big tips) means more money for companies like Square.

>Tipping is also a way to pay workers more without actually raising their wages. It allows restaurants to get more money to workers while still keeping their prices low, says Sean Jung, a professor at Boston University's School of Hospitality Administration.
Anon, like me, he probably has all the memeflags changed to Israeli with a script (unlike me, he probably has them blocked too.).

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