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Just this single picture alone says more than any amount of words ever could. Girls look and behave like streethookers whilst the boys both look and act every bit as if they were still in a kindergarden. I see this every day and it's generally even worse than picrel. Yet nobody talks about it. Instead everybody is like

>"What? Our kids are completely fine. Did you watch the yersterday's football match?"

or my favorite

>"There's nothing wrong with our kids. Btw did you hear about the government's plan to increase tax on cigars from 3,69% to 3,70? So terrible!"
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>chinese tourists
I want to live in a yurt and have many children with my mongol wife.
would the girl in orange
absolute smash
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It's wasted when they're in a classroom full of potential mates, acting attractive. They can learn valuable things that they're actually interested in, if they're instructed by women, without social distractions.
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that's an 11 year old who belongs to the streets already

They're openly saying they want to replace us in our own country and yet WE'RE the racists? Get the fuck out of here.
Indian ppl r the worst. They hate themselves more than anybody could every hate them
They don't want equality, they know they can never be equal, they want ethnic revenge.
Diaper heads look special ed

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- 700k dead
- more than 1kk don't have legs anymore
- millions of women fled to Europe where they are being impregnated by arabs and turks
- the infrastructure is destroyed
- the economy is destroyed
- 20% of the territory is lost
- the president is a Jewish clown and not legit
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I'm okay. Just looking at this shit and don't understand why they're doing this.
Hohols are winning as usual. They are about to lose Kharkov.
>They are about to lose Kharkov.
2 more weeks
Probably this year. They don't have any significant defence lines out there. Then Poljaks will be held accountable for every bobr.
>They are about to lose another USELESS VILLAGE™.

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I can never get a clear idea of why people hate socialism so much. I think many people automatically dismiss socialism offhand because they are indoctrinated with the pro-capitalist ideology growing up.
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What do you mean by covering the cost of the means of the production? The government just needs to recognize the workers as the owners of the means of production
Damn that's blackpilling but true. The collapse and privatization of The Soviet Union is a perfect example of your point. KGB and oligarchs quickly centralized power, in a free market. If people were radial and educated enough then maybe it could be avoided. But that's not gonna happen any time soon. Covid showed how freedom loving and principled most of the people really are.
The definition of means of production is not the controversial part of socialism. Even if that was clarified for you, you would still oppose socialism
fucking moron, ill be right over to take all your stuff then, because i need it. NO? tough shit thats socialism.
And nothing new will ever get made again.
This is the reason you see so many 1960s Ford Falcons in Cuba.

and proud cucks at that?
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It's obvious if you think about it. Anybody who actually works like that is a mindless retard that'll be dead at 50. They aren't writing books and they're not wealthy. It's a grift.
They have to justify it or else they'd have to come with terms with how they wanted their lives.
most blue collar guys i know have everything paid off and are nearing retirement, they aren't even in their 40s.
that guy works 85 hours a week, more than likely he's in a union so for the 85 he's working he's getting paid for 110.
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The man every filthy business wants

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Total euroshit death

They can’t die off soon enough
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I just want to see young women die...man. Can i get some closeups?
Correction, it's not even a shallow bit, he goes head first into the ground kek!
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Said the tranny zogbot who invented nonsense like ptsd because their 'men' are too weak to handle even a 'war' in the middle east lmao total zogbot suicide.
Just like in my anime
>we don't think about you
>post 30 "this confuses and angers the europoor" threads per day
lol the duality of amerimutts

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Barely a platoon, let a lone a company or brigade bruv
These guys mog American infantry units
It's pretty well known Russia's alliances with several African nations has led to many of those African nation's militaries sending troops to aid the Russian military fighting in Ukraine. This serves several purposes. They're gaining valuable experience in modern warfare tactics against the almighty West, and they're reinforcing their bonds of loyalty to one another through the shedding of blood against a common foe together. People might not think that's important, but I think in the long run it will be because the West has basically ceded control of the African continent to the Russo-China SCO/BRICS+ military and financial alliance.
The lord of the rings called and want their orcs back.

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>Autism rates are skyrocketing
>1/3 of zoomers are LGHDTV4KOLED+
Must be a coincidence.
But seriously, what's in the water/food/air that's making everyone autistic? It's clearly intentional, since autists are more easily manipulable into being good country-destroying libfags, right?

My theory: it's cats. Toxoplasmosis. I've never met a cat person who isn't an autistic and delusional lib.

Another thing to consider: Almost all trannies, cat owners, and druggies/drunks wear glasses. And autists have a higher rate of vision impairment. The eyes are a window to the mind. If you have vision impairment, you're a brain-damaged autist who should unironically rope.
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My guess is endocrine disruptors.
Why is Autism part of the LGBT++ nonsense? What a fucking disgrace lmao as if being autistic wasn't already bad enough now you have to associate with arse fuckers
This is just prep work for proclaiming BNWO. White numale zoomers are collected into trans cliques and massively psyopped while ethnics are immune to this brainwashing because THEIR culture is kept intact. The culmination will be after people realize that there is literally no way for white women to ever have sex with white men on account of the latter having some permutation of autism and the former being raised to accommodate black people from birth.

Lamentably, that seems to be where things are heading.
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The U.S. Court system ruled autism is caused by vaccines.


Family to Receive $1.5M+ in First-Ever Vaccine-Autism Court Award

By Sharyl Attkisson

September 10, 2010

"The first court award in a vaccine-autism claim is a big one. CBS News has learned the family of Hannah Poling will receive more than$1.5 million dollars for her life care; lost earnings; and pain and suffering for the first year alone.

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Vaccines cause autism

1) A two-phase study evaluating the relationship between Thimerosal-containing vaccine administration and the risk for an autism spectrum disorder diagnosis in the United States

2) A positive association found between autism prevalence and childhood vaccination uptake across the U.S. population.

3) Commentary--Controversies surrounding mercury in vaccines: autism denial as impediment to universal immunisation.

4) Methodological issues and evidence of malfeasance in research purporting to show thimerosal in vaccines is safe.

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Previous: >>469943486

▶Day: 829 - Daily battlefield assessment:https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>France gave Ukraine permission to use Storm Shadows/Scalp missiles to strike airfields in the Kursk and Belgorod regions, — BBC
>Major missile chimpout targeting energy infrastructure, 35/53 missiles and 46/47 shaheds shot down, damage to two thermal power plants reported
>Federal Government allows Ukraine attacks on targets in Russia with German weapons
>Biden allows strikes into Russia with US weapons, limited to territory near Kharkiv region. The policy regarding ATACMS use has not changed
>Seven boats destroyed in Ukrainian operation in Kerch (1x pilot boat, 2x ferries, 4x transport landing boats)
>New €1,16 BLN military aid package from Sweden will include Airborne Surveillance and Control aircraft (ASC 890)
>Belgium pledges 30 F-16 fighter jets for Ukraine with near €1bn in military aid
>Sweden is pausing plans to send Gripen fighter jets to Ukraine in order to allow for the introduction of F-16
>Ukraine will receive its first supplies of F-16 fighter jets “very soon”, but around half of its desperately needed foreign military aid is arriving late - Umerov
>Poland should not rule out sending troops to Ukraine - Sikorski

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what is it about Serbs and semen?
Check his posts in those threads you retard. This is archive, from keywords.
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they keep thinking Russia is their ally despite Russia failing them again and again
Looks fake or a false flag.

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You input literal sand and the machine outputs CPUs

Russian CPU fabrication plants technology is 33 year behind the west (the west relies in Taiwan which is not geographically in the west, just politically)

Western sphere (Anglosphere + almost totality of Europe) use Taiwan CPUs

Russia uses Russian CPUs since today byt they are 33 years behind the west in functionality and speed


Taiwan now makes 3 nanometer CPUs. This is the rumor, nobody knows for sure. 12 nanometer CPUs were independently confirmed by nanomicroscoppy enthusiasts two years ago.

Samsung promises they can make 1 nanometer CPUs in South Korea by 2026.

>Russian CPUs that are started to be manufactured in June 2024 are in the size of 330 nanometers, this is 100 times bigger than Taiwanese

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>Taras can't help but seethe
Soon Zelya will demand ol' Bidon to send you to the trenches, Tarasik :-DDDD
Lol natopidors sent their propacondom stocks, or these are bots?
That would be based beyond belief
SNES is much harder to emulate than MD/Genesis. More specialty chips to deal with.
>no Intel IME
>no ARM TrustZone
>no Pluton
>can run Linux well enough to shitpost on 4chan

Based and kino

1) Work at a company that celebrates "Pride Month."
2) Wear your "Incel Pride" t-shirt to work.
3) Co-worker makes a rude comment.
4) Document the incident and report it to HR.
5) The same or a different co-worker makes another rude comment.
6) Congratulations, your workplace is now a "hostile work environment."
7) Sue the company.
8) Profit.
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Incels are the majority now. The fact that incels are labeled as terrorists, is proof that incels are oppressed. Incels can win a discrimination lawsuit.
Are you the same fuckin based leaf from earlier?
you're a massive faggot. pride is a deadly sin
just go into womens bathroom for profit
There have been multiple mass shootings done by incels. They did it to themselves.
Buy an ad, faggot.

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We told you this would happen. Now look. We need to bring wages back down to get inflation under control.
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Most people don't know this.
McDicks is a real estate company at its heart, not a fast food company. Wages are set by the franchise owner, not McDonald's corporate. Franchises in places like SF or Portland where the minimum wage is high complain to McDonald's corporate that they cannot turn a profit if the nationwide corporate advertising promises certain prices. Corporate looks at this and raises the prices advertised if enough local franchises are having this problem.
It's way more complicated than "hurr ceo make money if price go up but he no gib money to me".
If you're older than a teenager and are working for minimum wage you have fucked up. You are a retard. You should not have the ability to have children. We do not want and certainly do not need more fucking retards running around who don't even understand how the company they work for works.
I didn't have a narrative. Someone asked a question and I provided a chart then some random guy said something wrong about corporate not being able to set prices while also saying they were educated on the subject.
It's a meme at this point. 99% of people know it. It's one of those things people say to sound smart that everyone else already knows no offense.
Nigger, You need to understand that Gross Profit, Net Profit, and Profit Margins are 3 different things.
Gross profit means jack shit in the context of rEcOrD pRoFiTs meme. You're literally falling for a lie. You're the mark, nigger.

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There are real solutions to the problems the west faces. Like using AI to make up for African low iq which would imporve the economy of durkahstan whilst lowering there birthrate because people have fewer kids when content. Or bringing feminism and equal working rights to places like Egypt which again would lower the birthrate. Because women with money don't want abduls tiny stinky 2 inch dick. These are all achievable in the long-term and will reduce the population pressure if shit holes so there population stays put. But no all you want is either to be a fag and to say "it's over" or to larp as a member of the ss and scream about "day joooz!". Any political party that dosent tell you it's going to be alright or well "lock'em up" you disregard. You are spinless losers and Faggots because you cant accept the fact that you won't get everything you want. In reality at best over the course of a decade you might only get 10%
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I'll take free pussy, but I won't work for it.
Why would I?
The majority of humans are retarded. That's why there is always a hierarchal system.
The most you can expect from niggers is to exploit Africa for natural resources and crops, but we called that 'imperialism', and you pinkos put an end to that, because for some stupid reason, you thought niggers were actually people.
see >>469955098
>I'll take free pussy, but I won't work for it.
I wont. And I wont work no matter what.

how do i prevent myself from looking like this by the time im 30? (am 24 now)
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>s0I milk in the center of the final image
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must be nice having life long friends
Oh, it's so fucking happening to you. YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND. You'll look back at picture 3 and say HOW WAS I SO YOUNG AND ATTRACTIVE!?! You don't fucking understand what's coming you little Zoomer Shit, I'll take off my belt.
most of them looked like faggots too when young, why do amerimutt ''whites'' look like that?

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The brave police officer who was stabbed in Mannheim 2 days ago by an Afghan Muslim, has been officially confirmed as dead now. RIP.

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Well, normally I wouldn't blame others but the very reason why this Afghan was here is actually you with your stupid war in Afghanistan that brought these shitskins here. And frankly, we are all equally doomed in the west.
what is k/d score of the sandnigger?

The dude is clearly a fag. If the queer had bothered to assess the and react appropriately, he'd be alive. Instead he had to fag out and defend his fag ideals. He will be the first of many.
Notice how Jews spaming this are all conveniently ommitting this was all started by an JDL/ADL linked "conservacuck" organziation shilling for Israel from their "summaries"? Some even trying to portray the Zionist target as a "fellow Nazi"?

They were intentionally announcing and provoking this confrontation in an European state and amping it up by justifying genocide in Palestine and explicitely denying Palestines right to exist and defend itself, to draw attention away from Jews comitting massmurder in Palestine and any Pro-Palestine protests.

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This guilty criminal felon deserves a public execution in front of all his supporters.

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Nothing happen on inauguration day. Jan 6 was a joke. All republicans are stupid useless traitors.

Lots of kike posting today. How much did you get paid for this? Because only a complete moron would do this for free, given that it has only grown support for Trump
ESL or did you get in mommy’s liquor cabinet?
Where were you on inauguration day, pussy? Lololol, that's right, you didn't do anything
No future for weak stupid republicans lol

Videos from March 2024
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>lost to rice farmers
>lost to mountain goat herders
>lost to camel riding tribal militias?
the so called american empire, could you elaborate why?

carriers are pretty tough, at least the old ones, they tried to sink one in a test around 2000, but it remained floating, but disabled.
The jews that own his superiors forgot to text him the lie to obey as well
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>carriers are pretty tough

No they aren't. Not at all. Almost all munitions can penetrate their hulls. Post-Exxon oil tankers are tougher than any aircraft carrier ever made. WW2 era aircraft munitions can pop right through as can all depleted uranium and tungsten tipped rounds the Soviet and Russian air forces would use to strafe them with. Any bullet going in is likely to cripple the ship quickly, at least until the damage can be verified and repaired. The onboard nuclear reactor is very fragile and must be carefully maintained or it'll shut itself off or melt down killing everyone onboard.

>they tried to sink one in a test around 2000, but it remained floating, but disabled.

The USN has sunk at least 10 of them from their mothball fleets. But, those were all diesel ships with their motors removed. A nuclear powered ship is far more fragile because, obviously, it's a floating nuclear reactor. Any damage to that reactor and the ship is probably gonna sink as all onboard systems fail and the reactor heats up beyond the melting point of steel, which will compromise the ship's keel and crack it in half.
Kek seethe more amerinigger
>design expendable and disposable
MQ-9 Reaper: $30 million
F16s: $63 million
F35-A: $82.5 million
It isn't disposable, and don't say to save pilot life, the least thing they care about is soldier's life, and the three navy seals that were killed in yemen the other month is a prime example too

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Red one is the nigger removal button. It turns all blacks, jeets and spics non-violent, gives every one of them 20 additional points if their iq is bellow 120, makes them speak normal english without accent or ebonics and makes them gain significantly more european fascial features.

Green one is the faggot removal button. It turns all non-straight people in US straight. This includes homosexuals, lesbians, bisexuals, and even pedophiles and zoophiles. It also instantly cures all gender dysphoria and reverts every tranny back before they trooned. And to preserve this US will become the most anti-LGBT country in the world, preventing this kind of degeneracy ever from coming back to US for the next 200 years.

You can only press one button, if you press both it malfunctions and turns everyone into niggerfaggot. Which one do you press, and why not the other?
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Why can't I just remove all blacks, jeets and spics instead of upgrading them?
niggers are a legit major physical threat. I don’t even care about the phenotype characteristics. just remove the propensity for violence/chomping out and increase their iq, and I’m good.
trannies are just annoying
i would press both buttons just for the lulz
This. I wouldn't want to make other races more likely to breed with Whites.

I would press the green button.
upgrading them makes them aware of how much they’ve been used by jews and they decide to self-repatriate

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Bible self contradictions.
Circumcision edition.
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>Eye for an eye
>Turn the other check
That shite gets to me quite a bit. I gotta side with Yahweh man.
Atheists are just new wave pagans. Same exact talking points against the Bible every single time. Both reject Genesis that's the root of the issue. People cope and seethe that God and Jesus made Earth 7k years ago they just can't handle that truth so they either become atheist or start worshipping trees and rocks.
>t. Christian
OK based on what? Not the bible.
>no. don't get circumcised.
Yet it was ok to circumcise Timothy?
The bible is self contradictory you can bring up points to support either side.
Yeah but lurkers still see.
>This is the definition of pearls before swine
Exactly casting pearls before the christian swine.
>Acts 16:3 is Paul talking about
NO you retard! Acts 16:3 is literally Paul performing circumcision on Timothy.

> bad faith
Imagine seriously crying bad faith like a retard.

Why is Gen Alpha growing up to be so intolerant?
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This is the cycle of things
It's human nature
With each passing generation you always draw closer to that which you aim to eliminate.
Eg. Extreme tolerance is eventually met with what they would call extreme intolerance although those of whom are exhibiting the intolerance would view it as what is correct, what is proper truth, and would see it as defending themselves.
A change of perspective occurs with each passing generation.
"Phobic" implies we fear them. This is untrue. A lot of them who got manipulated and swept up into it at a young age we pity. The older ones pushing them into it we HATE.
based kids
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>warning: mention of violent transphobia

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