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Chuds who have tried LSD, what does it feel like?
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>Real visuals are always way better.
I am not going out on 400mcg+. Nice to have something to look at before you get ripped into shreds then it doesn't matter anyway.
As long as you're back inside before or after peak it's fine.
I didn't take any drugs and dreamed of Freyja in a 4k 2160p dream by just being interested in dreams.
>australian jew wants to dream about two gay men, one nigger at least, giving each other a hand job
Yeah, no thanks Nathan, you keep that rabbi treat to yourself.
Fucking retard. Go look at the old trip-kids. They're all narrow faced like they were born with Downs.
Pic unrelated

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It’s not our fault we got made homosexual, we don’t choose to be this way
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Because fascists aren't very keen on raping fags, therefore fags will always opt to import shitskins.
>his argument against islam is a marginalized community in a country that is facing collapse within the decade from it's real estate sector imploding
not to menion winnie the pooh is going to attack taiwan soon and make himself into another pariah
don't bet on china, that's all i'm saying
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It's no secret that /pol/ is moderated by literal kikes and glows. How can we break away from the shills, slides and general shit-tier threads without them following and doing the same thing?

I'm a DN newfag, but Dread seems to be well moderated. Would a d/pol be feasible destination for us to set up camp?

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>I'm gonna have to be taking your board today. See I have some top secret clown business that supersedes any plans that you might have for this here message board!
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The older I get (approaching my mid 30s) the more rightwing and nazi views seem cringe and retarded as fuck.
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fedpepe demoralization
Ah no problem. Sorry get kinda retarded/autistic don't mind me.
You're just weak, getting older, and becoming complacent. People like you are the reason why societies turn to shit, because of your "who cares, it's not worth it" attitude. Fuck your solipsism.
the feds are the ones who should be demoralized right now, the west is absolutely over beyond ever coming back
Yeah, all these faggots chiming in with their
>Just let it all happen bro, it's not worth it
are just reddit fags or feds here to demoralize. They think morale on places like this might be low because of the Trump court shit. It just invigorates me even more.

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Why would any politician with a political future risk everything to join the Trump 24 ticket when they could just wait until 2028 and run as a MAGA candidate without the baggage of being associated with a second Trump term/ failed Trump reelection bid?
Right now, Trump:
>Is tied on aggregate in polls to the incumbent president he already lost to once
>Is absolutely despised by half of the country
>Is only legally able to serve one more term
>Turned on his first VP and ended his political career
and now
>Is a convicted felon
What does any politician with a political future stand to gain from being associated with him even if he wins?
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It'll be a fucking jew
Most likely another neocon retard like Tim Scott or JD Vance
You literally the dumbest person I've ever seen post here
Lol u played an intricate part, no doubt
Sure, those would be safe choices for Trump.
But why would Tim Scott give up a Senate seat in a safe red state to be a one term VP, especially given what happened to Trump's last VP?

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if you get into a union or start a successful business, its probably worth it
"The Trades" work a shit ton of overtime. At 16/hour he should be making over 1,000 a week, not less than 650.

You also generally have to hit the road. You aren't going to be making millions being a welder in some bumfuck redneck town in Alabama. Up in New York City building skyscrapers though?
yeah that's very hungarian, checks out
old welder guy I worked with used to just close his eyes, because "he knew what he was doing, didn't need to see it" lmao
dude was welding from memory
Enjoy dying early and still being a broke low-class loser.

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Why is capitalism such a failure?
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they even copied dumb shit like this lol
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just a shitty version of chinks from back in the day, but they couldn't even scale the production so it's all just for show
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no one even seen any of those sovietnigger calculators but I'm sure they made like 5 copies with Western parts and called it a day
They use the term capitalism because communism is the other binary choice. Democracy is what is failing. The checks and balances built into the system are all corrupted and working towards greater centralized power in every regard... The extreme opposite of the intentions of the Republic which was founded. But, the framers predicted this as well, in the hopes that the people would enforce the social contract on the government whatever the cost. Is it already too late? Anyways, communism is just a ruse to kill all the Christians and Nationalists in your country before giving those killers an elevated status where they bureacratically destroy any hope the people in that country have for prosperity and liberty.

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It happened at a buss stop
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Implying anyone's vote is actually counted the way it was cast and not just stolen via electronic tabulation in addition to the traditional methods.
That's how you know hardly anyone votes for this shit, because if it were close, they wouldn't have to cheat so hard.
She voted for this.
The whole
>muh badass jat sikh warrior caste
is such a fucking meme. Anyone who says this is either a redditor retard, or a sikh jeet himself pretending to not be one

How is your voting system run?
Any obvious parts that are prone to (((error)))?
Any electronic bullshit?
>Switching to hard money like gold/silver/bitcoin means the government MUST shrink its size by 80%

it should be done regardless. We have computers now no need for usles bureaucrat uhljebs stamping papers.
As for those poeple yes they should be killed because they are human trash. I value serial killers more than government workers.

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Previous: >>469931400
Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Biden allows the Ukraine to strike targets in Russia with US weapons - https://archive.today/cWfPG
>France to send "military instructors" to the ukriane - https://archive.today/iAtY3
>Russian jamming making some US PGMs ineffective - https://archive.today/1K5Or
>Kiev now recruiting meat from the prisons - https://archive.today/kcIkd
>NATO to organize mandatory arms supplies & financing to Ukraine, at least 100 bln/year - https://archive.today/jjBSo
>RuaF liberate Arkhangelskoye, Battlegroup 'N' keeps advancing in the Kharkov Region - https://archive.today/CgiGm
>Scholz still refuses to send Tauruses to Ukraine - https://archive.today/sJ9QH

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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I mean all you need is that one picture of an abrams with ERA blocks and a cope cage.
what? Feels like this was written by AI
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i can't wait to visit the magical land of russia
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>Telegram account claims, the Ukrainian forces are slowly advancing northward inside #Vovchansk. Cannot confirm independently, but the post is noteworthy.

The great counter offensyiv has begun.
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i don't get it

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Anyone that actually denies the Holocaust is on the same level to me as republicans that say “democrats are the real racists”. Aside from being retarded, what the fuck is the point of National Socialism if you won’t wipe out your enemies who are inherently subversive, parasitic, and at odds with your civilization? If Hitler didn’t work kikes to death, throw the unfit for labor into gas chambers, or have them shot by the Einsatzgruppen, and take every last cent they stole from the Germans back, even from their clothes and gold teeth, then what the fuck is even the point? He lets them sit in resort camps with theaters and swimming pools (totally not for the guards) while German men are dying like animals on the eastern front, Germans at home experience wartime shortages, and the rats get treated fine? Fuck you retards. The holocaust is one of the things Hitler did that wasn’t retarded.
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Well i do not deny the holocaust (because seriously why bother), but damn right that the democrats are the real racists.

"Anti racists" are just pretentious holier-than-thou racists that have inevitebly stoked the fires of racism's roaring return.
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It's really simple nigger: it didn't happen, but it should have.
So why don't Jews stop lying about the number first of all?
lies are their one and only weapon....oh and molesting kids i guess if you count that
Cause nobody be carin' about dey Slavs.

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How does everyone afford Moncler and Canada Goose coats? These things cost anywhere from 800 to 3k each
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Bunny hug is a hoodie right?
Yep i have 2 sweaters 1 is a fishing Hoodie the other is a smart casual Calvin Klien zip up sweater i got as a gift 10+ years ago. Just bought a $25 rain jacket from Amazon cause of rain and wind.
He is bourgeoisie
that's all they work for, stupid shit like expensive phones and jackets. they are simple minded fools
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>50 years of your life
>in exchange for a jacket that was made in china and a phone that rots your brain with propganda
do you accept?
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I just wear an over coat (wind proof, no lining) over my normal clothes, we haven't had a cold Winter in years. I always kek when I see some nigger walking around with a Winter coat in autumn, nature is literally telling them they don't belong here.

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Oh good the polcel reprogramming will go from tiktok is brain rot to based now?
I thought China bad
Just go back on twitter you fucking retard holy shit. He deserves to lose forever for being so stubborn.
Honestly this. This is what literally all of us have wanted the whole time.
tiktok is as good as it will ever get now.
having said that, it is still getting banned in 7 or 8 months.


might as well use it before we lose it (tiktok)

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Is anyone else here growing out of their white supremacy phase?

I am a white male grew up in a majority white area. We are disgusting, dysgenic, ugly mutants.

>whites are the most likely to be diagnosed with mental illness by far
>white males are prone to baldness (most beginning 20-30s)
>pale skin is weak and feminine
>whites are the most likely to kill themselves
>all incels and shooters are white or white mixed

Humanity is better off without us. We are basically genetic poison in this world. Most of the cultures who worship whites change their mind the second they meet them.
Kys then
Oh and the penis size how could I forget. We have tiny shriveled penises and testes. Another nail in the grave.
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>white supremacy phase
depends on what you mean by supremacy
>We are disgusting, dysgenic, ugly mutants.
You gotta stop going to walmart.
That's like the worst example of every race in there.
>Most of the cultures who worship whites change their mind the second they meet them.
Be the white person non-whites think you are.
OP's grindr profile says "Observant Jew. Whites only please."


Some random dude on twitter hacked the microsoft copilot history feature of the newer windows.
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Dont worry Microshit will recognize this problem and add a “do not track me” option to (((turn off))) the history while they actually do
Anyone who actually does anything other than web browsing unfortunately has moved on from windows 7. So you’re either a boomer or a retard.

If you are tech productive then you know Linux is the best choice and if you are anything else you know win 10 is the winner now.

Windows 7 had its time, but you just reveal yourself by saying dumb shit like this now.
this post was sponsored by Microsoft
Son, I run laps around you.
>reddit spacing
ableton - works fine on 7
after effects - works fine on 7. Crashes all the time on 10.
May I see your visual fx work or music?
>Oh no python 3 doesn't work
hahahaha fuck off with that, retard
Anyone tech productive knows how to make their software work on their OS. Its literally one .dll half the time. You must be the retard.

checked a seven-pilled

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They were the indians of /pol/ before indians came online
I do not feel strongly about them one way or another.
They're the best in South America, but that's not saying much
they’re just another group of poor niggers. nothing to like about them

All my problems are the Jews' fault.
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you have to be incredibly stupid and ignorant to not realize it is lthe kid-bomber jew at it again

whites are their enemy netenyahu referenced amalek
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Irish or Austria is my bet too. But at this point it might even be the Germans. Previously to Ausländer raus! I was assuming a slavic country will start it but I guess the war keeps them too busy.
Someone really hasnt been paying attention to history
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>mass deportations are coming
nothing is going to happen.

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I don't decide on things I can't observe myself, but this is easily explainable. A tornado occurs when a warm and cold front meet. It's because cold wants to go where hot is, because of the atoms or whatever being spaced further apart. So the cold and warm kind of battle each other to occupy the same space. It's like saying your windows are round cause the cold escapes through them when the AC is on.
christians never belived in flat earth
first christian books were written in greek and greeks documented earth is round before that
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is this bullish for $WHACKD?
That's not what a LiDAR does. It can't penetrate solid matter. It's because of this very nature we use it to measure windspeed and velocity, since any contact with any particle will backscatter into the reciever.

Infowars isn't getting shutdown it's bullshit. Alex Jones always been controlled ops. Wake up people
stop falling for that faggot. Both bill cooper and art bell call out this faggot years ago. https://youtu.be/2maASsjwhCc?si=GwNC5APhcWAeFbcz
Wow no reply.
the first time I heard alex jones was around the time of hurricane katrina, and he was talking to art bell about russians controlling the weather through fake clouds. he sounded like a complete schizoid.

I later learned he was talking about cloud seeding, which is exactly what he described, albeit like a hyperbolic retard.

tl;dr I think he's actually legit, he just cranks everything he says up to 11
Shut up schizo and or glownigger kike, Saint Alex Jones is an American hero and an national treasure. Kindly go choke to death on your boyfriends aids infected penis and stop typing here.
It is NOT jews! It is "globalists".

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