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Let's get real. A civil war will never come close to happening.
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>Frankly as a shitlib myself I agree.
You don't really have a choice, neither do most of us. We have the illusion of choice, it's just that the "Shit libs" have adopted the stance that those in power have pushed forth.
Kek, post the Biden version
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Leftists have entirely delusional expectations of civil war and mistake a desire to exhaust all possible avenues of reconciliation with a willingness to just accept their every retarded dictate. They seriously think the predominantly right aligned military and police, who they opely hate, are going to go door to door, killing their friends and family and right wing militias, all of whom will make themselves easily identifiable. Then once they're done they'll kill themselves too, and this whole thing will take place over a weekend with zero impact on their lives. People thought much the same about the first civil war, they thought it'd be over in that first battle and came to watch with picnic baskets.

A civil war is simply inevitable, and we're arguably already in a cold one and just waiting for it to go hot. Leftists have proven themselves to be entirely incapable of compromise or even understanding the worldviews of others enough to do so. I think once the state worshipping boomers start dying is when we start to see shit really going off the rails
the new york greater governmental exclusionary region

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You input literal sand and the machine outputs CPUs

Russian CPU fabrication plants technology is 33 year behind the west (the west relies in Taiwan which is not geographically in the west, just politically)

Western sphere (Anglosphere + almost totality of Europe) use Taiwan CPUs

Russia uses Russian CPUs since today byt they are 33 years behind the west in functionality and speed


Taiwan now makes 3 nanometer CPUs. This is the rumor, nobody knows for sure. 12 nanometer CPUs were independently confirmed by nanomicroscoppy enthusiasts two years ago.

Samsung promises they can make 1 nanometer CPUs in South Korea by 2026.

>Russian CPUs that are started to be manufactured in June 2024 are in the size of 330 nanometers, this is 100 times bigger than Taiwanese

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>posts something in subhuman
A fellow ni/g/ger I see
TSMC is coming out with a 2nm process within the next year, if they already haven't come out with it. I used to work in the industry, they've been doing 3nm for a while already and have already come up with a second improved 3nm process.
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>Can't read the translation posted next to it

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>The election in 2020 was stolen
>We will win in 2024 by voting in the election

Why can't the MIGA NPC's compute this ?
If the 2020 election was really stolen then why would Trump be allowed to win this year ?
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>why would Trump be allowed
the die has been cast
nothing can stop the disaster that is coming
so why not let trump and nationalists take the blame?
a key feature for the elites is not just to set the world of fire, its to completely alienate citizens from their governments to clear the way for their Great Reset.
if you think that scuffle of J6 was something, the leftists will burn the country down if trump gets selected
No, we won't. You're delusional
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>If the 2020 election was really stolen then why would Trump be allowed to win this year ?
Trump won in 2016 because the left didn't think he had a chance, and so didn't do anything to ensure a dishonest victory. In 2020, the right thought Trump was a sure thing, and so they didn't do anything to stop all the manifest ways the Dems could cheat. In 2024, the Republicans, and any decent person in politics (there are a few) who wants to see an honest election will try to block and stop the cheaters. Will that be enough to give Trump a margin of victory? Maybe, maybe not. But Trump is getting so far ahead of Biden in the polls that he has at least a chance. And as long as he has a chance, he deserves our vote. Unless you want to see 4 more years of president dementia followed by eight of Kamala.
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>the polls
Wait, im confused now. Do we trust the polls OR DON'T WE?
They really don't know so don't ask

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German dead cop will be ripped apart so he can donate his organs
I wonder how many Refugees he will save
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Only whites have rh-, next to no exemptions. Maybe reconsider even tho vaxcattle,.
>0. Organs are not compatible between the supposedly not existing human races.
He may save a (((fellow white person))) though. (((Rouven))) L. very much sounds like a compatible donor for that sort.
Same here Nigel.
I'm not donating my organs nor blood.

My unvaxxed PVREBLOOD sperm, however, is available for procurement at the right price.
Never was an organ donor and never donated my blood so the vampire jews and the poison peddlers can use it.
damn the jews already want his organs

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What the fuck is wrong with this generation? They created and enjoy this demonic toilet humor. Is this a creature spawn of Hell and this generation is possessed?
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Trump speaks hitlers language
This. I'm much older than 28 and I take it for granted that I'd have thought Skibidi Toilet was hilarious as a kid.
trump is using hitlers language
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That is the work of bidens dhs meme task force.
See your government tax dollars at work. They are so incompetent it probably took months and millions of dollars to create.
Welcome to clown world!

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>war? Thay's never good, I heard the CIA overthrow communist regimes, don't you know that's anti-democratic?
>Putin? Yeah he's great, I'm so glad he's denazifying us, I'm glad he used Wagner Group to trick those pesky right wingers into joining the army and then killed Prigohzin and absorbed them into the regular army
>Zelensky? Total kike! Anyway, let's root for Putin sending Indians, Chinese, and Muslims to physically invade Europe
>MAGA communism? Count me in!
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federal agents keep getting more cringe
sorry i just won't fight in your war, i just won't fight in it is all :)
To all you genuine Indians reading this, I have a message. I assume you're not pretending to be an Indian by using VPNs. Many people posting here are. Don't participate in threads being created by these no good racists. They're good for nothing White Nationalists pushing White First propaganda. Pass it along.
>dismiss yourself

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They have ruined my childhood to the point of no return. I have nothing left to live for.
Why does it matter if they’re gay? Is Apple going to show them having anal sex?
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Why does it matter if they are scatophiles? Is Apple going to show them eating and smearing shit on themselves? Why does it matter if they are zoophiles..

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Everyone thinks all his issues stem from communism, capitalism, "fascism", (((them))) or some other bullshit conspiracy
It's pretty clear all of them stem from industrial technology. Without it, (((they))) wouldn't be able to control (You), even
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it actually starts with Б
Your country starts with a half formed B, did the gypsies steal the rest of it?
preach brother
>Study the Mysteries, anon. Learn why ancient men learned to no longer fear Death.
>Cicero said the greatest contribution that his culture made to mankind was The Mysteries.
>Hopefully one day you and those like you figure out why.
didn't they just take a shit ton of hallucinogens and participate in banquet orgies? seems pretty decadent if so.
The first part, definitely. The second part too. The difference is that the "orgies" weren't quite what you expect. Sure, there were definitely loads of degeneracy involved and that's what ended up getting it all shut down (so the Romans say). But their ideas of "sex" and "medicine" were pretty blurred. For them, "being healed" is often the same as having sex. It's also sometimes the same as tripping your balls off and having God "help you through a problem". Then there are other times, when "being healed" is also getting poisoned by some bitch also tripping her metaphorical balls off.
So, yes, it's mostly just people being high. But to them "being high" wasn't decadent in a similar way to today, at least under the circumstances that inspired all of them.
That's actually sort of the point.

>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

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My money is they will stage another tranny school shooting, summer edition.
Also funny how SA is even more racist now.
I spoke too soon, sounds like niggers.
True, they have no thought process.
>palinog lovers are crashing a fag pride parade in Philly
Wow it’s a /pol/ meet up!
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Only Trump can bring balance to the force.
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a southern tomboy with the ability of child support touch. Yeah i can see why their mad.
based meme

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Previous >>469916761 ,>>469899022

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)

>Resistance fighters target the occupation forces that stormed the town of Azzun, east of Qalqilya, with explosive devices
>United States of America: National Security Council spokesman in the White House: We expect that if #Hamas agrees to Biden’s proposal, “Israel” will agree to it.
>The documented Palestinian death toll has risen to 36,439 martyrs and 82,627 injuries since the seventh of last October.
>Palestinian Press: The Maldives bans the entry of Israelis into the country due to the war in Gaza.
>BREAKING: The aircraft carrier USS Eisenhower has sailed to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, following announcement of successful hits by Yemeni forces.


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Hitler's speech about Palestinian independence

>Do NOT engage with people posting inflammatory remarks about religion, in this case, Islam.
In the most typical hebrew fashion they will try endlessly to deceive you into replying in anger.
>This thread welcomes Christians and Muslims and any faith because it's not a thread about faith.
Nobody in this thread is interested in arguing about your religion.
>This is a thread dedicated to tracking the real time updates of the Israel-Gaza conflict and the total destruction of the illegitimate welfare state known as Israel.
Civil discussion is one thing but shills will NEVER engage in that, only PILPUL, D&C sowing and ragebaiting.
TKD and Total Golem Death approaches
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good afternoon fren and also TKD

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As result after the Terror attack, Germans are already protesting along with Antifa against Nazis and Afd in Mannheim
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Germans deserve to be replaced. And I really hope the animals replacing them finish destroying Europe from inside. France is next, their nigger birth rates are already way past the point of no return, and in a few years this replacement will start showing definitive consequences.
If you look with more than even a second's glance you will see Jewish phenotypes on every single person in that photo.
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muslims and their lovers will blame this on jews as always. everything is the jews fault to them.
Isnt it great? Im going to love the way you look after getting shoved into a mobile incinerator kike. You should probably be looking at tickets to the Jewish Autonomous Oblast its gonna get real hot real quick kike.

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>Pol was once again right
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I can’t

Let me off this fucking ride!!!’ Asdgssggsshjfdn

funny how you don't hate the kikes that are pouring trillions into making all of this happen.
who imported the sandniggers?
who was angela merkel trained by, funded by, openly serving?
who ran generational brainwashing on germans following ww2, eliminated all their laws and installed their own?
etc etc etc
it can all be traced but you can't be bothered, meaning you are fucking kiked to shit and are brainwashed just like a zogbot.
WTF?! That video won’t load and play on my browser… Is anybody having an issue getting this video played?
based, I hope all the cops that arrest White people for hate speech get stabbed by muzzies
>reading comprehension is so bad that he thinks I said I was the lion
>simping for a retard that died because he failed all the basic concepts of self preservation
>simping for a retard that broke the chain of bodies piled up on the attacker and allowed the shitskin to break free
How do you even exist? I bet your mom ties ur shoelaces for u, fuckin loser lol

Reality hates u and the dumbfuck cop

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5 years ago even people suspect of being incels were treated with absolute scorn by mainstream society and were viewed to be right up there with pedophiles. People suggested that merely using incel vernacular should get you threat profiled. Today Stacies on tiktok making woe me posts is seen as cute and endearing lmao.
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>The exact motivations are unclear
Female power only exists through the manipulation of males.
Which means they cannot allow males any space to communicate without their control.
lol I WISH women would be treated like incels. Treated like they are rapists just waiting for the chance or like they have some communicable disease and terribly ugly visage, that they are subhumans.
Lol she is mad that after spreading her legs to the cute chad guy he moved on to get more free milk
from all the countries in Europe it was Germany where I saw by far the most chubby woman/ gymbro gu couples.
My girlfriend has this exact same shape. It’s even better than you niggerfaggots could ever dream about
There are women like these in the pic where I live and they are treated as goddesses.

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I don't get how northern cities became nigger invested shitholes
Why did the nigger come to Boston or Hartford?
Why is EVERY US city just a nigger ghetto
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The Union employed whole units of niggers in the civil war.
The jews in hollywood even made movies about those union niggers.
Of course their part in the war is greatly exaggerated.
The bong is right.
I think the mason kikes just wanted to cement their rule so that there would be no possibility of states breaking away in the future.
The negroes is just a simplification and misdirection for the normies, to convince the war was fought for a good cause.
Based and truth pilled.
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Why. You mean QUI?!

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Previous: >>469945273
Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Biden allows the Ukraine to strike targets in Russia with US weapons - https://archive.today/cWfPG
>France to send "military instructors" to the ukriane - https://archive.today/iAtY3
>Russian jamming making some US PGMs ineffective - https://archive.today/1K5Or
>Kiev now recruiting meat from the prisons - https://archive.today/kcIkd
>NATO to organize mandatory arms supplies & financing to Ukraine, at least 100 bln/year - https://archive.today/jjBSo
>RuaF liberate Arkhangelskoye, Battlegroup 'N' keeps advancing in the Kharkov Region - https://archive.today/CgiGm
>Scholz still refuses to send Tauruses to Ukraine - https://archive.today/sJ9QH

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zionist method is based because it destabilizes the middle east and sets them back 10,000 years in evolution/
boomers are holding signs and flowers while the zoomers are holding fists and street fighting.
Does Putin dye his eyebrows now? It's not a good look
cuck cry wu more
>It's not a good look
not based and not bogpilled
>bix nood

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>can't have them in teenage years because it means you got groomed/you're white trash
>can't have them in your early 20s because you're supposed to be in university becoming part of the educated liberal middle class
>can't have them in your mid-late 20s because you're supposed to be getting your career off the ground
>need to be able to comfortably provide a liberal, consumerist lifestyle for the child so all their needs will be met and they won't be radicalized
>can't have them once your early-mid 30s because then you have "rancid sperm"
Realistically they are giving you a 2 year tight window in which to have your kids without being considered a "loser" and this is a one-size-fits-all standard that everyone is supposed to squeeze into.

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GIGA HAPPENING! 500,000 (HALF A MILLION) Russian invaders killed and crippled during the past 830 days of Russia's 3-day special military operation!
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Sure thing. How could we doubt the source.
>limited training
>but ukrainian 14 year olds and 75 year old men given three days of “training” and never firing a live round before being deployed to the front is working perfectly
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ARG! I love being a pirate!
dogshit genetics cretin, its obvious you're one of our allies, the really, really stupid ones
I imagine a stupid kike having a retarded smirk writing this, thinking no one suspects a thing
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Dear Lord that is so sad. 500,000 human lives lost, and for what reason?

Who is benefiting from Ukraine and Russia losing hundreds of thousands of men?

The answer is neither Ukraine or Russia.

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>gets up in his face
>height mogs him effortlessly
>timmy doesn't do shit
>throws cup at timmy
>timmy takes it like a good boy
another day in Canada, another timmy getting checked by the Indian Chadjeet. what are implication of indians owning white losers?
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jesus christ anons. we broke them. we broke the indians on pol. they find find a video of a shit eating indian hopping a counter, getting pushed back and then feebly throwing a paper cup and they tote him as some kind of indian hero chad. we bullied them into mental retardation.
To all you genuine Indians reading this, I have a message. I assume you're not pretending to be an Indian by using VPNs. We completely despise your brown, shit-colored skin. Stay in India before we're forced to purge all of you dalit fucks. You were conquered by Whites once before.
he spent 14 hours standing in line to get that job only to throw it away for some old guy?

As we've discovered,jeets are like women. Very sensitive emotional wrecks that just act out in flurry of rage.

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Do the police really represent an institution for White supremacy? It kind of seems niggers say this just because they want to do whatever they want without consequences. If anything the police represent Jewish rule.
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The fuckin joos control the police

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This guilty criminal felon deserves a public execution in front of all his supporters.

>Trump national favorable rating: 31%
>Biden national favorable rating: 32%
>Trump age on Election Day: 78
>Biden age on Election Day: 81

I can't help but think the GOP would be absolutely running away with this with literally any other nominee, but Trump is the one loser that can given Biden another four years.
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What are fractional votes?
Is 6/10ths of a vote still a vote?
All republicans are traitors
they already put him in prison? kek
No they will though

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