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>Obesity is a desease
people should be shamed if they are obese

>Being LGBTQ+ is a mental disorder
should be illegal

>Women have no souls and mind of their own
they are demons and shouldn't have any civil or political right and should be beaten to a pulp if they decide to talk in public

>Kikes are pure evil
and should be gassed till the last one

>Niggers are not homo sapiens
they're just monkeys and should be treated as such, let them live in africa just like any other wild animal and do not allow for them to invade nowhere

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>extemeposting on /pol/
this is my shit
In the United States, the entire water supply is fluoridated, supposedly for the health of our teeth. Now, say you have done your own research, and come to the conclusion that fluoride is not healthy, and that you would rather not consume it yourself, so you speak out against fluoride, and perhaps find ways to consume water that is not fluoridated. What happens to those who disagree with the fluoridation of the water, though? They are called conspiracists.

Now wait, how much sense does that make? Let’s take a look at the definition of the word “conspiracy”:

“an evil, unlawful, treacherous, or surreptitious plan formulated in secret by two or more persons; plot.“

Hmm, that doesn’t seem a very fitting definition, does it? Plenty of other countries choose not to fluoridate their water, are they called conspiracy theorists? No.

Yet go out today, and find people who disagree with fluoridation in the US water supply, and I guarantee you they will be labelled conspiracy theorists, whether or not they believe those behind the fluoridation have malicious intent.

You see, the word “conspiracy” takes the very idea of dissent against the status quo and stigmatizes it. Suddenly, instead of an interested and active participant in society and politics, you are labelled insane, for simply disagreeing with the government’s stance on an issue. While you may have a legitimate concern, the conditioning associated with the word brings imagery of aliens and tin foil hats to people’s minds. It becomes your word against the status quo, and with the aid of this concept, your word is worthless.
This issue is so insidious and pervasive that it may be tempting to become hopeless in the face of it. It may be tempting to think, how could I possibly fight this? They have tampered with my very language! But thankfully, while the explanation is arduous, the solution is simple. Do not give way to those who utter these words. Do not offer your brow for a beating at the first utterance of an “ism” or a “phobia”. Do not let them shut down the conversation with one silly word! Continue to argue your point in a logical fashion, and if they have an ounce of independent thought in their head, you may manage to make them aware of their own conditioning.


Have a wonderful day anons!
>sodomy is the source of white Race Power
>jews got contaminated with their sodomite genes
>sodomy at the same time provided good things for the white Race
>brazilians likes fucking with the lifes of good people for no reason at all
Go fuck yourself, OP, you messed up.
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GIGA HAPPENING! 500,000 (HALF A MILLION) Russian invaders killed and crippled during the past 830 days of Russia's 3-day special military operation!
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>responding to yourself
dogshit genetics cretin

Is this the same “British Intelligence” that said Saddam and Quadaffi both had weapons of mass destruction?

Until relatively recently the UKFCO had NO RUSSIAN SPEAKERS IN IT.

Just let that sink in.

They had also not even had official contact with Russia for at leat a year.
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looks like I win again by default with dogshit genetics retards giving up the fight

they're not designed for combat or intelligence, sad, they don't have the tenacity to carry it on no matter what
Kys, rusnigger shill.

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Just so long as it isn't Palestinian life.
I hope those Israelis are watching their backs. Never know when Pence might pop a knife in them.
Shit I think i see one in the back there watch out op.
In his defense, I don't really care about shitskins either. But it's good to reveal to everyone how shitty kikes are.
Palestinians care even less about Palestinian lives; they brought war upon their obvercrowded ramshackle nests.
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sometimes ya just gotta genocide a bunch of filthy goyim

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and republicans are tyrants who don't use their administrative power to stop it, only drawing attention to it when they want you to give them money
but keep voting for kikes, retard
Is he OK with serving 136 years?
Great, don't appeal your conviction.
>More likely someone told him it was a non-starter and not worth the humiliation when shes cleared of any wrong doing by a corrupt judge
there was an obstruction charge that the most corrupt of judges would struggle to dismiss
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>Is he OK with serving 136 years?
is he ok with martyrdom? 136 wouldn't be over in 2

The image that destroyed civilization
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high iq people have trouble connecting with people
>just go to a bar bro
>just talk to random girls on the street bro
>just talk about the latest sports/celebrity events bro
imagine a low iq guy doing this, it would actually be reasonable advice. now imagine a literal genius doing this, lmao
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>I'm too smart to breed, chud
Why are leafs so hopelessly retarded?
Because I'm trying to tell you for the 1,000th time that genetics and evolution are MEMES. You're trying to play a game where all the paths lead to a losing scenario. This is why the modern west sucks donkey dick. All of you losers are so obsessed with gaming each other at any cost that you're failing to see the bigger, spiritual, picture in play.

Enjoy living in shit, little junk rat.
>heil victory, low iq ubermensch

Did you perhaps mean untermensch, bright boy?


The midwit is a gift that keeps on giving.

Post more graphs.

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Mfw niggers exist near me




Can't you make your point without being a r*cist asswhipe, or is that just too difficult for you?
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me when i'm at my utmost tolerance of niggers existing (pic related)
why you turn green???

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Just this single picture alone says more than any amount of words ever could. Girls look and behave like streethookers whilst the boys both look and act every bit as if they were still in a kindergarden. I see this every day and it's generally even worse than picrel. Yet nobody talks about it. Instead everybody is like

>"What? Our kids are completely fine. Did you watch the yersterday's football match?"

or my favorite

>"There's nothing wrong with our kids. Btw did you hear about the government's plan to increase tax on cigars from 3,69% to 3,70? So terrible!"
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>How does nobody notice just how fucked up things are?
Nobody listens to men.

Also, marriage no longer exists. You marry the government, not the woman.
nigga how do you munch on a bbc?
what do you do bite down on it with your teeth?
It's the lack of standards for men that are causing this to happen. Instead of having role models we just let young guys fall apart from the alienation caused by the education system, the career pipelines, the government, capitalism, and ethnic conflict.
Public schools observably harm children.
I'm so grateful that I went to a private school that excluded human trash.

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>Ticketmaster confirms data hack which could affect 560m globally
>Tommy Robinson leads 'thousand-strong' march in London as officers make first arrests
>Labour spark fear of huge ISA crackdown as candidate deletes one telling comment
>Labour risks union revolt over private school tax raid job losses
>Sunak suffers poll blow as levelling-up cash-for-votes row erupts
>Sunak pledges cash to towns as Starmer pitches ‘wealth creation’ amid election campaign
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chin the lot of them
Swear I saw a silverfish peak out a gap in my skirting board when I was having a shit once
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>you now remember
Brother, I never forgot..
Your mum's more based than you.
>the 4 stoke beating the shit out of the 2 stroke
I remember it well

>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

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thank god I don't live in america
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This is a very heckin valid and true post.
True patriot gamers fact checked this, rope is in fact free if you just go in and take it and use it to make a noose.
>gets outed as an illiterate niggerfaggot
>doubles down
>acktually I'm laughing at you!1!!!
fucking WEW. You’re the dumbest fucking retard faggot on this board. Thanks for the laugh black gorilla nigger shit-for-brains.
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>He's going to stay on an Israeli VPN to prove a point
>Miriam Adelson (born Farbstein)
You people seriously need to go fuck yourself and die.

Adderall is such a terrible medication. How come a YouTuber as big as this one is allowed to advertise it to kids like this?
Are there no guidelines on YouTube that prevent shit like this from happening?
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Add "I was just feeling so stressed out" to the list. Women are natural clinical psychiatrists when it comes to making excuses for their behavior.
I was also a CS major. My interest alone got me through for a while. I was absorbing the material when I managed to study but I simply couldn't get through as much as my peers. At least not until I started taking stimulants. It's been a decade since then and I haven't stopped.
what stimmies do you suggest and what dosage? right now i have modafinil and caffeine in my blood. i'm an occasional smoker and sometimes ingest 2mg nicotine gums for microdosing. no "dust" or any form of meth/amphetamines yet.
god i talk like a junkie
Most retarded political shit on the internet is fueled by adderall and amphetamine psychosis
>why is the court eunuch allowed to do the bidding of the court

are you retarded? do you really think the 'top' youtubers are there because they are talented people making heckin content? They are ALL paid shills. Their job is to shill.

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This picture represents modern Europe
He looks like a s o y meme.
that's what he gets for arresting the racist Brit over the actual threat
how the fuck is the UK even functioning ?
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>dont pin the shitskin with knife
>pin the victim instead
kek, I'd say it is just desert for the zogbot
*SPIT* rest in piss you wont be missed

aaaaaaaaaaand he already had two children. fabulous

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how do you misspell a 3 letter word

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what THE FUCK is muslims problem?
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Is that blue one on the left a jew?
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Train accident in France. OP is just a Chud.
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Thanks, that's what I thought. Looks like some guy got hit by a train and his hand got run over.

It turns out all that "Chinese gutter oil" collected from waste was actually exported and bought by Amerimutts for the past decades

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In america just look for "vegetable oil" all the vegans love it.
How will you know its not gutter oil?
if it says kosher
I dont use cooking oil but i filter out the waste motor oil from my cars and lawnmower to use as fuel for my diesel pickup
Probably safer than the shit sold at grocery stores, if you can remove all metal contaminates

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Previous >>469862886 (Cross-thread)#

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)

>Al-Quds Brigades: In a complex operation, our mujahideen were able to snipe a Zionist soldier and bomb enemy soldiers and vehicles with mortar shells in the Tal Al-Hawa axis, southwest of #Gaza City.
>Hamas - Osama Hamdan to Al Jazeera: It is unacceptable for occupation forces to remain in Gaza or manage the Rafah crossing. The Interior Ministry in Gaza managed the Rafah crossing before the war and will continue to do so after the ceasefire.
>Al-Qassam Brigades destroy a gathering of enemy soldiers and vehicles with mortar shells in the Tal Zorob area in the Tal Al-Sultan neighborhood, west of #Rafah.


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4X isnt enough at all lol north syria is like 10 to 15 times bigger than gaza
bro gaza is like the size of jew york its no more than a city with its country side with some other smaller cities attached to it
Gayssad can't do shit. He doesn't even control big parts of his own country KEK.
Hezbollah's War Media releases a segment titled: "At Your Command."
https://x.com/warfareanalysis/status/1797299980211986447 6/2/24
https://files.catbox.moe/fziqdf.mp4 6/2/24
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true.... and with 500K IDF soldiers into gaza they still could never find the hostages and they are now surrendering.
>He doesn't even control big parts of his own country
assad controls 70% of syria by the way ;)

If gay sex is wrong then why did god put literal male G spot deep into man's asshole?
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So that we'd see a reason to upgrade and stop coping.
Real penis is best :3
God should've made futas real so I wouldn't have to settle for pegging.
It does not feel good, it feels like getting stabbed in the ass with a peg. Hitting the prostate just makes it feel like you have to piss. 2/10 would not recommend.
>why did god put literal male G spot deep into man's asshole?
To separate the wheat from chaff

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Do right wing Islamophobes understand that their ideology and poltics will just create a shithole 3rd world country just like Afghanistan if they ever got their way?
>Both hate gays, lesbians and trans people
>They hate feminism and women rights
>They despise liberalism
>All of them think men should be at the top of everything and society
So why do they hate Muslims when they believe in the same shit as they do?
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*record scratch*
>Why do you respond to job offers?
>Why don't you accept racism from randos after accepting job offers?
>Why don't you quit after some lowlife starts being racist to you?
If anything, phobia makes people more likely to stay. Everyone likes a challenge.
Black and brown Christians and Hindus.
Considering how right wing islamophobes used to be a significant proportion of the population pre 1980 and things were fine back then, I think we'd be fine now if they got their way
A third of the "people" in the image are brown. Impressive for a cuckwealth country.

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the husband losing his job is one of the highest predictors of divorce
I thank the lord Jesus every fucking day for making me a faggot because women are insufferable and disgusting
and then they get a divorce and realise its even worse and then cry even harder, because they got jewed
Fpbp checked 88
The highest economic classes of women went to work motivated by the political goal to not be dependent on their husbands, but middle class women went to work because their husband's wages were too unreliable to depend on.

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we just need a steel wall in the the Mediterranean to block everything south/south-east of Europe. the rest matters very little.
What's going on on south france

I would only agree to this if we could kick Croats to Austria and Albos to Albania otherwise no thanks

I'd rather have less land but without those subversive parasites in my country
Very cool
looks pretty pretty pretty good to me

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Why is racemixing bad?
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>95 average IQ in JewSA
>amerimutt flag
Not at all dude. Don’t get me wrong IQ can be useful for determining mental retardation as well as some problem solving skills, but is far from reliable in determining common, or even academic potential. My for instance has an IQ 1 above me putting her very much above the curve, but performs *very* averagely in academics despite trying harder than me.
More like 20,000
her idiots parent should kick her out of the house, no money nothing. Disgusting !!
*My sister for instance.

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