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>Notorious IRL streamer Ice Poseidon holds scavenger hunt in Austin Texas for all streamers that want to join in.
>High IQ white guy finds final clue to win 30k prize.
>Gets jumped and maced by La Raza supremacist streamer who steals the clue.
>Gets declared the winner.
>All's Fair in Love and war etc.
>Chat rages but won't do shit.
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>call the cops
LOOOLLLL faggot cowardly gringos you truly womt do ahit
Whites are ethnocentric, even libtards form mono white social units, but whites are also very morally insane. Whites will do anything to brag about being a good person even let a shitskin kill them.
Paul Denino
dont think hes a jew but his nose is fucking massive so might be
This. Never trust a nigger,spic, or jeet. Asians are iffy, theyre ok until they want something then turn into a nigger just like every brownoid.
>me watching x/y/z netflix slop
>main cast full of spics
>say fuck it and decide to switch the espanõl dub on and and put eng subtitles on
>now full immersion

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>Lose Iowa Caucus to Ted Cruz
>Claim GOP primary is rigged
>Lose Trump University lawsuit
>Claim courts are rigged
>The Apprentice didn't win an Emmy
>The Emmys are rigged
>Lose 2020 presidential election
>The election was rigged
>Get convicted by a jury in a trial
>The judge rigged it
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>Every single election ever has been rigged. The only difference is sometimes the rigging is hard enough to change the natural result.

Well knowing this, and considering the current state of our technological prowess, one has to ask "Why is not more being done to secure elections?" because everyone seems to claim that they want "free and fair " elections, but no one is willing to implement state of the art fraud detection!

And that "state of the art" is actually incredibly simple .... paper ballots, handcounted in presence of observers, voter ID. And if we can do it in canada, and they can do it in sweden, there is no reason it cant be done in the USA.
>Everything was done to hide these facts from the public before the election.
He literally recorded them in his business expense ledger.
He recorded all these payments he was supposedly trying to hide right in his records for auditors/investigators to see.
The fake crime he was charged with was itemizing them on the wrong ledger.
>He was found guilty of falsifying business records in furtherance of another crime.

What was his other crime? Be specific.
I bet you wont answer.
you make it sound like the establishment government/ruling class want fair elections.
How quaint :)
They dont give a fuck about what the people want and elections are nothing more than another obstacle for them to overcome by any means necessary to secure more power.
>Has Donald Trump ever lost and not claimed rigging?
has he ever played golf and not cheated? No.

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I hate these stinky shitskins more than kikes
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the future of the UK is brown
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Fucking based. Get fucking colonized.
Thoughts on picrel?
Not just this board. Web2 has become outright dystopian. Even surveillance issues and AI aside they have made every single thing worse. With AI and the government posse of white people haters, pajeets are a truly dystopian presence.

Most of the problems with the Internet itself are Indian in origin. The cuck spammers and simps and rugpulling nigger street shitters most of all.
>aryan board
>complains about indians

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Most Atheist are liberals and most Christians don't even believe evolution even happened actually the percentage of white Christians who believe evolution was even real is actually lower.

Most Gen z right wingers argue 24/7 that evolution is pseudo science so affectedly most whites wouldn't even believe anything in pic-rel at all
I know this guy, he’s asked to cut my grass a few times and he owes me $5 for a laundry basket I was selling at a yard sale he said he would come back and pay.
Nobody below 130 IQ understands evolution in the slightest, and most people with above 130 IQ have jobs that they aren't willing to lose for contradicting kike pseudoscience
Humanity is a Genus, not a species.

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The police officer that got stabbed on Friday by an islamist In Germany died today
He was only 29 years old.
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No, no. Germany had colonies so now they must pay
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Good. Zogbots deserve nothing less, fucking traitors.
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Checked and Heiled!
At least his tackle looked cool, which was probably his goal

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As result after the Terror attack, Germans are already protesting along with Antifa against Nazis and Afd in Mannheim
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That's not a terror attack idiot.
>these "protests" are obviously state organized
It’s the same here. Every time some sandnigger murders a Swede we have the same “demonstration against violence”. Often combined with politicians crocodile tears and some nigger rapping.
sandnigger and friends are getting very anxious about döpdöpdöp
this was so good for them at all.
german cops will ventilate browns for everything now
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Walking Dead, Germany edition.
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say his name
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theres 10 cops doing nothing behind him
zogbot wanted to be a hero and found out
the cop should never tackeled anybody. all of the 10+ cops should of had there guns drawn, ready to end the attackers life, after a quick scanning of the situation (who is the attacker). there was blood and a women was screaming KNIFE, so if yoir a quick thinker you draw your lethal choice and kill the tango.

The one who died did, the other ones just stood there
You're forgetting the Auslander Rus (and many other) events where they go after Germans for stating the reality
Now one of their Policemen gets killed by a foreigner
Keep focusing on the truth tellers
Keep letting in and coddling the terrorists
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We are in for a very dark future

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KEK. Another shabbos goyim bites the dust. Guess wearing allegiance to pissrael wasn't enough??? LOLLLL
Did he die or what? Caught with meth and minors?
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What's up with all of these TDS'ers, having psychotic breaks like Tim Heidecker? At least Adam has the excuse of stimulant psychosis, but still....

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>gets up in his face
>height mogs him effortlessly
>timmy doesn't do shit
>throws cup at timmy
>timmy takes it like a good boy
another day in Canada, another timmy getting checked by the Indian Chadjeet. what are implication of indians owning white losers?
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I genuinely can't tell if they actual believe this is a "bvll moment".
The lack of self-awareness of these street shitter can't be measured.
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>>timmy doesn't do shit
100% the pajeet got fired and deported.
>Can only work for Horton's.
>Otherwise, deported.
Congratulations, you played yourself.
How about stop being imported as slave labour for the Jews?

Lies. Indians wouldn't come to Canada to pursue an education in a language they barely speak in a country built by whites, and then work minimum wage in the hopes of getting permanent residence and abandoning their homeland. They are better than that.
What dod the shit skin even accomplish? He threw a paper cup. The boomer chad just laughed it off.
Call it as it is, a stupid street shitter, not even a human, coprophilic animal

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that is hilarious
10. Lost all faith in humanity. They surrendered their rights without question to an invisible threat that had no evidence for its existence other than authority figures said so. Critical thinking is dead.
They proven the vaxxies are cattle and slaves, as that french kike said the useless eaters will exterminate themselves due to lack of knowlege and lack of god.
I don't know what I am politically anymore. Most people are heard animals, but I don't know what to do about that. I know our system is shit, but I look around and don't see anyone else with a better solution. The only firm ground I have left to stand on in the world is Jews and their destructive nature.
though covid was the mega death blow to a deterioration of social contacts and friendships and my opinion of others’ sentience that started when the DNC coronated hillary over bernie in ‘16.
at this point, I really wish red deer was a real thing.

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>Man wrecks his family to pursue homosexual relationships
>His wife praises him for it
>social media commenters say things like “The kids are the real winners here. Such great parents!” unironically

Is social progressivism at its core just a subhuman pursuit of immediate desires?
Who cares about what would happen if you scaled this behavior up across the entire population, it makes you feel good right NOW and that’s all that matter!

Whether it’s this guy who completely psychologically fucked up his own children to pursue other sexual relationships or the wife and the members of the public who cheer for it on because positive emotions feel good and negative emotions feel bad, it seems like it’s not an actual ideology per se but just the desire to feel good in the most immediate moment without consideration for the future.
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Maybe if she was a better child this would never had happened. She must feel terrible knowing her parents split up because of her.
Why do you care more about a grown mans ability to take dick than a childs well being? Holy shit this is why the West is doomed.
>And no, I would never think that parents need to justify the reasons for their divorce to me.
I’m starting to think the rapid spread of degeneracy is the result of the high divorce rate causing children to grow into impulsive, selfish retards because that’s the example they were shown as a child
On the contrary -- you seem to care very much about this guy's ability to take dick. Why is that?
Would it have been ok if he left to fuck pussy?
>coming out
basically that means deciding to pursue a life of sucking dicks and taking it up the ass. that's called a CHOICE.

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5 years ago even people suspect of being incels were treated with absolute scorn by mainstream society and were viewed to be right up there with pedophiles. People suggested that merely using incel vernacular should get you threat profiled. Today Stacies on tiktok making woe me posts is seen as cute and endearing lmao.
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>reject nice guys
>hey why nobody loves me
They are trying to appropriate "incel" just like they did with "nerd" decades ago.
As far as I can tell, any woman that doesn't have a stable boyfriend is calling herself an incel or femcel.
"My Tinder date from the other night didn't text me back" now they're incels lol
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Incels are the majority now.
>They ran out of spaces to invade so they are invading inceldom.
It also helps that they're getting old and their ability to have children is becoming less and less likely.

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I believe that we should protect our planet from environmental dangers or threats, but environmental movements are occupied by faggots and drones who do not understand economics or science.

Is my concern unfounded, and are there any environmental movements that have not been hijacked by retards?
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Simarly, cutting firebreaks actually saves wildlife.
Once the trails are cut thru, the wildlife move across between the blocks, but the fires dont.
Rather than a thousand square mile fire that no animal can outrun, they just need to get across the next firebreak to survive.
>none of the 'Green' ideas are actually helping, theyve all been captured by the (((carbon-credits))) ponzi scheme
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It was founded by retards
Yes - you dont stop plastics in the ocean by selling paper straws to goyslop corporations - 90% of it comes out of 10 rivers in China and India.
Shutdown doing business with the slave labor factories and the oceans turtles will be saved.
don't be fat.
that was a great post.
i have a hard time taking fat people seriously.
when i see a fat person, i get a similar reaction to seeing a homosexual prostitute that get's paid in crack cocaine.
and it is difficult to appreciate their opinions.
90% of their photosynthesis is growing the trunk into timber, not the daily turnover of leaves.
Fell them at their co2 peak and trap the carbon as usable wood.
Then grow more to absorb more.

Something based
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I like to put maps on my walls
You’re overthinking it. I’ll give you an example. My girl redecorated the bathroom where every time I got out of the shower I then had to go to the towel rack across the bathroom or yank at it sideways and risk breaking the towel rack. It looked pretty but it fucking sucked. I put a single hook by the shower and said this is for my towel, you can have the rack. I do the same for everything.
Just post something, something
I need ideas
ask AI
I have a library filled with everything from Evola and Guenon to Adolf Hitler + books about the crusades, ww2 and Jews right in the middle of my living room. My gf is okay with that and just today she told me how annoyed she is with all this pride month propaganda on her social media. It’s working guys. You can change them.

Videos from March 2024
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chain of command told him to.
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u know it

I don't because the USN is mostly niggers, flips and spics who deserve to die. And since the Canadian you are replying to is an obvious russian shill, there is no proof to his claims. We know there's zero evidence of anyone below deck being hurt because any -ANY- below deck damage will fuck the ship's nuclear reactor, which will probably kill everyone on the ship, disable the ship, and kill everyone exposed to any radiation it releases. I would love it for yemen to pop an american aircraft carrier off and permanently destroy the entire middle east forever with pollution, but they didn't do that.
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lel why are u like this

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>muslims can't be whit-
Yeah. Fucking hypocrites
Nigger it's a religion not a race
Absolute fucking retard of a nigger faggot doing that last moment substitution bringing on reus when adeymi was literally keeping the team up
Also faggot Dortmund finishers missed THREE, THREE fucking chances
This niggerfaggot let Madrid win the 15th when they could have battered a win

I cried entire night yesterday due to this bastard, I stood awake till 2 only for madrid to win
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>Absolute fucking retard of a nigger faggot doing that last moment substitution bringing on reus when adeymi was literally keeping the team up
>Also faggot Dortmund finishers missed THREE, THREE fucking chances
>This niggerfaggot let Madrid win the 15th when they could have battered a win
>I cried entire night yesterday due to this bastard, I stood awake till 2 only for madrid to win

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Discuss German politics (and the meme I posted). Please do make sure to stay on topic!

Here are some links to get you started:
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if only you knew...
At least he’s an organ döner, who will save turkish lives
Dont ask.
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Biden and the Democrats may be diametrically oppossed to everything I care about and believe in. But Trump incorrectly filed a personal expense as a business expense. That's a bridge too far
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>laws the law
>everyone should obey it
>omg why are you talking about anyone other than Trump?
Lowest informed retard in the thread

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>laws the law
>everyone should obey it
>stop talking about the current president and his crackhead son and crack found in the White House while his father was living there
Alright shill.
Being a hardcore zionist that created the clot shot and tried to convince me and everyone I love to use it to kill ourselves is also diametrically opposed to everything I care about and believe in. seethe about it a lil bit

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I can never get a clear idea of why people hate socialism so much. I think many people automatically dismiss socialism offhand because they are indoctrinated with the pro-capitalist ideology growing up.
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>it must be brainwashing for people not to want to be taxed more to provide for useless fucking idiots we don't even need
You know how we don't feed birds, deer etc because it causes a population explosion that isn't sustainable without continued intervention. That is what happens with gibs right now, especially in the 3rd world
>Capitalism = 100% free market in my understanding so bailouts by the FED are not capitalist.
Money brings power, power corrupts the state.
The snake will inevitably eat it's own tail.
Capitalism, like communism is a fatally flawed system, the difference is while communism is doomed to have it's revolution be stolen by the vangaurd party capitalism is doomed to consume itself to further the ends of the the least scrupulous of the ultra-wealthy.
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>You can't even quantify what the "means of production" are in your own situation.
I've got a sneaky suspicion that's because he has never actually worked a day in his worthless life or produced anything of value. I'm getting bored of this shitty LARP so I'm going to go get some work done. If you guys are still giving this faggot (you)s in a couple hours I'll come back and laugh at everyone involved.
>workers would own the means of production
Who came up with this meme, for instance nigger plebs would only be able to break any "mean of production" aka a machine made by engineers, commies are delusional because for an industrial output you need a structured hierarchy inside an industry to make any product, hence you have workers, maintainers, engineers, security supervisors, office and sales(yes you still have to "sell" a product even figuratively under communism).
I don't understand how that kike of Marx sold the idea of communism, it is fucking chaos and nonsense
Very much this.

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>only communists put people under the law instead of over it
Real crony capitalism hours now
Spotted the jew that rapes kids.

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