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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

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of course not!
>It’s a movie, not a dick - dont take it that hard
good one coomerpole XD
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Where's all your dead family, Joe?
And Hunter the only one left to bear witness.
my my my
Thrawn is the man to be and leftists fear.
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Anyone got a link to this interview? Seen 3 clips so far but it seems like a good one. Of course, libs are mad about it.


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So, now that the cop from Mannheim has died, i beg the question ... was it worth it? (tackling the white guy who wanted to unarm the attacker kek)
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me at the bottom
>I know of two German politicians who survived a severe knifing in the neck, but both of them were very, very lucky.

Very reminiscent of the pastor Kyle Odom shot in the head at point blank with hollow points and he miraculously survived and became a politician.

They're reptilians lmfao
>Nafri knife attacks crowd
Afghanistan isn’t in North Africa you pedophile ladyboy fucking pigskinned homo degenerate
What is zog if not jews and their bootlickers. If he weren't zog, he wouldn't be a retard.
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such realism

foreign agents and golems

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I thought Trump hired the best lawyers and had it all worked out?

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>Notorious IRL streamer Ice Poseidon holds scavenger hunt in Austin Texas for all streamers that want to join in.
>High IQ white guy finds final clue to win 30k prize.
>Gets jumped and maced by La Raza supremacist streamer who steals the clue.
>Gets declared the winner.
>All's Fair in Love and war etc.
>Chat rages but won't do shit.
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Paul Denino
dont think hes a jew but his nose is fucking massive so might be
This. Never trust a nigger,spic, or jeet. Asians are iffy, theyre ok until they want something then turn into a nigger just like every brownoid.
>me watching x/y/z netflix slop
>main cast full of spics
>say fuck it and decide to switch the espanõl dub on and and put eng subtitles on
>now full immersion
How do you people not understand how wrong this is? Do none of you know anything about actual history? The Scythians had loads and loads of slaves for a long ass time. They went to all continents, mated with women on each one and had loads of slaves the entire time.
Don't take my word for it. Go and look for Phoenician evidence all over the world, particularly reference to giants who "steal our women and make us perform labor". It's a genuine global phenomenon.
Damn you guys really did get mindbroken by the blacked raids, lmfao.
It was just jokes bro, I honestly feel bad for breaking you guys this hard.

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>only communists put people under the law instead of over it
Real crony capitalism hours now
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Theres three in that pic
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Communists are never voted into power, they always steal it. Picrel is proof.
Make sue you jews vote Democrat more
True, the CIA has to coup every time
Political persecution by a corrupt regime.

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Just this single picture alone says more than any amount of words ever could. Girls look and behave like streethookers whilst the boys both look and act every bit as if they were still in a kindergarden. I see this every day and it's generally even worse than picrel. Yet nobody talks about it. Instead everybody is like

>"What? Our kids are completely fine. Did you watch the yersterday's football match?"

or my favorite

>"There's nothing wrong with our kids. Btw did you hear about the government's plan to increase tax on cigars from 3,69% to 3,70? So terrible!"
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it's over for white women.
breeding oriental girls is the only way to save our civilized white race from the vulgar brown hordes.
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gib rice qt
>40 year old married to a 28yo. Do not fall for the same age wife meme, its retarded.
Can completely confirm. I'm 6 years older than my wife, but we met when she was 19. She was, and still is, completely infatuated with me since day 1, and we now have 4 boys together. She's still puppy love for me in general - you will NEVER get this with a same age woman at any age. They adore older men that guide their thoughts and actions, but it becomes genuinely impossible if the woman is above around 25 or 26. Their brain is already formed poorly, either through past bf's and fuck buddies, or the other single catty women in their lives. It's over for forming a real, working bond that will last for your lives. Any single men in this thread remember that, no matter what it seems like when you start dating.
match white-skinned big titty asian cutie on tinder. nigger-brown leprechaun show up. creampied already what do now? curse bill gates for inventing filters. he will rue this day.
To expand a bit too, you shouldn't abuse this, you'll ruin her. Men have the responsibility to find a younger woman, but to treat her right and stay with her as to not ruin her ability to bond.

>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

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Why don't we just ban renting since it creates a ton of problems for society?
What do you do with the people who can’t afford a house or just want to live somewhere temporarily?

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Cars are the tool of opression.
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Nigga I can drive 80 MPH on the freeway. I can travel far in an automobile. If you're on a gay ass motherfucking bicycle you can only go like 20 MPH as a top speed lol.
You can have both bicycles and freeways anon
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>Bikes are more BASED than those STUPID MURDER BOXES you CHUDS drive!!!
>Get a... motorcycle... or a vespa? But those are too dangerous and scary!!!!
I hope a biker takes a pole and knocks you off your gay pedal bike for holding up traffic
>Spend litteral billions a year on road maintence
>Still have the worst road infrastructure in the developed world
>Crams 20 million cars into cities
>Upset bikes are "holding up traffic"
You're a faggot and the only thing worse than Bicyclist is Vegans. Both of you need to be gassed. This comes from the Motorcyclist Master Race.

Biden and the Democrats may be diametrically oppossed to everything I care about and believe in. But Trump incorrectly filed a personal expense as a business expense. That's a bridge too far
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Being a hardcore zionist that created the clot shot and tried to convince me and everyone I love to use it to kill ourselves is also diametrically opposed to everything I care about and believe in. seethe about it a lil bit
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If that pisses you off, just wait until you hear about literally every other politician in this godforsaken country


For me it’s Joe Biden.
Even if he is dead by the time of the election or has his pants on back to front.

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>gets up in his face
>height mogs him effortlessly
>timmy doesn't do shit
>throws cup at timmy
>timmy takes it like a good boy
another day in Canada, another timmy getting checked by the Indian Chadjeet. what are implication of indians owning white losers?
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Canadian boomers are almost as pathetic as their offspring.
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This is now a poo hate thread
>>gets up in his face
and immediately retreats after a little push
>>height mogs him effortlessly
is 3-4 inches shorter than that guy in blue
>>timmy doesn't do shit
"timmy" gives the streetshitter a little push away then presses the streetshitter back behind the counter.
>>throws cup at timmy
in childish rage for getting mogged by an out of shape boomer
>>timmy takes it like a good boy
"timmy" handles it fine while the streetshitter has a complete meltdown.
So he threw a paper cup at him after refusing to clean his own street shitting hands?
Looks like someone's is going to get fired

Why is Gen Alpha growing up to be so intolerant?
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If you want to know your flaws, have a 5 year-old draw a picture of you.
We won /pol/. The future is bright. The next Hitler has probably already been born.
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Wow kids are smarter than I thought these days.
Maybe don't have scary clown like creatures come in to molest, opps I mean read to them.
>pol has the same mentality as 13 year olds
More news at 11

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This is your son's hero
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srry wrong picture
That the Michale guy from Achievement Hunter?

I work minimum wage and me and my fiancee live with my parents.
I pay for my own food and utilities. My parents own their house so I dont pay rent. I pirate shit and never buy, download all netflix shit or vidya that I want from russian trackers and get subtitles from free projects. I repair my android phone every time something breaks with chinese parts.

Question: what the fuck do people do with their money? Everyone complains that its never enough, while I save 75% of my paycheck every month. Invested quite a bit in all kinds of shit and its making good returns. Bought enough tools to start a side business and still got 70k PLN leftover savings. My friends make double my salary and spend it all just in time for the next pay slip.
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He's right
And youre a faggot and a nigger lover
How does this work if im wearing a big gold chain? I get taxed at the airport?
>Wagie! Come here for a moment, I need you to do something for me.
>I'm not smuggling gold
>I'm the golden goose!
From what I've seen around me, misery tends to be a poor teacher.
I used some of my savings to buy tools and renovate our workshop. I created my own side job and started an enterprise. I don't see how living paycheck to paycheck would help me. Sounds like a really weird cope.

Rouven L. is dead, killed by an islamist.

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kys shitskin
RIP bozo
Ausländer raus!
>took the L
but did the far right activist with white trousers and blue jacket, die at all?

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Why do men torture women by forcing them to go to the gym where they suffer so much and make a face like this? Just look at this face full of pain and agony. Why are men so awful?
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Women have orgasms while working out
only bisexual men and cucks want their woman in the gym
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It burns calories and makes for some healthy looking definition. Unless they roid they won't ever look male because of their female skeleton and body fat.
she wouldn't survive childbirth with those narrow hips and no tummy

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>Ticketmaster confirms data hack which could affect 560m globally
>Tommy Robinson leads 'thousand-strong' march in London as officers make first arrests
>Labour spark fear of huge ISA crackdown as candidate deletes one telling comment
>Labour risks union revolt over private school tax raid job losses
>Sunak suffers poll blow as levelling-up cash-for-votes row erupts
>Sunak pledges cash to towns as Starmer pitches ‘wealth creation’ amid election campaign
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You're definitely bent if you don't know what Nuts is.
>becoming incredibly muscular and zooming around town and going to the gym, causing much confusion
>wind mirrors
Save it then play the video natively.
Imagine the mutant offspring when you cross them two species

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I believe that we should protect our planet from environmental dangers or threats, but environmental movements are occupied by faggots and drones who do not understand economics or science.

Is my concern unfounded, and are there any environmental movements that have not been hijacked by retards?
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90% of their photosynthesis is growing the trunk into timber, not the daily turnover of leaves.
Fell them at their co2 peak and trap the carbon as usable wood.
Then grow more to absorb more.
I was under the impression that trees leave a good amount of the carbon in the ground when they die, although I’m not the most knowledgeable on this topic. Regardless, simply leaving forests alone means there’s a good amount of CO2 inside of them that would otherwise be in the atmosphere.

The idea of growing a ton of trees and preserving their logs to get rid of environmental CO2 sounds plausible on paper, but kind of ridiculous in practice. Would we have like giant landfills of treated wood for the purposes of storing CO2? Wouldn’t we need people to guard these “wood landfills” from opportunistic loggers (The wood is already cut down)? Also like, how do we stop termites and stuff?
>nah bro it's just a coincidence that the average global temperatures keep getting higher and higher every year
contrarianism is a mental disorder
>Climate change is real chuds! The world is dying and it's all your fault and we can never go back to normal again!
Okay then no turning back right?
It's real and already too late to do anything about it. Humanity really shit the bed with this one

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What the fuck is wrong with this generation? They created and enjoy this demonic toilet humor. Is this a creature spawn of Hell and this generation is possessed?
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And you played with lawn darts, cap guns and the Gilbert U-238 Atomic Energy Lab. Simmer down grandpa.
Biden is by far the least kino nigga in that meme.
Exactly as this anon said, silly, pointless, and stupid humor will always appeal to kids no matter the generation. Complaining about "muh kids these days" just tells everyone you're a bored old man yelling at clouds.
Kino ranking goes Idi Amin > Hitler > Stalin> Mao > Mussolini > Pol Pot > Castro > literal dog shit >>> (power gap) >>> Biden
>oy vey wit bout dis generation!?
They are based.

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KEK. Another shabbos goyim bites the dust. Guess wearing allegiance to pissrael wasn't enough??? LOLLLL
Did he die or what? Caught with meth and minors?
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What's up with all of these TDS'ers, having psychotic breaks like Tim Heidecker? At least Adam has the excuse of stimulant psychosis, but still....
This. The Mannheim stabbing literally has solidified my beliefs about 4chan if not just about /pol/ that you're all just a bunch of schizo idiots.

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