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You input literal sand and the machine outputs CPUs

Russian CPU fabrication plants technology is 33 year behind the west (the west relies in Taiwan which is not geographically in the west, just politically)

Western sphere (Anglosphere + almost totality of Europe) use Taiwan CPUs

Russia uses Russian CPUs since today byt they are 33 years behind the west in functionality and speed


Taiwan now makes 3 nanometer CPUs. This is the rumor, nobody knows for sure. 12 nanometer CPUs were independently confirmed by nanomicroscoppy enthusiasts two years ago.

Samsung promises they can make 1 nanometer CPUs in South Korea by 2026.

>Russian CPUs that are started to be manufactured in June 2024 are in the size of 330 nanometers, this is 100 times bigger than Taiwanese

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that's a man.
>picrel wrote
no. picrel stole credit as (((woman))).
well DOS runs in anything what comes to CPU at least

lowest possible CPU for DOS is Intel 8080 from 1980

(altough MSDOS 3.3 is the last version to run with such low CPU)
COBOL has a graphic interface now. People just don't know.
>Russia on other hand went through it already. It has miniscule debt and undermonetized economy. It's on a low start and has great potential for real growth.
ROFL. They've been killing all of their (and your) young men for the last two years and three months, plus a bit. Any intelligent young Russian men with tech skills fled the country in October 2022 when Putin announced conscription.

Not even getting into how Russia's oligarchs loot every company they steal, and they steal every company that's successful. How many big companies has Putin nationalized in the last year? I've seen a partial list and it was a shitload of them.

It will be just like the good old days of the USSR, where they threw Korolev into a coal mine in Siberia to punish him for some bit of wrongthink, then dragged him out to build rockets when they realized they didn't have anyone else who could do it.

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>Ticketmaster confirms data hack which could affect 560m globally
>Tommy Robinson leads 'thousand-strong' march in London as officers make first arrests
>Labour spark fear of huge ISA crackdown as candidate deletes one telling comment
>Labour risks union revolt over private school tax raid job losses
>Sunak suffers poll blow as levelling-up cash-for-votes row erupts
>Sunak pledges cash to towns as Starmer pitches ‘wealth creation’ amid election campaign
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Imagine the smell

Only nonce round here is you. I've been posting like this since 2005, I'm not having some nonce who wasn't even born then tell me I'm posting wrong because I hit enter one too many times and it hurt his feelings.
My point is I can watch it without being called a racist because even normies like it.
Zing, where are the jannies to clean it up?
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Max Power black book 2002 for me

Will she fix Mexico?
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what is it with mexicans and jewish leaders?
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Black and Mexican guys are the most desirable men on the planet.

Most Mexicans at this point don't really care. Mexico went to shit when we included Mayans into Mexico. Race is very much a real thing. I hate that white men have memed it too much.
Her policy will lead to the war. Jews are like that.

>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

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>Makes you more well behaved
lol, lmao. Whites are already well behaved and they need bioweapons to flip shit whenever somebody shoots a criminal
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unvaccinated and proud ^-^
is your redheaded gf unvaccinated too ^-^
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After being forced into Federal court by us, the White House admits they altered evidence to make Biden appear less incompetent


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*ancap ball*
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And yes I like the moggings if they're not jewish... Shorter girls are cute but one short girl isn't going to satisfy me. :) too damn bad, I'm sexist too. Lol
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Lmao you pathetic racists never fail to make me laugh with your “pol humor” threads. Face it, most poc will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins will ever be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers
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Blessed be Canada

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This is the level of intellect of the felon you are supporting.
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I think such retarded answers to stupid questions about the climate cult are based.
Ridiculous claims deserve ridiculous answers.
>He is laughing about climate change because only midwit retards believe this is some huge problem. High IQ move.


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Wrong. Only one man I support for prez
That's what I thought faggot
is the migger response

Videos from March 2024
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If it was anything like the last accidents the USN had the cover up would fail as soon as sailors go to their bunks, get their phones, and upload it all to facebook. The USN is far from perfect and most of their operational incapability is due to their own accidents, fuck ups and mistakes which is well documented on the internet.

one example

Nuclear powers aren't going to start invading each other. You have to keep your slaves somewhat happy or else they run away. And with current laws they don't even have to do that, they can just stop working and live off gibs.
That is your average 17 year old in 1980s America.
Because it's humiliating, the stronger your opponent the better optics, but getting decimated by sandal-wearing, hitting your flagship weaponry and downing your drones is pathetic
if russia, hamas, houthis, etc were winning then all your non stop spam wouldn't be necessary.

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They have ruined my childhood to the point of no return. I have nothing left to live for.
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Not anytime soon. If you've noticed how quiet pride month has been for the past couple years, it's because people fucking HATE faggots and troons now. So they're dialing back on the degeneracy and dialing up the heckin wholesome fuzzy wuzzies.
Spongebob is definitely a homo what kind of crack are you smoking where you think that faggot show is not gay?
Spongebob isn’t a fag you drooling retard. At least he wasn’t when I watched with my kids about 10 years ago
Yeah, but it’s a children’s series and there is no reference to sex or romantic affection in the series. You can carry on all day about it was coded gay or whatever, but if you actually read the books it’s about a great friendship between two dudes. Children do not interpret it as anything else. It only becomes about two amphibians buttfucking when you slap a rainbow on it
Lmao what? Did you forget the episode where Pat and Sponge both raises a clam together as a couple and Patrick implies gay sex in the end by saying “let’s have another” to which SpongeBob is shocked at the suggestion

You’re fucking retarded

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Cars are the tool of opression.
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Walking is free.
You can do so damn much with a truck I will never not own a truck.
You are a delusional clown.
I hauled my friends motorcycle across a few states in the bed and after we unloaded it we spent the rest of the time fishing.
Him and his sister and son in the crew cab and all of the fishing gear in the bed.
Driving through mud pits and shit with some decent all terrains.
People that don't want trucks are crazy and stupid.

Stay in school kids.
Bikers are free to die under several tons of steel, plastic and rubber.
The discussion is pointless. Bicycles are a recreational vehicle. They can only be used for fun where there are no pedestrians or cars.
If you think its a vehicle to be used to travel from point A to point B trying to run over pedestrians or getting run over by cars or trucks ... you're the ultimate FAGGOT.
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I tried to calculate for an average American, but picrel happened.

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What's stopping you from enlisting as Ukrainian volunteer ?
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My dignity
Killing faggots here at home when shit pops off.
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>Is it as bad as they say?
Yes. Even more. Imagine knowing you are a defect on a genetic level and that if you are selfish enough to have children, you can pass it down. Also being a man, but not allowed to partake in anything too physical like weight lifting or any kind of sport outside of swimming/bike riding. Less you cause a major bleeding episode. Also, the constant aches n pains by your 30s is common.

>Does a nick cause profuse bleeding?
Nope. Maybe if my factor VIII was extremely low like some peoples but a nick won't do shit beside bleed a bit longer. But an actual wound on the other hand? Even if you don't break the skin, you can bleed out internally. It also can bleed into your joints, destroying the cartilage. Giving you arthritis in your 30s.

>Do you receive clotting medicine on a regular basis?
No. The doctors want me to thou but I don't want to use up my veins over nothing, nor do I want my arms to look like junkie arms with needle marks/brusing all up an down it. I'll give my self an injection if needed. About once every two weeks.

The one bonus is my pain tolerance is though the roof.
Even worse, it wasn’t just one guy it was 60 or 70 of them. That’s how the Russians knew it was a barracks.
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I can with 100% certainty say that the reddit faggots who joined them wouldn't fight for their own country. What kind of jewish dark magic shit made them fall for the memes of thanos vs the avengers and travel half way around the world I don't fucking know

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Why is everything so big in America? Is this what peak capitalism looks like?
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>ground beef
Cooking with charcoal is seen as feminine, youre meant to make it yourself by burning the wood till it turns into coals
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That looks phenomenal, do you have some videos showing the vodka and beer isles?

I wonder what's the biggest packaging you can get
here the biggest bottle I've ever seen was 4.5 L but it was absurdly expensive like 600PLN when even 0.5L bottles cost like 30-40 PLN so not even worth it

she's in the baggiest pants imaginable what are you talking about her ass is not even visible
Awww always love seeing the youngsters get all dressed up in play army clothes to meet veterans/active duty. These brothers will have a great memory to hold on to as they grow up.
The absolute state of Slavs

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Jews can cope about “white replacement” or how if technically, you consider anyone who has a Jewish mom’s mom’s mom’s mom’s mom’s mom’s mom a Jew (even though they don’t count it past 2-3 generations) they’ll always exist, but their demographics are atrocious.
>minority in Israel + the West Bank + Gaza
>no chance of victory in Gaza or expelling all the Palestinians
>Jewish intermarriage in the US at 70% (~50% if you consider first marriages iirc) and climbing
>secular American Jews have a terrible birth rate
>in Israel secular Jews are being massively outbred by the orthodox and ultra orthodox, who don’t work or serve in the military, which will cause massive manpower shortages and economic problems
>vaunted high Israeli fertility is beginning to fall anyways (see: https://www.timesofisrael.com/israeli-population-growth-slowing-as-fertility-rates-continue-to-fall-report/amp

feel free to contribute your own blackpills for Jews
they fucked up their own economy for nothing

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More and more goyim are realizing that
Israel did 9/11.



Israel has a long history of using false-flag attacks against us.

>The Lavon affair was a failed Israeli covert operation, codenamed Operation Susannah, conducted in Egypt in the summer of 1954. As part of a false flag operation, a group of Egyptian Jews were recruited by Israeli military intelligence to plant bombs inside Egyptian-, American-, and British-owned civilian targets: cinemas, libraries, and American educational centers. The attacks were to be blamed on the Muslim Brotherhood, Egyptian Communists, "unspecified malcontents", or "local nationalists"...

Don't forget the USS Liberty:

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I can never get a clear idea of why people hate socialism so much. I think many people automatically dismiss socialism offhand because they are indoctrinated with the pro-capitalist ideology growing up.
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>The point of socialism is getting rid of the parasitic capital owning class
And replacing them with a parasitic government class. Hell we're already almost there in America
>I am a software engineer

You're a software programner. An office bug.
Being a real engineer requires physical labour, faggot.
I really don't get why this board defends capitalism so badly. You appear as a bootlicker if you are a worker who argues against worker ownership of the means of the production
While I don't disagree that certain gov policies would have contributed to their economic pain, Venezuala has been targetted by US economic hitmen for decades.
Adopting best korea's policies will increase the birth rate.

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How did Indians so quickly become the most despised race?
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jews pushed it plus indians are already hateable also you're wrong jews are the most hated race
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Indians annoying Canadians, Canadians are the best shitposters.
the phone scamming industry. They literally called EVERYONE.
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Caste system.
>The "Best" of them are soulless money-chasers (Nikki Haley)
>Their 'worst' are meek and servile from centuries of abuse

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>gets up in his face
>height mogs him effortlessly
>timmy doesn't do shit
>throws cup at timmy
>timmy takes it like a good boy
another day in Canada, another timmy getting checked by the Indian Chadjeet. what are implication of indians owning white losers?
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He didnt do anything
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There are the subhumans "replacing" you, I don't know about you guys but these street shitters have a chance 2000% of rejections.
Their poojeta street shitters (female Braprat) are fugly too. Kike nosed brown inbred, dog shit awful hygiene, worse at cooking.

Yeah it takes them about 8 months before they realize:

1. Their diploma mill degree is worthless in Canada
2. They are considered unfuckable by all women here, especially white women
3. They will never earn enough money here to live a lifestyle anyone, especially women, would consider tenable
4. They will be living six pajeets deep in a 1br basement suite for eternity
the cat is so far out of the bag it's been run over and is rotting in the sun. that dude doesn't have shit lined up and isn't a student, he lied his way into slavery for nothing.
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Rouven L. is dead, killed by an islamist.

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He was not just a casual "Greatest Ally Christcuck".
His organization is linked to global JDL and ADL organizations and proxies, larping as nationalist and conservatives "Christians" to shill Zionist agendas.

His stand was specifically attacking Palestine in response to the Pro-Palestine protests, parotting Zionist history propaganda lies and history revisionism and defending Israel against the genocide charges.

He was asking for it. Certainly with dual purpose of diverting attention away from Israels PR disaster.

Its Germanized form of Russo-Bulgarian Jew name Rouben
In a proper country like America the cops would have formed a like 80 feet away and shot everyone in the scuffle dead.
This is a fp bot/shill. The German far left is as untermensch as America's because they are active race traitors, but the Germans are under the spell of jewish warlocks like the rest of the West.

This has the be the most overt hello fellow Goyim post I’ve ever seen, and /k/ is full of this shit. Listen to this yids argument as to why we need to support Israel.
>kikes are actually on the side of white nationalism
>also kikes have zero impact in Europe
>ok so if they did push for mass immigration you need to man up and accept that “gentiles” allowed it so it’s actually their own fault
>now “gentiles” need to man up and fix the problem they created so Jews stop getting attacked
>also I’m Christian and white btw
>yes Jews were a part of it but it wasn’t just Jews, we gentiles need to accept that we caused this.
You can’t make this shit up, I’ll post some more of this slop. I’d encourage anyone here to go read any /k/ Israel/Palestine/Gaza thread it’s genuinely mindblowing.
Here’s the same yid dropping the typical boomer judeo-Christian narrative
>He doesn't know about the secret levite goyim army
The US military?
Who the fuck cares about any of this identitarian crap? Bottom line: I literally just don't want my country to spend my money on other countries. Especially ones that start wars for retarded reasons.
Engels was a Jew too

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The houthis struck a US aircraft carrier and nobody seems to give a shit:
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Jewish women in the Yentagon are clawing their nigger coworker's eyes out
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This never happened
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>promoting fake news
fuck off with this retarded psyop already
Maybe in arma lol


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The police officer that got stabbed on Friday by an islamist In Germany died today
He was only 29 years old.
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oh shit, I didn't even notice the trips
444 = Deutschland den Deutschen
The idiot was serving the filthy kikes responsible for bringing the sandnigger into his country. I don't feel sorry zogbots, they'd shoot us dead without mercy for their kike masters, without a second thought.
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fuck this zogbot - well deserved!
This changes things but not much.
She hurts that pig's ego the most.

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Discuss German politics (and the meme I posted). Please do make sure to stay on topic!

Here are some links to get you started:
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do you know what neutral states are called during a world war?

Switzerland ... because with us, at least the Soviets would have simply marched right through back in the days.
What's the vibe in Germany? From the outside it seems like the people are building energy.
nope. either - "not worth the bother" or "just a speed bump"
guess which one was le magic Bergjudenland
and Soviets did march right through you, back in the day.
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>From the outside it seems like the people are building energy.

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