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Czech is such an ecchi country btw
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literally how
caucasian meaning: its a region that has the Caucasus Mountains range which extends from eastern europe to asia (india). in this mountain range you had scythians, khazars, and other cultures. the exodus of jews was over this mountain range before they migrated further into khazar lands into europe and back to isreal. noahs ark lands in this mountain range for example. its a historical place. scythians followed along this mountain range as they migrated into europe, middle east, and the british isles. they are the reason why polish people on average have up to 30% aryan hablogroups. western and southern europeans (slavs) vary vastly from eastern slavs that have mongol hablogroups. western europeans have zero mongol hablogroups as they successfully defended their lands against the mongol genome being in every one of the citizens. thank you romania, hungary, and poland for your help defending europe.
Without Greece there's no Rome.

How do you "inherit" a culture that arouse from your own?
and the Japs are mongoloids like the Chinese , same race but they hate each other; luckily for us the caucasians. Keep them divided

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Just this single picture alone says more than any amount of words ever could. Girls look and behave like streethookers whilst the boys both look and act every bit as if they were still in a kindergarden. I see this every day and it's generally even worse than picrel. Yet nobody talks about it. Instead everybody is like

>"What? Our kids are completely fine. Did you watch the yersterday's football match?"

or my favorite

>"There's nothing wrong with our kids. Btw did you hear about the government's plan to increase tax on cigars from 3,69% to 3,70? So terrible!"
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Why last year "Mental Health Awareness Month" was november and this year it's june?
It's them again, isn't it?
female arrogance is off the charts and out of control.
women must be humbled and their rights taken away and monogamy must be enforced.
if you're not pushing for this then you're not working to save the West
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it's crazy you ask people their age kek
this pic is absolute truth

Ya know, I'm starting to think that maybe Trump wasn't the greatest choice longterm for the party and putting our eggs in one basket wasn't the best idea.
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We needed a common sense true conservative like John Kasich.
Oh gee oh man like cmon guys can’t we all just get along???
This guy started out as a meme. If it wasn't for everyone's hate towards hilary clinton he wouldn't have won. Look how close it was with that undesirable cunt.
is that because you're a hit and run, 1pbtID shill that can't think for itself?
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It was a choice. It was a disruptive choice too. I remember everyone laughing at this entrance. Wouldn't it be funny if....?

The gaslighting is old.
He was literally memed into office for lulz. If you actually believed in his message, then you got trolled.

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Why does nobody like classical music?
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I play classical guitar and piano and love it. I think most people don't like it because they aren't musicians.
Also people who say you need to be high iq to enjoy classical are complete pseuds i don't know much about making music but I'm sure most can enjoy this piece

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Oh man, get a load of this bizarro album cover I received for a TaoBao purchase of Bach's Goldberg Variations by Gould. The LP was fine, but the cover is ...something else
chopin’s ballade no. 1 in g minor, op. 23
And they were less enthusiastic about the 8th which is proof, as Beethoven noted, that the masses are cattle.

The image that destroyed civilization
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>Which matters, why?
it's the biological imperative on a base level, and at a cerebral level I want my line to continue, I want my civilisation to continue
it's a competition
>it's the biological imperative on a base level, and at a cerebral level I want my line to continue
It's only a biological imperative if you fall for the goo-goo-ga-ga base caveman primitiveness. Gurg to beat enemy man with club! Gurg win!!!
>I want my civilisation to continue
Roflmao. Your civilization hasn't existed ever snice 1945, just like when Hitler said you would lose your entire empire. Which is exactly what happened. There's nothing remotely British or Anglo-saxon about your shithole anymore. Every leadership figure is a paki, poojeet shitskin, or globalist.

Most British people don't even resemble the old-school Anglo-Saxons anyway, they're some kind of dysgenic subhuman mutants which is obvious if you compare old high class stock to modern day british rats.

>it's a competition
A competition which you are bound to lose.
Where K is the amount of investment into a single child, K will also represent an amount of reproductive attempts with a single partner.
Allowing r to be reduced to increase K.
indeed, k type selection appears to be leading to a collapse in the fertility rate though, below replacement
therefore r type is superior as k type will eventually cease to exist given current trends
>lol its insane how someone can be this low iq
>study results replicated in real time

Tell me more about evolution. You're soooo smart.


Hey, I know! Post some graphs about k and r breeding strategies!

That is some high IQ stuff, mate. Profound, profound implications for the future of muh civilization.

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Like you, I feel pretty savvy about detecting psyops.
But what if even the most basic shit we've accepted as true, is also bullshit? Especially now, and as the narratives get seemingly desperate.
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You're wrong global capitalism isn't mentioned at all in the book (or the book within the book). Ingsoc is newspeak for English socialism. When Winston remembers his youth he remembers "top hats" as the enemy of the party, "comrade" is used, theres much more you haven't read the book anon.
So do you have sources for these discrepancies?
Jews might look different depending on the strain but they are ethnically Jews. In the same way you can get Europeans with different phenotypes.
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god wasnt jewish, if thats what youre asking
Naive thinking at best
its amazing how not a single person ever understood how jewish capitalism works. they just believed it was magic and would always maintain their standard of living

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The war in Ukraine has begun three years ago, and we have been sending Ukrainians all the necessary support ever since. But the war is not over. Now it's become a slaughter where people from different countries get killed. With that, Ukraine goes on losing it's territory. I think, given the circumstances, the US has to admit that this conflict doesn't bring us any significant benefits and leads to a waste of it's weapons.

I've just watched an interview with prof. Mearsheimer who studies international relations. Having no illusions, he explained in detail why there's only one way Ukraine can end this conflict – by becoming a neutral state and refusing the idea of joining NATO. Moreover, according to him, it's neutrality must be permanent. If it doesn't happen, the war won't end, and the West's shipment of arms only encourages this scenario. I actually agree with Mearsheimer because we can supply our weaponry to Ukraine but it surely doesn't end the conflict. The only option for the US is to stop supplying the arms and steer Ukraine towards a diplomatic solution.

Also, the US is said to have something to lose, which is not true. The American Conversative (https://www.theamericanconservative.com/?p=467849) did research on the subject. First, the shipment of arms to Ukraine earns the US nothing wasting it's resources. Second, helping Taiwan now is a priority as it has many semiconductor and IC plants. If China takes over Taiwan, the US economy, unlike Ukraine's, will suffer huge losses. Third, Ukraine's neutrality doesn't mean it's lack of independence. For example, Finland once became neutral and now is a rich and developed state. Fourth, it doesn't change the US security as we are separated from Russia by an ocean and multiple allies.

We have to think what we really want for Ukraine: endless massacre or peace? If we are to really help them, then we must encourage it's peace negotiations with Russia and use our leverage to reach a better agreement.
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One of the main shill arguments from /uhg/ is that actually based and red-pilled Whites have always supported Ukraine and globohomo. They insist if you don't like kike plans, you must actually be brown.
The same people who shill for ukraine shills for Israel
Thats all you have to know
It's a war ON Ukraine. Just like Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan. Somehow Russia is always on the other side of the fence in our conflicts. It's because the US and Russia work together to genocide the conflict country.
>Uranium One deal
Remember, Russia is our buddy. We give them (to this day) a sizable cut of American-mined uranium.
Mutt starts wars then has the gall to blame someone else

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Why is racemixing bad?
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Youre guaranteed to have lowered the iQ of your offspring, and become a single mother. Imagine how many young women could have been saved from such a fate if we taught this shit in schools
It has the most predictive validity of any psychometric, you're most likely just some insecure low IQ faggot who gets butt hurt at people measuring how slow you are. Many such cases.
Because it creates jews
"IQ is a meme" says the person with low IQ
Ask Brazil

If gay sex is wrong then why did god put literal male G spot deep into man's asshole?
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>nervous system stimulation designed to encourage regular defacating, thus maintaining waste removal and health of the body
>Lol I'm gonna put a dick in it
So big poops feel good. Has nothing to do with sex. Gay sex has just hijacked a digestive organ for a rôle in the fetish
The fact that it feels good is proof gays don't exist, there's simply no such thing. It's not inherently right or wrong, but it's a fallacy to say good=right just like bad=wrong.
>why did god put literal male G spot deep into man's asshole?
I feel like I got cheated.
Read a couple books on prostrate orgasms.
Get a vibrating prostrate thing
Get videos loaded up for a nice gooning sesh
Nothing but the overwhelming urge to shit.
Not pleasurable at all.
I was expecting unreal ahegao orgasms
Got nothing
Works for me :3

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What an embarrassing shill
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Unlike domestic US state sponsored glownigger channels like China Uncensored who try hard to distance most of their employes from their content so they can run under thousand alternative names like China Watch or Chinas Insights, he has to make it visible that he is the good goy because his greencard depends on it. Hes in his 40s now, has no real job qualification or valuable skills, no academic background to join the think tank propaganda force and would have to flip burgers in South Africa if not for his glownigger greencard
>(You)r Country
(You)re falling for a VPN samefag
> USA KICKS china in the balls
China tried to throw a temper tantrum at the U.S. at the Asia defense conference yesterday. The U.S. reply was met with thunderous applause from literally every nation. China is completely fucked.
exactly, fuck ruschinks

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>flees a bad country to a good country
>brags about destroying good country
>does it eventually
>flees a bad country to a good country

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your picrel implies that the state too is merely a victim of migration while it is the cause, further the state does not suffer, for it is the jews that run our nations.
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His 5 children will be chronically online ipad baby’s and have a steady diet of Goyslop they’ll be infertile/unable to overthrow anything
Spics have been getting uppity over the same shit here

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>Ticketmaster confirms data hack which could affect 560m globally
>Tommy Robinson leads 'thousand-strong' march in London as officers make first arrests
>Labour spark fear of huge ISA crackdown as candidate deletes one telling comment
>Labour risks union revolt over private school tax raid job losses
>Sunak suffers poll blow as levelling-up cash-for-votes row erupts
>Sunak pledges cash to towns as Starmer pitches ‘wealth creation’ amid election campaign
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Zing, if Russian intelligence were reading this. To get the general British populace on your side, all you need to do is nuke London, perhaps, Birmingham, parts of the midlands, maybe Manchester, Bradford, parts of Leeds. Nothing too serious.
AntiZinnger, even, the jannies have give up banning me. Zing power.
it looks like a snake, not sure if i've seen one, definitely didn't take a pic, have seen a snake in the wild though and an owl and a bat flew in my window first year in halls, everyone came to my room to look, i was tripping didn't know what it was it looked like a huge insect quite small but not that big strange
i mower'd one last summer. didn't notice until the next day where from a distance it looked like a black metal hook was on the grass. poor sod

All my problems are the Jews' fault.
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ai posters have no soul
All I know is that once I stopped blaming Jews/Blacks/Hispanics/Indians/Asians/Women for my problems, my life got infinitely better
I got a job instead of complaining, I got a girlfriend (now wife) instead of suspecting all women are whores, I get a house instead of blaming Jews, and I have a good life now
I decided the issue was commies and now everything is sorta easier now
When I was growing up, my dad would always gather our family together and we would pray for Israel. It was instilled in me from a very young age that the Jews were Gods chosen people, that Israel was the Holy Land, and that we should always pray for them. I brought those fundamental ideals with me when I was in the State Legislature, when I served in Congress, and now as Governor of South Dakota. Supporting the State of Israel and our Jewish community has always been extremely important to me. It’s important to support Israel for spiritual, historical, and national security reasons. I am continuing to stand with the Jewish people by signing historic legislation to protect them from antisemitism. I was shocked and devastated to see the horrific terrorist attacks on the State of Israel on October 7th, 2023. And I have continued to be heartbroken to see radical individuals in the United States of America standing with Hamas – standing with terrorists. Ever since October 7th, we have seen a shocking spike in antisemitic acts of hatred around the world. We have even seen isolated incidents right here in South Dakota. No one should ever feel concerned for their safety when going to school, when going to work, when they are just trying to live their normal lives. But that is the reality for so many Jewish people across America right now. We see antisemitism on college campuses, among high school students, and even as young as middle and elementary school students. That is unacceptable. I was very proud to sign HB 1076, a very important bill to combat antisemitism. -Kristi Lynn Noem, governor of South Dakota. Dog and Goat murderer.

"Jews are our elder brothers in faith. For a Christian to be anti-semitic is not only evil but extremely idiotic. Jesus was a Jew. It is beyond me how anyone could claim a faith found upon Judaism and with a Jewish messiah and yet hate the Jews. Baffling. Moronic. Wicked."-Matt Walsh
I’m highly successful (assets in the 5M) and I don’t really understand why white liberals demand we invite the entire 3rd world here to ruin the legacy rights for the next generation

I think libtards should kill themselves, frankly
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>leftists are brainwashed

Christjew culture is centered around Jews. They share 80% of their Bible with Jews but are completely ignorant about Jews. Christjews are so embarrassingly credulous that they really believe a Jew living 2000 years ago in Isreal was blonde and blue-eyed; despite the fact, a white man living at that latitude would most certainly die of skin cancer. They would rather marry a brown Christian than a white non-Christian. They practice circumcision like Jews. Millions of white men faught and killed each other over the proper way worship Jews. They sing Jewish songs in church and all their Christmas music is made by Jews. They call you a Jew for not worshipping a Jew. Their holidays are based on events that happened in Israel. They name their children after Jews. They think Jews are their "ancestors". They attack the Greeks and Romans who actually built western culture and institutions before Jew worshippers took over. They are brainwashed so much that "Holy Lands" does not make them think of their ancestral homelands but about a desert instead. They pretend they hate Jews, but the evidence speaks for itself, Christjew culture has always been and will always be a religion of Jew worship.™

>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Crime pays against the jews!
Happy Bunday everyone!
>Trump gets more support after the verdict. Donation page crashes. Biden cancels his speech the very same day. Trump is not backing down and is still running for the presidency. "They" can't stop him after all this. He will appeal, NY appeals goes south, then it goes straight to the SCOTUS.

Who else comfy here watching the shill clowns and laughing at them? I sincerely, truly hope that they put Trump in jail so I can see it blow up in their stupid, lying faces and perhaps, see if, now thats a big IF, they realize the critical error they've made.

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Fair enough
fuck communists

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So what's /pol/'s opinion on military conscription in your country?

Are you for it or against it? Do you think it's necessary for most men to serve in the armed forces and get a military training?

Do you seriously believe that military service makes guys more masculine and disciplined or it's just a meme?

And I'm not talking about war scenario, I mean military service during peace time.

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The systems are rigged so you cannot get into any position of permanent (or temporary) administration or power.
Here the commies used the acedamia gatekeeping to not allow non communist young men into intellectual work and positions.
But they were utter bureaucratic legalists so if you were super inteligent and had knowledge for 10s at university you would be barely allowed trough to diploma. While their degen commie kids would just waltz trough as if it was highschool.

But now you have faggotry version of that.
Honest decent man cannot get trough to the end of that grinder.
Each and every one of them is like a spineless fag, a minced meat shitburger.
So you have only spineless globalist servants in politics and institutions.
checked. but I'm in better physical condition now at 35 than I was at 18.
SWS out of Louisiana pays combo welders around $60 an hour. I personally know some that work like 7 months out of the year and make $150k.
Meanwhile $100k is less than my bonus will be with medium billables this year.
I have no problems with welding, but the average is around 20 dollars an hour. Georgia is a right to work state too


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>Man wrecks his family to pursue homosexual relationships
>His wife praises him for it
>social media commenters say things like “The kids are the real winners here. Such great parents!” unironically

Is social progressivism at its core just a subhuman pursuit of immediate desires?
Who cares about what would happen if you scaled this behavior up across the entire population, it makes you feel good right NOW and that’s all that matter!

Whether it’s this guy who completely psychologically fucked up his own children to pursue other sexual relationships or the wife and the members of the public who cheer for it on because positive emotions feel good and negative emotions feel bad, it seems like it’s not an actual ideology per se but just the desire to feel good in the most immediate moment without consideration for the future.
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I think that writing your phone number on the inside of a men's restroom with a list of the gay stuff you're willing to do will get you in.
yes 0 future. kind of like.. the niggers. plus kissing their ass makes them feel really super-special.
i think its a kind of mix of the two. and they get some kind of pleasure. may as well say that a gorilla is human because you went and ate your own shit which gorillas do
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>Everything I see on social media is real and it upsets me but I keep looking at it anyway.
.... and then one day, for no reason whatsoever, the Jews decided you were all just cattle.
Wow it didn't even take a year of government enforced submission to turn that guy into a fag. What a weak man
How are the kids hurt?

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Imagine its 2006,your living in the mid west and you just finished your fast food meal after watching a kino in a theater run by a guy named joe.

And after it you sneak into a blonde bimbos rooms after prom to get some cheeks before her dad gets the shotgun

Was this when america peaked?
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Yep, the time before Facebook was awesome. Hollywood Athletic Club had the best raves
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From someone who was 18 in 2000.
>Share flop house in gangland with 5 guys and 3 girls.
>Girls are used like bicycles.
>All of us work min wage jobs part time and steal and sell drugs.
>Spends days drunk and high
>Friend gets arrested
>Have to steal $800 to get bail.
>House gets raid day after you run out of pot
>Discover 4chan, winrar
>Get fired for banging the girl who worked at the bakery across the street while delivering pizzas
>Spend the next month focusing on selling drugs and getting your necromancer to level 60 in EQ.
>Bakery girl is from rich family, gives you tons of gifts and pays for shit, realized after a month youre a loser and leaves.
>Bang the bicycle girl again who has taken to walking around the house naked.
>late 19th century was probably peak America

Kino opinion

You must have meant 1996.
Sounds pretty neat

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>Notorious IRL streamer Ice Poseidon holds scavenger hunt in Austin Texas for all streamers that want to join in.
>High IQ white guy finds final clue to win 30k prize.
>Gets jumped and maced by La Raza supremacist streamer who steals the clue.
>Gets declared the winner.
>All's Fair in Love and war etc.
>Chat rages but won't do shit.
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Considering whites are the only people in the world without an ethnocentric instinct in their body it’s not surprising. Ann Coulter called it a suicide gene. In reality, it’s just an absence of whatever gene it is that makes you prefer your own ethnicity over others.

This is just staged streamer drama. It's modern reality tv.
He should sue the spic and Ice Poseidon
I think you forgot something.
also call the cops on the spic for illegal battery

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So, you think israel is evil but you can’t answer any of these questions? Checkmate, chuds
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all of these questions are distractions from the IDF killing non-combatants
Stop killing NCs and nobody would care
Israel is a fake country that was given to the jews. They didn't earn it, it was given to them.
Neither Israel or Palestine are over a century old so they both get to stay
1. The Jewish people were founded and chosen by Satan after the crucifixion of Christ
2. Judea has no borders, they are an international clique
3. Pandaemonium
4. Satan
5. Matriarchy
6. Sodom and Gomorrah
7. Foreskins
8. Adolf Hitler
9. Judea has been recognized by zero(0) countries total
10. Human (not hebrew)
11. Surely not shekels
12. Maps are not that hard to read, you know
Palestine is an ancient territory and it's early history is lost in time.

It's borders generally followed the borders where the Zionists occupy today.

Capital was Jerusalem.

Most of the history is of it being occupied by some other empire. It was a Provence and a territory of the Ottomans at various times.

Anyway, I could answer the rest of the questions, but you get the idea.

Besides, the Balfour Declaration names Palestine and that jews should do nothing to harm (the word at the time was "prejudice") the Palestinians. That means there were Palestinians living there.

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