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What country is this ?
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Gay Anal Yiff Treason Organization
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It's like what happened with Ireland. I went there in the nineties and it was like stepping through a time portal. You could not have convinced me at the time that they would do pic related within 20 years.
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Kumminki ukrainalaine rintamakarkuri, kuis danzig on tähän vuodenaikaan?
>>Molchat Doma is a good band
They're from Belarus. I get that politically it might well be a province but you should know the difference.

With the $20/hr minimum wage in California being passed, consumers reacting negatively to the prices some of these restaurants are charging, and the overall shitty quality of the food, fast food is on the verge of collapsing.

Does anyone else see this as a good thing? Our country has an entire generation of fat asses who eat nothing but this stuff instead of cooking.

I have a friend who eats McDonalds constantly because he is too lazy to cook, he is now overweight, has blood pressure issues and is so god damned lazy he can't even get out of bed (he asks me to call him in the morning to wake him up).

Do you think the collapse of fast food with make people healthier and reduce health care costs?
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>food trucks
These are a cancer on society and only are able to exist by getting things for free, like parking. They're operating businesses on public roads without paying taxes for real estate. It's worse when they do this in front of or near actual restaurants and steal customers.
>making a taco is not worth $20 an hour

Well it looks like in certain places that is exactly what 20 an hour is worth. You are like a retarded boomer going

>back in my day a can of coke was worth a nickel!

Ya retard, 20 dollars isn't really much at all.
Minimum wage knocks out smaller competitors.
I don't think most people understand the lengths the people at the top go with the aim of having a total monopoly.
Food is hard to centralize and fresh food is impossible to monopolize which is why they promote preservative-loaded goyslop.
Eye glasses and light bulbs are controlled by cartels. Most household personal care and cleaning products are controlled by one or two companies, same with bottled drinks and most packaged food.
Commercial rents are a big factor too. Some fast food companies exist only to hoard prime locations so that smaller operators can't afford the rent or to buy in that area.
The only mom and pop places that last near me have been open for decades, but when the owners want to retire the kids usually just sell to some pajeet or to a developer.
Revenue was 24B, so their profit margin is 30%.
>The workers is more than 80% of the reason why the job even sees a revenue
Labor is an expense not the source of revenuse

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If only you were a paramedic and really knew.
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Oh fuck off. This guy's making shit up for clicks
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Indeed, it was the exact same in every region at the same time. A completely unprecedented circumstance.
>it was real in my mind
Are you sure you didn't mean midazyklon, kike?

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>The pair gave the agencies one caveat for placements: They wanted only a child who was no longer legally tethered to their biological family.
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I seen this happend before, is a classic
>They wanted only a child who was no longer legally tethered to their biological family.
What an odd request.
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That poor kid. Targeted by homos for being nonverbal.

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The reason why anime is so popular is because European beauty standards are horrible and zogged countries almost never produce anything of artistic value.

Only insane freaks jack off to Western cartoon porn, because it is so ugly and demented. And basically everyone who is over 140 IQ ends up becoming a so-called weeaboo.
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adult content doesnt just mean porn you degenerate cunt
go die in a car accident you fucking retard
And yet you still fail to mention your adult media. Just stop. You're a moron. Here's reality for you, most content you have, anime or west movies/series, is for teenagers. Get it now? You're just a fucking hypocrite.
also you portuguese gutter trash pig how in the world is me asking for what specific decade (you narrowed it down to a single year) a "coward move" that was me making it harder for me to give you a good example of a decent movie you absolute retarded bargain bin dumb cunt roastie
you are literally retard tier, like 70IQ
Next time just mention your fucking adult movie you fucking retard. You shot yourself in the foot and you're complaining? 2020 as in decade of 2020, not the year. That would've been obvious and it's easy because it's recent, but no, you just went to cheat right? Searched for 2020 movies because you don't remember a good one. Just stop bothering me, my opinion of you is already down enough.

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Welcome to mcdonalds may I take your order
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No thanks, I'll use the kiosk
you may not take my order
>turn 360 degrees around and walk to Burger King

I'll take uhhhhh

I’ll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda.

I find it baffling that all the Blacked content is considered a jewish psy-op (which seems like a reasonable conclusion) but futa doesn't get the same level of scrutiny.

To me it's faggotry of the highest order, a degeneracy on par with exposing kids to troons.

I have never ever imagined that a guy could ever go
>That girl is hot, but you know what would make her even hotter? A dick

One of the most popular justification I heard for it is
>I'd rather see a a girl fuck another girl, than a dude, and a dick is just like an alternative strap-on.

This argument holds no water imo seeing how solo futa is often time more popular than a regular solo female pic.

So, what are the political implications of this degenaracy being normalized?
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Please make a few more of these but with a muscle white guy and another with a muscly
Futas are WOMEN with FEMALE chromosomes, FEMALE bone structure, FEMALE voices, and FEMALE pattern pubic hair. They are 100% real, natural women with real natural vaginas.
They can carry children in their FEMALE wombs and generally are heterosexual which means they are attracted to MEN.
They just so happen to also have a penis, and sometimes testicles. That's it. They are WOMEN.
I am 100% straight and male, and there is absolutely NOTHING gay about fantasizing about futa girls. Nothing. Please, let me describe a situation (one I hope to find myself in some day) and you can point out what's gay about it. I really don't think you will be able to, because it's not gay at all. Here goes:
I meet a cute girl at a concert. We get to talking and find out we have a lot in common. I invite her over to my place after the last set and she agrees. We get there and I put on some music and she loves it. We have a few drinks, talk a lot, order some pizza. Then, well, one thing leads to another and we kiss. Just once at first but then more. Soon we're both naked and she's on top of me. She's wet af but I feel something kinda weird down there. It's a little girl cock. Rock hard at that, but not more than 3'' (smaller than me). I penetrate her and she moans like a woman. As I'm fucking her she pulls my hand over to her penis and asks if I can stroke it. Well, of course I do. I can feel it pulsing every time I thrust and soon I'm ready to cum. I warn her and she says she's close to. As I cum I feel her penis tense and finally release, spraying her girlcum all over my chest. She collapses and gives me another passionate kiss before climbing off me and heading to the bathroom to shower. I just lay there basking in the afterglow.
Okay so there you have it. A completely straight encounter between a man and a futa. How is that so hard to understand?
>almost an hour now
All jannies should have a pay cut
How do you know? Did you try to scam OP and you ended up with 10TB of CP?
agreed, troon psyop. tranime was more devestating for whites than all the other porn shit combined

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this whole shit with Taiwan is a massive waste of time for China why not say we want best relations without brother China nation

they lose nothing by doing that
China's final warning (for real this time)
taiwan party is netrual, they dont care about indepenace
Breaking news zipperhead communist faggots threaten to use force in regards to Taiwan for the millionth time, how shocking.....

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GIGA HAPPENING! 500,000 (HALF A MILLION) Russian invaders killed and crippled during the past 830 days of Russia's 3-day special military operation!
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>anglo glowniggers
I believe it. But for some reason it's Ukraine now mobilizing rescuers, figherfighters and policemen.
weird you are stil not showing your flag
Today in jew news!
All our enemies are losing!
We have more power than ever!!
Our position is absolutely secure!!!
Russia won’t attack israel!!!!
Meanwhile british government also says

>50,000 confirmed deaths through satellite and social media

And they complain about the distrust of media and government
About 70% of that will be injuries, therefore Russia has about 150,000 killed.
In comparison, Ukraine has suffered at least 500,000 killed.

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What's their secret?
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>21.1% (around 2,080,000 people) are Israeli citizens classified as Arab
no that includes seculars of all stripes
ultra-orthodox jews and muslims both have like 9 kids each while everyone else is below replacement
Just imagine what the country is going to look like in 50 years when these two groups are the majority
>these two groups are the majority
One group and it will be the muzzies. Jews are being holocausted for real by birth rates.
everyone else is at replacement level stop lying

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If ethnonationalism is such a good idea, why does the best modern example of an ethnostate, have so many problems with birthrates, school bullying and male suicide?
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The birth rate wouldn't be an issue if the borders were closed. Japan/Korea are overpopulated, but kikes want to dilute their IQ with Indians & blacks.
>We need to import people who will look after the elderly!
>Imports unskilled shitskins half of whome don't work.
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My body is ready.
Diverse countries have all those exact same problems but with the added problem of ethnic tensions and a low trust society with no public services on top of them
All homogeneity does is bring your country back to equilibrium - diversity is actively harmful
racial mixing really fried your brain if your entire argument is based on the idea of keep mixing and just wait for the sick population to die out.

Social Darwinism? Neo-nazi skinhead? I was simply adding to your point the things that you ve omitted.
Anyways, genetical enrichment is only acceptable if the members of the different groups agree to. At least on that we can agree?

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The best of us don't believe in god
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>I would
>still hiding behind memeflag
>I swear to God, I hope, and pray we can fight,
Come down to Mesa AZ, let me know when you're here
Low IQ humans when reading "Creator" assign a unitary act of creation in some chronologically definable past, its why they have a meltdown when religious people call God the creator of existence. He is much better defined as existence itself or the aseitous principle on which the remainder of non aseitous existence is contingent, and creation being a continuous and eternal demonstration of the physical laws derived from the First Axiom
Religions are baseless they just mold to whatever delusion the con men/preacher or they want to believe.

Hilariously it's often they will live forever and are right and everyone else is wrong because they are the most special thing in the universe. So their delusions are as narcissistic as it can get, because thats all they are, losers coping.
>atheists read religious texts like historical archives and interpret everything literally
Do you guys also believe the events of the Lord of The Rings to be real?
>Christians read religious texts like historical archives and interpret everything literally

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What's /pol/'s opinion on psychedelics?
It’s interesting but nothing as special as some might want you to believe
just take them all lol
Extremely fun and enlightening. But mostly fun.
They are medicine and should be treated as such. Everyone's results will vary but generally speaking, you should NOT take psychedelics if have any mental illnesses or personality disorders (besides schizoid or avoidant). They should be used infrequently, no more than a few times per year.

If you use them responsibly they can change your life for the better, but if you abuse them you will fry your brain and fuck your life up forever.

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Do you think that the treatment of german minorities after WW2 was too harsh or it was deserved?
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the only winner of WW2 was the Americans
everyone else lost
filth like you would rather suck turkish cock instead of being controlled by vienna
Im so scared, polenigger
Hitler lost WW2 by mistreating people's of Eastern Europe and trying to kill/remove them and fill their houses and towns with german immigrants.

From Eastern European perspective the Jewish question was just a side hustle that was irrelevant for the wider topic of German colonialism and machine of destruction
yes, Germany was strong, Pollackia was an utterly irrelavant shithole and the russians gifted you the land

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Sadly, at best, that's gonna take some 40 years to be released and be safe enough to not fuck up your kids' genes and gestation
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This is a 30yo woman, you're welcome
Only a fool would waste their reproductive potential on a an old man hater. Finding a mate is easy for women so if they can't get one something is really wrong. Add a multi racial child and BLM flag to the older one.
Keep it in 2D boys
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>they can't fit in society
Too generic a reason.
The real reason is that both autists and hags are, at the very least, greatly unpleasurable to be around. In the case of hags, because they rode the cock carroussel and let themselves be poised by feminism and jewish agenda, they cannot connect in any meaningful way with a young man, because she'll try to fit in with a pozzed society instead of fit in with the man, because all holes past a certain age that have not married will cater to society's attention instead of their man's

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Post videos about jew crimes lats share it
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kek smallest warcrime in my collection
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I just got recognized by the german government as a citizen by descent via Stag 5. Can you guys give me the run-down on what I should know about the german political landscape? I know in the US there's a lot of 'liberally forbidden' topics that are pretty central to the situation, what's it like over there?

Also what are gun rights like?

Ich spreche Deutsch noch nicht sehr gut, aber ich versuche lernen das jedestag.
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>it doesnt count!!
keep seething, nigger
> just become a doctor
> study 6 years (+ 2 years of Abi)
> open a praxis
> jump through all the extra hopes to get a license for a praxis
> invest five to six figures for praxis equipment
> hire staff
> work from morning till evening every day
> become profitable around your 40s or later
This shit sucks, you are well off in your 50s and later on at least. The whole thing seems pointless to me, unless its a multi generational undertaking.
so, thats the same in every ountry
americans have hundreds of thousands of student debt by the time they are finished
In Germany you dont
But of course that doesnt count
You just whine and whine and whine
don't think about changing Germany to become more like America
Germans don't like Americans
instead, you should want Germany to become more German and less foreign

she's a freakin unironic commie

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>Russian invaders: the saviours of the white race according to illiterate /pol/ retards
Pic related, the quintessential ethnic Russian.
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Because despite that, i havent seen central asian cartels spring up
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We do have central asian cartels. They are the biggest sources of ethnic organized crime. This is regarded to actual shitstanians, not russified and civilized citizens of asian republics (like the guy in oppic).
>Sariglar Sholban Vasilievich
I believe Sariglar is a Turkic name. You are just posting various ethnic minorities and expect us to believe that they are considered to be Russian in Russia, this isn't really true. Some of us can actually read Cyrillic.

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Don't tread on me
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Learned not to code himself genitals for no reason.
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Damn, that most be the biggest retard ever. Why would he do that... Hard to watch. Did he died? What happened next?
What the hell is that nigger doing to that poor dog?
Your screencap doesn't say that
Lmao wtf I thought he melded with the dog.

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>we couldn't have done it with out you
>otherwise we would be speaking german and been without mutts, trannies, and a fractured sick society
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>20 years ago these guys would be idolized
more people are realizing what is going on
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because I dont like people who glorify the killing of their white kinsmen
Everytime I see this one and the pride parade crowd-fister, I close my eyes and think of this scene. It gives me solace.
2013 a gay cruiser docked in Kotor with 2000 gays on board. This was the talk of the town, people were fucking pissed. My fat old neighbor sat down with us and he gave us a 30 minute speech how he would handle the situation.
"I would set up in an elevated position with an M53 Šarac. As soon as the first wave of fags hits the beach RATATATATA then they start running and you give them short, precise bursts RATATA RATATA. Let's see them try coming here again, there will be no gays in Montenegro."
He was screaming the whole fucking time, we pissed ourselves laughing.

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