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>Pol was once again right
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You can't fix low IQ unfortunately. Basic life self preservation dictates to fully analyze the situation before rushing into a brawl. On top of that, the concept of prioritization dictates to find the most dangerous enemy and neutralize it first.

These anons aren't fit for life. They would be eaten alive and in a coma like the retard traitor cop.
>Just find the knife hidden on the ground
you're fucking retarded and have never been in a fight before
>who let them islams in
the CDU and the SPD because the BDI, yw.
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It sounds absurd until you understand there is no higher social good in Germany than aligning yourself with the opinion of the establishment.

>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

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>yeah maybe young people who can't get a job or buy a house are mad
It's young people who defend those parasites the most I have noticed even as they bitch about how they can't buy a home but love this open borders shit
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>non-mcu she hulk best girl
huh i thought you would go for it. any lgbt gay shit recently since it's pride month?
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sweetie leaving skid marks in the toilet bowl is a felony if your a white person. but if a nigger murders another nigger? no big deal release the future astronaut
I can’t believe kikes ruined Star Wars ;_;

how do i prevent myself from looking like this by the time im 30? (am 24 now)
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Shave, keep your hair, don't wear glasses, and keep the weight off.
Dont become a faggot
We all age anon, the vain try to fight it, but it happens to us all. Get regular exercise, eat food you cook yourself, go easy on the drugs/booze, and don't fool yourself about your hairline. You're going to be fine, but you will get older.
But if I don't wear glasses I can't see.
>Laser eye
No thanks, not letting dr sholmo laser my eye balls.
To much hassle to deal with.

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His name was Rouven Lichtenfels
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Post the video
Who cares, he would break your grandmothers arms for not wearing a mask a few years ago
State authorities are the only reason you are still alive, retard.
trust the plan. q predicted this

Mexibros get in here and tell us about your election, is the kikess really gonna win?
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His security policy sucks but he is making an effort to industrialize the south/south eastern part of México. México was position as a top 10 economy by 2050 and that was considering only the north and center regions. If the south becomes industrialized, sky's the limit for this country and we can accelerate our growth. That's why I'm voting for 6 more years. After that, I will probably go back to PAN or MC.
go back to mexico subhuman

t. descendant of actual mediterrannean empire builders
Blackrock has been here since 2008, during Felipe Calderon's administration lol. I don't care about feminist policies since men will still be violent towards them. Haitian and amerimutt migration are a non-factor, Mexican culture is superior. It takes 3 generations for an immigrant American to feel culturally American. An immigrant Mexican feels culturally Mexican within a generation.
Whoever takes the lead, I hope one day Mexico gets ride of jews and narco scum to finally enter a golden age. I don't know why but I've always rooted for mexico and central America (including us) to just purge all the corrupt and traitors and start all over again. I dream of everyone of us becoming international powers that are ecological, productive and cheap. Where we don't have to work +48 hours weekly but < 28 hours/week instead, and we have decent living standards.

I wish you all good luck.
Mexico and latam have so much potential because they have resources, lack of leadership is everything holding them back, they need someone incredibly strong and an equally strong and radical movement to purge themselves, it will be hard for it to happen but who knows

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Why is everything so big in America? Is this what peak capitalism looks like?
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>with freedom comes responsability
Sounds so perfect on paper
South africans eat a lot like americans and have one of the highest obesity rates in the world. The gatsby is a meter long hotdog filled with french fries especially popular with poor people.
Also one of our most common snacks is meat thats been left to dry in salt for weeks, called biltong and the sausage version is called droewors. Normally made with a game meat like kudu, wildebeest, springbok or sometimes with beef
You can bench a ton ? I call BS
Just another one of those differences between the US and Europe I guess, like >>469949396
said we just buy what we need for the day
I counted the fingers hoping this was fake

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>The election in 2020 was stolen
>We will win in 2024 by voting in the election

Why can't the MIGA NPC's compute this ?
If the 2020 election was really stolen then why would Trump be allowed to win this year ?
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they cant even figure the jewish algorithms are what installed trump in the first place
doesnt help everyone who talks about fake elections is jewish including ptg
"we will catch them red handed this time" -idiot slaves
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>why would Trump be allowed
the die has been cast
nothing can stop the disaster that is coming
so why not let trump and nationalists take the blame?
a key feature for the elites is not just to set the world of fire, its to completely alienate citizens from their governments to clear the way for their Great Reset.
if you think that scuffle of J6 was something, the leftists will burn the country down if trump gets selected
No, we won't. You're delusional
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>If the 2020 election was really stolen then why would Trump be allowed to win this year ?
Trump won in 2016 because the left didn't think he had a chance, and so didn't do anything to ensure a dishonest victory. In 2020, the right thought Trump was a sure thing, and so they didn't do anything to stop all the manifest ways the Dems could cheat. In 2024, the Republicans, and any decent person in politics (there are a few) who wants to see an honest election will try to block and stop the cheaters. Will that be enough to give Trump a margin of victory? Maybe, maybe not. But Trump is getting so far ahead of Biden in the polls that he has at least a chance. And as long as he has a chance, he deserves our vote. Unless you want to see 4 more years of president dementia followed by eight of Kamala.

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Just this single picture alone says more than any amount of words ever could. Girls look and behave like streethookers whilst the boys both look and act every bit as if they were still in a kindergarden. I see this every day and it's generally even worse than picrel. Yet nobody talks about it. Instead everybody is like

>"What? Our kids are completely fine. Did you watch the yersterday's football match?"

or my favorite

>"There's nothing wrong with our kids. Btw did you hear about the government's plan to increase tax on cigars from 3,69% to 3,70? So terrible!"
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Actually completely normal. Say when you hit freshman year, girls usually end up dating guys 2 or 3 years older while the guys wait til the next year and start picking off the freshman girls. Women sexually mature faster, always been this way and they start dating older guys. What is unnatural is little boys AND girls acting like, and glorifying niggers and nigger culture.
Millennials didn't plan this. I'm doing everything I can to turn this ship around lads. Please work on yourselves and get strong.

It's been pretty normal throughout human history for slightly older guys to get with younger girls. Don't let it blackpill you. Most zoomettes are rotten anyway.
Yes, why not fuck whores with a condom on?
>The boys shouldn't look 8 and the girls 20.
most western boys aren't child soldiers though, they live in comfort until they're 18 and then the world punches them in the face.
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This is the new normal goyim

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>Ticketmaster confirms data hack which could affect 560m globally
>Tommy Robinson leads 'thousand-strong' march in London as officers make first arrests
>Labour spark fear of huge ISA crackdown as candidate deletes one telling comment
>Labour risks union revolt over private school tax raid job losses
>Sunak suffers poll blow as levelling-up cash-for-votes row erupts
>Sunak pledges cash to towns as Starmer pitches ‘wealth creation’ amid election campaign
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I shagged an Iranian girl once.
If you ate that in less than 10 minutes you're a genuine fat bastard.

When socialists have to hide policies you know that they know they would be un-electable if they were truly honest.
Might become a woke imam for the laugh.

If you don’t understand it, you are a moron
mongol rape babies
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Russian diversity. As in the peoples of the empire. Surely he's not going to import a billion pajeets? Oh he already did? Shit.

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>Man wrecks his family to pursue homosexual relationships
>His wife praises him for it
>social media commenters say things like “The kids are the real winners here. Such great parents!” unironically

Is social progressivism at its core just a subhuman pursuit of immediate desires?
Who cares about what would happen if you scaled this behavior up across the entire population, it makes you feel good right NOW and that’s all that matter!

Whether it’s this guy who completely psychologically fucked up his own children to pursue other sexual relationships or the wife and the members of the public who cheer for it on because positive emotions feel good and negative emotions feel bad, it seems like it’s not an actual ideology per se but just the desire to feel good in the most immediate moment without consideration for the future.
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I'm sure they will get teased at school. That's something.
Claiming divorce isn’t bad for children is Flat Earth tier insanity.
The fact that you don’t understand the problem this creates for children is ironically proof of what he is saying, because you definitely didn’t have a stable household growing up if you think it’s normal. Your mind is warped.
What is this a Degrassi episode?
Kids aren't going to benefit from one or both parents living a lie.
And no, I would never think that parents need to justify the reasons for their divorce to me.

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Why do so many wagies hate communism?
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If you do too well under communism then there is the risk that you won't need communism. So the communist has a systemic incentive to murder you.
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because they spam nigger porn on this site
If working more, having stable families and valuing education doesn't lead to stored wealth then what other factors do successful refugee minority groups have in common?
Communists are the biggest parasites of all. Marx never worked a day in his life.

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Previous: >>469945273
Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Biden allows the Ukraine to strike targets in Russia with US weapons - https://archive.today/cWfPG
>France to send "military instructors" to the ukriane - https://archive.today/iAtY3
>Russian jamming making some US PGMs ineffective - https://archive.today/1K5Or
>Kiev now recruiting meat from the prisons - https://archive.today/kcIkd
>NATO to organize mandatory arms supplies & financing to Ukraine, at least 100 bln/year - https://archive.today/jjBSo
>RuaF liberate Arkhangelskoye, Battlegroup 'N' keeps advancing in the Kharkov Region - https://archive.today/CgiGm
>Scholz still refuses to send Tauruses to Ukraine - https://archive.today/sJ9QH

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reminds me of prison. there is no women or money to fight over in prison so the men make up weird things to fight over like gangs or whatever. sometimes you gotta beat up an innocent man to advance in your leftist circlejerk gang. that's just how it is. i think we can all agree that germany is basically just a giant prison.
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>post attractive females instead
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Ben Garrison Based Again!
FREE TRUMP! The judiciary is corrupt!
MAGA 2024
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I'm aware she's a nigger

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Just so long as it isn't Palestinian life.
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>I wonder what kikes have on Pence…
Maybe something, but then again maybe nothing at all. Mike Pence is a Boomer and an Evangelical so Israel doesn't necessarily need to have blackmail on him in order to make him their cuck.
Based Mike.
The less goatfuckers there are in our world, the better for all of us. Killing muslims saves Christian and Jewish lives.
Fuck Palestinians. They don't deserve life.

Signed: T. Jew
He is also pro-pedophile-life
THat is truly disgusting, just shows how USA is a vassal state to the Jew World Order.

I'm responsible for psyopping zoom zooms into dating older women
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>da satanic jooz are asking me to go outside and impregnate fertile women
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Good for you, son, good for you!
Look at this seething dumb brainwashed demonic possessed goy ghoul
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Oh christcuck, we meet again
Hagfags are so retarded

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The houthis struck a US aircraft carrier and nobody seems to give a shit:
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They are indeed this stupid. Carriers are sitting targets, so they never come out to play alone
Shitskins are retarded yes
>I couldn’t care less about what happens to this weak, corrupt regime.
this isn't patriotic
no zionism is cool
Congradulations my Houthi heros! I care. I am happy you hit the boat. I also am pleased you are bombing Israel.

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peak midwit
You never believed your own bullshit about covid. If you did, I would never see you outside in anything less than a hazmat suit. Nobody believed it. It was a current thing cudgel used to beat the American right.
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You can't eat inside the building goy.

But you can eat inside a tent in the parking lot.
My dad (who is an NPC who took the vax) taught me in my early 20s when I complained about people being stupid that “80% of people are useless, don’t expect anything from them and you’ll be happier”. Maybe he still had a little spark in him then, but he’s always been a fuck controlled by my mother and media. Anyways the point of that is I always knew the 4/5 but it’s much worse than that. It’s probably more like 98 of 100

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*ancap ball*
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as a millennial i would appreciate it if you guys removed all the millennial women, and also all the niggers and jews (regardless of generation) thanks
the kikes at Facebook suspended my account for posting my isis flag as a background banner whatever its called
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Makes a lot of sense, actually.

Muslims, Jews, Non Jewish Whites

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say his name
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S JOG pig. Ami's pig.
His name is Organ Döner
The dumb bitch cops he was with prioritized cuffing a bystander over treating a neck wound lol
cucked kraut
he voted for this :)
Actually you did this to them Allied scum.

Videos from March 2024
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If the Houthis can even hit it with their shitty 20 year old missiles then the US basically has zero chance against Russia, China, North Korea, Iran etc
It's basically over for the west, militarily.
If the USS Eisenhower really was attacked why isn't there a major radiological release? I guess Russians making these threads don't seem to think about that aspect, since all of our carriers are nuclear powered and bombing them successfully would create a worldwide disaster immediately. In fairness, neither would the arabs trying to fire rockets at it even though they'd poison themselves if they succeeded.

By the way, we know nobody got hurt because the Navy hasn't flown anyone to Germany for medical treatment and no tugs have been moved in to tow it. We also know nothing was damaged, because the Navy isn't asking Congress for replacement F-15s or SH-3s.
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The houthis can't hit it, obviously, and Russia is a pussy country that won't ever fire at America. Russians are cowards who run away from combat which is why their submarines won't engage our Navy in the Mediterranean and Atlantic carrying Abrams for Ukraine.
Here is another questions...why is the captain of a aircraft carrier posting on twitter? Doesnt he have a ship to run/ Especially if they actually were attacked, why would he take time out to post on twitter?
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keep it up

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