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As Israel loses more and more support around the globe, the Zionists are doubling down on the God's Chosen People Schtick.
A plan that requires an act of God is a lousy plan.
Magical thinking during a crisis never ends well.
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Neutorics, cultural or otherwise, never know when they've got the upper hand. They can never have "enough" of anything. They'll always go that extra step further into ruin.

This is why they will never achieve grace.
They like being hated, is in their law.

Plus, they have the money.
According to Candice Owens you killed 1M Iraqis
We dindu nuffin
Won't change anything. The American government would rather be destroyed than stop supporting Israel, and the US is the only Israeli ally that actually matters.
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>Lose to Germans.
what a story marx (multiple marks)
can trust some, cannot trust others
aliens are a tricky weird bunch, for sure
the pictures cause invalidation of ze entire claim
>b..b.but mars is a male planet
if you ever have male children, avoid lavender at all costs
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what about the i don't remember how it's called but the electromagnetic field around the earth or sum that doesn't let anything digital pass
Black people disproportionately caused climate change on Mars.

I work minimum wage and me and my fiancee live with my parents.
I pay for my own food and utilities. My parents own their house so I dont pay rent. I pirate shit and never buy, download all netflix shit or vidya that I want from russian trackers and get subtitles from free projects. I repair my android phone every time something breaks with chinese parts.

Question: what the fuck do people do with their money? Everyone complains that its never enough, while I save 75% of my paycheck every month. Invested quite a bit in all kinds of shit and its making good returns. Bought enough tools to start a side business and still got 70k PLN leftover savings. My friends make double my salary and spend it all just in time for the next pay slip.
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Byline: (((Yaron Steinbuch)))
I stockpile sugar. Got 13 tons. They call me makea-matti in the ol pub
>Question: what the fuck do people do with their money? Everyone complains that its never enough
Capitalism is a literal rat race. One of the biggest causes of depression, suicide, low birth rate is not the lack of material things, but the constant need to increase one's income and consumption to compete with others. You make a good middle class wage? Not good enough, you need all the status symbols like a new car, big house, new appliances, expensive vacations, and on and on. Then the middle class person who is struggling to maintain their lifestyle sees the rich person with endless amounts of money and becomes more envious, but they will never be rich in their life time, so they kill themselves.
People just want to spend money uselessly
Its stupid but be warned
States are constantly bailing out these people by printing infinite money
Invest correctly
Bitcoin is tracked by the US government. It's run by jews

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Are niggers the weakest race of all time?
they lack the brain power to make proper use of their physique, but thats life you know. no one race is perfect, although whites are the best thing. niggers dont need to do much to seem aggresive and strong, asains dont need much to be seen as smart and....autistic. whites dont need much to be seen as capable. a white man is always capable of becoming the best at anything, but he has to try a little harder than the other two races to achieve great success in one of those fields.
Yes. Niggers get enslaved by literally any group of people that run into them.
Is that Wilder getting twatted again?
He needs to change his style up
Relies on power too much

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you are all very loud about Trump. but women are quiet and not on the internet. They will beat Trump again.
>women are quiet and not on the internet
lmao that gave me a good chuckle
women also cannot explain why they prefer Biden. An just like typical women, it's not up for discussion. There are emotionally-driven robots that do what they are told by their Democrat Party slave masters.
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>but women are quiet and not on the internet
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Would /our/ girl have voted Trump?

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Russia doesn't have Pride month bullshit.
Just saying
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You're also poor drunken retards living in filth. Just saying. No fags and no slavs would be a country for me
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Rus sisters????
instead it has aids pride every month
> drunken retards
Kill fags. Behead faggots. Roundhouse kick a faggot into the concrete. Slam dunk a faggot into the trashcan. Crucify filthy faggots. Defecate in a faggot’s food. Stir fry fags in a wok. Launch fags into the sun. Toss fags into active volcanoes. Twist fag’s heads off. Feed fags to piranhas. Curbstomp faggots. Judo throw fags into a wood chipper. Karate chop fags in half. Pee in a fag’s gas tank. Crush fags in a trash compactor. Trap fags in quicksand. Liquefy fags in a vat of acid. Dissect fags. Exterminate fags in the gas chamber. Stomp fags skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate fags in the oven. Lobotomize fags. Grind faggot children in the garbage disposal. Drown fags in boiling grease. Vaporize fags with a ray gun. Kick old fags down the stairs. Feed fags to alligators. Slice fags with a katana. Strap fags to an artillery shell.

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I'm sorry my tax dollars are killing your sons, brothers, and fathers.
Please know it is not our people that want this.
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Your DNA is the same.
as an american, i'm not dumb enough to turn myself into a nazi to enable foreign retaliation after protecting the jewish culture from euro-asian socialists and euro-asian communists
>we don't want this
we didn't start the fire, they did shill. turn off the proxy and show your slav
kikes are from russia, jews are from israel and america

Videos from March 2024
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The usa wanted to have a show of force and bomb a few sand dunes uncontested. They do not want a full scale war and cant afford to fully engage. They have to back down since they dont have orders to fire back and biden is too busy deepthroating ice cream cones to give said order. Have to wait until they can figure out a good political angle to run with before they can retaliate.
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>31 pbtid
you do this a lot
Also the pentagon doesnt want to cause a panic with parents all trying to call about their kids, if they were oart of the 400 of the 1,000 crew members blown up. From what I can tell is the ship did take a bit and it isnt sumk. Isnt crippled. Was able to sail away. But took a good hit, lost combat capabilities and a large number of crew. They cant deploy any craft and weapon systems are down.
yeah ok chang
Lol kikes like this poster will be lying until the very end.
Why not focus on manufacturing military equipment ?
Its almost time to kill you all, once the entire world hates you.
Its coming, don't think for a second it's not

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It can be hard to tell during a scuffle if someone has a knife but the fact a knife wielding brown man ever even made it new the islam critic is enough to condemn the entire police force

He turned his back on an armed man, and his fellow cops didn't have his back. It's like they were scared to hurt a Muslim.
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there is no other angle.
Told yall he was fucked. Just cause you dont see blood everywhere doesnt mean it was superficial. Most the times the bleeding is subdermal, barely leaks out.

hahaah so much cool art about this happening


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Why dont leftists support Biden?

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The older I get (approaching my mid 30s) the more rightwing and nazi views seem cringe and retarded as fuck.
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I think the likelihood of you being straight, as in sexually normal, is pretty minimal. The likelihood of whiteness is about 50/50 from what I know of race-crazed neurotics.
I doubt you’re completely jobless. But you probably perform physical toil for a relative pittance.
The mechanism of white privilege, though, is where you couldn’t be more wrong. You see necessary implications where there are none.
I simply think you are socially incompetent and are too full of yourself to adapt sufficiently to find fellowship with your fellow man, believing your neuroses and flaws to be virtues.
South Korea is doing great, same goes for Japan and most of Western countries. Population declining is alright and good for the future, automation is going to eliminate the need for most of work force anyway in this century.

It's funny, there's a lot of totalitarian countries and you seriously think that Western countries have privacy issues. Sure, there's a lot of opinion forming and surveillance going on (for counter terrorism etc.), but that's alright.

>Clarify please. What do we pass as a modern western country in this context? What equality is being referred to here?
I'm referring to most of Europe, the U.S., Australia and to a few Asian countries. Equality are your rights and opportunities in the country you're living in.
beacause you are priveliged fin... most that live near niggers hate them . most that interac with them not on a cashier level . hate them . they steal lie manipulate . they legit have no concept higher of anything you retard.
I guess I'm just hungover or I'm really dumb today. I really don't get your point. It seems contradictory to me. You're saying I'm mentally unwell and if I get better I will have a clear path to massive success because of my white skin?
>anonymously ridiculing another anonymous guy makes my day
Ask me how I know you are a social reject, maybe even bigger than the ones imagined here by you.

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Libertarianism... not even once!
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Libertarians are just druggies who dont want to go to jail
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gimme dat hebussy
Seems legit
He is not a libertarian

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Nick Fuentes?
What happened? We were a socially progressive community which recognized white women as goddesses back in the days when Skyrim was popular. Now, every thread is, "I Hate Women So Much It's Unreal".
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Who gives a shit you fucking simp, it's just an imageboard. You weren't doing anything of importance anyway.
Christians cock work. Only around little boys.
The work kike autocorrected to joke, thank you
You can also tell it's a kike because it goes straight to ad hominen attacks after getting BTFOd
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>Christians kneel to God
>LARPagans kneel to women like SIMPS, their entire revolves about the gynocentric desire to please women who cuck them
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>Christians cock work.
Yours doesn't.
We laugh at you.
Women gag at you.
Have some dignity. Cut it off and go tranny.
You will then receive that which you were never able to do yourself: a Boner.

With the $20/hr minimum wage in California being passed, consumers reacting negatively to the prices some of these restaurants are charging, and the overall shitty quality of the food, fast food is on the verge of collapsing.

Does anyone else see this as a good thing? Our country has an entire generation of fat asses who eat nothing but this stuff instead of cooking.

I have a friend who eats McDonalds constantly because he is too lazy to cook, he is now overweight, has blood pressure issues and is so god damned lazy he can't even get out of bed (he asks me to call him in the morning to wake him up).

Do you think the collapse of fast food with make people healthier and reduce health care costs?
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beesechurger :DDDDDDD
White is actually the absence of color. Please learn proper phrases before you try to talk shit Ping Ling.
Race mixing leads to that because of genetic issues. People think energy levels cannot be determined by genetics but then they see their race mixed kids always being low energy with rare exceptions that have to work harder than normal to achieve that.
Grocery stores, fast food, and another other large national company will balance their sale prices across so that they are more or less the same which puts a disproportionate cost on now fag places.

For example, ignoring like Time Square, a big mac meal in New York is like $14 vs $12 in rural Iowa.

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It's weird because I didn't think an entire nation could be a fag, but here we are. Good job China. You're the biggest fag there is.
>Chinks have no counter for the western anti-ship missiles that Taiwan has.
Enough cruise missiles to block out the sky.
Nooo the microchips stocks reeeeee
They make their own, so whether they can take Taiwans or just deny them to everyone else they've still got the advantage.
For the hundredth time nothing is going to happen.
If something does happen, I hope it's fast and the entire island gets nuked.

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Being that she's a literal 20/10, I'm pretty sure you guys can find it in your heart to forgive her. Calling her a one in a million beauty would be an understatement. What a loss it would've been.
She looked better as a tomboy desu.
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Does anyone know when you unlock olog hai, cave trolls and uruks in divide and conquer total war? I'm in turn 70 and still stuck with trash orcs.
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HQ photo
how much did the testosterone damage her womb
There's a good chance she's barren, thanks to the drugs. She'll never be a woman.

What will 111 be??
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It isn't the Jews, it is, as Putin stated, the Anglo-Saxons. It was the Anglo-Saxons that killed Ch*ist. It was always the Anglos.
Putting all the Jews on a Muslim island archipelago in the Indian Ocean is literally the best plan I had ever conceived… What the fuck, Maldives? You ruined everything.
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>imagine not being able to get that excited for anything anymore
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>It's actually pretty rare for minority groups to be wholly exterminated, no matter how persecuted they are.
You mean white men don't fully genocide their enemies? Even when nearly fully destroying their enemies they say
> Here's a reservation of lands for your peoples
> Oh it's fine Japan just don't have a military and we'll protect you and you can just keep being Japan.
> Oh you tried to turn Germany tranny gay and bolshevik we'll just put you in camps with swimming pools and theater stages
Kikes are the only people that genocide that I'm really even aware of. See Bolshevik Russia. Where kikes killed 66 million Christian people. Oh but that wasn't a holocaust noooo.
Nobody ever hears about that.
Kikes were genocidal in Rome after turning Nero to their religion.
Kikes holocaust others, jews genocide people.
White men cuddle their enemies after defeat.

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What's /pol/'s opinion on psychedelics?
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I don't know where to get them anymore.
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its the equivalent of messing around inside your system32 folder if you have no idea what you are doing.

FED drug for boring people without the capacity for original though or deduction. AKA a FED
- Oh you need a fucking chemical to figure out you dont mean shit?
-You need a chem to give you an excuse to express yourself.

Everyone I know who have taken phycs are dull people who are searching for an anwnser. Then do this stuff and talk about how there is awnsers as they start cognative looping.

It is so fucking dumb. ego death is literaly just pretending to have a grip on reality. But they are still just lost children with no purpose.
we all have free will. just dont be a retard
don’t know but people talking about their “profound” experiences on them are retarded

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What makes women so genuinely stupid? Is it genetic? Are they never taught basic "problem" solving?
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Her look at the end lmao
I think I figured it out desu;
>women are multitaskers by nature while men are more one at a time processors
example: eating a multi dish meal
>guys will access the meal and generally eat 1 dish at a time to knock them out
>women will bounce between each dish and consume small portions of each with no regard to size of dish or difficulty
>eventually the women gives up, even if she is 75% done the whole meal she will still see all the dishes still present and deem the task impossible
This became the bedrock for how I talk to women, it explains far too much about their behavior. Its like bill burr's joke about how women will argue, they'll bring up crazy out of nowhere shit and lead you away from a point just for them to double back to another point and shit. It's actual schizophrenic behavior. All women have it, just some are better at managing it.
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While riding my bike, I've noticed most women don't even notice things around them (i.e. me almost running them over with muh bike). How can they be so oblivious to their surroundings? Even when I think they notice me coming, they don't. They might even look at my direction and not even move, not even flintch, nothing. They mostly look at their phone and the horizon, or something. What's up with that? Are womeme spatial intelligence fucked up?
Women can’t think for themselves, they only can regurgitate what others have taught them
imagine going through this effort to play multiple roles in a skit and you make it about absolutely banal shit no one can relate to or could possibly care about.

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Previous: >>469931400
Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Biden allows the Ukraine to strike targets in Russia with US weapons - https://archive.today/cWfPG
>France to send "military instructors" to the ukriane - https://archive.today/iAtY3
>Russian jamming making some US PGMs ineffective - https://archive.today/1K5Or
>Kiev now recruiting meat from the prisons - https://archive.today/kcIkd
>NATO to organize mandatory arms supplies & financing to Ukraine, at least 100 bln/year - https://archive.today/jjBSo
>RuaF liberate Arkhangelskoye, Battlegroup 'N' keeps advancing in the Kharkov Region - https://archive.today/CgiGm
>Scholz still refuses to send Tauruses to Ukraine - https://archive.today/sJ9QH

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I can filter them by shift clicking them. And a refresh cleans the filter.
Ugly nigger.
He must be paid, when I want a serious discussion he never ever replies, only emotional bs with him.
>I have no doubt that if the mutts were pushed into action, they could ramp up production
not with DEI, and rolling that back isn't happening, the entire patronage chain would unfurl
He has been making threads, especially "why russia" threads since 2017.
He's just massively butthurt about russia, probably a diaspora belter.

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