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>war? Thay's never good, I heard the CIA overthrow communist regimes, don't you know that's anti-democratic?
>Putin? Yeah he's great, I'm so glad he's denazifying us, I'm glad he used Wagner Group to trick those pesky right wingers into joining the army and then killed Prigohzin and absorbed them into the regular army
>Zelensky? Total kike! Anyway, let's root for Putin sending Indians, Chinese, and Muslims to physically invade Europe
>MAGA communism? Count me in!
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To all you genuine Indians reading this, I have a message. I assume you're not pretending to be an Indian by using VPNs. Many people posting here are. Don't participate in threads being created by these no good racists. They're good for nothing White Nationalists pushing White First propaganda. Pass it along.
>dismiss yourself
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>whaaat? you care about a european country being invaded by russia?
>you are just a NAFO cuck!

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>be whiteboi
>see indian guy vaping outside a coffee shop
>tell him to stop vaping because /pol/ told you indians are weak and you wanna throw your weight around
>the indian ends up being a punjabi
>literal warrior descendents who fought off muslims and rode into battle on horseback with swords
>get stabbed and die like a bitch infront of chink wife and chink kid
>in embarrassment whites have to push fake news and call white boy a dindu nice good guy

Let's never forget this event and acknowledge that /pol/cels only make fun of south indians who they know are weak and easy to bully. Around Punjabi Alpha males you are all submissive, quiet, and compliant. Be also aware we read your comments and are ready to snap your necks at any time, I've started carrying a knife and brass knuckles just in case any cumskin wants to get uppity.

Know the difference, it could save your life.

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Lol why would an Indian be living in Canada away from their people and homeland
95% of White men and women are not racist /pol/tards unironically. Most normies are liberals or basic magatards
That's fair, im convince the jeets here were unwanted back home and thus were sent here. The Asians here I know came over fleeing communism and became small business owners.
That fat pudge is a warrior? And he killed some starbucks goy? Wow his ancestors must be so proud. Lame demoralization attempt. I remain unbothered.
Sounds like angry brown hands types this. Get out of my country you faggot

Videos from March 2024
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>Does the US navy have such bad opsec that
>they wouldn't be able to keep their sailors from putting photos of everything that happens to the ship on social media?

5,000 people being irradiated and dying, then sinking because their escorts are ordered to avoid them to not be irradiated themselves, are gonna whine about it loudly as they continue dying. This would kill more Americans than 9/11 by the way, and do way more damage to the planet as the Navy scrambles to figure out some sort of containment.
Good post and good webm.
this is a low iq shitskin desperate for this to be true. try using your brain for just once

>Numerous nuclear reactors have been dumped into the ocean before. I

Only 1 has and, as a result of it being dumped in the middle of the atlantic, the US Navy set up 5+ separate monitoring stations for it and has regular visits using ROVs. A carrier going down in a very populated area like the Red Sea or Persian Gulf will kill at least thousands of innocent arabs within a few days if they are not evacuated or are given a water/food supply away from the coast. It'd certainly kill and mutate all the wildlife which would destroy what little ecology they have. It would be the largest international disaster, ever. I can only pray that it happens and I want it to happen. But, it did not happen over the last week.
>muh iq
lel keep digging ur grave

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We told you this would happen. Now look. We need to bring wages back down to get inflation under control.
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>maoist cultural revolution
You ain't fooling anybody, cut it out bunkertroon.
Burger flippers are not human you can replace them with bots and nothing changes
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No the burden is on you to prove that no company made record profits, dumbass.
Then what are you frog poster?

>Do you work in fast food or something,
NO! Do you???

Frog posters are always retarded NEETs.
You spelled “we need to stop giving billions of dollars to shit hole countries for forever wars” wrong

>Half of US marriages end in divorce
>1% of Indian marriages end in divorce
It's inevitable
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couse killing your wife != divorce
because women here are literally forced into marriage and have no control over their bodies
and that's a good thing
Iberian bros explain yourselves

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>Pol was once again right
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>Bad guy: Alive, in prison, will come out eventually
>t. jew
Tell my children their dad was never racist...beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep
>thinks cops are good guys
retard, they are jeiwsh private goons who made your replacement possible
unironically the stabber dindu nuffin this time
fucked up bunch of kikes and corrupted cops
I don't understand what happened. I thought he was trying to put pressure on some wound on that guy? Why else would he jump on a random civilian that was just attacked

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Why is everything so big in America? Is this what peak capitalism looks like?
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Because Wal Marts cater to EBT users so they supersize as much as possible in order to maximize profits.
Also, our cars are larger because that's what's needed to survive the inevitable crash from incompetent nigger and drunk mexican drivers.
>Australian stupidity never fails to deliver
This what keeps you down, unmotivated and retarded. Shameful display, Pshekbro.



Why bother with all the effort?
Just find a fold and go to town.
Impressive. How long does that realistically last assuming it's always frozen?

All my problems are the Jews' fault.
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federal reserve run by Jews.
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Jews pretending to be White and spreading
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Nuke Israel

>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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boomer women are the worst
>go for a bike read at the beach
>see a dude waving a massive MAGA flag on the pedestrians lane
Are these actual people or paid shills
hey do you got that saved coomey O_O
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And yet you responded.
At least you concede better than Trump. I commend you for that.
>bike read
Hello ESL fag

Realistically speaking, are vaxxies ever gonna have a normal life again?
my neighbor can only drink ensure
sure, the new normal. better than those old normal chuds.
good thing they had that camera installed over their bed
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Man, imagine getting your shit pushed in by Margret Thatcher...the absolute state of the Falklands.
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Expired shithole with an expired fanbase. England should divorce the UK, let go of its overseas holdings, evict the colonizers, and rebuild itself in the likeness of Denmark and the Netherlands.
What's the red ring about?
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top kek

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Let's get real. A civil war will never come close to happening.
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This. Theu fought cops with stand down orders and maybe got shot by paintballs
Can I join?
If 24 states secede then it’s the federal government who will have to go to war to stop them. A war they can’t win with a worthless currency.
watching the ATF take away shit slice by slice is the funniest shit ever.
When 24 states secede and the dollar is worthless.

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I can never get a clear idea of why people hate socialism so much. I think many people automatically dismiss socialism offhand because they are indoctrinated with the pro-capitalist ideology growing up.
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>getting rid of the parasitic capital owning class
the jew bankers? sign me up, comrade!
i work because i enjoy hoarding the fruits of my labor and not only do i hate sharing with strangers i also hate authority teling me what to do or forcing me to do it and i most certainly do not like to owe anything to anyone so i don't want "free" stuff either
i value individual freedom, personal merit and self suficiency above all else
Socialism is the anathema to my very existence, to everything i hold sacred and they won't just leave me alone because it's an absolutist ideology that does not tolerate dissent
they will steal the fruits of my labor at gun point with the excuse of helping strangers i couldn't possibly care any less about

even if socialism worked in practice as intended in theory. it would still be in my best interest to relentlesly persecute and decicively exterminate all remanants of this wretched adversary ideology
You really do sound a little clueless OP, consider watching this historical reflection on Russia under communism.
It starts at 12mins 48sec:
When the fuck was it ever socialist? Velasco? Ollanta? Castillo? It never was you retard. Only Velasco enacted that weird law favouring workers, and that was all.
save the world the trouble and kys instead

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Post humiliation rituals.
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There's not really a way to be seen shitting that's not a little embarrassing
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the cashier girl smirked at me...
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>shitting outdoors
Lmao ok pajeet
Unless they say in advance of any transaction/contract that they are going to do this, it's fraud.

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>Autism rates are skyrocketing
>1/3 of zoomers are LGHDTV4KOLED+
Must be a coincidence.
But seriously, what's in the water/food/air that's making everyone autistic? It's clearly intentional, since autists are more easily manipulable into being good country-destroying libfags, right?

My theory: it's cats. Toxoplasmosis. I've never met a cat person who isn't an autistic and delusional lib.

Another thing to consider: Almost all trannies, cat owners, and druggies/drunks wear glasses. And autists have a higher rate of vision impairment. The eyes are a window to the mind. If you have vision impairment, you're a brain-damaged autist who should unironically rope.
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Same to you, they're not your kids so why stay around? All fields.
>Verification not required.
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Trans children exist and need protection from transphobic attacks
>Verification still not required.
There’s a literal statistical correlation between autism and vaccines
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>1/3 of zoomers are LGHDTV4KOLED+
Quick reminder that every time you see a stat like that it's because of girls who claim to be bisexual or nonbinary. Every other orientation is at around the same level of the other generations

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The stupid pig who arrested the victim in a stabbing attack and then got stabbed himself got what he voted for and is now dead from his stab wounds.
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>see knife wielding Muslim attacking white people
>stand back and smile because diversity is beautiful
>evil unarmed white man stops the innocent brown stabber
>police officer gets enraged and violently attacks the white man
>Muslim gets up and continues to enrich the police officer
>officer dies happily knowing he did the right thing
Everyone is happy
This, why were they backing away? One of the female cops straight up turned around and ran away. It would be funny if it wasnt so pathetic
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Shut the fuck up shitskin advocate.

Why is Gen Alpha growing up to be so intolerant?
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talked about how much she hates religion and trump supporters, she was wearing a black surgical mask the entire time and was clearly a fervent supporter of "COVID" hysteria, hates all things freedom, (unless it's the freedom to enforce all agenda 2030 and queer agenda goals and punish dissenters harshly) she has been completely absorbed by the black cube, very sad to see
And being tolerant is accepting the extinction of human race?
Faggotry is just an excuse to end the earth.
it was the best choice to let the trannies do whatever they want.
they redpilled the kids with that.
Peak examples of oversocialized mental cases.
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Homos are the establishment. They're not the counter culture anymore and browbeating young normies into believing that fags are oppressed when they're elevated above everyone else just doesn't work.

If you don’t understand it, you are a moron
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"Diversity is our strength" is one of the top 3 most retarded slogans that the globohomo regime has blasted at Canadians for the last 30 years at least. If it makes Putin a bad guy then globohomo is Satan.
Trust the plan. By importing billions of browns and replacing ethnic Russians he's actually saving the white race and fight against the jews by doing everything they tell him to do.
How do you have solidarity?
What is your common bond?
What are you fighting for?
Jews are Semites like Palestinians, so they are not white.

It was just a joke ok??
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I guess he did say it a handful of times. too bad it was just a lie
What a lying nigger
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>libshits actually come up with evidence to their claims for once in their lives
Whoa! But regardless he is right.
This nigger cannot possibly be serious!

He specifically told her she'd be in jail if elected, and that's why he got elected, that one single line.

Now we get to sue him for false advertising
Photoshop ai

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What benefit does it give to europeans and why do european leaders hate their own people so much?
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sorry current topic of news is the dead zoggy in germany from the muslim stabby.

Besides, no one gives a shit about your esti-russian compulsion, I don't care how much creampies your grandma took durring "occupation", keep it off this board.
rushitia isn't Europe m8 xD
I think horses will increase in popularity here in a bit.
Look at how short most of them are, lmao.
This is not a natural occurrence, it's a forced meme.
Ffs Russia
Explain urself

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