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Like you, I feel pretty savvy about detecting psyops.
But what if even the most basic shit we've accepted as true, is also bullshit? Especially now, and as the narratives get seemingly desperate.
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I think it's not unusual for people to disagree on historical events, sometimes quite drastically. People may come to some sort of "concensus", but there will still be people who disagree, and a majority holding certain beliefs does not make them any more true; in fact one could argue the opposite due to peer pressure: the most widely accepted ideas are the most suspect. All the more so when there is no good reason to believe one way over another and nobody has any good, actual arguments, instead of a mere "this is the majority opinion of (cherry-picked) historians!".
There's a lot in history that doesn't matter, and a lot that matters that nobody remembers correctly; it only becomes a real issue when history is politicized (which near-term history always is; but it is also better understood than distant history).
Most commonly expressed in nationalist or racist delusions.
Lol, it's fake like everything American. It was a temporary exposition for some fair.
No, your culture is.
Theres millions dumb ex yu commies that believe in partisan movies and what communist party was teaching about ww2 and history.
The delta between real events and what they bullshited can be from small lies to 100%.
Its a type of brainwashing that happens in the west for centuries.
Because you get depictions of battles or wars or things from vatican or Austria.
And those are established in your culture as truth, while you never hear the other side(s).
I am not denying that certain moral tendencies are inborn. Some people are naturally more concerned with justice or truth than others, even if parents never encouraged this - but it's hard to say how much this is inherited, much like IQ, instead of just random genetic variation; the genetic lottery. Definitely some inheritance at work.
Most obviously in the matter of intelligence. Of course niggers morals will be inferior to white people's, and this is inherited - but it is the intelligence that's the deciding factor, that is inherited, and which produces consequences for moral development - not the morality itself being inherited. It influences their ability to cultivate it.
A nigger can be raised on western morals, and if he is not too defective he is fairly likely to integrate and be able to manage this moral baseline.
But of course this will not be true for everyone. There is also white people who are outside these norms, but a smaller number than there would be niggers.

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If Modi loses the election I am running off to Canada/USA/Britain/France/Germany/Italy/Greece/Norway
I hope my Aryan brothers will accept me
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I will assassinate Chodi. Death to poondia!
Nepal should also ban all languages except English.
well, we are not special
it's classic jew propaganda
old = bigoted and conservative, young = open minded and liberal
they pulled this off in countries like america, canada, uk, etc, and then they pulled the same shit here literally
there are so many similarities in indian and western politics, it is scary
indian left wing is notoriously anti-indian and pro-globojewmo, and that's why the young people are so repulsed by it already, thank fucking god
even western youngsters are rejecting liberalism and globojewism
now, the only hurdle here is doing something about the media, law enforcement and judiciary
it will be a difficult battle, but we'll see how the third term goes
You’re exactly the type of Indian we absolutely do not want.
You still think elections are real. Stay in India, my friend.

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The reason why anime is so popular is because European beauty standards are horrible and zogged countries almost never produce anything of artistic value.

Only insane freaks jack off to Western cartoon porn, because it is so ugly and demented. And basically everyone who is over 140 IQ ends up becoming a so-called weeaboo.
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ok, schizo
And why the fuck would I discuss that with you when you don't even know what adult content is? Heck you don't know what teenager content is either.
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>can whites go one frame without drawing buck toothed mutants with giant noses?
Can slants go one frame without painting cats?
> engaging with a subhuman
They know they’re inferior to us, why do you think they all flood our countries and say they’re ‘Canadian/Australian/British’ and desperately try and sleep with whites
adult content doesnt just mean porn you degenerate cunt
go die in a car accident you fucking retard

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I’m scared bros. Just eternal nothingness for ever? No christcucks or mentally ill religious people in my thread please.
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A house divided cannot stand. You are a lying faggot. Now respond to this:

Anyone that goes to a church or any religious building is mentally ill
Sit down faggot
Many young people just haven't yet been shamed into giving up on trying to reason to conclusions. Eventually, being labelled as sophomoric/14 yo/middle schooler and realizing one's own intellectual shortcomings leads people to give up on reason and turn to faith and whim instead of trying to develop their reasoning. But the insecurity remains and they go on to disparage anyone who displays any youthful enthusiasm for truth and reasoning. The end result is demoralized cattle who don't reproduce (partially because of their hatred of youth).
Gods watching you spread hate and doubt right now

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bees form perfect hexagonal structures without having any conscious concept of what a hexagon is or what structural integrity and resource efficiency means. the same way each individual jew works towards the fulfilment of his blood-directive, consciously or unconsciously.

there is no school for bees, no book with bee-virtues written into it, no adult bees telling their offspring how to create honeycombs, the same way jews dont conspire by sitting down and planning their next move, there does not need to be a mass gathering of all jews of the world to decide on which course is the best, no secret memo being passed to all the jewish inboxes in the world, it all happens naturally, the same way whites, wherever they are, start to organize and create civilization, the same way the jews simply follow their most innate inclinations.

take hitler for instance, no one had to teach him how to lead, he just did it and garnered immense support from like minded, equal blooded individuals of germanic stock. thats what race and volk means. no complicated explanation needed.
This. His whore communist mother made that up. He was never actually Jewish.
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there were numerous jews in high positions, crypto jews and mischlinge are a thing. they inflitrate movements they cannot fully control to at least stifle progress, do a lukewarm job or cause some havoc. look at morell and secretly drugging hitler with meth. further the nation was still under the sway of jewish christianity, one does not simply change the worldview of millions over night after centuries of subversion, the mind virus is strong.

hitler quoted in 'bolshevism from moses to lenin' by dietrich eckart:

"Every time new and promising opportunities for meddling have arisen," he brought out, "the
Jew has been immediately involved. He has demonstrated an uncanny ability to sniff out like a
bloodhound anything which was dangerous to him. Having found it, he uses all his cunning to
get at it, to divert it, to change its nature, or, at least, to deflect its point from its goal.
Schopenhauer called the Jew 'the dregs of mankind,' 'a beast,' 'the great master of the lie.'
How does the Jew respond? He establishes a Schopenhauer Society. Likewise, the Kant
Society in his work, in spite of the fact that -- or, rather, because -- Kant summarily declared
the Jewish people to be a 'nation of swindlers.' [33] The same with the Goethe Society. 'We
tolerate no Jews among us,' said Goethe. 'Their religion permits them to rob non-Jews,' he

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Poop truck arrive.
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oy vey, a jew denouncing his judaism, as though race is not a thing and one can chose whatever race one wants. bobby fisher is himself a larp.

a dog does not identify as a dog anymore
a man does not want to be a man anymore
a black person wants to be a german

oy vey goyim, its all fluid, everything is merely a gradient, nothing is ever absolute

'everything is relative' ((albert einstein))

see this jew doesnt identify as a jew anymore, he will go through race reassignment therapy to be just like an aryan, its absolutely possible goyim.

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Why is Zelensky targeting Christian Churches in Ukrane?
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these posters are GRU shills:

communism promoting fags
Probably because they have links to Russian feds, we have similar shit here with mosques and Iran/Saudis
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Nah, can't be.
>Ukraine Passes Law to Ban Russia-Linked Orthodox Church
Probably because they're linked to Russia, the country that invaded them without provocation...

Kinda like when Japan attacked the US during WWII, they locked up a whole lotta Japs in the US to stop them doing shit.
Just know in 2010 a rabbi invited Zelensky to perform on Purim. Jews are fuckin snakes, their whole religion in deceptiopn revenge and genocide. Which religion should really be banned.

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The best of us don't believe in god
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Atheists are too weak to do anything.
>Atheist much more likely to be in favor of that
Amen sister
>calls others weak
>always hides behind a memeflsg
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oh okay well bye then.
>Worship me or I will torture you for eternity!!!!
>No I will not prove I exist!!!!
This god character sounds like a great dude.

Will she fix Mexico?
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she will distance from BRICs, will be pro israel
mucho pesos para israel
The last jewish president turned Mexico into a neoliberal narco state. I can't imagine what the next jewish president is going to do.
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How did he did it pol?

How did an Austrian lead the Germans?
He wasn't even german.

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The older I get (approaching my mid 30s) the more rightwing and nazi views seem cringe and retarded as fuck.
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>They have 0 self-reflection and never hear how retarded they sound.
The older I get the more I hate elitist jews
This is an attempt to consensus crack. Don't interact with this thread. It's not even political
>rightwing and nazi views
What exactly do you know of Nazi views?
>maybe if I cry about being called a jew on /pol/ people will be convinced to not be nazis anymore
Is this really the best you tranny jew feds have at this point?

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What would your reaction be when you find out his behind the immigration crisis and the race mixing agenda

His behind the war in Ukraine that is teetering on becoming bigger

And his also behind opening a demonic gate that resulted in all the woke stuff that’s been happening

And his part of the whole gnostic/anuanaki thing that humanity being stifled on purpose
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Nah, Jesus isn't evil. Just his "father".

That's why the brutal bastard claimed his religion back with Islam.
You are just mad they throw your kind from the roofs.
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Your shot in the dark has missed, but why are you mad in the first place?

If you're some kind of shitskin Muslim, you should be happy that I'm labeling you as the true followers of your evil god.
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>country of criminals
>cringe muh liberty ideals from french revolution (that napoleon destroyed shortly after btw)
>perfect location with almost infinite land (perfect geopolitical location)
>had oil
>sucked talent off europe after the wars
>destroyed european colonies and empires
>took advantage of europe being destroyed after both WW to build the most powerful navy and dominate the globe
>annoying superiority complex
>pushed liberal ideas, consumism, goyslop and so on into their destroyed vassals (europe, japan and korea)
>pushed negrofilia
>couldnt even invade russia after WWII kek
the most cancerous nation to ever exist, overhyped shit nation of pirates who tricked us all into dominating the world.
the greatest mistake of spain was helping them get independence. we should have allied all to flatline them and then parition usa between europe and japan.
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You have got the other half of America, what is with it?
Hard to tell if you're bots or not at this point. Your flag is a cancer upon the world at this point and the jew bots based on /pol/ say the same kind of shit.
No he's right. Stop licking billionaire boot.
>a fucking leaf
lol opinion discarded
you have to go back shitskin
Whiter and wealthier than you yet I can admit its true.

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Previous: >>469918954

▶Day: 829 - Daily battlefield assessment:https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>France gave Ukraine permission to use Storm Shadows/Scalp missiles to strike airfields in the Kursk and Belgorod regions, — BBC
>Major missile chimpout targeting energy infrastructure, 35/53 missiles and 46/47 shaheds shot down, damage to two thermal power plants reported
>Federal Government allows Ukraine attacks on targets in Russia with German weapons
>Biden allows strikes into Russia with US weapons, limited to territory near Kharkiv region. The policy regarding ATACMS use has not changed
>Seven boats destroyed in Ukrainian operation in Kerch (1x pilot boat, 2x ferries, 4x transport landing boats)
>New €1,16 BLN military aid package from Sweden will include Airborne Surveillance and Control aircraft (ASC 890)
>Belgium pledges 30 F-16 fighter jets for Ukraine with near €1bn in military aid
>Sweden is pausing plans to send Gripen fighter jets to Ukraine in order to allow for the introduction of F-16
>Ukraine will receive its first supplies of F-16 fighter jets “very soon”, but around half of its desperately needed foreign military aid is arriving late - Umerov
>Poland should not rule out sending troops to Ukraine - Sikorski

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>Russia invades a country
>Russia screeches when the country fights back and strikes targets in Russia
Poor little Russia
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Pictured of confirmed kills will ALWAYS be relevant for as long as RUSSIA continues to lie about its losses.

Have those animals even admitted to 5-digit losses yet? Let along the 6-digits they've actually suffered?
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I see russniggers can't get part ways with their faggy cope. No worries, I save everything, so I will remind these snow niggers KEKAROOO
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Cry about it newfaggot nigger

Irish MP says Netanyahu will burn in hell. Thoughts?
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>They hold a lot of political sway believe it or not, especially in the US.
That's because most Americans think they're Irish
Yes and who could forget all the potato snow nigger vs goat fucker wars. Those were particularly brutal.
It worked for Jews for 1,200 years. Also Saracens was a catch-all Arabs of any religion. There were Jewish saracens.
he hates watching babies burn? AND he said something bad about our lord and savior Benjamin Netanyahu?

wow what a shitskin muzzie sandnigger mudslime leftist homosexual communist holocaust denier antisemitic Nazi iranian proxy hamas terrorist CCP agent

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>Russian invaders: the saviours of the white race according to illiterate /pol/ retards
Pic related, the quintessential ethnic Russian.
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Maybe both sides are just retarded and getting involved is the dumbest thing imaginable
The post clearly refers to him as a Tuvan Mongol, nobody is claiming that he is an ethnic Russian

So did the U.S. astronauts actually go to the moon?
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Explain to me what the cosmic rays are constituted of and their concentration, pajeet.
Yes, a few times. Don't they teach you that in school?
What are you talking about? Which technology was lost? Can you specific about what technology was lost and why it has not been recovered in 50 years?
I don't argue with niggers.

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It's her gape after I fucked it last night.
friendly reminder that that's a genetic fallacy and you should kill yoursellf
jewishness is genetic though
it's phish, you uncultured swine
what does that have to do with him commiting to a genetic fallacy?

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>we couldn't have done it with out you
>otherwise we would be speaking german and been without mutts, trannies, and a fractured sick society
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Wish i could be there to ridicule this old retard.
Maybe throw something in his face.
What happened for this attitude to change so much? 20 years ago these guys would be idolized.
I always saw the allies as the aggressors.
Because objectively and historically they were.
They deserve to be ridiculed in their last days on this earth.
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>20 years ago these guys would be idolized
more people are realizing what is going on
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>Who Was In The Wrong Here
>powder keg fuse a bit shorter each day
it won't matter who was right, it never does
>yoo we're like roaches in your pantry
I don't know if I'd be proud of that.
Violence is the only answer.

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Welcome to mcdonalds may I take your order
Cancerous bottom feeder garbage.

a happing meal and a two kneel burger, please
one YWNBAW with a side of Nothing Ever Happens with an It's Over to drink please

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