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>Russian invaders: the saviours of the white race according to illiterate /pol/ retards
Pic related, the quintessential ethnic Russian.
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>amerimutt (inbredius anglo-mutticanus)
>let me tell yu who izz whyte

lool, lmao even
Post flag.
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That's true. I like being Xiongnu despite also being British. Though I am lactose intolerant so there's a chance I am Pannonian Avar.
The "saviors" of the white race are the retarded coward Moscowians too afraid to be on the front lines, but funny meme I guess.
bazed fatass bong

>German Foreign Minister Anal Bareback has talked about a german "Protection Group" for Gaza
>"Like we made clear in Ukraine we stand for freedom and peace, also in the near east. Not just a rebuilding effort is necessary but an international protection group, who guarantees that there will finally be peace in the near east. That is our mandate.
>When asked about her remarks on the small Greens Party congress in Potsdam she did not to give any details as they "have not been discussed yet"

archive ph 82Hpi
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Good Christian and Jewish bastards are dead Christian and Jewish bastards.
probably similar to Afghanistan or Bosnia or somethign like that
these troops will be there to enforce the occupation
and they will most likely get shot and killed

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He has to die or muslims would look weak and pathetic.
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What will 111 be??
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>>469939990 (This)
Also there was a group of Hasidic Jews who thought they could ignore local laws in Guatemala (I think) and were "encouraged" by the government (and locals) to leave the country.
THAT was 110.

>How long until we admit muslims are based?
"A giant pile of shit that hates another giant pile of shit is not my friend. It's just more shit.
Our economy is so fucked, we can't even afford to have a single Jew in the entire country.
If we want to even see a Jew we need to use an optic sight on an anti-tank missile.
>How many do you have?
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American Reaction: Saudis attacked us on 9/11 so we MUST retaliate by bombing Iraq and Afghanistan!
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>Saudis attacked us on 9/11

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>Ticketmaster confirms data hack which could affect 560m globally
>Tommy Robinson leads 'thousand-strong' march in London as officers make first arrests
>Labour spark fear of huge ISA crackdown as candidate deletes one telling comment
>Labour risks union revolt over private school tax raid job losses
>Sunak suffers poll blow as levelling-up cash-for-votes row erupts
>Sunak pledges cash to towns as Starmer pitches ‘wealth creation’ amid election campaign
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Why would you filter Josh he's the goodest lad here
That he did lad, I expected his army of footie hooligans to be acting the goat desu
Argie has hairdryered steak. Thats how he blows of the excess water after running it under the hot tap fir 10 minutes
>carrying a jew flag
>possible coal burner alert

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>Lmao the fucking wording
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juden raus
the "white man" was hitting the other white man who was restraining the knife wielder.
it made perfect sense to take out that demented boomer because he would help the knife wielder escape.
that situation required 2-3 cops to resolve it without an issue, and his mistake was to assume any of the other ones would actually do more than stand around and watch him get slaughtered
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It's a close finish to the bottom.
I didn't realize keystone cops was a documentary.
What is more dangerous or a bigger threat, a fist or knife? The pig made the wrong judgement call & is now dead or severely injured. All he had to do was concentrate on the knife wielding shitskin & he could still be walking around today
The s-0-yjak faces in the background really enhance the scene.

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Previous: >>469931400
Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Biden allows the Ukraine to strike targets in Russia with US weapons - https://archive.today/cWfPG
>France to send "military instructors" to the ukriane - https://archive.today/iAtY3
>Russian jamming making some US PGMs ineffective - https://archive.today/1K5Or
>Kiev now recruiting meat from the prisons - https://archive.today/kcIkd
>NATO to organize mandatory arms supplies & financing to Ukraine, at least 100 bln/year - https://archive.today/jjBSo
>RuaF liberate Arkhangelskoye, Battlegroup 'N' keeps advancing in the Kharkov Region - https://archive.today/CgiGm
>Scholz still refuses to send Tauruses to Ukraine - https://archive.today/sJ9QH

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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butthurth mykola on pole flag with hiv fetish left... other shill took his place
too long but what I am gonna say is that /ugh/ still trying to cope about cages which proven to be peak performance is just sad
I'm going to save this and spam /k/ when hohols lose. I will keep reminding them.
Makes sense
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Hello Sir, stay save.

New Mearsheimer out discussing the origin of the Ukraine war in a concise way:

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What an embarrassing shill
His thumbnails are cringe. I wonder why he insists on putting his faggot mug in it.

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This is just the latest attempt by the black lesbians who make up the majority of the WNBA to injure Clark. They are absolutely seething over the fact that a White girl has walked into the league and become its most marketable star.

>video of cheap shot below

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It's boring, even the fouling sheboon can't even dunk...
she knew what she was getting into when you talk shit during a game...stop treating her like a baby
Kek the sheboons getting butthurt about her taking over "their" sport that was invented by a white man is absolute pottery.
See, that clip is amusing and adorable. That I would watch.
The WNBA is mostly violent stupid ghetto niggers and lesbian filth. Even with Clark playing I still was revolted by all the garbage on the court.

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The older I get (approaching my mid 30s) the more rightwing and nazi views seem cringe and retarded as fuck.
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Go back to Discord and Reddit. I've noticed a lot of you faggots are here lately (for obvious reasons) to stir shit and sow poison.
Yes thats ruby ridge….
what are you getting at?
You think that it's hollow, but many people do not. Sure, the media industry has become more formulaic these recent years, but that's okay. The markets control the media and the media adjusts. If people find the media hollow, they'll look for other media etc.

I've browsed /pol/ for almost a decade. I do browse some sub-Reddits and arguably Reddit is as bad site as this one is.
Just a nod that I already knew. I'm doing something here.

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Why bother posting considering no one is taking you seriously because you're not even human. You're just a trained animal who got taught to put words together
> because all ancient peoples believed in flat earth.

you fgucking retarded nigger can you cease
I don't decide on things I can't observe myself, but this is easily explainable. A tornado occurs when a warm and cold front meet. It's because cold wants to go where hot is, because of the atoms or whatever being spaced further apart. So the cold and warm kind of battle each other to occupy the same space. It's like saying your windows are round cause the cold escapes through them when the AC is on.
christians never belived in flat earth
first christian books were written in greek and greeks documented earth is round before that

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Russia doesn't have Pride month bullshit.
Just saying
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Sticking penises up the anuses of men is a deeply cherished value in the west. Few of our values come close to it. We will shrug off a dictator like Zelensky, we'll drone strike children at weddings, we'll rig an election or two, and take political prisoners, but look how angry we get when you mock our fundamental value of man-on-man sexual intercourse. It's a low blow. It means too much to us for you to toy around with it like this. Apologize.
Woah let's stop 4 1 sec and check those polish 1488's....perhaps it's a sign
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Russia has based and trad dedovshchina instead
Volodin Vyacheslav Victorovich had a gay orgy for his 60th Birthday.

You absolutely are full of faggots.
No Pride month, yet the highest rate of HIV in Europe.

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Anyone that actually denies the Holocaust is on the same level to me as republicans that say “democrats are the real racists”. Aside from being retarded, what the fuck is the point of National Socialism if you won’t wipe out your enemies who are inherently subversive, parasitic, and at odds with your civilization? If Hitler didn’t work kikes to death, throw the unfit for labor into gas chambers, or have them shot by the Einsatzgruppen, and take every last cent they stole from the Germans back, even from their clothes and gold teeth, then what the fuck is even the point? He lets them sit in resort camps with theaters and swimming pools (totally not for the guards) while German men are dying like animals on the eastern front, Germans at home experience wartime shortages, and the rats get treated fine? Fuck you retards. The holocaust is one of the things Hitler did that wasn’t retarded.
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> No real racist will vote left
I’ll play devil’s advocate here. In America I think a natsoc voting democrat is viable. Not only as a protest that the republicans aren’t doing enough as opposition but because they’re shifting their platform to appease/court non whites and the dems are the ones fighting for non whites to have unrestricted access to abortions.
Why do mutts, both holocaust deniers and holocaust believers, always, 100% of the time without a fault, insist holocaust was about jews and jews only?
Jews were not the only ethnicity cleansed. The only one whining about it 80 years later, though.
so many threads made by jews trying to pretend you're a "right wing ally" today. whats wrong moshe, the shitskins on the campuses still got you upset? you can always kill yourself because i assure you, the old neoliberal western world order is never coming back and jizzreal is fucked
who cares faggot, go get a blowjob from your rabbi if you don't like it
Well i do not deny the holocaust (because seriously why bother), but damn right that the democrats are the real racists.

"Anti racists" are just pretentious holier-than-thou racists that have inevitebly stoked the fires of racism's roaring return.

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Is liberalism more dangerous than communism
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it is but issue is that for a church to be strong it need to be challenged
when it was given privileges and free reign it just jumped straight into degeneracy and greed
higher ups taking part or covering both financial swindles and sexual abuse do not help
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>What did Poland do this time
still exist, there is no need for another reason
all Slavs are on chopping block, if they can make you all kill each other then its even better

All the homo countries are coming out of the closet. That's why closet Muslim homos are in Europe. To push them all back in the closet. They are pissing against a tsunami of faggotry that ain't stopping.
Global market driven neofuedalism.

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How to get a gf
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here you go fake austrian flag nigger
i have the MOST SEX wth my huge fucking giant cock
Lmao I had a threesome with these two girls like 6 years ago and one thought she was a dude (she literally went by "Carl") but was actually a really cute tomboyish girl and unironically she was an absolute dick fiend. Easily the best of the two. As far as I know she grew out of that shit too. She's probably like 28-29 now.
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You're going to be targeted until the signal is turned off.

I'm not going to spend all my time proving how i am correct about this, you already know it.
I believe you

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This jeet came to canada just 2 years ago, now became the Indian ronaldo
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You sound like an ignorant dumbass
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Bharat number #1 soccer maker britisher
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Canada's soccer team is garbage, and if they fill it with jeets, it'll become even worse.
If indians are so great at soccer why hasnt bharat made it to the world cup?
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>rising tide of poo

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Are niggers the weakest race of all time?
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He didn't throw hardly any heavy right hand shots.
Almost all of the greatest heavyweights of all time are Black.

>Muhammad Ali
>Joe Louis
>Joe Frazier
>George Foreman
>Larry Holmes
>Mike Tyson
>Lennox Lewis
>Evander Holyfield
>Sonny Liston
Definitely whites. When all is said and done, they'll at least have their countries.
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Pound for pound niggers are the weakest. They need roids to get big. Guess what happens when a white fighter takes sarms and peptides or roids? They whoop niggers.

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Yes. They are based and white. Also, Malvinas are Argentine, dirty bongs need to GTFO.
They were the indians of /pol/ before indians came online
I do not feel strongly about them one way or another.
They're the best in South America, but that's not saying much

Even you idiots on pol can't argue the fact that we need proper common sense gun control NOW. Too many innocent people are dying from guns.
>24 injured : 1 dead
I don't even need to ask, do I?
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There’s been more than enough niggers for years, Tyrone.
Thank God niggers hold their guns sideways
Why would white Americans give up their second amendment rights because niggers have low IQ and poor impulse control ?

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And yet none of you permavirgin half-fags can even get a girlfriend.
At least he didn’t marry a Chinese spy this time
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Why would ANYONE bump this thread? All of you summerfag losers need to leave
Would you really want to be beta bucks not loved but only used for your money?
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some of us just like to see the mouthy ones get physically hurt at this stage simpman
Women are incapable of love so it doesn't really matter.
>go to plastic surgeon
>ayo gimme dat howdy doody chin
>i got you senpai

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