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The war in Ukraine has begun three years ago, and we have been sending Ukrainians all the necessary support ever since. But the war is not over. Now it's become a slaughter where people from different countries get killed. With that, Ukraine goes on losing it's territory. I think, given the circumstances, the US has to admit that this conflict doesn't bring us any significant benefits and leads to a waste of it's weapons.

I've just watched an interview with prof. Mearsheimer who studies international relations. Having no illusions, he explained in detail why there's only one way Ukraine can end this conflict – by becoming a neutral state and refusing the idea of joining NATO. Moreover, according to him, it's neutrality must be permanent. If it doesn't happen, the war won't end, and the West's shipment of arms only encourages this scenario. I actually agree with Mearsheimer because we can supply our weaponry to Ukraine but it surely doesn't end the conflict. The only option for the US is to stop supplying the arms and steer Ukraine towards a diplomatic solution.

Also, the US is said to have something to lose, which is not true. The American Conversative (https://www.theamericanconservative.com/?p=467849) did research on the subject. First, the shipment of arms to Ukraine earns the US nothing wasting it's resources. Second, helping Taiwan now is a priority as it has many semiconductor and IC plants. If China takes over Taiwan, the US economy, unlike Ukraine's, will suffer huge losses. Third, Ukraine's neutrality doesn't mean it's lack of independence. For example, Finland once became neutral and now is a rich and developed state. Fourth, it doesn't change the US security as we are separated from Russia by an ocean and multiple allies.

We have to think what we really want for Ukraine: endless massacre or peace? If we are to really help them, then we must encourage it's peace negotiations with Russia and use our leverage to reach a better agreement.
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Fuck Russia. Eat a dick already right nazi choad
They're the only ones I make.
>polish flag glownigger fuckef off
Lmao he got found out
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Oto przyszłość każdego ukraińca
Then come back taras and fight for your country. Why did you escape?

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Salem Media Retracts Dinesh D’Souza’s 2000 Mules Salem Media Group said that it has pulled Dinesh D’Souza’s movie 2000 Mules from its platforms, issuing an apology to a Georgia man who was falsely accused of illegal voting activity in the project.
We apologize for the hurt the inclusion of Mr. Andrews’ image in the movie, book, and promotional materials have caused Mr. Andrews and his family. We have removed the film from Salem’s platforms, and there will be no future distribution of the film or the book by Salem

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>it wasn't stolen
Okay guy who totally isn't a concern troll
The guy who was "falsely accused" DID commit voted fraud. The corrupt system in Georgie just obviously has his back for obvious reasons protecting themselves not just him.
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Georgia you say?
the conspiracy grows!

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>Women claim they'd rather meet a bear in the woods than a random man
>Most men online proceed to say "women deserve to get eaten by the bear", completely missing the point and confirming it all at once.
And you incels wonder why the 4B movement is starting to spread outside South Korea...
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No it just goes to show how unbelievably retarded women are in general and how they've lived such sheltered lives and never truly had to deal with anything in the way of adversity. It's why whenever any real shit goes down they drop their "I'm a strong feminist" charade and hide behind the nearest man. Funny enough if any woman ACTUALLY encountered a bear in real life, they'd wish they had a man there. Also

>the 4B movement is starting to spread outside South Korea

That's almost entirely a meme.
>women want the bear
>men commend them on their bravery
I dont see the issue?
Plot twist. The grapes are poisonous to a fox and would have killed him.
That which is beyond your reach, is sometimes so for a reason.
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Didn't read. Don't care. Call a bear to help you.
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be beautiful male - get called tranny
everything became tranny
sorry but makeup, dresses and heels are made in ancient Greece by men and for men.
and me as an European male will enjoy my culture no matter how much nigger-cattle goyim cries about it.
i put up a makeup occasionally and usually when playing with my niece
world is much more than buzzwords You are trained to spam,
kindly stop being jealous of beauty of a white male,
i am made by God in his image and You have evolved from a rock and Your grandpa is a monkey You ugly jealous balding mutt shit-skin with in Jewish ritual butchered useless fuck
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ok sissy now shut the fuck up
why are muslims homos
>i am not a faggot
>saves dick pics on his hard drive
do you acknowledge that you wouldn't dare say that to anyone in person otherwise you'd get knocked out?
>>469944394 can You fuck off with Your niggerlicious violence fantasies? i think working out would be healthy for You, stay jealous and fitlered
ah ok, you don't acknowledge it. in person you wouldn't dare, you're a little russian pussy hiding behind a keyboard. also laughing at 500k russian troops dead in the war LOL

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Why is capitalism such a failure?
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thanks! we also invented dead russniggers

true, russians are fucking subhuman scum
they should be eradicated
get out olden /b/ I know who that pic belong to you freak
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lmao russniggers can't meme
> thanks! we also invented dead russniggers
Impressive, and almost as funny.
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I agree, dead russsian subhumans are funny

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Are YOU going to CHURCH this SUNDAY?
I'm literally only going for the communion.
I'm skipping the whole sermon to wonder around drinking beer and smoking weed until it's around what, 11:40? Then I'll go in and get communion.
No need to hear the female pastor speak.
I haven't remembered one sermon of hers 7 years now.
I remember my old teenage male pastor's sermons.
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Are you such a narcissist that you think the creator of the universe cares where you lost your keys or whether ir not your sportsballers do better than those other sportsballers?
It isn't narcissism.
Isaiah 44:24 (KJV) Thus saith the LORD, thy redeemer, and he that formed thee from the womb, I am the LORD that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself;
Psalms 139:13-17 (KJV) For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother's womb.
I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.
My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.
Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.
How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them!
The synod I'm apart of became pretty faggy really quickly from 2021 onward. From social justice articles in the large catechism and excommunicating a young man because ???
They were substantially further right and traditional than the Roman Catholic church, especially after vatican 2.
So who fucking knows what the answer is today, but I'm not going to continue with churches that adhere more closely to earthly, temporary morality, than divine law or try to equivocate the two.
It’s narcissism. Solipsism too. You really think the entire universe was created for you. You use “god” to cope with the cognitive dissonance created when faced with the reality that it’s ibviously not.
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What is God showing us?

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When you realise they don't use soap, everything begins to make sense
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hard to break it to you but that too is a paki. I know its hard for niggers like you to see the difference, but facts don't care about your feelings. it is what it is.

Also, kys for being a memefag
>Nobody is listening to ur dumb asss u filthy rotten curry n1gger.

Faggot censors the word 'nigger'...kek
the CCP Is behind these threads
Your women dream about Big White Cock and all you do is seethe online currycel. How disgraceful, your ancestors are laughing at you
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they shit on them every day in small ways
cognitive dissonance is very real esp for them
wait until the great awakening comes, then make a judgement.
I think you are the same guy from the last few days. You seem to be right on.

One thing I've wondered is why did bald guy attack the Muslim holding down the attacker? Just being a retard? I hope he wasn't on the side of the attacker, trying to get the knife-man released.
Anyone have any idea what the pigger management will say to their pigger enforcers about this incident?
"Good job everyone, we need more useless fem pigs, male migrant pigs & dumb goy pigs who will sacrifice themselves first. Always remember to attack any Whites first for any minor infraction, ignore nonWhite crimes & let the migrant pigs take care of it. Make sure your back & neck is visible at all times for stabbing or you get fired for racism"
I say this about western police all the time, they are worse than useless, society would be better off if they all died.
we've seen badge niggers in every stage of social collapse many times throughout history. unsurprisingly they always do what they're told (paid) to. i'm done talking to you, clueless faggot retard.

>German Foreign Minister Anal Bareback has talked about a german "Protection Group" for Gaza
>"Like we made clear in Ukraine we stand for freedom and peace, also in the near east. Not just a rebuilding effort is necessary but an international protection group, who guarantees that there will finally be peace in the near east. That is our mandate.
>When asked about her remarks on the small Greens Party congress in Potsdam she did not to give any details as they "have not been discussed yet"

archive ph 82Hpi
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After killing 6 million innocent Jews in the holocaust, it’s only appropriate for Germany to spill some of their blood protecting gods chosen people
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utter bs
orriginally gold was on top, in 1848, but authorities forbid it and obidient germans accepted it

gold= golden times of old, hre
red= blood we sacrificed to go to the gold
black= the darkness to rise from

was the original meaning
At least we’re not speaking German, right Ahmed?
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>at least you could have a culture instead of humping the wall of a roman fortress as worship while thinking of superiority

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DOTR you degnerate subhumans

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nigger, you have NO IDEA how much pussy pro athletes get
literally, as much as they want, anytime, anywhere, from any woman
Go to an MLB game an hour before gametime, during early batting practice.
There will be a literal WAITING LINE of white women hovering over the front rail, their titties dangling out, trying to give the players' hotel room numbers
Right. THAT'S the sort of shit Leafs need to rage about to understand their country is dead.
Not some dumb thot at a pro sporting game.
Omg bobs how in appropriate

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*ancap ball*
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How fucking pathetic do you have to be to watch some random hoe on Twitch in the first place and STOP when you find out that she has a dick to ride? There is literally no explanation for that other than thinking she's going to fuck you if you leave her enough money. It's pretty much like thinking that stripper likes you and tipping her extra.
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More like No Pulse
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Huge gathering of people in Kyieff!!
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fuck them and their flags
It's spelled Queef!
look at all those fit and healthy voters soon to be on the America's voter roll
It turned out the main supplier was a Russian owned company

All my problems are the Jews' fault.
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>the joos did everything, white christjoo puppet golems did nothing because...
Christians have zero free will
because they just do ok?
Seems like my assessment is pretty spot on.
Jews are the most Nazi like i see these days
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>Seems like my assessment is pretty spot on.
do be like that

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Imagine its 2006,your living in the mid west and you just finished your fast food meal after watching a kino in a theater run by a guy named joe.

And after it you sneak into a blonde bimbos rooms after prom to get some cheeks before her dad gets the shotgun

Was this when america peaked?
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The worst part about this picture is how the fries and the coke have switched sizes in the intervening decades.
Back then you could get a rodeo burger and good mozzarella sticks for $2 from BK. I ate that shit every day
bot thread sage
From NJ. Be on vacation in Florida in 2011.

>can I get a plain cheeseburger and a 4 piece mozzarella sticks

>mozzarella sticks….. we ainttt got no mozzarella stickssss

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Would you rather live in an all-white country with an ultra pozzed government (gays/trannies/feminists get all of their demands and the population supports this)

Or a country with your ideal government and social values where everyone besides you is brown and black?
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mmmmm.... gyat.
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>Russian invaders: the saviours of the white race according to illiterate /pol/ retards
Pic related, the quintessential ethnic Russian.
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west is catholic christcuck shitalian invention tho, im a germanic barbarian
brits, the long lost tribe of TURAN
You've been working on this consensus cracking for.... almost 3 years now?

Great work lmao

Your boss is retarded. You should have been fired a long time ago.
>grug not trust small hat tribe.
Genghis Khan was white. He had red hair and green eyes, look it up. Leftists will try to explian it away.

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Why doesn't US invade Cuba in retaliation for Ukraine?
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Those aren't the correct answer, please try again.
>gained influence over what were already vassals
>t. Cubano subhuman
Things that never happened for 500
>we lost influence there
Not compared to the beginning 2001. We lost Afghanistan, but that was a government we ourselves set up during that time period. Iran gained influence over Iraq, but the Iraqis hated us before that anyway so it was just losing an enemy. Meanwhile the Saudis and the Gulf states are closer to us than ever, and despite the cope map he posted half of Syria is now in our camp.
I can confirm, as a middle eastern, that the maps in this meme are not cope and they are actually true.

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Why is racemixing bad?
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Its not if its BMWF. Bbc is the highest SMV and women worship it.
I was in kuwait in 2016 and I saw some of them with arab women in the rich parts
No. She's quite cute and
> how totally mediocre/flat out ugly he is
He looks above average, not ugly.
But she's still a coalburner and must be put to death.
>no monogamy
Every polygamous society has been a recipe for disaster.
Fucking nigger imports ruined EVERYTHING.

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What are some /pol/ approved places in the US for a road trip?
Texas beaches, get the best of Mexico.
Northern California.

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That Taylor Swift is pregnant
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Nice bait, retard
>God willing
If/when she is, there will be a massive white baby boom. Millions of Kayleighs and Katies will be consumed by baby fever the moment they find out.
not hard to make a child, any animal can do it

only incels cant have children
>Millions of Kayleighs and Katies will be consumed by baby fever the moment they find out.

and Millions of Kayleighs and Katies will DIE from childbirth

Since she doesn't have a butthole or vagina, what does her taint look like?

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