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I am forgotten
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You now remember that she was reddit moderator
he meant it ironically
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mostly empowered by greed. boomers always going on vacation! i'm done trying anymore.

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who meant what ironically?
trump is a frankist lubavitcher.
I don't get it. what was the reason that he posted the address of his stash? he should have known glowniggers were probably going to be there first

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thought on childless women sharing our limited food supply with other species! how will evolutionary scientists explain this?

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Do you think that the treatment of german minorities after WW2 was too harsh or it was deserved?
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remember that you are a nation that recorded itself in world history as being treated like a human trash that could be congregated in cattle wagons and send into nowhere
>Germany was strong
WW2 performance proves it wrong
not by pollacks
youre worthless gypsys and always have been
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Whatever you read here about WW1 and WW2 is likely untrue anyways.
Yes. It was Polaks, who did this and Stalin approved it. Same with Czechoslovaks

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Is a far right without Zionists and Israel flags too much to ask for?
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5000 people is not a zionist army fag.

Wouldnt it have been wonderfull if they all clashed at that event and sawed each others heads off? I'd have loved that TBQHWY. A photo of Robertson with a detached head and thousands of rampaging counter supremacist supremacist's all hacking the shit out of each other.. fucking hate the lots of them, Peace on earth? Not even fucking once has it happened.
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that's not going to stick the way you're hoping it will
The English are a conquered people eager to be subservient to their next masters, only their new masters will be brown this time. That is why they are devoid of any culture. Right now their culture is drinking beer and supporting ngubu hoping he scores goals for the red team or the blue team. They are now slowly adapting to their new masters by adopting their culture by going for a cheeky curry and celebrating Ramadan with their mate Abdul. Ramadan is officially bigger than Easter and they now have to refer to Christmas as "festive holidays". They are in the process of adopting their new brown masters culture.
>logical fallacies of how the Israelis are engineering mass immigration
What logical fallacy? It is all on tape chaim.

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What's /pol/'s opinion on psychedelics?
It’s interesting but nothing as special as some might want you to believe
just take them all lol
Extremely fun and enlightening. But mostly fun.
They are medicine and should be treated as such. Everyone's results will vary but generally speaking, you should NOT take psychedelics if have any mental illnesses or personality disorders (besides schizoid or avoidant). They should be used infrequently, no more than a few times per year.

If you use them responsibly they can change your life for the better, but if you abuse them you will fry your brain and fuck your life up forever.
jewish poison

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You guys hate black people for any personal experience or it's just you being influence by a retarded internet board?
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Skin color indicates racial characteristics, its not the skin color its what the skin color means. It always was about the content of their character, whats inside someone who has black skin. Not the skin, you know how many dumbfuck leftists think its literally just hurrr skin iz dark me no like. Paint white, me like u more.
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Solid 0/10
i think anyone who leaves their home to live in another country are evil
I grew up in a black neighborhood.
And it was that bad?

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Are refunds even requested by people like this?
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Marxists are not atheists.
>young and spry 72 year olds never had cardiac issues before the vaxx
62* nigger can't do basic maths
>10 years old in 1962
>born in 1952
Holy shit what the fuck is wrong with you?
Urine flag in the bio is always a must for these unhinged holes

Chuds who have tried LSD, what does it feel like?
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if you're a very dry skinned person it's ok, but if you're at all sweaty, you just feel cold clammy and shitty for the last 4 hours.
He had access to every drug you can think of and would always specifically come get me to do drugs with him. It was odd the extent to which he could get drugs. And when we did drugs together his presence was always weird, it was always like he was observing me and trying to fuck with my trip.
just do it and stop being a pussy. No one can explain a psychedelic experience to you. I would have an easier time describing to you a color I've never seen.
If it is affecting your life and your work, just take it to your boss and make THEM pay for your recovery and month long vacation.
Literally this.
Anyone done LSD can relate to this guy. He is kind of too emotional, but that's okay.

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Welcome to mcdonalds may I take your order
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I'll take uhhhhh

I’ll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda.
ill have 2 numbuh 9s a numbuh 9 large a numbuh 6 with extra dip 2 numbah 45s one with cheese and a large soda

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>"I believe passionately in freedom for women, and whilst many battles have been won in the past century, there is still a long way for society to move until women enjoy the levels of freedom that they should be able to. I am not afraid to use my body as well as my brain to deliver important messages."
Why do women use their body to protest? While it might draw attention to their cause do they not realise it also belittles their message?
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Is that the mernigger?
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It would be hilarious. Especially if it was am evenly matched 1 Jewish man to 1 Jewish woman.
>rape is not optional
Mandatory rape? She's been spending too much time in India.
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Clearly you haven’t been emotionally raped by a female before. “Muh tough guy” approach is actually the gayer route to take. I’d rather feel my emotions rather than “control” them like a faggot.

Are they planting the seeds for what's about to come? Is civil War kino in america too much to ask for?

its the most retarded movie of all time. clearly about how trump is going to be a dictator, and all female journalists are tough and great. the jesse plemons bit was good until he good hit by the gorilla.
I think Leave The World Behind was programming for the same thing.
Civil War was based and only enforces the need of a true constitutional carry country

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The big one is coming. People are preparing.
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india and africa are repatriating their gold currently as well
i wonder what happens when one of these orders isn't capable of being fulfilled. this is the type of stuff that people start wars over
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Reminder on June 9th, the US contract with Saudi Arabia for OPEC to trade exclusively in USD - lapses. And the Arabs have already told the US they won’t be renewing and to get fucked.

That day will mark the end of US hegemony. Everything that follows is the dying throes of a bleeding out empire and the looting of its treasuries by the parasitic Jews, before they flee its sucked dry corpse for their next Host.

June 9th lads. Mark it on your calendar because after that date shit is going to get exponential.
one more fortnight
Gamestop's earnings are June 11th

I'm not
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>this is the type of stuff that people start wars over

Not quite anon. Here’s how it would play out.

>mid grade country asks to repatriate their gold
>USA/Britain ‘vaulting’ it for them (read: Jews) come up with a thousand excuses not to, dragging the process out as long as possible
>note also the COMEX and LBMA also changed their charters to allow for missed PMs to be repaid in fiat. Take it or leave it.
>maybe the country gets their gold back in a decade. Maybe not. Either way no one’s going to war
>now that country is incentivized to fuck the US on trade, diplomacy, etc.
>that’s gonna cost the US money. Money in tariffs, money to shmooze, and most importantly money to do glownigger CIA shit like regime change to keep the locals mollified
>all of that means printing more money out of thin air. And the more they print, the more they have to print. And the more they print the closer they edge to total hyper inflation crisis. Which is inevitable and unavoidable
>so it’s death by a thousand haemorrhaging cuts, all the while having to be more and more draconian with military and financial force

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So did the U.S. astronauts actually go to the moon?
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An interesting question though, because how does dust form on the moon when theres no wind or erosion or anything. Lets look what they say:

"The fine lunar soil is made of sharp and very adhesive particles, with a distinct gunpowder taste and smell. That said, lunar soil is prospected as a lunar resource, particularly for lunar in situ utilization, such as a lunar building material and soil for growing plants on the Moon.

Lunar soil is primarily the result of mechanical weathering. Continual meteoric impacts and bombardment by solar and interstellar charged atomic particles of the lunar surface over billions of years ground the basaltic and anorthositic rock, the regolith of the Moon, into the progressively finer lunar soil."
So earf is round but space is fake? That honestly makes sense my nigga
there have been stupid around (flat earthers) for ages. they still reference some book written by some nigger back in the 1800s.
the moon is flat. thats what they found out when they landed there and want to keep secret. thats why they push flat earth and moonhoax ideas. its all about the flat moon theory
Yes but their number has only grown with time
Some of that is definitely because of the rise of the internet but I bet most of it is because of feds shilling it as russianon says

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I think Usury should be outlawed. Now.

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How did he did it pol?

How did an Austrian lead the Germans?
He wasn't even german.
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"Alois Schicklgruber" is the name of his father.
literally Shekel Grabber. can't make this shit up
>(Real Name: Alois Shicklgruber)
You're a Jew and a liar.

Inb4 you remain 1pbtID
>most lied about man in human history
>actually believes the lies
good goyim

you can prove he was a jew descendant
or just admit he was a disturbed maniac laced with psychotrope cocktail
both things can be valid and moreover both may be true as they match

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I just got recognized by the german government as a citizen by descent via Stag 5. Can you guys give me the run-down on what I should know about the german political landscape? I know in the US there's a lot of 'liberally forbidden' topics that are pretty central to the situation, what's it like over there?

Also what are gun rights like?

Ich spreche Deutsch noch nicht sehr gut, aber ich versuche lernen das jedestag.
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so, thats the same in every ountry
americans have hundreds of thousands of student debt by the time they are finished
In Germany you dont
But of course that doesnt count
You just whine and whine and whine
don't think about changing Germany to become more like America
Germans don't like Americans
instead, you should want Germany to become more German and less foreign

she's a freakin unironic commie
You do yours, I wouldn't do it unless I know that a family member takes my praxis later on. There are better ways to earn money earlier and with less stress. Everybody else has it better untill a doctor breaks even, you are better off with an IT scam shop in these days and it takes no studies.
Anglos were the superpower of Europe that expanded white people worldwide, and you only managed to catch up because you trashed French infrastructure in WW1 then surrendered with your industry in place and had a inter-war period of high growth. Your entire fake country, the "German Empire" had to be botched together because Anglos were so far ahead that you could only catch up by hashing together a country with 20m more people than Britain. You'll never be on our level. Tens of millions of Germans exist worldwide as beneficiaries of Anglos ability to conquer. Your idea of conquest was forcing some of the most brutal forms of feudalism in history onto poor Slavic and Baltic farmers.
Stand the fuck you little bitch.


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If ethnonationalism is such a good idea, why does the best modern example of an ethnostate, have so many problems with birthrates, school bullying and male suicide?
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Diverse countries have all those exact same problems but with the added problem of ethnic tensions and a low trust society with no public services on top of them
All homogeneity does is bring your country back to equilibrium - diversity is actively harmful
racial mixing really fried your brain if your entire argument is based on the idea of keep mixing and just wait for the sick population to die out.

Social Darwinism? Neo-nazi skinhead? I was simply adding to your point the things that you ve omitted.
Anyways, genetical enrichment is only acceptable if the members of the different groups agree to. At least on that we can agree?
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Japan is a vassal state of the US Empire dude
Korea has the same problems

We keep it weak and demoralized intentionally.

Ethnostates are LARPy bullshit but Japan is a bad example.
How are you extrapolating societal proscriptions from one genetic phenomenon?

Pseud detected.
>faggot flag
If you're not a hit and run shill, how come your post has all the traits of one?

what happen to all actual anarchist groups?
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this is Jewish board, stop lying
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They've busied themselves with kike identity politics.
Besides, calling yourself an anarchist here in the UK will get you laughed out of the room thanks to the Sex Pistols dragging that term through the mud.
>what happen to all actual anarchist groups?
Bolsheviks (Red Army) rounded them (Black Army) up and mass murdered them all after defeating White Armies and Green Armies
>>469936167 bla-bla governmental sponsored psyop
yeah i am well aware that movement as such is totally choked by glowniggers no matter the country,
leads to conclusion that anarchist movement was the only one that posed any danger, besides maybe national socialism which was never even tried due to being very so easily manipulated

Why wear clothes that don't fulfil their primary function?
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No, it's a mentally ill woman LARPing as a man.
are you sure?
Actually I'm probably wrong, gave me the impression on first glance, like he had that look...
Excuse the ID change...
Jews have a "10-decade plan" in which to turn USA into pansexual, caramel-colored slaves, ignorant of politics, history, and social movements

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The older I get (approaching my mid 30s) the more rightwing and nazi views seem cringe and retarded as fuck.
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Exactly. The only people who are of the /pol/ mindset are social rejects, failures, and mental defectives. Exactly the kind of people who made me attracted to far-right politics in my youth because I wanted to exterminate them.
the muslims that jews brought into those countries?
No, I’m 40 and you’re a faggot

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What’s it like to have missed out on teenage love?

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