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tries to get help in an imaginative way

how well does this situation portray real life?

is it what the feminists actually believe?
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women dont do shit
you see men mangled for being white knights
ever see a woman do it?
>911 in the face
>Gun in the face
Personal experience says the latter is far, far more effective.
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So you knock the phone out of her hand, and now you get two.
As someone who works with victims of domestic abuse thank you for sharing this. Please share these hand signals more as it has and can save countless women and girls.
What childish nonsense.

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Please post the original
So out of a million professional sports stars, singers and influencers, how many got severely ill in these three years? Several 100?
That would only be a testimony to their privileged lives, because normal pre 2020 health stats would imply thousands.
20% of American men die before retirement age, for example. 1 in 5. That means more than HALF OF ALL MEN SEVERELY DISEASED BY 60.
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The show never stops, sometimes it slows down but it just keeps going.
Is it the fat chick from Yellowstone? The only country music woman is Dolly Parton. The rest are fake pop country starlets.
Imagine if TSwift died suddenly and unexpectedly

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Lol Globohomo is in deep shit
1 week before the EU election this was the worst timing for a mostly pissfully Migrant to chimp out
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The old guy was punching the man getting attacked by the shitskin. So the cop tackled him. Pretty stupid since the shitskin still had the knife.
Danish news still somehow didnt report this at all
They aren’t really. The only relevant issue is brown people don’t belong in western countries. They never have.
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the vid was kino, but use the correct meme, it's devastating
Is this actually what happened?
I've just seen pics of the knife weilding sand nigger not an actual explanation

Are they planting the seeds for what's about to come? Is civil War kino in america too much to ask for?

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I’ll kill your family guy.
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Make it happen, pussy.
It's the stupidest fucking movie. 2 hours of female journalists riding in a car and complaining about female horseshit.

Even the directors knew it was garbage. There's almost no fighting. You never see what any of the rebel forces are doing. It's literally 2 whining cunts, one beta hipster make, and a nigger riding in an SUV until the last 2 minutes of the movie.

It's like the producers realized people would leave the theater saying it sucked so they went for the lowest hanging fruit to appease liberals. They put a bullet in the president's head (who looks sorta like Trump) and that's it. Who actually won the conflict? What does the country look like that after that?

It's basically a click-bait movie.
The worst movie ever and proof we live in an astroturfed pile of matrix shit.
Never seen a character so unlikable like that dumb bitch... Alien movie now also ruined cause this cunt is in it.
I hate jollywood. Fuck it was bad. I expected so much fighting I d/led the 4k 45gb rip, LMAOOOOO. Biggest waste of bandwidth in the history of the internet.
You didn’t watch the movie. The director is the same guy who made the zombie movie 28 Days Later. It has a very similar feel and that movie is much older.

Civil War was only meant to capture the horror and confusion that would take place. It was not meant to tell the whole story, get political or show the aftermath.

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White or brown?
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Have to see dick first.

Never claimed I was

Accidently burned the hair so thought I'd get rid if it and let it grow back
I'm hairy though
Likely honorary.
Arabs will never be white they are filthy

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Can you read cigó?
>why do you use it?
It's same as any name that gets popular. Same reason you see all kinds of names being used in the US and other countries. Name gets popular, people like it and give it to their kids. Nothing more to it
>You are supposed to hate everything Hungarian lol
Why? I never met a Hungarian and was born in 2000. Explain to me why I should care about something that happened over 150 years ago?
I know 0 people with these surnames, though?
yes I can you stupid nigger. I mentioned two well known whores, one of them happens to be use the alias as Timea. are you proud of her or what? get off my site you underaged newfag lmao
>Why? I never met a Hungarian and was born in 2000. Explain to me why I should care about something that happened over 150 years ago?
That's pretty based, you as a zoomer are wiser than the 30+ and 40+ millennials in these threads
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sniffing glue
being soulless insects
a lot of words
that minaret tacky architecture

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>Molchat Doma
Sorry man, but most of the online right wing is quite pathetic. Most of pol is obviously gay and brown while righty media personalities are some flavor of either. The stereotype exists for a reason.

They are only interested in money. I have no idea how they are able to live in the country that gave up their country and countrymen to Russia at Yalta while seething at modern Russia, but they manage somehow.
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>right wing
i am neither left or right
0 days since this shithole of a website posted that American troon and tried to not mention the guy's an American crossdresser living here and making femboy videos for /pol/niggers to masturbate to inbetween posting tranny hate threads

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Why does nobody like classical music?
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Salieri also teached Beethoven, Lizst, Schubert. For free
you lack basic reading comprehension
the retard was talking about scales, not octaves
I don’t believe anyone unironically listens to classical music. It might have been good in it’s time but it’s severely outdated now. Imagine Dragons, Drake, Lana Del Ray, the Weeknd, that’s real music
Very American post
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Has to do with the rise of modernist/atonal music which quickly became the enforced dogma of high art music. It was the music that was taught, funded, reviewed and performed for the majority of the 20th century. The thing about this particular type of music though, is that it represented a complete rejection of the Western tradition of classical music. It's absolute wank, and so repellent you have to be indoctrinated into finding any enjoyment in it. As a result, nobody listened to it, and this new classical music was completely ignored by the masses, becoming the refuge of university professors and music theory dweebs. This is to say that, in essence, the reason why nobody likes classical music is because it's continued development has been denied to them by a type of music which subverted the tradition, and then proudly wore it's fleshsuit for over a century. It's irrelevance became classical music's irrelevance. It's a crime of the highest magnitude, I can't overstate it. Google the 2nd Viennese school, you couldn't make it up.

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How does everyone afford Moncler and Canada Goose coats? These things cost anywhere from 800 to 3k each
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I knew a guy who's job it was at one time to go recover unpaid furniture rentals. I was flabbergasted, never even heard of that. He said it was always on the reserve.
And every British celebrity I've ever seen
Drug dealers have always liked parkas
>standing on a corner all night
>easier to conceal things on your person
>makes you look bigger like a peacock
La Cosa Nostra and your old British equivalents had too much class for that kind of niggerdom.
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Nobody knows what your shit brand is you labelfag. Niggers steal or buy chink knockoffs for all things.

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You guys hate black people for any personal experience or it's just you being influence by a retarded internet board?
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I’m not lazy. I get so much work done I run out 3 hours before my shift is over and have nothing left to do. Boomers are the real life equivalent of Jannies. They run and snitch to the boss, and yet their paycheck is still exactly the same as mine. Yes, I would much rather deal with niggers versus old miserable boomer Jannies.
So if I hate them for something other than what they did to me personally, that's me being manipulated rather than me rationally and objectively observing their behaviour?
I really don't hate anybody but kikes and pajeets. Kikes because they're responsible for thr social conditioning that's led to the most deplorable behaviors of all people in my country, and pajeets because they are insects that the kikes are trying to turn into their ideal slave caste by replacing all others in my country. All else is individual circumstance, and if we removed these two from our nation, we could get overwhelmingly further ahead as a united America rather than being divided on inane racial lines like their puppeteering continuously tries to force on us.
When I was 7, the only other white kid in the neighborhood and I were riding our bikes up and down the street and these two guys kept walking up and down the sidewalk. We thought nothing of it because we didn't know any better, but when we both happened to be at the far end of the street at the same time, they attacked us. Broke the other kid's jaw.
According to what I was able to later learn years after this, they were 28 at the time and ended up suiciding by cop around a year after this event.
I should add, they did this because they wanted our bokes. Very stereotypical, I know.

All my problems are the Jews' fault.
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I'm sorry, I didn't realize I was talking to retards. Modern jews are canaanites. Yeah, those canaanites. So yes, I hate jews but I also worship one. But calling a canaanite a jew is like calling a nigger a german because he happened to be born on top of a bunch of it's culture, history, and inside it's borders.
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The pathetic rage sperging on thusly site is so euphoric.
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>I don't see people blaming personal problems on Jews ever, and I've been here for a long time.
>They do blame societal problems on Jews though, and it's correct to do so.

You're being purposely obtuse because it suits your argument. And every societal problem could be blamed on leftist WASPs. You know this and refuse to consider it because it might impugn Christjewry.
No arrow so you look like this and say this
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>When a poor white trash Christian lost all hope, he has one last brilliant idea..."We the real Jews!", he says proudly knowing he has finally outsmarted the Jews.

I genuinely feel sorry for you...

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Palestine, Syria, Ukraine, Taiwan, Turkey, Greece, Libya, Iran, Mali, Caucasus, Yemen, Ethiopia, Myanmar, Socotra, and other geopolitical happenings, as well as soup, pipelines and robots.
/ug/, /sg/, /cwg/, /o/, /tv/, /osint/, /ck/, /tg/, /k/, /soup general/, (NOT /ipg/)

GPG News
Damage to electrical power infrastructure and civilian houses in Zaporizhzhia as result of Russian missile strikes.
United States President Joe Biden has eased a ban on Ukraine using US weapons inside Russian territory to help the country defend its northeastern Kharkiv region from attack, Secretary of State Antony Blinken has confirmed.
Israeli war cabinet minister Benny Gantz’s centrist party has proposed holding a parliamentary vote on dissolving the Knesset, but it was unclear whether he has enough support to bring about early elections.
Israeli artillery shelling on areas east of the city of Rafah.
>United states
After two days of deliberations, 12 New Yorkers found Donald Trump guilty of all charges in his hush-money case. Trump is now the first former US president with a criminal conviction, and the first candidate to run for the White House as a felon.
Turkish Armed Forces hit the YPG positions on the Sayyada line in the west of Manbij with mortar and artillery fire.

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they will say the situation was "unübersichtlich" and they didn't know
the real reason as i suspect and also why everything went so horribly wrong is that the zogbots were there to arrest the evil nazis for "hate speech" in the first place and were in no way prepared for any situation like that
kek i realized this is useless without the legend above
That explanation makes sense. Simply be there, send in an agent provocateur and then arrest everyone once the fight commences, but their guy was running late and they made the assumption that the action had commenced, when it simply hadn't.
A truly RW party is functionally illegal.
Taiwan March
The Krauts even beat us in this category, truly German innovation knows no bounds
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>A truly RW party is functionally illegal.
this gives my boomer frens empty stares when i mention it kek
hi gershon how many explosions do you have daily?

in other news the wannabe Napoléon in the Elysée still wants to form some sort of coalition against russia
>bom dia como estao as coisas no Brasil?
Same shit as always

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What's /pol/'s opinion on psychedelics?
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jewish poison
We are literally over here:
i meant we are disussing in this other thread.
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They're fun maybe once or twice a month.
Pic rel GT cubensis
I don't know where to get them anymore.

Chuds who have tried LSD, what does it feel like?
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I'm not sure, because I'm 47yo, in the 1990s in kalamazoo Michigan ( where I'm from) there was a wave of acid(lsd), both paper, liquid and micro-dot. Some was weak some was over powered. If it was weak, you would need to eat at least 3 to 5 hits for a decent buzz. So for me, I would begin by planning out the night, and trust once the acid kicks in, forget about time, money, perception of time and money. So don't do anything where you have to be responsible for time and money. After ingesting the wait is as low as 15 minutes, for good and 30 to 45 min for bunk shit. Colors, sounds, thoughts all stretched and disproportionate. And once you take it, that's it, your locked in, 11 to 15 hours. Day tripping vs night tripping is also something to think about. Man I've eaten about 100 hits or so in my lifetime, From 13yo to about 28yo. Good luck poo.
it's just a drug and wears off, you can get bored of it when you know what to expect, nobody is addicted to lsd. the appeal is the novelty mostly
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Anon I've had colors like this on kratom. Not sure why. But if I overdue kratom, I have what could be flashbacks.
weird, but in positive sense. You start to analyze things from different and new perspective. Like a child that is learning world anew.
Though it is tiring a bit because you cannot make anything that needs focus.
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>Overall I prefer shrooms just because by the end of the 12 hour long acid trip you're always completely fried and it's hard to do much of anything the next day. That being said, some of my favorite moments in life have been on LSD. Everyone should try it at least once imo.

Feels good looking back fren, that I can agree 100%.

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Don't tread on me
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never stood a chance
That's fine too
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Because elephants don't live in areas with white men.
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>gets zapped by a high voltage line
>only takes 6 minutes to stand back up and start walking away
Honestly quite impressive

So did the U.S. astronauts actually go to the moon?
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Yeah on earth that would happen because there's moisture in the atmosphere
>things that don't add up.
to you

lets talk about those cosmic rays you mentioned sar.
>god was born from a jewish virgin. and 3 buildings fell at free fall speed into their own footprint in new york on sept 11, 2001.

Both of those are true.

We still go. We just use robots, because it's cheaper, easier, and doesn't require a return trip.
>How do I prove to you that I didn't eat pizza for breakfast this morning?

Timestamped video showing you at breakfast eating something else until you leave.
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You can watch the recently rediscovered missing moon landing broadcast.


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Let that sink in...
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Japan is fully conected by trains because the whole country of Japan is smaller than Texas.

>muh Yurop
Half the size of Burgerkistan

>muh India
Left over of British colonialism

Just keep using planes like a normal human bean.
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>Says the country going into debt to the tune of a trillion dollars every 100 days
So you're saying that if we're going to be spending money like a nigger on check day we might as well double down and waste more money on stupid shit that will only further endebt us to international Jews?
They drive to work so often it's become second nature to them. Like walking through your house when it's pitch black at night. I never bump into something even though I can't see shit. That is more than slightly obstructed though. That's a liability. That doesn't need a law. It's self-evident.
Their economy is fucked unless Americans decide to replace all of our infrastructure using Chinese contractors.
Which is why they are pushing so hard for Chinese EVs in western markets.
He's a faggot that refuses to acknowledge the most progressive state trying it's hand at HSR and it failing utterly after spending billions.

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If I fight back, it might be a glowie trick!
>any and all dissidence will be crushed by any means necessary.
the powerful sure have done a number on anyone who even questions their authority
>fight back
>go to prison
>write about your struggle
>become the hero we need
>life is like muh sports
go back
That is a pillow fight. Take off the gloves for a real sport.

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Just this single picture alone says more than any amount of words ever could. Girls look and behave like streethookers whilst the boys both look and act every bit as if they were still in a kindergarden. I see this every day and it's generally even worse than picrel. Yet nobody talks about it. Instead everybody is like

>"What? Our kids are completely fine. Did you watch the yersterday's football match?"

or my favorite

>"There's nothing wrong with our kids. Btw did you hear about the government's plan to increase tax on cigars from 3,69% to 3,70? So terrible!"
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Thats how subversion works the new generation have no context that the old generation have and they take all the insane shit thats pissed us off for over a decade as normal. So to them things are only slightly off where they should be.

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I just took a huge Israeli
In unrelated news, the Maldive central bank was surprise investigated and all the precious metal reserves in the vault to meet their reserve requirements, was found to be missing, with no records of its removal or appropriate collateral rendered. Not a single person in the entire organization has any idea what's going on or how anything works. The Yemeni bank is planning to bail out the Maldives, houthis are on route to broker the transition.
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based maldives

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