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German dead cop will be ripped apart so he can donate his organs
I wonder how many Refugees he will save
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>He risked his life for our safety
Unless the writer is brown or jewish, this is false.
Do you think there are white people working for the news?
Lmao I wonder how many of his organs are going to go into sandniggers and their inbred demon spawn. Clown world is working hard this year.
I removed myself from the donor list over a decade ago and stopped giving my precious Rh negative blood as well.
It's important that everyone do this, not out of principle, but for your own benefit:

organs cannot be harvested from corpses. they MUST be taken from a living doner. meaning, you are still alive, and given no painkillers, when they carefully extract each of your guts and eyeballs and whatever else they want. and THEN you die, after being vivisected alive.

If you don’t understand it, you are a moron
mongol rape babies
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No blond hair for sure.
Eye color uncertain.
Face is rather round than long.
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haha you did it again!!! so funny!!!
It must be really hard to do an epic trole on a people you have essentially subverted and destroyed :)
Serious question. Do you think he has some Slavic mix in him? Eastern Austria mixed a lot with western Czechs who themselves mixed with Germans. Same story for western Czechia who mixed a lot with Austrians and Bavarians. Whenever and wherever these populations moved they assimilated into that culture. Eastern Czechia are more Slavic but the west are mutts. Same goes Austrians, western and southern mountain are populations are homogeneous but the east mixed with Czech Slavs and sometimes balkans too.
Going by Hitler’s look he doesn’t look Slavic but rather a Bavarian look of dark hair and straight face shape. Slavs have a distinct forehead, rounder faces and wide facials, which Hitler doesn’t have. But you can’t rule some Slavic in him given the history of Austria and Bohemia. Prague was said to be touted as a German influenced city with Germans making the majority. They forget Vienna was similar in the opposite make up with Czechs alone making a third of the city. After the war a lot Croats and Slovenians moved to eastern Austria as well but unsure on their influence before that.
The difference between you and I is that I'm paying you to not rape kids right now, while you have to be paid to not rape kids.
Which is precisely what Hitler said the Jews were doing to Germany in Mein Kampf.
Oh noes pleeeees no not the subverted and destroyed

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Here’s a simple argument:

To live/exist is to make the conscious decision that life is better than death/non-existence. We would all commit suicide right now if we genuinely felt non-existence was better than existence. In simpler terms: life is preferable to death, or being is better than not-being.

Alright, so how does being/life come about? Well, as we all know life is created only when a man and a woman have sex. The sperm (which only comes from men) combined with the egg (which only comes from women) creates a new life. This is how every single one of us arrived at existence/life.

Now, knowing this, it follows that to live in a fashion which at least allows for the possibility of procreation (in other words: being straight) is better than living in a fashion which could not possibly create life. In fact, if everyone were homosexual, humanity would end.

In other words, to be homosexual, or to advocate a homosexual lifestyle is to be a person who is ALIVE and who is taking an active stance against the mechanism which creates LIFE. This is hypocrisy.

If everyone were gay there would be no life. We are all here because of straight heterosexual intercourse. To be homosexual or to promote homosexual is to promote the death of the human race.

Homosexuality = Human Extinction = Speciecide

Homosexuality = Hypocrisy
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It's promoted by jews, of course it's wrong.
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Don't care, boys are too cute not receive love from daddy
There are people with all sorts of temperaments which can be argued have a genetic origin. There are feminine men and masculine women. However, “why would God make them attracted to the same sex if it’s wrong?” is not valid because the same logic can be applied to pedophilia, which we all know is wrong. If pedos have an innate attraction to children, then pedophilia is okay? No. We have free will and we choose the thoughts we entertain and which temptations we give in to.
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Gays have existed since ancient times.
Maybe biotech finds a cure but at that point it will also be linking humans to a borg hive mind so it won’t matter anyway.
Why can’t you just let a homosexual be if he’s not bothering anyone.

>not bothering anyone

Because children and the population must be steered one way or another. If we “let them be” it would be like pretending as if their lifestyle were equal to the lifestyle of a good and straight family man. The educational system and the general morality of a nation would begin to rot like its doing in many countries around the world.

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Say it with, anti-Semites and misogynists: Señora Presidente Claudia Sheinbaum!
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bro we're in no position to make fun of other countries zion puppets
Majority of light-skin Mexicant's are Jewish blood, Jews have run the aristocracy and cartels in Mexico since the 1600's. That's why the light-skin Mexicant's feel no connection to EUrope and often hate it and despite it, Jewish blood.
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Voted for Maynez. Am I based?
Why do you make 87 threads a day about this. I am seriously asking.

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Why do so many wagies hate communism?
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Wrong pic.
If you do too well under communism then there is the risk that you won't need communism. So the communist has a systemic incentive to murder you.
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because they spam nigger porn on this site
If working more, having stable families and valuing education doesn't lead to stored wealth then what other factors do successful refugee minority groups have in common?

I work minimum wage and me and my fiancee live with my parents.
I pay for my own food and utilities. My parents own their house so I dont pay rent. I pirate shit and never buy, download all netflix shit or vidya that I want from russian trackers and get subtitles from free projects. I repair my android phone every time something breaks with chinese parts.

Question: what the fuck do people do with their money? Everyone complains that its never enough, while I save 75% of my paycheck every month. Invested quite a bit in all kinds of shit and its making good returns. Bought enough tools to start a side business and still got 70k PLN leftover savings. My friends make double my salary and spend it all just in time for the next pay slip.
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This, why would I give money away to a literal stranger?
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Seething faggots in this thread are really something else.
>you need to give away 70% of your income to a stranger if you want my approval! You are a hecking kid otherwise!
Every 2k you give away for rent is 2k your kids wont ever see. Whole family becomes poorer by the 2k a month you waste by paying some kike. Why does investing this money to pay off your own property in the future trigger so many niggers here?
>i waste 2k of family wealth a month but at least i am a hecking adult with responsibilities and shit
Weird cope.
You can, Do Kwon, founder of LUNA that went from like $130/coin to $0.00000_'s practically overnight, was caught with millions worth of bitcoin up his butt on a crypto 'wallet' which is a fancy usb stick
If you live on your own for a bit, the misery will force you to grow your skills and mature. Eventually you'd surpass your net savings vs. living at home. In the current arrangement you have no pressure to do more than easy min wage kid work and hobby side gigs, which if you were truly a long term thinker you'd realize that it's not sustainable in the long run and its setting up your future family to be less versatile and to live like roaches essentially.

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We told you this would happen. Now look. We need to bring wages back down to get inflation under control.
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Why are you posting some obese ukrainian faggot?
Yes. They are telling half-truths. If you want to take inflation into consideration, you need to ask them for profit margins.
As this guy posted >>469951620
You can see a 9% increase under the Democrat's President. That's a pretty good number. If you do stuff with your money, you want to be at a 10% - 11% Cap Rate.

No one is making you eat there.
And? So has mine. Yes we need TKD for that issue, but that doesn't take away from the unfortunate fact that some people are literally fucking useless, and things like welfare and raising the minimum wage only exacerbate that problem.

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christian jesus:
>claims to be god himself
>has godly superpowers
>has the ability to send people to heaven
>the whole world will behold him
>will return before the anti christ

muslim jesus:
>doesn’t claim to be god
>doesn’t have any godly powers just slight and limited miracles
>doesn’t have the ability to send people to
>only believers will behold him
>will return after the anti christ to end his reign

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The Book of Revelation is widely misunderstood across the board.
>Judea was occupied by Rome during the advent of Christianity in the 1st century.
>Those Jews who resisted Roman rule were killed while those who gave in where spared.
>Slaves were marked on the hands and condemned men were marked on the head by Roman authorities - which is where the idea of the "Mark of the Beast (Nero)" comes from.

Nero is the Beast (Satan) of Revelation.
>When you actually look at the original text, you'll see that in this passage, the letters of 666 are actually written in Hebrew, which places a higher significance on numbers meaning words and words meaning numbers than ancient Greek. The writer was very clearly trying to tell us something.
>And sure enough, if you translate the Hebrew spelling of 666, you actually spell out Neron Kesar - the Hebrew spelling of Nero Caesar.
>Even if you take the alternative spelling of the number of the beast, which has been found in several early Biblical texts as being written 616, you can translate that out as being Nero Cesar.
It could only be a coincidence if just 666 or 616 could be translated out to Nero's name, but not both.

>gets conquered by muslims
>is politically irrelevant for centuries
>converts to bolshevism
>is forever dirt poor, subjugated and backwards
How does anyone take these clowns seriously?
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It’s obvious why the west needs orthodoxy. If you aren’t able to pick up on it, it’s because you’re a low IQ nigger
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>said by neopagan
Lol. Be mad! Christ is King! Christ is Risen!
A Nicodemus among Pharisees.
Do you think jesus was rich?
It says he died of covid

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Your opinion on the existences of logos?
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Lol being left or right has nothing to do with it. As a matter of fact I fall on the right side of the compass by the way.
Wearing a logo implies that you represent that logo or at the least are advertising it. It says you're comfortable with that logo and I am comfortable with no logos. And as I know how people are judgemental they will see a logo and all sorts of retarded shit will enter their head.
I don't ever think of others in this matter as it is just for me personally. I hate logos. Logos are super gay.
Also in addition to this
I advertise for no one, not even if they try to pay me, especially if they try to pay me. Fuck all that shit. I have principles.
And on that note I find tattoos even more retarded.
I have become quite hardcore to not wear any advertising. It is a bit more difficult to find casual shoes, but I manage.
Also, I have removed all logos from my mountainbike using acetone. I also removed the logo from the faucets and the kitchen appliances, these were the only visible logos in my house.
My car has logos on the front and the rear, but I haven't researched how to remove it safely, it's still new.
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>From my POV, No Logo="Stop wearing shit that treats a company's
I do not care for this. One way or another.
>b-b-b-b- logo on shirt
Whats wrong with that?
I buy the cheapest ones and do not give a shit.
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I could do without logos. But brands help judging quality to some extend.
If I order an Adidas shirt, I at least somewhat know what to expect of it. Not the best quality, made in china, but at least there is SOME oversight over quality, even if it's not much.
If I order some absolute no name shirt it could be literally anything.
But if it has a big logo on it I probably won't buy it.

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say his name
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>that's a shame, he had so many arrests of people for anti-left thought crimes ahead of him

Yeh, he was ready to make headlines beating the shit out of native Germans for singing Auslander Raus, damn shame he never got the chance to be a full blown traitor and homosexual cum dumpster.
Zogbot McKikelover
A good hearted German who wanted to make his family proud, murdered by a dumb shitskin while his retarded female colleagues ran away in terror.

Diversity in action. Never forget that Jewish criminals are responsible for endless wars in the Middle East, which pit people of the world against each other that otherwise wouldn't care for their existence.

Total nonwhite expulsion of Germany and TKD internationally.
Germans "voted" for this.

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>gets up in his face
>height mogs him effortlessly
>timmy doesn't do shit
>throws cup at timmy
>timmy takes it like a good boy
another day in Canada, another timmy getting checked by the Indian Chadjeet. what are implication of indians owning white losers?
look at the fear in his eyes LMAO! he was scared for his life
maybe timmy will watch his fucking tone around me next time hmmm?
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ohhh its ok don't squeal too much piggy lmao!

Fake. Indians have too much pride, talent and dignity to abandon their own people and homeland just to serve cheap coffee to whites.
To all you genuine Indians reading this, I have a message. I assume you're not pretending to be an Indian by using VPNs. Many people posting here are. Don't participate in threads being created by these no good racists. They're good for nothing White Nationalists pushing White First propaganda. Pass it along.

>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

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yeah maybe young people who can't get a job or buy a house are mad. But it's business as usual with boomers. No one in my extended family changed their mind.
after covid and jan 6 I lost all hope for "the people" doing anything
Sand coons don't give a shit about anything, they just want violence and will use every excuse possible to intact it. They are bioweapons.
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Found it.
its amazing how many talented amateurs are there and they picked an ugly actress who couldnt act AND fight.
Fucking kikes.
Reminder that I am baking.

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Previous >>469916761 ,>>469899022

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)

>Resistance fighters target the occupation forces that stormed the town of Azzun, east of Qalqilya, with explosive devices
>United States of America: National Security Council spokesman in the White House: We expect that if #Hamas agrees to Biden’s proposal, “Israel” will agree to it.
>The documented Palestinian death toll has risen to 36,439 martyrs and 82,627 injuries since the seventh of last October.
>Palestinian Press: The Maldives bans the entry of Israelis into the country due to the war in Gaza.
>BREAKING: The aircraft carrier USS Eisenhower has sailed to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, following announcement of successful hits by Yemeni forces.


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>NEW AnsarAllah KINO

Scenes of targeting the ship (CYCLADES) with a drone, which was heading to the ports of occupied Palestine in the Red Sea
New 4/30/24
https://files.catbox.moe/ziih0n.mp4 4/30/24


Watch Al qassam mujahideen target Israeli vehicles and infantry
New 5/31/24

Al-Nasser Salah al-Din Brigades:

Footage of targeting a Zionist force fortified in a house in Jabalia camp with an RPG shell.

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>News / Clips

Hezbollah's War Media releases a segment titled: "At Your Command."
New 6/2/24

WATCH: The most prominent resistance operations carried out by the Al-Quds Brigades during the Zionist incursion into the Jabalia camp.

With subtitles, courtesy of @Aya_seadawi14
New 6/2/24

Fires broke out near the “Knesset” in occupied Jerusalem a short while ago.
New 6/2/24

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Hitler's speech about Palestinian independence

>Do NOT engage with people posting inflammatory remarks about religion, in this case, Islam.
In the most typical hebrew fashion they will try endlessly to deceive you into replying in anger.
>This thread welcomes Christians and Muslims and any faith because it's not a thread about faith.
Nobody in this thread is interested in arguing about your religion.
>This is a thread dedicated to tracking the real time updates of the Israel-Gaza conflict and the total destruction of the illegitimate welfare state known as Israel.
Civil discussion is one thing but shills will NEVER engage in that, only PILPUL, D&C sowing and ragebaiting.
TKD and Total Golem Death approaches

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How did Indians so quickly become the most despised race?
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you can be out in the middle of yellowstone and smell a gaggle of em passing by even in the most pristine air.
Meeting them. They’re everywhere and they’re awful
>the source
white women?
One of many sources.
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Nope.It was fully their own merit for being disgusting beings.
Sorry saar, there isn't a single person who says "omg these indian street shitters are so valuable and pleasant".

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>Ticketmaster confirms data hack which could affect 560m globally
>Tommy Robinson leads 'thousand-strong' march in London as officers make first arrests
>Labour spark fear of huge ISA crackdown as candidate deletes one telling comment
>Labour risks union revolt over private school tax raid job losses
>Sunak suffers poll blow as levelling-up cash-for-votes row erupts
>Sunak pledges cash to towns as Starmer pitches ‘wealth creation’ amid election campaign
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Krauts are saying theyve announced hes karked it
Seems like the whole situation was p confusing
Nitter that shit up
ok I basically liked that stroy because of the high quality video but haven't followed it up, if the muslim lives and the cop dies fucked up, i think the cop fell over though but then just tried to hold down a random man i saw the cop walking though
Bread sauce

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>amerimutt international student wants to riot over Palestine in Sweden
>she is under the delusion that Sweden will tolerate communist agitators like they do back in her homeland
>tries to attack the police over muh Palestine
>gets arrested, will likely go to prison for a decade and then be deported
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>had to backpedal because he was outed as a retard
lol. Your country is rapefugee central. I’m sure the bong will go to jail but if a Syrian had done the same thing you would give him 7 prime blonde teens to fuck, a palace, and profoundly apologize for inconveniencing him
Being anti kike is the least anti white thing you can possibly do though
Would they do the same to him if he tried to riot over Ukraine?
I would just beat the shit out of those woketards like there was no tomorrow.
>We have a new government. We deport more Muslims than we import now. It isn’t 2014 anymore.

I really hope so. I never would have thought that I would look so hard towards Sweden for a potential white pill, but here we are.

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All the supposedly "far right" politicial parties and "extremist" peeople are always so timid its frustrating. They never even hint at violence. When asked why they're opposed to niggers - instead of replying that they hate subhumans - they will spend an hour explaining how Islam hurts women and how it's not compatible with our democracy and liberal values. When asked what they think of Russia's actions in Ukraine - instead of saying its based to attack other countries - they cry about the attack on democracy.

Its even more hilarious in Jewsa, where the "far right" unironically uses democratic constitution as it's foundation and shills for free speech. Like wtf. Why the fuck would you care about some piece of paper when you should be making people obey you at a gunpoint and why would you want your enemies to have free speech?

Why can't we get a political movement that would be very clear in it's intentions to bring fire and sword to our countries and restore order by putting all enemies into mass graves, raping their wives and giving their wealth away to loyal patriots? The fucking Arabs have that, so why can't we too?
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All we can do now is honor him with memes.

There's no right or left, what I mean is people who're against the system. They exist. It's just they're all cuckholds or don't do anything and people don't even know they exist.

Bashar the Lion of Syria would say otherwise. Say with our guy Gaddafi. If he was still alive, I wouldn't waste a second living in this damp and migrate there.
Lots of people in Jewsa do. Their idea of an argument is "cooomies here cooomies there" I actually despise capitalism because I understand it's the system which let Jews and white liberals gain power. Without it we would be living by the sword and everything would be better.
Gaddafi should’ve given the French free gas rights then. He the sword for rejecting them
Because the European "right wing" are gatekeeping kosher socialist marxists pretending to be "right wing"

Im talking about deportations of foreigners.
Im talking about reeducating all the boomers in camps.
Im talking about burning down judeo leftist academia and rebuilding it from scratch.
Im talking about trials where traitors are put on live television as they are sentenced to death for treason.

Out of the two extremes we need to choose the one that benefits our people.
American judeo marxists oligarchy is the extremism that is hurting us, it needs to go away.
>Im talking about deportations of foreigners.

You're just another cuckhold by the looks of it. Why bother deporting them when you can just pack them into barns and set them on fire like the Serbs did.

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Fippity Bippity
Send them white women.
They obviously need more diversity. Let's send them our blue haired fat women.
Who do they think they are?

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