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The older I get (approaching my mid 30s) the more rightwing and nazi views seem cringe and retarded as fuck.
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>Do you think you’re convincing anyone?
I know without asking that you have a difficult time navigating social and sexual aspects of life and that you wallow in anger and resentment.
You’re not convincing me I’m wrong, fren.
>logical explanation why kikes and their minions shouldn't run the world
>nuh-uh because sex
Are you a retard?
Opposite for me. The older I get the more I feel like a Napoleon than a Benjamin from Animal farm.
Same. It's a phase that you grow out of when you get more life experience. It's all pointless masturbation.
anglos ?
LMAO you mean white people, which you are part of.

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I won’t say where I come from. To avoid being judged. But I’ve lived in Australia for 4 years now. Australians are the scariest people I’ve ever met. They’re extremely stupid and uneducated. But they don’t give a fuck and they are extremely violent.

They don’t hold back, I’ve been told to fuck off, I’ve been threatened, I’ve been told their ancestors would kill me in a heartbeat.

Also at work, they are insane, I can’t hold a job because they bully me. They treat me like shit. I have to work with people from other countries to fit it.

I hate the fact they date woman from my country and rub it in. It’s honestly really fucked up. It breaks my heart seeing my sister talking to Aussie guys on tinder. I wish they would go away. Worst of all they don’t care about aboriginal Australians.

It’s a scary thought knowing a small portion of white people conquered this country and boss everyone around.

Australians are the assholes of the world, forget hitler or the nazis. There people are worse. They are vicious. They are racist and are fueled by rage. Something is seriously wrong with these people.
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>except this time it won't have poojeets or africans. we can exclude those.

Don't forget, no criminal shitbag Lebs either.
Cope more you paki cunt
Only about 400k but 385k of that are mostly white. Like everywhere nowadays there's plenty here that will ignore their 98% European ancestry to claim the 2% boong.
Chink or poojeet hands typed this
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>I wish they would go away.
If all the Australians left Australia, what would be the point of you coming here? Might as well have stayed in your own shithole country filled with non-Australians

The world comes to white countries for access to white people and the wealth they generate

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>Women claim they'd rather meet a bear in the woods than a random man
>Most men online proceed to say "women deserve to get eaten by the bear", completely missing the point and confirming it all at once.
And you incels wonder why the 4B movement is starting to spread outside South Korea...
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Sounds like someone missed out on teenage love.
You will never be emotionally stable or happy. Xxxgj
Is it possible for a liberal to make a statement without having to resort to kindergarten level of ((insults)) to whomever or whatever they argue?
You do know that's a psychological trait of insecure individuals that needs to insult to hide their own insecurities, right..
Can they write an adult sentence is my question?
For the spam being posted frequently with no basis in reality I can only say, doesn't affect me so I don't care.
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>women are completely devoid of even the most minuscule shred of common sense
But women are not supposed to trust strange men they dont know
The butthurt about this question is men failing in dating which in itself is dumb modern concept
Your life is very unpleasant, isn’t it?

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What makes women so genuinely stupid? Is it genetic? Are they never taught basic "problem" solving?
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Kinda. Most women are fucking retarded so it can be difficult to narrow it down to just autism.
True. Women are not famous for their brains.
Modern men have to wonder why all governments age institutions of the past heavily restricted their sovereignty for 1000’s of years.
I do t understand what you mean anon. Elaborate please.
One of the hallmarks of autism is the inability to interpret societal cues and act in the absence of absolute, specified commands.
It's why so many computer programmers are like this, they think in 1's and 0's and cannot wing it on anything. Also why they are all atheists and NPC tier dunning kruger type morons.

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Why do they think they are welcome anywhere?
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Your Pee pee.
Her Pee pee.
Its a Perfect MATCH!

>Verification not required.
>Because we're superior.

Isn't this slash?
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While others burn coal,
She's will burn your very soul
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>Isn't this slash?
naaaw man!
indian guy for sure!
trust me!
what do i look like, a nigerian prince?

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Wtf, how is he so powerful?!

>Manlet Speak

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When you realise they don't use soap, everything begins to make sense
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phul soapot saar
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Oh look, yet another poojeet thread.
Wait, not only they wipe their ass with hands, they just wash them with water?
Why do others allow them in their countries?

Every time one of these we wuz kangz niggers or poos repeat the same old hilarious statement that they somehow taught the technologically and socially centuries-ahead europeans about hygiene while they were living in mud huts and bathing in cow piss, just show them this video lmao
anyways all hate will stop when indians go back or at least agree to mass sterilization

All my problems are the Jews' fault.
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>Did the Holocaust happen too
Ben Shapiro just fired a black woman because she dared say "Christ is Lord" but go on and tell us more lies.
The new brown shirts all have brown skin
How could it happen when there's no evidence for it happening, normie?

This is beautiful anon, thanks

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I'm sorry my tax dollars are killing your sons, brothers, and fathers.
Please know it is not our people that want this.
shut up 5th column commie
I think it is fucking awesome.
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Maybe their soldiers should refuse to have a brother war? I only feel empathy for civillians that suffer from this. Total ZOGbot death

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i'm with OJ edish

>Ticketmaster confirms data hack which could affect 560m globally
>Tommy Robinson leads 'thousand-strong' march in London as officers make first arrests
>Labour spark fear of huge ISA crackdown as candidate deletes one telling comment
>Labour risks union revolt over private school tax raid job losses
>Sunak suffers poll blow as levelling-up cash-for-votes row erupts
>Sunak pledges cash to towns as Starmer pitches ‘wealth creation’ amid election campaign
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I don't care it was worth it, I'd basically be an incel if I didn't gamble and use escorts and there's no way I would pull a girl that good looking. I'd just spend the rest of my life wondering what it's like shagging an attractive girl.
If only there had been some indication that growing the population in a welfare state has implications
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Trying to convince the official from the local Islamic religious police that he can't smell bacon and is in fact having some sort of stroke
Isn't this happening everywhere

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Sad! 4chin is majority non-white now
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The English are a conquered people eager to be subservient to their next masters, only their new masters will be brown this time. That is why they are devoid of any culture. Right now their culture is drinking beer and supporting ngubu hoping he scores goals for the red team or the blue team. They are now slowly adapting to their new masters by adopting their culture by going for a cheeky curry and celebrating Ramadan with their mate Abdul. Ramadan is officially bigger than Easter and they now have to refer to Christmas as "festive holidays". They are in the process of adopting their new brown masters culture.
>whitest country in the world
Maybe they are right. Maybe just being white alone isn't good enough for anything really.
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>Glowniggers mad their European outpost is being called out for the cuck nation it is.

I'm reposting the image that has them seething
>reposting gabe sanchez's imagine about Poland
lol what a mutt
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for reasons known to absolutely no one, and most certainly not related to propaganda warfare, since 24th feb 2022, there's a daily Poland hate thread
curious! interesting! mysterious. What could possibly be the reason?

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Why is racemixing bad?
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To be fair, $1000 is a pittance in exchange for making humiliation porn aimed at demoralizing your own men.
clearly you don't live in amsterdam
Take some time to have some introspection as to why you feel that way. And stop wasting my time if you're not going answer my questions.
Do you really think people can't see past your posturing?
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Whites, epigenetically, are the only people that produce beauty and advancement innately.

If Whites dilute or lose this trait, which miscegenation reduces or destroys instantly, then the world’s beauty and advancement dies with us.

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Why are you jeets so fond of rape?
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cristians whill not be spared. run you infidel dogs. we are coming for you
Zenozoik is real
we muslims brother love rape. its in our qoran. Mohommad(PBUH) raped his child bride, the 9 yr old aisha. we will follow our profit.

Fuck you infidel
This faggot ...kek

All his posts are divisive. He contributes nothing.

Chuds who have tried LSD, what does it feel like?
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It's like going at ludicrous speed, but more intense.
I honestly dont know, only fucked with shrooms. I dont feel good about taking chemicals some nigger made. And shrooms really only do anything at heroic doses. It's not a bad trip but you will be unprepared 100%. Anything less, you might as well smoke weed.
You will think you are dying and no one will be able to convince you otherwise. Eventually you will break through after the walls and colors melt away. It's been awhile but I remember communication with them wasn't verbal, it was as if I "felt" what I wanted to say. The beginning of it seems to be made of some type of green glass or crystal. I never really paid attention to what stuff was made of after that, it changes to quickly. They will all ask in unison "what are you doing here?" or "why is he here?" or something to that effect.
That is about all I remember. Do NOT do it if you even suspect you have some mental illness. I have seen to many people fuck themselves up convinced a bad trip meant something or some shit.
Anyways, christ is king.
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it makes you want to be far away from curry niggers
The LSD trip is glassy and clear. It feels like the labware it was made in. This is not a bad thing. Contrast it with mushrooms, which are very organic and cavelike.
Shrooms can change your life in unexpected ways.
The reason why is that all the bullshit socialization and manners and mental blocks from being taught in school what you can't say about niggers dissolves away. It's like being a toddler again and seeing everything again with fresh eyes. The silliest little jokes become the funniest thing you ever heard.
The feeling is like euphoria, weed and alcohol feel like mundane dogshit compared to how shrooms feel.
Just don't have a bad trip like a fucking retard I once knew: this girl took shrooms and hid in the closet because she thought all her friends were demons because they looked weird. Yeah you're going to hallucinate and think weird thoughts but most people realize they are hallucinations and that the floor isn't really melting. You don't actually see people and things that aren't there, it's more like everything you see takes on a wavy, flowy, layered, colorful, strange pattern effect.

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are you smarter than magnus carlsen?
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my knight takes your queen. Check.
arguing with inbred retards who doesn't know how to wield their 'tisms is depressing and counterproductive.
he knows that most jews have an IQ higher than average, but that their mental health is poor and antisocial compared to the average.
a sad combo for a people to inhabit.
Is that mark on his head religious? You can't be too much of a genius and still believe the religion your parents taught you when you were a kid.
>right to "of tribe" women
In which fantasy of yours did the idea of this "right" arise?
i have no idea who that is but i will judge him on his appearance since physiognomy is real and conclude that i am probably not smarter than him

27 people shot in Akron, 1 man killed, multiple victims hospitalized
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I dunno the audio sounded like maybe 2 mags, and it's not black operating procedure to have a more than a 5% hit rate.
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Look at those nogmobiles. That neighborhood is probably more dangerous than Gaza.
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>15 years earlier
It looks like at least 1/2 of the neighborhood disappeared in that 15 year period.
>once drove through Akron.
Joggers. It's hard to hit a moving target if you are also moving. It's joggers.

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New color revolution against orban fascist regime in Austro-hungary
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there are 24 synagogues in Judapest!

let that sink in!

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>I dont read pol
I just listen to him for infotainment when I'm driving sometimes.
>will still not use his guns
Also does anybody have an InfoWars Archive, what are the chances it all gets taken down and WIPED?
you forgot
>acts like a fucking retard

What's so wrong with nice guys?
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Women have fucked up their dopamine receptors even more than porn addicted men. So women hate nice guys and would rather be raped and killed because it's more exciting. Typical dumb women shit, nothing surprising really.
They won't give white woman the aggressive rape sex fantasy that she desires. Just let it go, that mtDNA lineage is a lost cause.
its a joke about single ladies and expectations. women are capable of satire its just usually kind of shallow and sexed up like this.
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its so much worse than you think

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Muslims will weigh themselves down with treasure and be unable to run when they are attacked like last time they tried to invade Europe.
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welsh is beautiful
Sounds like it's time for another crusade. This time, do the job correctly.
holy, based shitskins have to tell them the truth because no one else will
I think if you actually dig far enough you'll learn that it's actually Jewish influence, not Christian. While most Christians prefer to not kill children, they are not plotting to overthrow host nations with influx of minorities. You can see this same thing occurring in most of Europe even in places of very few Christians. It's an intentional invasion of lesser humans being funneled into countries to destabilize and divide populaces.

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