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i'm with OJ edish

>Ticketmaster confirms data hack which could affect 560m globally
>Tommy Robinson leads 'thousand-strong' march in London as officers make first arrests
>Labour spark fear of huge ISA crackdown as candidate deletes one telling comment
>Labour risks union revolt over private school tax raid job losses
>Sunak suffers poll blow as levelling-up cash-for-votes row erupts
>Sunak pledges cash to towns as Starmer pitches ‘wealth creation’ amid election campaign
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Yeah I know, Met this old lad who'd worked cash in hand all his life and never paid taxes but also never signed on. He's past 60 now and just realised he hasn't paid any NI contributions for his pension.
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Hanley is levelling up mate. You should see it, wogs and pakis everywhere.

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Matriarchy is streamy marching on backed by technical progress and I don't have a clue what can be done, bros.

However, Herman Wirth, a Dutch-German historian, a Nazi and scholar of ancient religions and symbols, co-founded the SS-organization Ahnenerbe, claimed that matriarchy is the genuine Aryan type of society organization.

Was he right?
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>Its literally the opposite of what you are saying, semites are highly matriarchal, Aryans have always been extremely patriarchal. Semites literally used to sacrifice their own children to Baal or Molok, and now today jew women are saying abortion is their religious right because its tradition for them to sacrifice their offspring. The jews brand their male offspring with genital mutilation, not their female offspring. Its obvious who wears the pants in a jew household.
These are nice arguments.
I'm trying to play the devil's advocate to find some weak points of the theory or strong counter arguments. Of course, first I should read Wirth's work myself to find out more but this thread is only a way to search more before it.
Anyway, I will repeat myself but it's strange the dude is unknown in the times of huge feminism propaganda, maybe there is something not pleasant for modern feminists and their degeneracy.
This is some high tier semitic cope
Yea the alpha male can be beaten by another alpha male who takes his spot as king, forever keeping the line of strongest male commands all for millions and millions of years of lion culture
Real matriarchal
Stfu already retard nobody here is going to ever buy your shit
I know youre a fucking kike because you're posting from Ukraine where the only men not having been already sent to the meatgrinder are jews who are exempt from military service
>people promote a Stone Age matriarchy
Which never even existed
In every single era that ever existed, Aryans were patriarchal
Well you sure seem insistent on ignoring all who point out that there is an enormous amount of historical sources detailing Aryan cultures from thousands of years ago, and how they were always incredibly patriarchal
You are a boring kike
>it's strange the dude is unknown in the times of huge feminism propaganda
No its not, he was obviously a nobody in Nazi Germany if he ever even existed like you claim, because with theories this retarded nobody would have paid any mind to him in that nation
>adapted to the north
they adapted for unusual environment by the way of their living but not biological, that's different things
>which doesn't make sense
How is it doesnt matter?! Are you a supporter of transgender shit and so on?
>similar survival strategy
So you consider a transwomen and women as same but with different strategy to achieve the goal. I dont.

The Jewish race is the master race
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Jews are the master race.
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hitler quoted in bolshevism from moses to lenin by dietrich eckart (socratic dialogue type of writing):


[...] Schopenhauer's description of the Jews: 'Great masters of
the lie'! There is no better description. And it applies without exception to every Jew
equally, whether high or low, stock exchange tycoon or rabbi, baptized or circumcised. Our
servile people! Provoked for thousands of years! And the innocents are taken in again and
again by this blatant swindle. It is understandable that they become surly with the Jews, but
only after the latter have shamelessly abused their naive good nature and plundered them to
the skin with their usury and fraud.


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No one looks jewish in those mosaics.

>inb4 da reel joos
Nah, the whole thing is a LARP.

This is nigger shit.
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on the topic of the assumed superiority of the jews:
(this passage is omitted from the official english tranlation)

"The annoying chatter: One shall take the Jew as a role model! If he's come so far, how come no one wants to be one? Because it's just an illusion with his 'success' Everyone feels it. Troubling the whole world, always having to lie in wait, never being carefree and content with oneself, always thinking 'Where's the next business opportunity, who is a potential danger? ' Hell, no dog wants to live like that! I have to quote Luther again. 'They are cursed beyond anything we could ever wish upon them' he says. And that's how it is.

Bolshevism From Moses To Lenin, Dietrich Eckhart


"Überhaupt," sagte ich, "das ewige Geschwätz: sich den Juden zum Vorbild nehmen! Wenn er es gar so weit gebracht hat, wie kommt es denn, daß doch kein Mensch einer sein möchte? Weil es nur Schein ist mit seinem 'weit gebracht haben' Das fühlt jeder. Die ganze Welt verstänkern, stets auf der Lauer liegen müssen, keine Minute sorglos sich selber angehören, immer 'wo ist ein Geschäft? Tut mir der was? Wie kann ich hier am besten einhaken?', ja, zum Teufel so möchte ja kein Hund länger leben! Da muß ich wieder Luther anführen. 'Sie haben die Rache am Halse tausendmal ärger, als wir ihnen wünschen mögen', sagt er. Und so ist es auch.

Der Bolschewismus Von Moses Bis Lenin, Dietrich Eckhart
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Nick Fuentes?
What happened? We were a socially progressive community which recognized white women as goddesses back in the days when Skyrim was popular. Now, every thread is, "I Hate Women So Much It's Unreal".
Hating women is a jewish psy-op.
You don't have to worship the ground they walk on but treat her as an equal in everyday matters.
Just blow her back out 6 times per month and she'll pretty much do what you want anyways.

What race in Star Trek is supposed to represent Jews?
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all of them
All of them, representing different aspects. Including humans. Founders are Jews as cosmopolitan. Ferengi are Jews as dealers. Klingons are old testament sons of Abraham. Vulcans are Jews as they want to be seen. Humans are Jews as Jews hope fo be perceived. The only ones that represent humans were the really dumb ones who turned out to be venal and ungrateful, but also harmless because they're so stupid. That's how they see you.
>Andorians — Israelis
Wat? Their entire culture aligns with prewar japan who slaughtered any outsider coming on their island.
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This. Dr Bashir has said it was a thinly veiled nod to Palestine - the cardassian occupation of bajor
all of them inclusive humand and federation as they are literally the feds

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>2 years and 3 months of special operation
Why hasn't Russia won yet?

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lol imagine actually having a family of 9 during a global population collapse event, have fun with the misery of watching them starve or die from lack of medical infrastructure.
your people will starve, mine live middle of farms
yes at the end, you douche
A Muslim is always in the wrong.
thats what your meant to do.

>family has 2 - 50% chance they die =1
>family have 10 50% chance they die = 5

Moreover this is flaws since a family with many brothers and sisters is way way stronger. It is much more likely for one or two to carry the others.

Irish MP says Netanyahu will burn in hell. Thoughts?
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Yeah ok, now lets deport all you foreigners.
Built for BBC
Kill yourself JustPassingThrough.
Irish MPs look like that?
Netanyahu is his real name. His original Polish name was his fake one.

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Palestine, Syria, Ukraine, Taiwan, Turkey, Greece, Libya, Iran, Mali, Caucasus, Yemen, Ethiopia, Myanmar, Socotra, and other geopolitical happenings, as well as soup, pipelines and robots.
/ug/, /sg/, /cwg/, /o/, /tv/, /osint/, /ck/, /tg/, /k/, /soup general/, (NOT /ipg/)

GPG News
Damage to electrical power infrastructure and civilian houses in Zaporizhzhia as result of Russian missile strikes.
United States President Joe Biden has eased a ban on Ukraine using US weapons inside Russian territory to help the country defend its northeastern Kharkiv region from attack, Secretary of State Antony Blinken has confirmed.
Israeli war cabinet minister Benny Gantz’s centrist party has proposed holding a parliamentary vote on dissolving the Knesset, but it was unclear whether he has enough support to bring about early elections.
Israeli artillery shelling on areas east of the city of Rafah.
>United states
After two days of deliberations, 12 New Yorkers found Donald Trump guilty of all charges in his hush-money case. Trump is now the first former US president with a criminal conviction, and the first candidate to run for the White House as a felon.
Turkish Armed Forces hit the YPG positions on the Sayyada line in the west of Manbij with mortar and artillery fire.

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That explanation makes sense. Simply be there, send in an agent provocateur and then arrest everyone once the fight commences, but their guy was running late and they made the assumption that the action had commenced, when it simply hadn't.
A truly RW party is functionally illegal.
Taiwan March
The Krauts even beat us in this category, truly German innovation knows no bounds
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>A truly RW party is functionally illegal.
this gives my boomer frens empty stares when i mention it kek
hi gershon how many explosions do you have daily?

in other news the wannabe Napoléon in the Elysée still wants to form some sort of coalition against russia
>bom dia como estao as coisas no Brasil?
Same shit as always
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>The top Israeli court has heard responses from the state on challenges against exemptions granted to ultra-Orthodox Jews from military conscription.

>Police use water cannon to disperse ultra-Orthodox Jews blocking a highway during a protest against army recruitment, near Bnei Brak, Israel

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Why do they think they are welcome anywhere?
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>thinks hes tlaking to a white guy
>doesnt understand only shitskins simp for shitskins.

do you poo in loo?
if you wonder why poojeets spam so much childish taunting bait, it's not just because they're malnourished polluted runts locked into puberty for life. it's also because jews pay them to keep you busy with jeet noise rather than engaging with the signals of your fellow native western citizens. poos are cheap outsource shills for jidf and other such fag farms. they get a couple of pennies every time someone is irritated enough to reward their cheap repetitious bait with (You)s
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im going to b sick....
>Verification not required.
There is no point of being jealous with upper caste Brahmins..we Brahmins are top of the male hierarchy.. Dont get jealous you little Timmy..women across the globe are spending billions to marry us you pig
They know they're not and that's why they work together and sus out any advatage

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Previous >>469862886 (Cross-thread)#

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)

>Al-Quds Brigades: In a complex operation, our mujahideen were able to snipe a Zionist soldier and bomb enemy soldiers and vehicles with mortar shells in the Tal Al-Hawa axis, southwest of #Gaza City.
>Hamas - Osama Hamdan to Al Jazeera: It is unacceptable for occupation forces to remain in Gaza or manage the Rafah crossing. The Interior Ministry in Gaza managed the Rafah crossing before the war and will continue to do so after the ceasefire.
>Al-Qassam Brigades destroy a gathering of enemy soldiers and vehicles with mortar shells in the Tal Zorob area in the Tal Al-Sultan neighborhood, west of #Rafah.


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#Lebanon: The Islamic Resistance: We targeted with two successive shots the headquarters of the 210th Golan Division in the Nafah barracks with dozens of Katyusha rockets.
https://t.me/me_observer_TG/224478 6/2/24
Ben Gurion Airport interviews:

'We Israelis Are Creative in War, but the Moment There's Talk of Peace, We Have Nothing to Say'
This week at Ben-Gurion airport: A historian with a fascinating family history, and an environmentalist whose anxiety inspired him to take action

It sounds cool but that location is very far away from Lebanon, and those rockets are inaccurate. But at least it started a big big fire in the brush. So maybe the fire founds its way to something valuable to Israel...
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Are we looking at a “Second Cold War” era?
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Gayer and more jewish than the first one:

Misled & Betrayed: How US Cover Stories Are Keeping a Cold War Weapon & Illegal Human Testing Secret


(this was used during the first cold war so you can guess what those big nosed apes have nowadays is much worse)
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It's still one pole. The ww2 allied pole. Notice how all the former axis are under other "poles" influence.
A "cold war" is one where nuclear missiles are NOT flying all over the planet like a kicked beehive, so, no.
is frotting or sodomy more gay?
Malaysia is a part of the Five Power Defense Arrangements (which includes Singapore, Malaysia, The UK, Australia, and New Zealand). And shares a military base with Australia and The UK. They have a strong security relationship with the U.S. as well.

Indonesia in recent years has strengthened their security relationship with Australia and improved ties with the United States in recent years.

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The older I get (approaching my mid 30s) the more rightwing and nazi views seem cringe and retarded as fuck.
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I think that globalization is practically inevitable so I'm not against immigration either nowadays. Gay people are alright, they can't help being gay so might as well just accept them as they come. Women are good and beautiful.
Racism is the normal reaction to unfamiliar people and cultures.
Racists are the only truly honest people, because everyone else is pretending.
What's the point of life if thats how it's going to be? What are we even doing? I don't want to live in a Global Strip Mall.
That's why they left you in the retarded box when you were little. Logic is too hard for you
You’re just becoming a normy

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Daily reminder that no matter what, Serbs will always be on the side of Russia and China. We will always be a pro-Russian and pro-Chinese island in the middle of Europe and a constant factor of destabilization. Remember back in 1914 when we killed archduke Franz Ferdinand and triggered World War I which led to the death of over 10 million white Europeans?
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>10. Spends the next 100+ years trying to rewrite history into being the victim

Considering a Serbia guy pulled the trigger, starting the conflict, yeah Austria-Hungary was technially the victim.

Yes the AH generals used the assassination as a casus belli, but what do you expect? The Black Hand assassins knew that Franz Ferdinand was the moderate pro-slav party and that killing him would remove the onyl moderating force and trigger the war. That's what they wanted, an apocalyptic war that would destroy Austria-Hungary. They got their wish.
STFU Gypsy
ovo je kao neki project zomboid klon?

>Considering a Serbia guy pulled the trigger, starting the conflict, yeah Austria-Hungary was technially the victim.

You're not a "victim" for losing a war you started against a smaller agrarian neighbour. WW1 didn't start when Franz was shot, it started when Serbia got invaded.

Franz being shot by a Bosnian freedom fighter is just an excuse Austrohungary used to start a war against neighbouring Serbia a month later even though Serbia agreed on 90% of the humiliating ultimatum to avoid the war and offered a compromise.

There is nothing "technical" about it, having a politician get shot by your own citizen is not grounds for a war with another country even if some people in that country supported the cause of your citizen. Especially not if that country then proceeded to try and work with you to avoid getting invaded.
>just to save Serbia from Austria-Hungary
surely that's why russia entered the war

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Let that sink in...
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We already have trains in all of those places and we have airliners.
>three lines will move five million people out of south Florida in one hour
>and it will definitely work, no chimpouts or anything
No, I'm pointing out how China got something for their trillion dollars spent. They have a rail system. You got... what did you get in the last 100 days for the trillion dollars that was spent? Oh, yeah, you got nothing. Mostly just paying interest on debt.
>just kill off the Everglades so niggers can be transported at a high speed across the country
Wow if only we paid more and we too could spend $35 billion dollars on a couple miles of rail after a decade or so just like California did!

Mexibros get in here and tell us about your election, is the kikess really gonna win?
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>decide to get out of my cave today to vote regardless
lol why bother
Just focus on business, improving yourself, your family and immediate community... money and violence are the only two things that really constitute power in this world, not just this country.
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There are worse fates out there, you could be running a communist party in Greece
Never going to happen
Spic governments barely control their capital cities, let alone any other part of the country
lol he got rekt in the comments

With the $20/hr minimum wage in California being passed, consumers reacting negatively to the prices some of these restaurants are charging, and the overall shitty quality of the food, fast food is on the verge of collapsing.

Does anyone else see this as a good thing? Our country has an entire generation of fat asses who eat nothing but this stuff instead of cooking.

I have a friend who eats McDonalds constantly because he is too lazy to cook, he is now overweight, has blood pressure issues and is so god damned lazy he can't even get out of bed (he asks me to call him in the morning to wake him up).

Do you think the collapse of fast food with make people healthier and reduce health care costs?
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hahaha Everyone. Go back to china.
Nigger fucking brain. Stop posting.
Oh no every single thing isn't codified and taxed and we can have nice things. What a fucking plague these food trucks are.
Its not reasonable for everyone to raise their own animals to butcher and eat and everyone to grow their own fruits and veg when it can be performed at scale. QSR seems like a neat idea and its implications don't have to be negative
Lol is that your answer?

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If Modi loses the election I am running off to Canada/USA/Britain/France/Germany/Italy/Greece/Norway
I hope my Aryan brothers will accept me
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Kill yourself shitskin
Fuck off we’re full
Classic scamgress voter
Nobody knows now how to make Soma
>indian left wing is notoriously anti-indian and pro-globojewmo, and that's why the young people are so repulsed by it already, thank fucking god
They overdid it and did it way too fast which pushed people against them instead of doing it gradually like they did it in the west
Now thanks to chuds here on 4chan the globalist conspiracies are being mainstreamed in indian youth as well via Twitter and insta memes
So I think we have saved ourselves

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I havent had a cold in a year and its freaking me out. Im around people who get sick, but nothing affects me. Now either im incredibly lucky, more lucky than ive ever been in my life or something else is happening. And yes, im double vaxxed. So whats your take on this? Did anyone here go long periods of time (WITH HUMAN CONTACT) without getting even a little cold?
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Same thing with me. It's been over 3 years since I've even had a sniffle, and I'm used to being sick a few times a year...every single year
I haven't had a cold since 2018.

Unvaccinated, been around a literal thousands of sick vaxxies.
Before 2018, you'd get sick on a regular basis?
The only reason I hate dating single moms, I get sick all the fucking time.
Yes, I did, but I also was dating women with kids, Learned my lesson

Why wear clothes that don't fulfil their primary function?
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I swear the belly has been spammed far more often as an erotic area in the past two years, and there's way more girls wearing crop tops. Where HAS this came from?
its the arms. very man like arms

i do excuse thee
ive always been a bellyman. im 45. this is not a recent development. i remember liking the bellies of skinny girls at school when i was 8 years old. a bellyman through and through. yes sir. bellies
A signal that she is not pregnant?
Thay she's ready and available to take the seed of an Alpha, aka Chad.

It's of course at subconscious level

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