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Chuds who have tried LSD, what does it feel like?
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awful. Did it 2x wouldn’t recommend
There were batches of acid tabs that were testing positive for meth years back. On closer inspection it was discovered it was the sole drug in them.
Pingers it was constantly tainted with meth, a lot of the time with shitlevel peasant DMX or K.
2CB and 5CT in Australia was coming from China or Myanmar. Way back in the day a lot of great xtc was Dutch that was getting here, but local production and chinks would sell more volume.
Not arguing LSD still isn’t out there, just not in the levels it was- if made it would be a niche labour or love market unless people are paying $150 a dot, I can’t see the margins being there. Kids today are way more into Charlie and pretentious shitcunt activities.
>hurr durr
>if you don't retard yourself for life, you're pretencious
You seem to fail to grasp the meaning of the word. Amongst other more obvious failures.

LSD might have been an early 5Eyes, but I think it was just MI-5 or 6 doing US entry and destruction.
Fun fact LSD is legal in Germany and i can buy it through the internet as easy as everything. Perfect control over content and dose. Its a prodrug derivative 1d-LSD which turns into normal LSD at contact with your body. Fucking genuis shit.
Oh don’t be like that Mr grumpy. Just sit down and take a few breaths and ask your fat nigger wife called Stephen to give you a handjob

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This jeet came to canada just 2 years ago, now became the Indian ronaldo
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You sound like an ignorant dumbass
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Bharat number #1 soccer maker britisher
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Canada's soccer team is garbage, and if they fill it with jeets, it'll become even worse.
If indians are so great at soccer why hasnt bharat made it to the world cup?
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>rising tide of poo

>German Foreign Minister Anal Bareback has talked about a german "Protection Group" for Gaza
>"Like we made clear in Ukraine we stand for freedom and peace, also in the near east. Not just a rebuilding effort is necessary but an international protection group, who guarantees that there will finally be peace in the near east. That is our mandate.
>When asked about her remarks on the small Greens Party congress in Potsdam she did not to give any details as they "have not been discussed yet"

archive ph 82Hpi
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send your sandniggers there. they are the ones screeching about it, they can die there
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Good Christian and Jewish bastards are dead Christian and Jewish bastards.

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Are niggers the weakest race of all time?
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He didn't throw hardly any heavy right hand shots.
Almost all of the greatest heavyweights of all time are Black.

>Muhammad Ali
>Joe Louis
>Joe Frazier
>George Foreman
>Larry Holmes
>Mike Tyson
>Lennox Lewis
>Evander Holyfield
>Sonny Liston
Definitely whites. When all is said and done, they'll at least have their countries.
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Pound for pound niggers are the weakest. They need roids to get big. Guess what happens when a white fighter takes sarms and peptides or roids? They whoop niggers.

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Yes. They are based and white. Also, Malvinas are Argentine, dirty bongs need to GTFO.
They were the indians of /pol/ before indians came online
I do not feel strongly about them one way or another.
They're the best in South America, but that's not saying much

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No blond hair for sure.
Eye color uncertain.
Face is rather round than long.
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This is the stare I would give if I would come across the Dutch flag kike in real life
>I am 200% more white and Germanic than you.
Lmao trying this hard to pass
You will never be White, mutt
You don't even recognize us Whites, which is the first prerequisite. Hell, you don't even know what blonde is, you think it's just off-black hair like yours
Top fucking kek
>eye color uncertain
slide thread
Obviously Germanic. I have his nose and mustache I'm from Germanic/Anglo stock.
His eyes were blue, you can see it in that pic.

Even you idiots on pol can't argue the fact that we need proper common sense gun control NOW. Too many innocent people are dying from guns.
>24 injured : 1 dead
I don't even need to ask, do I?
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There’s been more than enough niggers for years, Tyrone.
Thank God niggers hold their guns sideways
Why would white Americans give up their second amendment rights because niggers have low IQ and poor impulse control ?

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And yet none of you permavirgin half-fags can even get a girlfriend.
At least he didn’t marry a Chinese spy this time
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Why would ANYONE bump this thread? All of you summerfag losers need to leave
Would you really want to be beta bucks not loved but only used for your money?
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some of us just like to see the mouthy ones get physically hurt at this stage simpman
Women are incapable of love so it doesn't really matter.
>go to plastic surgeon
>ayo gimme dat howdy doody chin
>i got you senpai

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hahahahahahahaha shut the fuck up you little kid
noooooooo you cant bring up the past that will fuck me up good mate
Trump supporters never thought too hard about why Trump never ended up arresting Hilary after getting elected in 2016
Yeah ok now just admit you're wrong and he's definitely getting jail time.
And when nothing happens just like the other nonsensical court cases you're going to invent so new retarded cope

Do you retards actually think this shit works? Next youre going to try and attempt the "Trump was Epstein's best friend" angle

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I havent had a cold in a year and its freaking me out. Im around people who get sick, but nothing affects me. Now either im incredibly lucky, more lucky than ive ever been in my life or something else is happening. And yes, im double vaxxed. So whats your take on this? Did anyone here go long periods of time (WITH HUMAN CONTACT) without getting even a little cold?
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There are two kinds of people who don't get cold or flu: the very sick and the very healthy.
If you're going by people taking days off sick from work, it's not because they're actually sick. People are just more demoralised and depressed than ever and are struggling to work.
5 years without cold, unvaxxed, I take a lot of vit D
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It doesn't even matter if you get the vax or not. It sheds into everyone else and then retrotranscribes in the new host.

They're finding self replicating vax structures in unvaxxed blood




5 minutes into this Dr. C video, they show a vial of vax clot calamari that shows that they DO continue to grow, even after being removed from the body and put in a vial of preservative:

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it's called Igg antibodies class switch. Thanks to gene therapy injections your body will not fight the viruses, it will treat them with more tolerance, like allergy. You still have them inside you, but you don't feel sick because your body is not fighting this at all, just tolerating. then one day, without warning, boom, suddenly.

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When you realise they don't use soap, everything begins to make sense
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One step at a time my man. Soon he’ll realise you can get a bucket big enough to sit in, called a bath
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Tencent (CCP SOE) invested hundreds of millions USD into plebbit. What is your point, Dong Tu Smol?
The fuck you on about city slicker
They have the audacity to call their betters cumskin when like 80% of them use skin whitening products to look more White.

>Obesity is a desease
people should be shamed if they are obese

>Being LGBTQ+ is a mental disorder
should be illegal

>Women have no souls and mind of their own
they are demons and shouldn't have any civil or political right and should be beaten to a pulp if they decide to talk in public

>Kikes are pure evil
and should be gassed till the last one

>Niggers are not homo sapiens
they're just monkeys and should be treated as such, let them live in africa just like any other wild animal and do not allow for them to invade nowhere

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shame the fattyfuckers
You should be castrated so you can't reproduce and closely monitored so you don't do terror!
Mentally ill in all the extremely wrong ways, weak male.

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>Your whole brand immediately appears feeble and impoverished
funny, considering these fashion designers make shit that emulates looking homeless

counterculture is always driven by the have-nots and appropriated and sanitized by the faggots like picrel, who immediately become irrelevant as the cycle resets
What does this say about the artists whose work was used in the data sets. This is the biggest projection they’ve ever done
AI image improvements are not the same as wholly generated AI images. Using it for touchups which normally require some overpaid photoshop airbrusher is perfectly acceptable. The former is still y finger monstrosities and weird easter european darkened eyebags who look semi asian. Artfags are just bitter they cant continue to grift.
>t. Artfag who graduated after being taught hand lettering when photoshop was eating our lunch
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(yes it applies, think about it)
Wow the planes get shot a lot in those spots. They should put more armor there!

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What makes women so genuinely stupid? Is it genetic? Are they never taught basic "problem" solving?
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Who is this semen demon?
Quit trying to run into people with your bike.
Reminds me of an incident when my buddy and I ordered two fingers of whiskey at a bar & grill. The server looked at us like we were speaking a foreign language, so I told him to take the order to the bartender. He comes back and tells us the bartender has no idea what we are talking about. I had to grab a glass and hold two fingers against it to show him what I meant, and the dumbass was all "oh, that must be some new way of showing how much you want."
What a waste of beauty, she could be a beautiful woman, but she prefers to look like a grade schooler with that haircut.
bring that iq up to 3 digits before posting then.

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If Modi loses the election I am running off to Canada/USA/Britain/France/Germany/Italy/Greece/Norway
I hope my Aryan brothers will accept me
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Nobody knows now how to make Soma
>indian left wing is notoriously anti-indian and pro-globojewmo, and that's why the young people are so repulsed by it already, thank fucking god
They overdid it and did it way too fast which pushed people against them instead of doing it gradually like they did it in the west
Now thanks to chuds here on 4chan the globalist conspiracies are being mainstreamed in indian youth as well via Twitter and insta memes
So I think we have saved ourselves
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who would even come close to replacing him though? if there's a election he's going to win. and i am not even indian, even with outside influences like america and china it's unlikely. he works well enough with america and china that there is no incentive even there to change him out, its highly unlikely he'd lose.
From the frying pan into the fire.
Based. Leafland is going through a transformation. I don't think it's going to be a chill one.
neither are you. fuck off.

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It’s not our fault we got made homosexual, we don’t choose to be this way
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French faggots finally realize that liberalism and mass immigration just means a one-way flight off a building.
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Why can’t gays and fash be allies
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>the future is ISLAM...

...in pic related
Because fascists aren't very keen on raping fags, therefore fags will always opt to import shitskins.

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GIGA HAPPENING! 500,000 (HALF A MILLION) Russian invaders killed and crippled during the past 830 days of Russia's 3-day special military operation!
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did that sound smart when you bounced it off the dogshit genetics subhumans in the room with you? you're all trained wrong as a joke, you stand out like dogshit genetics morons the second you step outside the dogshit genetics bug hive that spawned you
God I love watching whites die off.

Last year internal reports indicated Ukraine lost some 1,1 million men.
Assuming that that's with desertion and iinjury included.
They said same thing year ago. Are those people just making shit up
Beep boop

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No kids died at Sandy Hook
Obama is a gay nigger
De Niro fucks kids
Trump won.
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I stand corrected, both Barack Hussein Obama and Michael LaVaughn Robinson are gay niggers.
and De Niro is a coal mmmm burner
Also OP is a virgin.
Also True. My O ring is untouched and tight.
What the heck is going on with Trump and Alex Jones over there?

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>Russian invaders: the saviours of the white race according to illiterate /pol/ retards
Pic related, the quintessential ethnic Russian.
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Samoyedic people are also part of the Scytho-Siberian world

> The Pazyryk people display genetic affinites to modern Uralic and Paleosiberian peoples, such as the Yukaghirs, Nganasans, Khanty, and Mansi people.
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>amerimutt (inbredius anglo-mutticanus)
>let me tell yu who izz whyte

lool, lmao even
Post flag.
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That's true. I like being Xiongnu despite also being British. Though I am lactose intolerant so there's a chance I am Pannonian Avar.
The "saviors" of the white race are the retarded coward Moscowians too afraid to be on the front lines, but funny meme I guess.

Adderall is such a terrible medication. How come a YouTuber as big as this one is allowed to advertise it to kids like this?
Are there no guidelines on YouTube that prevent shit like this from happening?
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the worst part about ADHD (if you actually have it, I also subscribe to the view that most diagnosed (especially women) are just dimwits) is the fucking narcolepsy when you're bored, holy shit I wanted to kill myself as a teenager in school
>0sec attention span

god i hate nu-pol and the new faggy generations so much, and i myself am i late millenial(96)
>lol you just don't get it
i definitely get it because i had similar period in my life (around 10 years). I wasn't even aware of how i was until the very end. It wasn't "AHDH", it was the hardship of figuring out myself and my life. Reaching the bottom point gives you a chance to change your trajectory. It's up to you to take it and stop complaining about life; Accepting your situation and taking things calmly, doing retrospection daily will make you stop living life as an uncontrollable intelligent monkey.

Maybe stop blaming "le ADHD" and saying "i'm broken" and do something to tame your intellect.
Just like faggots, not even 0.1% of people don't have uncontrollable instincts/urges. You just choose not to rectify those things and accept the temptation
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Mentally ill person prescribed medication, is scared to take it even once to see if it works or not. Waits months before taking her meds, 15min after taking it, wow this fixes all my problems!

Fuck people take your fucking meds.
How did you start gaining control of yourself and your life?
Adderall is designed to destroy your dopamine receptors so you can never feel happiness again

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