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I just got recognized by the german government as a citizen by descent via Stag 5. Can you guys give me the run-down on what I should know about the german political landscape? I know in the US there's a lot of 'liberally forbidden' topics that are pretty central to the situation, what's it like over there?

Also what are gun rights like?

Ich spreche Deutsch noch nicht sehr gut, aber ich versuche lernen das jedestag.
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This is about praxis owning doctors, employed doctors earn shit and they work horrible hours. The whole job isn' worth it, unless you are into 12h work days and emergency service liabillities. I guess that those numbers are inflated through cities as well, you won't get that much in less populated areas.
>it doesnt count!!
keep seething, nigger
> just become a doctor
> study 6 years (+ 2 years of Abi)
> open a praxis
> jump through all the extra hopes to get a license for a praxis
> invest five to six figures for praxis equipment
> hire staff
> work from morning till evening every day
> become profitable around your 40s or later
This shit sucks, you are well off in your 50s and later on at least. The whole thing seems pointless to me, unless its a multi generational undertaking.
so, thats the same in every ountry
americans have hundreds of thousands of student debt by the time they are finished
In Germany you dont
But of course that doesnt count
You just whine and whine and whine
don't think about changing Germany to become more like America
Germans don't like Americans
instead, you should want Germany to become more German and less foreign

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>"I believe passionately in freedom for women, and whilst many battles have been won in the past century, there is still a long way for society to move until women enjoy the levels of freedom that they should be able to. I am not afraid to use my body as well as my brain to deliver important messages."
Why do women use their body to protest? While it might draw attention to their cause do they not realise it also belittles their message?
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This is why, we are working on sexbots.


the pure power of autism, is collectively working on sexbots.
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I don't know whether to rape her or read her.
>My master, Sauron the Great, bids you welcome. Is there any in this rout with the authority to treat with me?
Is that the mernigger?

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Discuss German politics (and the meme I posted). Please do make sure to stay on topic!

Here are some links to get you started:

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Are we looking at a “Second Cold War” era?
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All signs point to a hot war rather than a cold one. Both western and eastern economies are caught between a rock and a hard place in the forms of rising unemployment and currency devaluation. Something similar played out in the 1970's and early 80's and nearly led to a conventional conflict between the US and the USSR, were it not for the fact that the US still had low levels of debt to cushion the effects of stagflation and high unemployment. The USSR did not and subsequently collapsed.

This time both leaders of the first (US) and second (China) worlds have high debt AND stagflationary conditions. The only comparable period in contemporary history would be the interwar period before WW2, meaning it's far more likely that things escalate into a full-blown conflict between the US-led world and the China-Russia-Iran bloc.

World status: multipolar

More like the West just being btfo. America is the third hegemon now behind China and Russia
Utterly irrelevant.
I hate this bot.
You sound Russian
indonesia and malaysia are not close western allies/heavy western influence. they're like between light eastern influence and heavy eastern influence.

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>Another day, another escalation
- Alex Jones studio shut down for exposing the Havaara agreement between nazis and zionists
- National pride month has started, HOUZEE!
- Volkel airforce base on the nuke list of the Russians because retard unchosen ministers approved the use of long range weapons
- Joris Demmink, child molester, who was the highest-ranking civil servant at the justice ministry and never prosecuted. In the case called Rolodex. Rumored to have worked with Dick Schoof when he was at the IND, anons please confirm
- The new coalition is look at the FvD for forming a majority in the senate
- Romania and Hungary block Mark Rutte being nominated as NATO chief
- Unchosen (ex) AIVD glowie Dick Schoof possible prime minister, he is a deep state asset and responsible for illegally spying on citizens through fake social media accounts, he is also pro-EU and SDG and pushed the corona measures
- Wilders is blocking people that criticise his choice for the glowie PM
- Free Gideon, corrupt judges demand 200 hour forced labour or 100 days in prison
- Thierry Baudet speech, there is a difference between zionist right and traditional right, notice that al successful ‘rightwing’ parties have Israeli influence
- Pro-Palestine protests tried to disrupt pro-Israel demonstration. Police intervened but was initially pushed back
- Football riots injured several police, they are exhausted and complaining. Keep up the pressure
- Antifa protesting against feminism
- Another attack with a umbrella on Thierry Baudet stopped by security

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Goed punt en aanvullend: ondanks alles wat er gebeurd is in de vorige eeuw inclusief alle clandestiene praktijken die openbaar gemaakt zijn begon deze eeuw gek genoeg nog steeds met het uitgangspunt dat de overheid het belang van de burger dient op wat corruptie hier en daar na. Het is niet duidelijk waar dat vertrouwen op gebaseerd is.
>>jetfuel cant melt steel beams
Kijk dit is dus exact het soort slechte en makkelijk weerlegbare type argumenten waar thierry en volk mee aan komt waardoor jullie overkomen als een stel (domme) complotwappies.
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>ik heb nooit geleerd dat mercantiele aspiraties de basis vormen van menselijkheid en mannelijkheid
dat is omdat dit ook niet waar is.
De kwaliteit van 't leven wordt minder bepaald door externe factoren dan door interne factoren. Dat jij iemand een sukkel vindt, maakt niet dat hij zichzelf ook als een sukkel ziet.
Kwaliteiten worden meegegeven door je bloed. Grifter-gurus als Tate zijn, net als Thierry, halfbloedjes die hun hele leven lang worstelen met hun eigen genen. En dus allerlei manieren zoeken om te bewijzen dat ze wat waard zijn. De wereld moet en zal ze accepteren. Slaven van publieke opinie.

Er is een reden dat de filosoof van /pol/ Diogenes is.

>The philosopher Diogenes was eating bread and lentils for supper. He was seen by the philosopher Aristippus, who lived comfortably by flattering the king. Said Aristippus, 'If you would learn to be subservient to the king you would not have to live on lentils.

Daarbij moet meteen even vermeld worden dat, vanuit het niets, Tate opdook als zogenaamde 'held van rechts' in dezelfde manier dat ook Milo en Peterstein dat deden.
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Tintin in the shit. The Black Island>all.

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If ethnonationalism is such a good idea, why does the best modern example of an ethnostate, have so many problems with birthrates, school bullying and male suicide?
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Japan isn't an ethnostate, it's a neutered satellite state which happens to lack niggers.
The birth rate wouldn't be an issue if the borders were closed. Japan/Korea are overpopulated, but kikes want to dilute their IQ with Indians & blacks.
>We need to import people who will look after the elderly!
>Imports unskilled shitskins half of whome don't work.
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My body is ready.
Diverse countries have all those exact same problems but with the added problem of ethnic tensions and a low trust society with no public services on top of them
All homogeneity does is bring your country back to equilibrium - diversity is actively harmful

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seems like muslims have reached Spain
India can be fixed but it will need a trip to hell and back.

Here are steps:

> Step 0: Have a deep state to maintain continuity of governance between democratic transitions. Give state governments more power. Don't try to run everything from Delhi.
> Step 1: Start taxing agriculture. Indian agriculture is tax free. That has to stop.
> Step 2: Corporations should consolidate failed farms, futures markets should create stability in agricultural commodities markets, and use modern agricultural equipments to increase food output without increasing the number of people working in agriculture.
> Step 3: Spend money on urban waste management. Waste management is a science. Simply piling up garbage will just cause fires.
> Step 4: Buy urban land from inhabitants in exchange for living in 50 floor apartments. Use this oppurtunity to do urban planning to create wider roads, and subway/metro networks, large volume sewage tunnels which can handle 10x the volume of water from Indian monsoons.
> Step 5: Focus on basic reliable infrastructure like clean water, electricity, sewage treatment plants, septic tanks, more waste bins, more
> Step 6: Create larger and more mechanized ports. Roads and rail connecting ports has already been done so do more of it.
> Step 7: Create banks that create loans for manufacturing
> Step 8: Create advanced infrastrucuture like Ultra Pure Water supply networks in special economic zones to do semiconductor manufacturing.
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how should we attack chink infidels they are treating us inbred as organic filth.
What do ?

> Step 3: Spend money on urban waste management. Waste management is a science. Simply piling up garbage will just cause fires.

There are companies that do this like Veolia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Veolia

We engage them in Singapore to keep everything clean.
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You must go back to your desert shithole, abdul

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If only you were a paramedic and really knew.
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>the pandemic
the what?
Oh fuck off. This guy's making shit up for clicks
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Indeed, it was the exact same in every region at the same time. A completely unprecedented circumstance.
>it was real in my mind
Are you sure you didn't mean midazyklon, kike?

>Dr. Anthony Fauci will testify publicly for the FIRST TIME since retiring from public service at a @COVIDSelect hearing on Monday, June 3, 2024.
There's something really important happening tomorrow.
Fauci is coming before the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic. This body just initiated criminal inquest, and effected disbarment from Federal funds (not military yet, working on it) toward Peter Daszak and EcoHealth Alliance.
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They need to ask him why he chose the pcr test
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Bump bumpidi bump
Retard genocide inc.
God bless the eugenicist Anthony Fauci.
To kill retards, he won't say that though. Blessed be the future Utopia brought to us by the GOAT Anthony Fauci!

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What's their secret?
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hasidic jews breeding uncontrollably
The reason is Hasidic Jews breed like fucking rabbits. They’re like the niggers and spics of Israel, they just fuck and demand gibs their entire lives because they pretend studying religion is their job. They’re literally jewing the jews
>21.1% (around 2,080,000 people) are Israeli citizens classified as Arab
no that includes seculars of all stripes
ultra-orthodox jews and muslims both have like 9 kids each while everyone else is below replacement
Just imagine what the country is going to look like in 50 years when these two groups are the majority

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Welcome to mcdonalds may I take your order
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I'll have the GRAND ROYAL DELUXE please
No thanks, I'll use the kiosk
you may not take my order
>turn 360 degrees around and walk to Burger King

I'll take uhhhhh


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Why does nobody like classical music?
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>a semitone is not a note
You sir are the tard. There is 12 very distinct notes in one octave used in classical music. Just count the keys on one octave of a piano. Try piano was made for classical music.

Chinaman with pushy parents detected.

Why not both? You can enjoy chamber music for the musicianship and composition. Rock for the enrgy and the spectacle. Electronic for the nerdyness and sound design.
And jazz for all of the above.
Only a fool limits oneself to a narrow genre.
Salieri is a great example of you will never be good enough to a jew.
>Be Salieri
>Top musician of the time, rich and famous.
>be friend with a jew name Mozart.
>save him from a huge debt accumulate from his degen lifestyle
>when he die, you sponsor all of his 6 kids.
>when you die, the Jews want Mozart to be the best musician, simply because he jew.
>started the rumor in Austria that You kill Mozart, >pressured every threater to remove your musics, using patriotism as an excuse.
>The slandering last for hundred of years.
>Pedowood made a movie to change your history.
90% in this board know who is Salieri. You should. The best artist of all time
I'm missing 2 fingers at the moment, maybe in a month or so when I'll recover

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Theyre so racially tribalistic and it’s like they look down on white guys, I almost never see a ir relationship irl where the guy is white. Why arent women of color open to dating white men? Is it because of identity politics? Well any Ideas?
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>why don't thing thing that does
because they do. women desire whites the most and non whites last. it's no secret that women hate niggers and brownshits. no one likes non whites, they smell, are ugly, and should all be enslaved. brownshits and niggers are all retards, gas them in concentration camps
But I’m saying how racemixing isn’t happening
No one likes whites, that's why everyone supports white extinction
>>469934887 >>469934996 >>469935232 >>469935570 >>469935615
put niggers in death camps, every single person on the planet hates niggers, even niggers. that's why niggers kill the most niggers. nigger. NIGGERS



i live in a very diverse area (unfortunately) and all i see is fat and/or ugly women with niggers and white guys with attractive brown women. sorry faggot, reality doesn't jive with your headcannon.

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I havent had a cold in a year and its freaking me out. Im around people who get sick, but nothing affects me. Now either im incredibly lucky, more lucky than ive ever been in my life or something else is happening. And yes, im double vaxxed. So whats your take on this? Did anyone here go long periods of time (WITH HUMAN CONTACT) without getting even a little cold?
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Well, my average was one cold a year. Since forever.
Viruses don't exist.
It's no problem, when i worked in a factory of 300 workers i had a good visual representation of the average sickness among workers and collegues. Some were taking sick days to do side stuff and they were not actually sick, but i knew who these people are. So some of them got sick regularly and it's normal. Just don't overdo pharma drugs when this happens to you. My brother tends to get colds more often and he is a healthy person, it just happens to him. He also got hit by covid very hard, was bound to the bed for few days, high temp, etc. Maybe it's the climate of the place you live, also rapid change of weather tends to do such stuff. Clothing, maybe the room you stay have cold winds ventilating and it hits you, oh, also air conditioniong, this shit is bad for health. Doesn't let your body adapt. Lots of factors.
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same as Canada

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I've been thinking
For what purpose would the jews even want to fill Europe to the brim with sandniggers?
They're their sworn enemies and they're pretty open about how they hate jews and wish upon their total destruction
What purpose does achieve filling yet another continent with them?

Also, someone else feeling pretty much demoralized with the world? I feel it's beyond salvation at this point.
I don't know what to do, I'm not even a basement dweller neet, I work out, I have a job, a family and even own land but what's the point if everything is going to shit. I have so many unshareable thoughts that I feel trapped within my own life, which by today's standards is pretty good.
Pic unrelated obviously
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> they’re their sworn enemies
From 600 AD to 1950 AD this has literally never been true. In fact, the opposite.
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Because you need us ok.
They opened the gates to the muslims at the siege of Toledo, you should know this.
The people spreading this theory to evangelicals are the least religious, most modern atheist commie trash.

The actual religious Jews say everything being done right now is an affront to the prophecies
where are u from? i need a friend in spain with my views. Everyone i know is fucking retarded.

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You make it sound like they are paying you for your own education. I assume you are paying that to learn how to weld.
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the 'destroy your body' claim is a meme
eat well and you will be fit, strong, and healthier than any fatass working a desk job

60k/yr outside of the city goes farther than 85k in the city

enjoy getting laid off despite putting your pronouns in your email sig
>albeit in a non union state

unions are legal in every state
idiot call center employee detected
Good luck finding a union welding job in Texas. They basically do not exist. Look I love welding and building things with my hands, my dad was a carpenter and it runs in the family. There are states, usually in the Midwest or Pacific Northwest, where there are good welding unions and you can get up to high 5 figures. But those are extremely hard to get if you don’t know people. I’m talking about your average Joe getting into welding. Saying a welder makes 100k in a blanket statement is not in the realm of possibility. In my state, not only do most jobs require you to pay for your own certification if its required, but it costs hundreds of dollars and if you do not continue to do that exact weld you are certified to do, your certification expires 6 months after you finished that job. And then you still might not even get the job. And then you’ll have to do it all AGAIN on your next job most likely. Those are the only welding jobs where you might, MIGHT, start to sniff 6 figures. Joe blow getting into welding is most likely going to land a job around 20/hr with mandatory overtime and will be making around 40-50k a year
Enjoy dying early and still being a broke low-class loser.

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

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Yeah but he needed to take it a step further and call him a pedophile, we can't all be perfect.
Joe Biden is a boy chasing pedophile
Felon me!
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This is something I'd expect Trudy to say, kek.
Canada tier wuzzing.
stfu shill there’s only room for one pole in /ptg/ and that is coomerpole!
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None of this is surprising. I guess you could say Trump has a history of being around criminals and traitors, so he ended up becoming one himself!

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Don't tread on me
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Now that's some thuggin love
Learned not to code himself genitals for no reason.
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Damn, that most be the biggest retard ever. Why would he do that... Hard to watch. Did he died? What happened next?
What the hell is that nigger doing to that poor dog?
Your screencap doesn't say that

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Sad! 4chin is majority non-white now
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all of the awful Polish posts are from cryptohohols and actual Poles are based
The English are a conquered people eager to be subservient to their next masters, only their new masters will be brown this time. That is why they are devoid of any culture. Right now their culture is drinking beer and supporting ngubu hoping he scores goals for the red team or the blue team. They are now slowly adapting to their new masters by adopting their culture by going for a cheeky curry and celebrating Ramadan with their mate Abdul. Ramadan is officially bigger than Easter and they now have to refer to Christmas as "festive holidays". They are in the process of adopting their new brown masters culture.
>whitest country in the world
Maybe they are right. Maybe just being white alone isn't good enough for anything really.
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>Glowniggers mad their European outpost is being called out for the cuck nation it is.

I'm reposting the image that has them seething

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