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Matriarchy is streamy marching on backed by technical progress and I don't have a clue what can be done, bros.

However, Herman Wirth, a Dutch-German historian, a Nazi and scholar of ancient religions and symbols, co-founded the SS-organization Ahnenerbe, claimed that matriarchy is the genuine Aryan type of society organization.

Was he right?
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They do have patriarchy and I explained to you how, and I gave you the fact that literally all experts that study lions say they have a patriarchy lmfao
Why are you inventing your own semitic nonsense instead of actually learning about lions?
>Also, why do you call me a kikie but not Wirth?
Because you didnt even prove he ever existed? You gave zero sources to the guy or anything he wrote or said, you just made claims.
You are rabidly trying to shut down and deny the overwhelmingly recorded fact that all Aryan cultures through all eras were patriarchal
You are absolutely trying to promote matriarchy
You are literally so desperately trying to promote it, that you are trying to paint current day leftist Nordic countries as traditional Aryan culture, no the fuck we arent. Our countries are absolutely nothing today like they were in the 90's just a mere couple decades ago, there was already significantly more patriarchy back then
Most people who say they're SS but are against the folk and advocate ideas that would corrupt the people are kikes
Ukraine is run over with Kike Nazis, nothing to do with the German National Socialist workers party.
>Herman Wirth
He was a sandnigger and those people live under a matriarchy.
There is probably a bit of relative truth to this. If you study pre-IndoEuro culture, the Etruscans and Minoans had women who were much more "involved" in the lives of their people compared to Greeks of the same time.

The Etruscans also used runes (unrelated to IndoEuro language) which may be related to the Nordic runes. I believe this could be a connection for the Hyperborean theory.

That said, they were no where close to being a matriarchy.

Watch "The Mysterious Etruscans" for a good sense of what they gave to western culture. They probably influenced Rome culture enough to ensure they didn't become fudge packers like the Greeks.

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You chuds who support Russia, do you not realize this could destroy the entire liberal democratic American world order and all the progess we have made since the end of WWII? Russia winning would bring us a 100 years behind, instead of exploring the stars well be slaves to Putin is that what you want?
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Das rite, fuck Globhomo-Timmy gonna do against DA BOYZ?
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Shells fly til every man woman and child is dead.
And then shells fly some more.
Noah Yuval Harrari
What does "transhuman" mean?
802.15.6 [research]
802.15.5 [research]
802.15.4 [research]
Ian F. AKYLIDIZ [research]
ITU [International Telecommunications Union | research]
WBAN (Wide Body Area Network) [research]
MBAN (Medical Body Area Network)
COV-BAN (research)

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Good. I hope Russia destroys this Jewish fag nation.
Don't threaten me with a good time, libcucks

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Why or how is Technology showing divisive content to people, then showing different User Generated content to either Women or Men underneath it which is further devisive?

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>I believe they are spying on real important people but not some guy saying Grapefruit.
You have it backwards anon.
It takes a miniscule amount of data to send a word like 'grapefruit' as text or audio, and unlike spying, advertising is always massively profitable and will always justify its own means.
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I love how this thread is in the process of getting slid and derailed by a Brazilian schizophrenic who thinks he's getting gangstalked by journalists who work for the US government. That's how you know OP spurred a conversation about something TPTB don't want us to know about.
Most likely a phone or tablet user who uses autocorrect & it gives odd capitalising letters randomly throughout the entire sentence. Always the first letter, notice how middle or end never gets capitalising letters
Glen greenwald was the first to do things in August 2020. Actually it was tucker Carlson in April 2020 and may 2020.

Jennifer Psaki wasn't even on the WH and if anything she became aware of me after my meltdowns on kohlChan around.. 2021 and 2022..

And at that point at least Brazilian YouTubers had already done things I wished they hadn't done and this was in 2020.
Jennifer Psaki didn't tell me I had an asylum claim.
She didn't have any dreams to persuade her of better options than having real guerilla leftoids drugging me and doing all of that

My meltdowns meant nothing for anyone.

Not for Jennifer Psaki. Not for Tucker Carlson.

>America just called off a launch
>meanwhile China just went to the moon
It's literally fucking over
China is the new leader of the world
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breaking news! gutter oir spring found on farrr side of moon
The 20th Century is over.
The 21st Century belongs to China.
>winning by visiting a toilet already used by someone
I haven't seen those stupid videos lately
I wonder why
This is space travel, it's not comparable to your morning shit memeflag

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Let that sink in...
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Gotta make it easy to transport illegals throughout the entire country. same reason the blue line goes into mexico and connects to the yellow which leads to florida and cali and the white which leads to most major eastern cities and into canada. which can also ship their poos down.
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Illinois has some of the most affordable housing in the whole country. Maybe everyone recently decided that living in boomerville with rev-my-truck-at-6am-man next door is a shitty life. It is much nicer to live in a small town with a stacked train schedule.

It really depends on where we're talking

In my experience both US and Europe have authentic, natural South and fake, smug North. Balkans and Texas are closer to each other in that regard than Texas is with Washington or Balkans with Netherlands
Exactly right, with the micro-chip vaccines they can make sure all the illegals get through smoothly.
>Euros (non anglos) don't put on masks when interacting with others.
Which is their problem. In America you put on a mask because the country you live in doesn't allow you to live in a fantasy which costs money that eurofaggots think is some duty to abide by and pay for. I can see some eurofaggot saying something about the american experiment failing but that's only because hes a poverty stricken retard in some armpit. You should be shamed for behaving in pro social ways, eurofucktardfaggots do the opposite and shame you for being anti social and then ban guns so you can't shoot them

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Is liberalism more dangerous than communism
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Why were you catholic in the first place
It’s a religion for lazy peoples like meds and irish
Going from the founding fathers to effeminate spergs like you is an undeniable decline.
because we agreed to the rules when we signed up and not chimped out like you
>Going from the founding fathers
You're nothing like the founding fathers soda boy. Go drink your energy drink.
What did Poland do this time to trigger all the anti-Poland Shill Task Force threads of pretty much the same shit?

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GIGA HAPPENING! 500,000 (HALF A MILLION) Russian invaders killed and crippled during the past 830 days of Russia's 3-day special military operation!
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explain your dogshit genetics take, its "pro-russia" posters who are spamming, but they don't support russia
>500k killed or wounded
>around 700k troops are in ukraine total
>russia is still advancing
does not compute
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You just can't accept the face that Russia is winning and that hurts your ego, knowing those 'Sub humans' are destroying you.
i believe it
some russian journalist got suicided for saying 20k russians were killed in avdivka alone
what? what kind of isreali dogshit genetics do you have?

absolute subhuman take, what is he even trying to say?

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Russia doesn't have Pride month bullshit.
Just saying

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>"I believe passionately in freedom for women, and whilst many battles have been won in the past century, there is still a long way for society to move until women enjoy the levels of freedom that they should be able to. I am not afraid to use my body as well as my brain to deliver important messages."
Why do women use their body to protest? While it might draw attention to their cause do they not realise it also belittles their message?
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honestly she might be the most disgusting woman ive ever seen
Asking to get punched for sure
>rape is not optional
but I don't want to rape these fat whores
imagine the smell
I ask her to sit on a towel

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I can’t be the only one to have noticed it, why do shills on other mass media platforms always use ellipses when it comes to their online arguments without substance? It is always something like “You should address the issues of racism in the United States because of the systemic effects…” and the ellipsis serves nothing to the post. Is it a reflex?
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You type like a boomer. How old are you?
pajeets overuse ellipses as well
>I do it to upset you! >:^)
>proceeds to argue about the set nunbers of an ellipses out of anger
How's that projection working for you?
It's a tool to shape conversation
it's women

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Previous >>469862886 (Cross-thread)#

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)

>Al-Quds Brigades: In a complex operation, our mujahideen were able to snipe a Zionist soldier and bomb enemy soldiers and vehicles with mortar shells in the Tal Al-Hawa axis, southwest of #Gaza City.
>Hamas - Osama Hamdan to Al Jazeera: It is unacceptable for occupation forces to remain in Gaza or manage the Rafah crossing. The Interior Ministry in Gaza managed the Rafah crossing before the war and will continue to do so after the ceasefire.
>Al-Qassam Brigades destroy a gathering of enemy soldiers and vehicles with mortar shells in the Tal Zorob area in the Tal Al-Sultan neighborhood, west of #Rafah.


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Khamas already agreed to it two weeks ago. They want to double check the jewy small print.
Kikes are the ones denouncing it.
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You potato niggers are alright.
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>43 posts by this ID
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Posts old footage for no reason at all
>it’s pronounced chowder
Al-Quds Brigades:

Jointly with DFLP, footage of the preparation and assembly of missiles during the ongoing AlAqsaFlood battle.
https://x.com/warfareanalysis/status/1797177337769013357 6/2/24
https://files.catbox.moe/ayxzeq.mp4 6/2/24

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Like you, I feel pretty savvy about detecting psyops.
But what if even the most basic shit we've accepted as true, is also bullshit? Especially now, and as the narratives get seemingly desperate.
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I do appreciate you anon
>So they edited hundreds of millions of books.

no midwit. the idea is that someone wrote a fake book at one time and then millions of books were written using that one fake book as a reference.

>thats crazy
is it? because zoomer school books now write that janurary 6th was le heckin revolution even though every single one of us could have watched the entire event live as it was being streamed so we literally know it didnt go down like that but people still believe it even though literal contemporary first person sources demonstrate otherwise.

same thing with george floyd. you can find the entire 30+ minute confrontation online, it was leaked by a news tv station. Mr floyd first said 'he couldnt breathe' before the police even touched him. He was sitting in his own car, completely untouched by the cops. The cops spent half an hour trying to talk his retared ass into getting into the police car, and then staying in the police car, but he wouldnt because he was tripping balls on all the drugs he had consumed. Yet you ask the average person what happened and they will say

>damn white cop killed a nigga fo no reason, sheeet. he culdnt breaf cuz dey choke him
Anything significant enough to be reported on in mainstream media and witnessed by civilian observers such as Orwell.

I served as a combat medic from 2004 - 2007. I don’t know of every large scale engagement that took place in OIF/OEF but I know they were all recorded.

I served with guys that went back to Mosul to fight with the Kurds against ISIS and even the Peshmerga kept detailed logs of every engagement they had with the Daesh.

The premise of OP is that we are being fed bullshit historically based on Orwell saying he’s seen false reporting of engagements.

I’m saying this happens in very limited instances because of the human factor involved making it too difficult to contain the truth.

An example of this happening would be Waco and the ATF creating the false narrative that the Branch Davidians shot first, when it was two lone ATF agents shooting their dogs at the front perimeter. Resulting in 4 ATF agents being killed and a clusterfuck of multiple Government branches getting involved only being briefed that a cult had opened fire on the ATF and killed 4 agents.

It happens, but it’s isolated. People who think it’s common need to get real world experience imo. Anyone who has been involved with this type of stuff knows the human factor makes it way too dysfunctional to be done. Being isolated makes it seem plausible because you don’t understand that human chaotic factor.
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The biggest whitepill is that every event in human history has been in at least some way a psyop.

The Holocaust was a typhus internment program which spun out of control due to bureaucratic incompetency and willful manipulation of photographic evidence.

Most wars are fought in dilapidated, abandoned areas purely as a tax write-off, someone scraping their knee is considered a casualty, all footage is doctored.

Every news station has a rotation of three stories which they deliberately cycle through in such a way to memory hole certain topics whenever necessary.

Gay people aren't real, either. But that's a topic for another day.
Nice list of proper nouns you got there.

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No blond hair for sure.
Eye color uncertain.
Face is rather round than long.
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He is a street shitter (aryan) with straight/spiky hair and a thin lip. He had one jewish grandpa who fucked blonde pajeeta pussy
just like you
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he had blue eyes, but the le blond hair blue eyes meme was jewish war propaganda

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>fuck around and kill 40,000 Muslim civilians in the past year
>fuck around and kidnap 10,000 Muslim civilians in the past year
>fuck around and starve 3 Million Muslims
>displace 3 Million Muslims in the past years on top of 5-6 Millions already displaced
>fuck around and justify genocide of Muslim country
>fuck around and glorify genociders
>fuck around and and deny basic human rights to Muslims
>fuck around and deny freedom of expression for Islam and demand Islam to cuck to political Judaism and radical Jewish terrorism
>find out and get stabbed

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>The election in 2020 was stolen
>We will win in 2024 by voting in the election

Why can't the MIGA NPC's compute this ?
If the 2020 election was really stolen then why would Trump be allowed to win this year ?
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we will just merely unsteal it
Obviously it's a problem, but what should Trump supporters do then? Not vote for Trump?
Even the lefty ai memes suck

Truly a depressing existence
>Why can't the MIGA NPC's compute this ?
They can, they just don't ACTUALLY believe the election was stolen, hence voting is still worth it. They're just liars, like most trash people. They play pretend, and don't even bother thinking about what it means when their actions contradict their apparent "beliefs"
Right-leaning independent voter here
"election was stolen" is a slogan. It's not a statement on specific voting machines. The election was literally stolen by the media and leftoid George Groid rioters who literally threatened citizens with violence if Trump won again. The fact that you'll offer 1/6 as an equivalent, and even think I'm crazy for reversing the narrative that trump supporters want to kill you, is proof of how polarized and distant our information ecosystems are.

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Discuss German politics (and the meme I posted). Please do make sure to stay on topic!

Here are some links to get you started:
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let'sa up to those replies, energize the thread, feel the brem
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deutschland denkt wieder innovativ
mosswalker, where'd you go
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>100k views in 6 hours
might as well play it to bump distribution more https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XN9xIn72ZDY

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New color revolution against orban fascist regime in Austro-hungary
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No Orbán just won the
>who can attract more people to the streets
dick measuring contest yesterday.
Plus polls show that all the newest WEF appointed opposition figure managed to achieve was to siphon off support from the already existing opposition parties, all the while Orbán's approval rating actually raised.

As it's often said in Hungary, itt nem lesz Majdan (There won't be no Maidan here).

They do literally do that. The popular mind imagines CIA agents as cool former frat guys with guns and swagger and nice suits, but that is the old CIA. Nu-CIA is frumpy old Jewish women and based black affirmative action cases who can’t count without using their fingers, plus some homosexuals from State Dep’t. They are inept mongoloids and all the capable Americans (White males) got frozen out a long time ago unless they are greasy social climbers or gay. They can’t pull anything off in Eastern Europe anymore because they no longer use their best resource, which is White American men. It’s actually hilarious. Fucking retards kek
top zozzle
CIA does two things here these days
1 they pay journos and normalfag e-celebs through NED to shill for them
2 they hand off stolen intelligence that they think will be embarrassing to Orban to leftist journalists. but the shit they usually find is nothingburgers

Yes and they hand suitcases of cash to opposition parties but they are too stupid to realize most of the money goes into new cars and houses and vacations. They are inept and they can’t even manage operations in Georgia anymore. I’m not sure they’re relevant anywhere except like Africa, Middle East, and the Americas.

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Imagine its 2006,your living in the mid west and you just finished your fast food meal after watching a kino in a theater run by a guy named joe.

And after it you sneak into a blonde bimbos rooms after prom to get some cheeks before her dad gets the shotgun

Was this when america peaked?
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America peaked around 1947
Imagine living in LA in 2007 as an attractive white guy.

>Comfy loft apartment and chill job at some new age office
>Get a Zooey Deschanel looking gf at some party hosted by mutual hipster friends
>Go out to bars and meet fellow beard hipster guys and hippy girls
>Go on a yearly trip out to Costa Rica or something

It would be just like all of those movies and sitcoms made between 2000 and 2007

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I heard unionized tradies can easily clear $100k+ though
I enjoy having a functional body and working less than 60 hours a week
>Unless you're going for like chemical engineering or tech related fields, there's no guarantee you'll be able to recoup the cost of your degree quickly, if ever.
Apart from stem you shouldn't go to uni, with the exception of widening your friend circle, to know people in your field who can help (law/business).
But many concentrate on partying instead of networking plus the quality of teachers also varies a lot by unicersities.
The delusion of pederast greeks. This is in Chicago no less. Enjoy breathing in fumes all day long.

>Pay Rate: $20.00 per hour (Negotiable depending on experience.)
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My son is a welder. He makes $40k/year. Where are you getting this from?
Data says 16/hr to 31/hr with an average of 22/hr.
That's 32k$/yr, to an average of 44k$/year, and a top of 61k$/yr.
Calling bullshit on your meme, bro.

I work minimum wage and me and my fiancee live with my parents.
I pay for my own food and utilities. My parents own their house so I dont pay rent. I pirate shit and never buy, download all netflix shit or vidya that I want from russian trackers and get subtitles from free projects. I repair my android phone every time something breaks with chinese parts.

Question: what the fuck do people do with their money? Everyone complains that its never enough, while I save 75% of my paycheck every month. Invested quite a bit in all kinds of shit and its making good returns. Bought enough tools to start a side business and still got 70k PLN leftover savings. My friends make double my salary and spend it all just in time for the next pay slip.
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Can you resell guns in USA as a citizen for profit? Any tax involved?
If you can, based.
If not, cringe on par with retards who keep spamming to buy ammo and canned beans as investment.
>you can only own one thing
jewtard alert
No woman wants that boring shit. Touch grass loser. You lack self-awareness like every other simp who loses his shit when he finds out he got cucked
sounds nice desu.
here in USA it is different story. used car is $10k unless the wheels are falling off, then $200-400/mo insurance payments. property tax for a house is $8-15k yearly.

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