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Is a far right without Zionists and Israel flags too much to ask for?
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maybe. hopefully this leads to white nationalism true. seeing white groups band together, it's just one more step to get rid of the jews and elites that lead them to that path.
As far as Im concerned, its not far enough to the right if their holding a fucking Israeli flag.
For white nationalism you need white families and waving an israel flag won't get you laid these day
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>far right
can't be branded as Nazis if they support jews can they?

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Previous: >>469931400
Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Biden allows the Ukraine to strike targets in Russia with US weapons - https://archive.today/cWfPG
>France to send "military instructors" to the ukriane - https://archive.today/iAtY3
>Russian jamming making some US PGMs ineffective - https://archive.today/1K5Or
>Kiev now recruiting meat from the prisons - https://archive.today/kcIkd
>NATO to organize mandatory arms supplies & financing to Ukraine, at least 100 bln/year - https://archive.today/jjBSo
>RuaF liberate Arkhangelskoye, Battlegroup 'N' keeps advancing in the Kharkov Region - https://archive.today/CgiGm
>Scholz still refuses to send Tauruses to Ukraine - https://archive.today/sJ9QH

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Yeah that particular area doesen't seem too safe.
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Unironically neck yourself stupid nigger, I remember you seething back then and even after not visiting this thread for a year, here you are the same angry majmun.
Just end it all as it seems you have nothing else to live for besides kvetching.
I suppose you'd like her to keep her head down, but her mouth open.
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shes ever been typsy?
> - Blackouts for goyim continue in most regions (except for Lviv, Zakarpatie and Volyn regions)
Lmao. The regions that are largely responsible for this gay war are the ones that are less affected by it. Based.

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Why is capitalism such a failure?
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t. triggered cuckpitalist shill
complete bullshit lol
>Why is capitalism such a failure?
Because expanded to hundreds of millions of people plus, every system is doomed to be garbage.
that's like saying some random ass monkey who invented the wheel 5000 years ago invented the automobile
all the fucking research and progress in computing was done by Ameribvlls, hence why all the programming languages use English

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GIGA HAPPENING! 500,000 (HALF A MILLION) Russian invaders killed and crippled during the past 830 days of Russia's 3-day special military operation!
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You're a bot
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Good morning saar

For every newfag here. This saar is pajeet student in Finland
Highly antisemitic. The TCC are being sent to you as we speak for this rampant disregard of jewish feelings.
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aww the retarded dogshit genetics subhuman kike is having PTSD
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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

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Bro in the bottom corner feeling a sort of way, aint he :) Happy White pride month, brother. And happy White Boy Summer.
>Let's make America great again

Catchy slogan
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Population numbers are too easy to debunk tho, people should focus on chimney, doors and lack of evidence.
Niggers seething is the best thing in this universe.

haha.. I love this meme. Someone post the long-form webm.
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He's desperatelt pretending he isn't mad that's why his post number has incresed 300% this week

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I think they need another two decades of shiling this board with anti have kids sentiment and your country hates you before they really kick things off for maximum depression.
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and the US is ready to forcefully stop china
two more weeks
Wasn't the only other time he got really sick from a then current Ukrainian MRE too?
Also this story is fresh off of a Chinese general trying to question the United States of America Department of Defense chief on NATO expansion at a conference and getting laughed out of the venue to thunderous applause.

Chinese got humiliated and Asia-Pacific NATO is now guaranteed. They lost.

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He is upset because rousseau told him that his half white kids wouldnt be welcome in america as full citizens. Understandably.
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>Thats a really bad larp

An hour ago, you downvoted me. I poured my heart and soul into writing that comment, and took the risk of revealing my true innermost feelings, only to be viciously attacked and downvoted.

I was so excited when I wrote that comment. I thought it was well thought and honest. I thought people would read it, agree or disagree, and move on. But then..you took my happiness away with the click of a button. I was then told I would not be able to post for 9 minutes. Not only was my dignity taken away, but my ability to write another comment was revoked. I was punished for daring to reveal my soul to the world.

I am literally shaking right now. I don't know how I will move on or survive this incident. My mind will forever be wracked with the painful torment of wondering: who? why? Will there ever be justice?

Some day, I will tell this story to my grandchildren. It will serve as a reminder of just how cruel the world can be. I hope the future generations can build a world that is better than our own, one where nobody has to suffer the extreme pain and torment of being downvoted.

In the mean time, it is going to take a lot of therapy and time to recover from this trauma. I might even need to look into adopting a comfort llama to help me get through every day life. Right now all my mind is capable of focusing on are the horrible flashbacks.
Wtf did the Australians do???
I'll volunteer for the camps.
>when you realize women were the problem all along and even chaim was being brutalized by his women and wants to khs
Welcome homme fren.

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And yet none of you permavirgin half-fags can even get a girlfriend.
At least he didn’t marry a Chinese spy this time
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some of us just like to see the mouthy ones get physically hurt at this stage simpman
Women are incapable of love so it doesn't really matter.
>go to plastic surgeon
>ayo gimme dat howdy doody chin
>i got you senpai
If you're a vampire getting married to a much younger gold-digger why would you get someone that already looks over 30? Just own the fact that you're renting a prostitute.
Duh, she’s obviously a mossad tool

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They have implants embedded in your body.
This is why all funeral homes are Jewish. They need to remove the evidence before your body is disposed of.

I'm talking next level shit too.
"The thing" that Russian spy bug? Miniaturized and hidden in your tooth, you didn't even need a filling, they lied.
>Transcranial inducer, or whatever it's called. ARTIFICIAL SCHIZOPHRENIA. It's on the public market today, uses your skull as a speaker, only you can hear it.
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>all funeral homes are Jewish
So how do they locate and remove these?

How do these go undetected in medical radiography? Not all radiologists are Jewish? Not all neurosurgeons are Jewish?

If they’re small enough to not be detected by radiography or visible in neurosurgery, how are medical examiners and morticians getting rid of them without butchering cadavers?
All the ones I know of
Fucking mossad ops
The stasi and jewish agents would have record of where they are.
Probably metamaterials or some shit.
Like how they made guns that can pass airport screening.

I watched them put one in my tooth after calling out kikes at a liberal arts college and now I randomly set off metal detectors, it looked like one of those rfid implants.

>Not all * are Jewish
Inorder to be lawyer, cop, or doctor you have to get approval from a local Jewish council.

It turns out all that "Chinese gutter oil" collected from waste was actually exported and bought by Amerimutts for the past decades

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Wait I thought recycling was good?
where do you buy international cooking oils? b2b websites? thinking of starting my own company to export (not gutter oil)
Lol no we fucking don't nigger my oil comes from corn, olives or peanuts.
>China has been shipping more waste oil to the U.S. since October 2022, two months after the Biden administration passed the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) to promote clean energy, which included tax credits for production of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) and extended incentives for biodiesel.

I see now. You're just a fucking jew

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So what? That is not a reason to exclude blacks from politics, voting, or government office. We elect blacks to government office all the time. Trump is joining a privileged club, he has the n-word pass now that the Government is treating him like one.
He lied to his supporters. He was never planning on prosecuting Hilary. He's been donating to her foundation since 2009. It's actually impressive how hard he plays his supporters.
Nigger why do you think taking screenshots of this retard tier msm is going to sway anyone here? It's very obvious you're a child aged redditor or a delusional left winger. Them booster shots fucking your head up?
It's listed in Trump's tax returns you massive retard https://990s.foundationcenter.org/990pf_pdf_archive/133/133404773/133404773_200912_990PF.pdf
>Trump foundation gave out dozens of donations and some was to the clinton foundation
Who fucking cares nigger? Back then I was an Obama voter too, shit changes

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does anyone have more screencaps of women getting annoyed about this? i dont have twitter
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Need to add that latest monstrosity that is circulating. Absolute non human looking spawn the mom swings into the camera view smiling but evokes the deepest lovecraftian horror
yea its called mockery retard.
What's even the point of the first one? That can't even feel like fucking a human. Might as well fuck a leather bean bag with a hole in it at that point.
Quit posting pictures of this dysgenic looking European faggot you Amerishart retard
>My friend fucked a fat and she gave him a hernia
Kek. Thats hysterical.

>German Foreign Minister Anal Bareback has talked about a german "Protection Group" for Gaza
>"Like we made clear in Ukraine we stand for freedom and peace, also in the near east. Not just a rebuilding effort is necessary but an international protection group, who guarantees that there will finally be peace in the near east. That is our mandate.
>When asked about her remarks on the small Greens Party congress in Potsdam she did not to give any details as they "have not been discussed yet"

archive ph 82Hpi
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War between Hamas and Israel is fake;There is no War between Hamas and Israel.

Videos and photographics about fake Hamas Israel War are fraudulent videos and photographics that are either staged by actors or made in the computer or both.

Islamic State still controls large parts of Iraq and Sham today;Islamic State are never defeated this is a lie made up by kuffar.

Islamic State and Ahlul Sunnah Real Mucahids are fighting against Israel and they will push Israel into the sea and slaughter Jewish bastards in there InshAllah.

Fake Hamas Israel War narrative and fraudulent videos and photographics about it are made up by kuffar to cover up The Real War of Islamic State and Ahlul Sunnah Real Mucahids against Israel and also to cover up the fact that Islamic State and Ahlul Sunnah Real Mucahids are about to start pushing Israel into the sea and slaughtering Jewish bastards in there Biiznillah.
very easy to see, if she's stepping down in the next few weeks, then it's the right side, if she stays then >>469933519
After killing 6 million innocent Jews in the holocaust, it’s only appropriate for Germany to spill some of their blood protecting gods chosen people
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utter bs
orriginally gold was on top, in 1848, but authorities forbid it and obidient germans accepted it

gold= golden times of old, hre
red= blood we sacrificed to go to the gold
black= the darkness to rise from

was the original meaning

All my problems are the Jews' fault.
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Are you capable of thought?
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the kid-bomber jew is undoubtebly the enemy of whites and mankind. they seek to rule over us and must be destroyed

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Are YOU going to CHURCH this SUNDAY?
I'm literally only going for the communion.
I'm skipping the whole sermon to wonder around drinking beer and smoking weed until it's around what, 11:40? Then I'll go in and get communion.
No need to hear the female pastor speak.
I haven't remembered one sermon of hers 7 years now.
I remember my old teenage male pastor's sermons.
if Sunday is the only time you are praying and talking to God you are in trouble spiritually
sure, if there was one nearby that didn’t worship jews, and was redpilled on who won & who lost in WWII
so, in other words, no
>female pastor
Troll post. Christians don’t have female pastors.
Are you such a narcissist that you think the creator of the universe cares where you lost your keys or whether ir not your sportsballers do better than those other sportsballers?

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Why does nobody like classical music?
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needs blast beats and double bass
Allowing gooks to touch European musical instruments is an abomination and a crime
because Blacks have and make better music to listen too...ENJOY
Because you have to be smart to get it.
I disagree

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is this bullish for $WHACKD?
That's not what a LiDAR does. It can't penetrate solid matter. It's because of this very nature we use it to measure windspeed and velocity, since any contact with any particle will backscatter into the reciever.
That's no cloud anon.
That's a tornado
flat earth is a CIA conspiracy

Chuds who have tried LSD, what does it feel like?
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This link actually

>All the old SF hippies look like they're Downs babies because their brains/skulls stopped growing properly
Golly gosh you certainly are a firecracker aren’t you. Hating on spastics like that, naughty naughty.
I don't think that fun fact is true anon. GHB does make you horny but OD just puts you into a deep, uninterruptible sleep for hours

Showing me a single reason to believe LSD affects growth whatsoever.
I love Downs kids. I just don't understand what sort of lying demon you'd have to be to think you should want otherwise healthy people to lose their faculties.
Oh wait, I just defined it in the comment.
Seek Jesus, you're in deep trouble.

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>The election in 2020 was stolen
>We will win in 2024 by voting in the election

Why can't the MIGA NPC's compute this ?
If the 2020 election was really stolen then why would Trump be allowed to win this year ?
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Make India Great Again? What does that have to do with Trump?
minimal damage in europe and the middle east is actually a selling point of Trump. He should've done less in Syria. If the US is an out of control golem, it might be good to stop it.
2020 wasn't stolen, it's all smoke and mirrors, Trump is the president now.
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board is full of Trump shills yapping about the completely fake and gay trial, they are trying to sell the jewish circus as if it's real

they did the same thing with the fake "stolen election" and the completely fake jan 6th "insurrection"
Everything I said is factually true and provable. The implication that Trump had the means and motive to put the hit on Epstein is speculation. But where does the facts I laid out lead? Is it not possible this 34 count conviction is both "fake" and "just" ? I really dont know, but if you imagine for a minute that Trump is really Al Capone-esque then all the real life facts makes sense. Far more sense then the Qanon plan trusters or the mainstream narrative of Epstein suiciding.

What is the optimal reproductive age for a human female?
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If her age is on the clock, it's time for the cock.
t. Dan Schneider
>Yes, a tomboy. The perfect lifeform.
tomboys will be extinct in our lifetime. God will punish us for this........
>Shuba shuba shuba!
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My mom had me at 38, and my brother at 27
He has much better genes than me
Fuck you god

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