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are you smarter than magnus carlsen?
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Actual homosexual opinion.
South America she goes
so much cope ITT lmao
Magnus's net worth is like 50 million dollars retard
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Why is being good at chess equated to high intelligence?

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Why does nobody like classical music?
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Hell if you want short snappy pieces listen to Bach's inventions. Or the English suites done by Gould.
Want slightly up-tempo/modern?
Walter/Wendy Carlos did the flat-out best synthesizer interpretations of Bach and Beethoven (plus Handel Scarlatti etc.) and it was done early 70s on a fucking 8-track machine.
Bonus that he was an early trans freak.
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Hahaha my wife really wanted my daughter to learn violin (she's Chinese we are in China)
15 minutes after the first lesson started my daughter called me "dad I don't want to play the violin) kek that was the end of that.

Later she took up clarinet of her own volition.
Yes but the 7th is better.
needs blast beats and double bass
Allowing gooks to touch European musical instruments is an abomination and a crime

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How did Indians so quickly become the most despised race?
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People actually met them en masse
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Yes it’s really all of sudden
Untill recently ppl didn’t openly speak it up even tho they already got disgusted by the amount of Indian and their behaviors in their countries
They left India. Those who lived around them always despised them
People actually started having to interact with them on a day to day basis.
They didn't, it's just a lotta cope from glowies and muslims.

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The war in Ukraine has begun three years ago, and we have been sending Ukrainians all the necessary support ever since. But the war is not over. Now it's become a slaughter where people from different countries get killed. With that, Ukraine goes on losing it's territory. I think, given the circumstances, the US has to admit that this conflict doesn't bring us any significant benefits and leads to a waste of it's weapons.

I've just watched an interview with prof. Mearsheimer who studies international relations. Having no illusions, he explained in detail why there's only one way Ukraine can end this conflict – by becoming a neutral state and refusing the idea of joining NATO. Moreover, according to him, it's neutrality must be permanent. If it doesn't happen, the war won't end, and the West's shipment of arms only encourages this scenario. I actually agree with Mearsheimer because we can supply our weaponry to Ukraine but it surely doesn't end the conflict. The only option for the US is to stop supplying the arms and steer Ukraine towards a diplomatic solution.

Also, the US is said to have something to lose, which is not true. The American Conversative (https://www.theamericanconservative.com/?p=467849) did research on the subject. First, the shipment of arms to Ukraine earns the US nothing wasting it's resources. Second, helping Taiwan now is a priority as it has many semiconductor and IC plants. If China takes over Taiwan, the US economy, unlike Ukraine's, will suffer huge losses. Third, Ukraine's neutrality doesn't mean it's lack of independence. For example, Finland once became neutral and now is a rich and developed state. Fourth, it doesn't change the US security as we are separated from Russia by an ocean and multiple allies.

We have to think what we really want for Ukraine: endless massacre or peace? If we are to really help them, then we must encourage it's peace negotiations with Russia and use our leverage to reach a better agreement.
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Is this supposed to be bait?
>mongoloid detected
>Isn't now the time for US to stop supporting Ukraine to end the conflict?
No, there's at least $5 billion of MIC money to be made there.
>kike detected

What is the optimal reproductive age for a human female?
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Before they go to college.
yer fucked in the head
Absolutely optimal? 19-28.
Max production value? 17-34.
You don't care about pregnancy complications? From menarche till menopause.

I wonder if she's taking a giant dick inside her young tight holes right now, maybe she's having an involuntary orgasm?
Thanks, anon. Nice additions to my tomboy folder.

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>The election in 2020 was stolen
>We will win in 2024 by voting in the election

Why can't the MIGA NPC's compute this ?
If the 2020 election was really stolen then why would Trump be allowed to win this year ?
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2016 was influenced by Russians in favor of Trump. Despite there being no evidence to directly connect Trump to the voter interference, the successful Russian manipulation is real, provable and documented [1][2]. During Trump's presidency, a well know sex trafficking pedophile was arrested and died in a federally controlled prison [3]. The controversy stems from the pedo's apparent suicide being highly suspect of being murder in actuality. The implication would require very high level involvement to pull off that murder. Unless you believe Epstein really did suicide himself, it is undeniable that Donald Trump appointed William Barr is complicit in the cover up [4]. Despite Barr getting his position via Trump, Barr has expressed his dislike of Trump [5][6]. If you were being coherence or blackmailed into doing something illegal, what would you think of the blackmailer? Trump has a long history of mob connections [7][8]. Trump was also a frequent flyer of the "Lolita Express" the private jet of pedophile Jeffery Epstein [9].

[1] https://www.wired.com/story/dnc-lawsuit-reveals-key-details-2016-hack/


[3] https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/23/nyregion/jeffrey-epstein-suicide-death.html

[4] https://apnews.com/article/ap-top-news-politics-new-york-business-suicides-4ff27f28f32d446795b65ac7dd8cc4ac

[5] https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2021/06/william-barrs-trump-administration-attorney-general/619298/

[6] https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/13/us/politics/william-barr-trump.html

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>the guardian
>the atlantic
idk why everyone thinks Trump will change anything. he did nothing his first term - didn't build a wall, didn't "drain the swamp". if anything, he made it all worse. there is no saving America at this point.
Yet each one cites their sources as well.

>Obesity is a desease
people should be shamed if they are obese

>Being LGBTQ+ is a mental disorder
should be illegal

>Women have no souls and mind of their own
they are demons and shouldn't have any civil or political right and should be beaten to a pulp if they decide to talk in public

>Kikes are pure evil
and should be gassed till the last one

>Niggers are not homo sapiens
they're just monkeys and should be treated as such, let them live in africa just like any other wild animal and do not allow for them to invade nowhere

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shame the fattyfuckers
You should be castrated so you can't reproduce and closely monitored so you don't do terror!
Mentally ill in all the extremely wrong ways, weak male.

Violence is always the correct answer Politics is just Violence by proxy. The elite know this and do not want you to assert your dominance.

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Are YOU going to CHURCH this SUNDAY?
I'm literally only going for the communion.
I'm skipping the whole sermon to wonder around drinking beer and smoking weed until it's around what, 11:40? Then I'll go in and get communion.
No need to hear the female pastor speak.
I haven't remembered one sermon of hers 7 years now.
I remember my old teenage male pastor's sermons.
if Sunday is the only time you are praying and talking to God you are in trouble spiritually
sure, if there was one nearby that didn’t worship jews, and was redpilled on who won & who lost in WWII
so, in other words, no

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>Russian invaders: the saviours of the white race according to illiterate /pol/ retards
Pic related, the quintessential ethnic Russian.
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>amerimutt (inbredius anglo-mutticanus)
>let me tell yu who izz whyte

lool, lmao even
Post flag.
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That's true. I like being Xiongnu despite also being British. Though I am lactose intolerant so there's a chance I am Pannonian Avar.
The "saviors" of the white race are the retarded coward Moscowians too afraid to be on the front lines, but funny meme I guess.
bazed fatass bong

>German Foreign Minister Anal Bareback has talked about a german "Protection Group" for Gaza
>"Like we made clear in Ukraine we stand for freedom and peace, also in the near east. Not just a rebuilding effort is necessary but an international protection group, who guarantees that there will finally be peace in the near east. That is our mandate.
>When asked about her remarks on the small Greens Party congress in Potsdam she did not to give any details as they "have not been discussed yet"

archive ph 82Hpi
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Good Christian and Jewish bastards are dead Christian and Jewish bastards.
probably similar to Afghanistan or Bosnia or somethign like that
these troops will be there to enforce the occupation
and they will most likely get shot and killed

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He has to die or muslims would look weak and pathetic.
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What will 111 be??
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>>469939990 (This)
Also there was a group of Hasidic Jews who thought they could ignore local laws in Guatemala (I think) and were "encouraged" by the government (and locals) to leave the country.
THAT was 110.

>How long until we admit muslims are based?
"A giant pile of shit that hates another giant pile of shit is not my friend. It's just more shit.
Our economy is so fucked, we can't even afford to have a single Jew in the entire country.
If we want to even see a Jew we need to use an optic sight on an anti-tank missile.
>How many do you have?
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American Reaction: Saudis attacked us on 9/11 so we MUST retaliate by bombing Iraq and Afghanistan!
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>Saudis attacked us on 9/11

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>Ticketmaster confirms data hack which could affect 560m globally
>Tommy Robinson leads 'thousand-strong' march in London as officers make first arrests
>Labour spark fear of huge ISA crackdown as candidate deletes one telling comment
>Labour risks union revolt over private school tax raid job losses
>Sunak suffers poll blow as levelling-up cash-for-votes row erupts
>Sunak pledges cash to towns as Starmer pitches ‘wealth creation’ amid election campaign
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Why would you filter Josh he's the goodest lad here
That he did lad, I expected his army of footie hooligans to be acting the goat desu
Argie has hairdryered steak. Thats how he blows of the excess water after running it under the hot tap fir 10 minutes
>carrying a jew flag
>possible coal burner alert

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Previous: >>469931400
Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Biden allows the Ukraine to strike targets in Russia with US weapons - https://archive.today/cWfPG
>France to send "military instructors" to the ukriane - https://archive.today/iAtY3
>Russian jamming making some US PGMs ineffective - https://archive.today/1K5Or
>Kiev now recruiting meat from the prisons - https://archive.today/kcIkd
>NATO to organize mandatory arms supplies & financing to Ukraine, at least 100 bln/year - https://archive.today/jjBSo
>RuaF liberate Arkhangelskoye, Battlegroup 'N' keeps advancing in the Kharkov Region - https://archive.today/CgiGm
>Scholz still refuses to send Tauruses to Ukraine - https://archive.today/sJ9QH

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butthurth mykola on pole flag with hiv fetish left... other shill took his place
too long but what I am gonna say is that /ugh/ still trying to cope about cages which proven to be peak performance is just sad
I'm going to save this and spam /k/ when hohols lose. I will keep reminding them.
Makes sense
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Hello Sir, stay save.

New Mearsheimer out discussing the origin of the Ukraine war in a concise way:

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>Lmao the fucking wording
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juden raus
the "white man" was hitting the other white man who was restraining the knife wielder.
it made perfect sense to take out that demented boomer because he would help the knife wielder escape.
that situation required 2-3 cops to resolve it without an issue, and his mistake was to assume any of the other ones would actually do more than stand around and watch him get slaughtered
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It's a close finish to the bottom.
I didn't realize keystone cops was a documentary.
What is more dangerous or a bigger threat, a fist or knife? The pig made the wrong judgement call & is now dead or severely injured. All he had to do was concentrate on the knife wielding shitskin & he could still be walking around today
The s-0-yjak faces in the background really enhance the scene.

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What an embarrassing shill
His thumbnails are cringe. I wonder why he insists on putting his faggot mug in it.

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This is just the latest attempt by the black lesbians who make up the majority of the WNBA to injure Clark. They are absolutely seething over the fact that a White girl has walked into the league and become its most marketable star.

>video of cheap shot below

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It's boring, even the fouling sheboon can't even dunk...
she knew what she was getting into when you talk shit during a game...stop treating her like a baby
Kek the sheboons getting butthurt about her taking over "their" sport that was invented by a white man is absolute pottery.
See, that clip is amusing and adorable. That I would watch.
The WNBA is mostly violent stupid ghetto niggers and lesbian filth. Even with Clark playing I still was revolted by all the garbage on the court.

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The older I get (approaching my mid 30s) the more rightwing and nazi views seem cringe and retarded as fuck.
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Go back to Discord and Reddit. I've noticed a lot of you faggots are here lately (for obvious reasons) to stir shit and sow poison.
Yes thats ruby ridge….
what are you getting at?
You think that it's hollow, but many people do not. Sure, the media industry has become more formulaic these recent years, but that's okay. The markets control the media and the media adjusts. If people find the media hollow, they'll look for other media etc.

I've browsed /pol/ for almost a decade. I do browse some sub-Reddits and arguably Reddit is as bad site as this one is.
Just a nod that I already knew. I'm doing something here.

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Why bother posting considering no one is taking you seriously because you're not even human. You're just a trained animal who got taught to put words together
> because all ancient peoples believed in flat earth.

you fgucking retarded nigger can you cease
I don't decide on things I can't observe myself, but this is easily explainable. A tornado occurs when a warm and cold front meet. It's because cold wants to go where hot is, because of the atoms or whatever being spaced further apart. So the cold and warm kind of battle each other to occupy the same space. It's like saying your windows are round cause the cold escapes through them when the AC is on.
christians never belived in flat earth
first christian books were written in greek and greeks documented earth is round before that

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