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No kids died at Sandy Hook
Obama is a gay nigger
De Niro fucks kids
Trump won.
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Also OP is a virgin.
Also True. My O ring is untouched and tight.
What the heck is going on with Trump and Alex Jones over there?
>De Niro fucks kids
Jonestein's buddy Charlie Sheenie cornholed Corey Haim, using Crisco as lube, in the set of the movie Lucas.
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Finally, a Based Leaf. I swear they have a 5-Eyes IIA Center up there.

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nobody should be colonizing africa. it only leads to more immigration out of it and more suffering. keep us seperate.
I hope they end up killing all the niggers.
The Africans sucked so bad at nation building they ended up accidently being recolonized

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Why would any politician with a political future risk everything to join the Trump 24 ticket when they could just wait until 2028 and run as a MAGA candidate without the baggage of being associated with a second Trump term/ failed Trump reelection bid?
Right now, Trump:
>Is tied on aggregate in polls to the incumbent president he already lost to once
>Is absolutely despised by half of the country
>Is only legally able to serve one more term
>Turned on his first VP and ended his political career
and now
>Is a convicted felon
What does any politician with a political future stand to gain from being associated with him even if he wins?
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Fair enough
>Why would anyone want to be VP for a 80 year old obese man that has a good chance of winning and is termed out after 4 years
Listen to yourself retard.
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Vivek for VP! Seriously, this will be the only redeemable factor for Trump. Sir please do the needful and pick a chad Brahmin for VP.
Please, politician grifters would trip over themselves at the chance
It'll be a fucking jew

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Is anyone else here growing out of their white supremacy phase?

I am a white male grew up in a majority white area. We are disgusting, dysgenic, ugly mutants.

>whites are the most likely to be diagnosed with mental illness by far
>white males are prone to baldness (most beginning 20-30s)
>pale skin is weak and feminine
>whites are the most likely to kill themselves
>all incels and shooters are white or white mixed

Humanity is better off without us. We are basically genetic poison in this world. Most of the cultures who worship whites change their mind the second they meet them.
Kys then

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Discuss German politics (and the meme I posted). Please do make sure to stay on topic!

Here are some links to get you started:
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>100k views in 6 hours
might as well play it to bump distribution more https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XN9xIn72ZDY
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issa gem
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>there is no safari lottery
they are really keeping all the money for themselves

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How do I become an investigative journalist and uncover corruption? I've been finding weird connections and following money trails in a variety of industries, but I lack a platform to actually tell people about this shit.
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first email hillary clinton and tell them you have tons of criminal evidence you will expose. Then just wait.
Sir please stop this is a mistake you want to go on holidays, not in a federal prison or death
Podcast . . . Do a Spotify podcast
send emails you retard
Make sure you have offline copies of your findings before you reach out

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Why are most white Canadians poor white trash, who are destined to be serfs to wealthy pajeet landlords? Is it the sc*ttish genes?
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WTF? Are you telling me that only 0.8% Filipino are below the poverty line? Are they really the most powerful race in the world.
>blah blah blah blah
Shut up jeet. You and your "people" are trash and you will be leaving soon and there is nothing you can do about it. Tiny little England subjugated your entire subcontinent for 300 years. You as a people have shown that you are incapable of maintaining a society, so you'll just have to line up and face the wall.
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>rising tide of poo
you're stupid. You're talking to a italian guy from northern ontario you absolutely delusional faggot. British people are stupid peasants who got ordered to fight to the death by their monarchy. Tommy douglass gave them health care and they forgot they were dirty pizza face peasants.
>Fuck off with your stupid delusions of a come back. retard

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The older I get (approaching my mid 30s) the more rightwing and nazi views seem cringe and retarded as fuck.
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Looks like OP likes being rammed in the ass daily basis
most of the posts ITT are jews and shitskins so yes, they unironically cannot wait to marry a big, hideous refrigerator sized gorilla woman
>When you're 60, and working until death to afford rent, then you might stop caring what others think.
But don't dare wonder why you're 60 and working 'till death. No, that might lead to question things, like why your dollar is debased or your country has been turned into an economic zone where you subsidize your own demographic replacement.

This whole thread is just a kumbaya shill thread with the usual faggots advocating to become just like Boomers, the people who played a huge role in delivering us to the current situation we find ourselves, our people, and our countries. Typical subversion.
I do not like that. Simply put. I do not value gdp numbers and lines on graphs over community, family, and not killing yourself. Perhaps I'm maladjusted. If I was a zipperhead in South Samsung I don't think I would take too kindly to your comments about "but...but... But what what squid games tho?" It's time to admit the South Samsung experiment has ended in failure.
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fedpepe demoralization

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>Ticketmaster confirms data hack which could affect 560m globally
>Tommy Robinson leads 'thousand-strong' march in London as officers make first arrests
>Labour spark fear of huge ISA crackdown as candidate deletes one telling comment
>Labour risks union revolt over private school tax raid job losses
>Sunak suffers poll blow as levelling-up cash-for-votes row erupts
>Sunak pledges cash to towns as Starmer pitches ‘wealth creation’ amid election campaign
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>"Ethnic cleansing is necessary to fulfil the torah"
So is diddling kids apparently
Fixed my leaky tap and slow filling toilet cistern yesterday. Boomers can fuck off with their "back in my day" bollocks we've got youtube now
>But as a reflection of the oneness of the God described therein, the Torah is obstinately balanced when it comes to simple principles. It insists on justice, but makes room for mercy. It cherishes human life, but acknowledges deadly violence can be correct. It sees all people as created in the image of God, but it commands the nation of Israel to play a unique priestly role, through example rather than through world-dominating force, in leading the world to greater knowledge and service of God.
"Asking yids to work is literally (literally) the whole of cost"

>Put into practice in 2024, this means that Israel must stop pretending it is a nation like any other, begging to be judged fairly by whatever standards the current hegemon has decreed we all agree upon. We need to look for standards from within our tradition to set a moral example for the whole world, while making it more practically possible to defend our homeland.
>Instead of bragging about the extra danger our soldiers experience for the sake of sparing enemy noncombatants, we should reject the premise that we Jews bear any responsibility for protecting the human shields employed by our enemy.
Would be Frankish is kikes didn't immediately heel turn and kvetch when we try to operate by our own standards instead of some universal tikkun olan bullshit that benefits them
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>performs basic DIY
>seethes about boomers afterwards

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Is there something going on where a person who believes in some magical savior that can fail at every new goalpost and also tell you to sit by and not participate in the unfolding of some divine plan is still around the corner and gonna show up any day now, ALSO BELIEVES IN a magical savior that can fail at every new goalpost and also tell you to sit by and not participate in the unfolding of some divine plan is still around the corner and gonna show up any day now?

Seriously, find me a single non-christian that fell for this crap.

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Even you idiots on pol can't argue the fact that we need proper common sense gun control NOW. Too many innocent people are dying from guns.
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There’s been more than enough niggers for years, Tyrone.
Thank God niggers hold their guns sideways
Why would white Americans give up their second amendment rights because niggers have low IQ and poor impulse control ?
>Too many innocent people are dying from guns.
Quite the contrary. Nowhere near enough innocent people are dying from guns to justify any more gun control.
no you don't. this is how most mass shootings in the US happen

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When you realise they don't use soap, everything begins to make sense
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pathetic misdirection. just look at his profile and tell me it's a CCP bot you schizo pajeet

what do you call a dating app for indians?
connect the dots
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here's another. keep trying to derail this thread it won't work
>be some of shortest people on earth
>don't use soap because it stunts your growth
>everyone else does and they're taller
I mean how many centuries does it take before some jeet says 'hey wait a minute...'
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>UK flag
mudslims and niggers are literally raping and breeding your daughters every day, and you still feel the need to blame indians that contribute to your country.
As i said: Good riddance.
Get the fuck out of my country you disgusting streetshittting curry ni gger. There are too many pajeets here in Canada now, I see them queueing up for their benefit Work gibs, pathetic bunch of useless fa ggots.

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Anyone that actually denies the Holocaust is on the same level to me as republicans that say “democrats are the real racists”. Aside from being retarded, what the fuck is the point of National Socialism if you won’t wipe out your enemies who are inherently subversive, parasitic, and at odds with your civilization? If Hitler didn’t work kikes to death, throw the unfit for labor into gas chambers, or have them shot by the Einsatzgruppen, and take every last cent they stole from the Germans back, even from their clothes and gold teeth, then what the fuck is even the point? He lets them sit in resort camps with theaters and swimming pools (totally not for the guards) while German men are dying like animals on the eastern front, Germans at home experience wartime shortages, and the rats get treated fine? Fuck you retards. The holocaust is one of the things Hitler did that wasn’t retarded.
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so many threads made by jews trying to pretend you're a "right wing ally" today. whats wrong moshe, the shitskins on the campuses still got you upset? you can always kill yourself because i assure you, the old neoliberal western world order is never coming back and jizzreal is fucked
who cares faggot, go get a blowjob from your rabbi if you don't like it
Well i do not deny the holocaust (because seriously why bother), but damn right that the democrats are the real racists.

"Anti racists" are just pretentious holier-than-thou racists that have inevitebly stoked the fires of racism's roaring return.
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It's really simple nigger: it didn't happen, but it should have.
So why don't Jews stop lying about the number first of all?

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Oh good the polcel reprogramming will go from tiktok is brain rot to based now?

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Should America be suspicious of Canadas recent ramp up in indian (mostly Sikh) immigration? Is this a 4d chess long play that goes back to the beginning of Canadas founding?

Canada's first Prime Minister Sir John A. Macdonald in 1867 wrote:

>"War will come someday between England and the United States and India can do us yeoman's service by sending an army of Sikhs … across the Pacific to San Francisco and holding that beautiful and immortal city with the surrounding California — as security for Montreal and Canada"

This explains the build up of Sikh settlements in the west coast. their prepping to invade. Most of these Indian immigrants originally come to Canada with the hope that it will make it easier for them to then move to the United States. The solution to Canadas immigration problem? Send a brown avalanche heading south. Are you ready America?

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If only you were a paramedic and really knew.
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Noah Yuval Harrari
What does "transhuman" mean?
802.15.6 [research]
802.15.5 [research]
802.15.4 [research]
Ian F. AKYLIDIZ [research]
ITU [International Telecommunications Union | research]
WBAN (Wide Body Area Network) [research]
MBAN (Medical Body Area Network)
COV-BAN (research)

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i used to care about preventing friends and family from taking it but now I don't, I see they have more loyalty to a corporation that shows them moving pictures on a screen. they believe govt stooges and jooges care about their well-being more than a real person they interact with daily. keep marching forward and never forget. don't simp and stick your dick in a jabbed woman, faggots.
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Why do they think they are welcome anywhere?
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I have no idea who that latvia anon is. And we all know you're a pajeet hiding behind that meme flag.
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Okay... HARD HURL..
SOLID 10 HURL if I saw this in person.
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faggot thinks no one on /pol/ would notice he's been using korean flag consistently to post in india hate threads
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I live in Korea you stinky jeet. There are quite a few of Koreaposters on /pol/. I like how you're not even denying the fact that you're a jeet using a memeflag.

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And yet none of you permavirgin half-fags can even get a girlfriend.
At least he didn’t marry a Chinese spy this time
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Would you really want to be beta bucks not loved but only used for your money?
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some of us just like to see the mouthy ones get physically hurt at this stage simpman
Women are incapable of love so it doesn't really matter.
>go to plastic surgeon
>ayo gimme dat howdy doody chin
>i got you senpai
If you're a vampire getting married to a much younger gold-digger why would you get someone that already looks over 30? Just own the fact that you're renting a prostitute.

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Why does nobody like classical music?
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Hahaha my wife really wanted my daughter to learn violin (she's Chinese we are in China)
15 minutes after the first lesson started my daughter called me "dad I don't want to play the violin) kek that was the end of that.

Later she took up clarinet of her own volition.
Yes but the 7th is better.
needs blast beats and double bass
Allowing gooks to touch European musical instruments is an abomination and a crime
because Blacks have and make better music to listen too...ENJOY

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