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Whites are a slave race that does 90% of the legwork in fucking itself. WNism means you just want to continue the slave cycle.
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>low iq spic post
Whites now are vastly more obsessed with status and being seen as educated or wealthy than they were in the past. They just do it in a retarded ass way because they actually fell for the hard work equal wealth shit where as kikes know connections equals wealth.
1000 years, but yeah. John and Mary (and their non-English equivalents) are seen as the quintessential Western names.
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>more mudhut dwellers in the Stans and Africa

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What's stopping you from enlisting as Ukrainian volunteer ?
I don't support Russia or Ukraine in their conflict. I hope both sides kill each other. Russians and Ukrainians are both scum.

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When you realise they don't use soap, everything begins to make sense
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Just copy pasting this in case anyone was as curious as I was after seeing these webms. But I don't agree that it's trying to get rid of the soap. It's probably an instinct they have to keep themselves clean, like cats and dogs licking their fur.


Let's start gently. First off, it's not a rat. The fact that shower rat has no tail is a massive clue, as well as the fact that it was filmed in Peru.

"With the large head size, bipedal position, flexible forelimbs, short stiff tail, and consistent coat color... this animal fits the ID of a pacarana," Dallas Krentzel, an evolutionary biologist, told Newsweek.

The way the animal is standing also fits with a pacarana, a native rodent of South America.

Now for the hard bit – it's also probably not enjoying a shower. It's most likely trying to get an irritant off its body, whether it's soap or something else.

“A rat wouldn’t do that unless there’s something it really wants to get rid of. I think it’s soapy all over," Tuomas Aivelo, a biologist at the University of Helsinki, told Gizmodo.

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why do you let muslims love jihad your wives, sisters and mother?
why are you so mad? I'm just talking to him.
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pic related is this paki's father
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See >>469943338

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Would you rather live in an all-white country with an ultra pozzed government (gays/trannies/feminists get all of their demands and the population supports this)

Or a country with your ideal government and social values where everyone besides you is brown and black?
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All white. Because political issues can be fixed but loss of race cannot.
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Race > culture > ideology > sexual orientation
the latter
though seeing only dark people would probably depress me
Ignoring your question I'll have one good white wife or like 4 asians or maybe eight africans beauties 3 pale latinas is acceptable too

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They're like jews in the sense that they will always get ahead of their own plots and expose themselves
>flees a bad country to a good country
>brags about destroying good country
>does it eventually
>flees a bad country to a good country

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your picrel implies that the state too is merely a victim of migration while it is the cause, further the state does not suffer, for it is the jews that run our nations.
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His 5 children will be chronically online ipad baby’s and have a steady diet of Goyslop they’ll be infertile/unable to overthrow anything

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No matter how big or small the room is, how many stars the hotel is, all hotel rooms always have a single chair facing the bed.
>Why do all hotel rooms have a cuck chair?

To have somewhere to sit? Not everything has to do with porn, Anon.
its better to have one and not need it, than need one and not have it.

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How fucked is he?
Wow, real interesting
You won't do shit but I will.

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Why don't men, idk, just actually try talking to women?
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its incredible to even consider but if we ignore women for 3 generations maybe they will start to study and be productive?
They have nothing more interesting to say or do that's happening in the sport I paid $100 or more to watch.
>Why don't men, idk, just actually try talking to women?
They demanded we didn't.
Being unattractive and finding a woman attractive is (almost) a criminal offense. It's the first steps towards rape! Bigots!
>ignore women for 3 generations
>3 generations of big beefy Chaddy Daddy man on man GOOOOOOOOOOOOON sex xD
Because these girls don’t want to get picked up. They want attention. They want a guy to chat with them at the game, make them feel pretty, and then feel prettier than they are when they deny him for being less than a 9/10. That’s the hard truth.

And you know this is true because the image everyone has in their mind about the guy at a hockey game is beer gut dude bro, which we all know they’re not fishing for.

This is going to be hard for the zoomers to realize because things are so fucked up for them, but girls do not actually want to be cold approached in public. Sure, if the guy is hot then it can go swimmingly for him, and even if he’s not hot they might want it to happen, but the reason they want it to happen is because they want the attention. They want the ego boost. They do not want to meet a guy that way.

What they actually want is either the magical chance meeting, which is not cold approach, or to meet a guy organically through a social circle. That’s what they really want. So if you’re a young guy, you’re wasting your time if you’re listening to these girls about cold approaching them in public. What you should actually be doing is finding ways to have “chance encounters” in public and meeting them through social communities. That means being out and about in public and also joining clubs, having a job, playing a sport, these sort of things. It’s the only reliable way. Do not listen to these hags about cold approach at hockey games. You will end up rejected and embarassed.

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just stop being fat and get good, newfags. This government has declared it, thou shalt eat fast food four times a day.
>please keep eating goyslop, or we'll have to print billions to bail them out
>that money is earmarked for israel and jewkraine

If gay sex is wrong then why did god put literal male G spot deep into man's asshole?
I wouldn't know I don't put things up my ass like some kind of queer
So that weak men would develop prolapse and be unable to poop or eat and eventually die with nothing to show their destination was hell for disobeying God.
He doesn't know.....NGMI senpai.
>if sex is good why does hitting balls hurt?
gay sex specifically is wrong because men are a high-trust society and you don't want someone lusting you like women don't want you creeping on them. That's also why all-gay or various other belief systems can work, just everybody has to be on the same page.

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This is serious. I have two cousins, twins actually. One is a boy the other is a girl. They’re from a good family, my uncle is a dentist making good money and my aunt is a teacher. Both Christian and trad with a beautiful house in a small town outside the city. Both children were top students, the girl was also into music and art, while the boy excelled in international chess competitions and basketball. Something changed around 2020. The boy started to fall behind, his mood is visibly worse. He started to get angry and depressed due to social media (claimed so) and decided to delete all his accounts. Meanwhile he started going to the gym 5 times per week and is now obsessed with it. His grades are terrible and his parents have decided to send him to some private university in Romania because they know there is no way he would succeed here. He looks sad though guys, really sad most of the time. Btw he’s more than 6 ft tall, light brown hair and good looking. On the other hand his sister is simply killing it. Still top student, taking part in various competitions in the US and Europe, into (((activism))) and to be honest I can see in her another successful, hypocritical future politician or something. I see this is not uncommon for boys. What the FUCK is this society doing to MEN?
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Sounds like you're 80% of the way to enlightenment, anon. Keep at it.
but niggers get all the bennies that women get, and more
go to a third world country, marry and stay there
otherwise, surrogacy(?) is the only other safe way
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yupp. i use the system they build to leech off "the state" and i encourage every white man to do the same. what to do with the free time? do what men always did when they had free time and make/build/create something. if it's art, a gaming clan, camping by yourself, doesn't matter. just don't ever fly

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The collapse of the global economy is coming and there’s absolutely nothing that can stop it. This will trigger revolutions and civil wars and radical changes of government.

Make of this what you will
Collapsefags are really tiresome.
>This will trigger revolutions and civil wars
That's the only thing that could lead white nationalists parties to take power.

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>Ticketmaster confirms data hack which could affect 560m globally
>Tommy Robinson leads 'thousand-strong' march in London as officers make first arrests
>Labour spark fear of huge ISA crackdown as candidate deletes one telling comment
>Labour risks union revolt over private school tax raid job losses
>Sunak suffers poll blow as levelling-up cash-for-votes row erupts
>Sunak pledges cash to towns as Starmer pitches ‘wealth creation’ amid election campaign
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Zing, aka, spiritual Hitler posting has scared off all the Jews, also those scared of learning ze German.
I know and brit/pol isn't a real general
The British Empire was cool though.
Gonna fuck the cat and eat it's shit
Fuck off you sad cunt
fucken, mystery solved

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The older I get (approaching my mid 30s) the more rightwing and nazi views seem cringe and retarded as fuck.
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You have an ideal version of reality that must include ideals such as equality. You have said this. You have said you care so deeply that you would rather humanity go existent than exist without these qualities you admire. Is this false?
you sidestepped my whole post. acting smug online wont stop the niggers from coming. good luck
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You becoming a nigger loving little faggot was decided by genetics before you were even born. You don't belong to the warrior caste. Which is why you're turing into your submissive natural fag state because that's the only thing you were ever meant to be. A cucked slave
>rightwing and nazi views
It's literally for edgelords 13-year-olds that think they know everything.

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*ancap ball*
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It's because you realize that the boyfriend is getting kickbacks from the money she's making. You are now no longer merely a simp, you are a cuck.
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Adderall is such a terrible medication. How come a YouTuber as big as this one is allowed to advertise it to kids like this?
Are there no guidelines on YouTube that prevent shit like this from happening?
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I was a terrible student in highschool, couldn't think of anything more torturous than sitting down and studying. I was never diagnosed with ADHD but I think I've self medicated since university and all throughout my career. Caffeine, nicotine, modafinil, ritalin and dexedrine when I can get it. These substances are the only reason I can be a fully functional person.
Why do youtuber pedos use white ghost looking cartoon characters?
there's a roastie vlogger in my country who got lip fillers in one of her recent videos, i don't think less than 80% of her viewers are little girls
i feel you, i'm studying CS and failing the year
Thanks. Yeah no meds here but I tried psilocybin "therapy" it didn't really work. Definetly revealed my suppressed pain, though. I refuse to do the meds I see what they do to people

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>Lmao the fucking wording
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Nigger, are you retarded or just pretending?
The dumb pig tackles the wrong man & got stabbed twice in the neck for it.
If blue jacket man was helping shitskin, why did he not use the knife to stab more people instead of throwing it away at the end
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Piggers are bloodthirsty demented faggots
You are a retard.
ITS Not visible in the First Video, but there's at least one other clip from anothet angle that Shows how the zog Guy in blue Jacket and White pants attacks the other Guy in White pants who was subduing the Muslim. So the cop's Error is more understandable.
Go get droned

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wwyd in this situation?
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"My dad told me to tell you guys that Hitler was right"
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>i'm a nigger, and stalk you son violating your rights
Now post the real version.
Decide that the old man is going in a home staffed exclusively by niggers when the time comes.

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>fuck around and kill 40,000 Muslim civilians in the past year
>fuck around and kidnap 10,000 Muslim civilians in the past year
>fuck around and starve 3 Million Muslims
>displace 3 Million Muslims in the past years on top of 5-6 Millions already displaced
>fuck around and justify genocide of Muslim country
>fuck around and glorify genociders
>fuck around and and deny basic human rights to Muslims
>fuck around and deny freedom of expression for Islam and demand Islam to cuck to political Judaism and radical Jewish terrorism
>find out and get stabbed
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>I can't seethe!
Germany can't really say shit about Israel. Sorry. Meanwhile, moslemman is far more likely to randomly stab you.
There is no war between Islam and Jews.
>Meanwhile in reality
all muslims deserve death
you can share the same mass graves with the jews
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What will 111 be??
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Feels good bros
This is clearly mental illness
Oh fugg
I thought Jews controlled everything? Why is it so easy to kick them out of so many countries if they control everything?
Gotta launder those goy's funds somehow, m8.

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