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Remember this.

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GIGA HAPPENING! 500,000 (HALF A MILLION) Russian invaders killed and crippled during the past 830 days of Russia's 3-day special military operation!
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>all memeflags
Hi, jews!

pol/ Don't make me tap the sign.webm

0. Nothing ever happens
1. "It's Happening Insert" just flew over my house
2. 2 more weeks.jpg
3. Source ???
4. Keep me posted.jpg
5. No refunds
6. ??? - Fuck the past
7. Profit
8. It's Over - Repeat cycle (∞)
Based. This thread is gay
Twitter = Reddit
OP is a faggot
that means ukraine is winning

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The big one is coming. People are preparing.
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it says it at the bottom you absolute mongoloid
Just look at the science behind it. A working Geiger counter can be had around 50 bucks off ebay and you can find some very radioactive things with it at antique stores. Likewise look up "cloud chamber" on youtube to see what radiation actually LOOKS like. Also, look up how nuclear reactors work and what happens when they chernobyl or fuku to understand what a nuclear warhead does. It's easy, it's verifiable on the small scale personally and it's a NIGHTMARE if it gets loose. See post-nuke japan footage to see what I mean, there.
try googling it
you fucking nigger
okay actually
i see what's going on here
this is the end of the futures contract for that month
we would need to see every other contract that has already expired and see if they exhibit the same behavior
if so then this is a nothing burger
but that's if we can get an actual sauce
Buy GameStop

What's Romania's goal?
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who puts all those loudmouth puppets into power and then gives them the go to bark, you double scheming nigger?
in 1990 you could buy 20 houses here for 100k
we already have other 3-4 patriot systems currently building
kek diicot are a bunch of retarded faggots who don't understand how computers work at a fundamental level

go chase some drug dealers retard
at least SRI has a couple competent individuals
Most of the burduf fume sniffers itt are too stupid to understand that you need a decent pr puppet to do your foreign bidding, so you might as well choose the educated German diplomat that looks and acts human. I know most of this inbred population rather send Ionut Maronescu into the EU, he can make good deals after he drops his sister off behind a window in Amsterdam and is done transporting second hand lawnmowers from Germany.
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> better
shabbos goy
> stronger
delusion of grandeur
> majority
of petty thieves, agricultural slaves and prostitutes in Western EU

No arguments there. But stop projecting your thieving, manele listening, low iq, swarthy balkan trash selves onto others, you're the ones everyone confuses with Gypsies.

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I’m scared bros. Just eternal nothingness for ever? No christcucks or mentally ill religious people in my thread please.
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Jesus is alive
Ah, you're jewish. Nevermind.
I used to think this too but your assuming the chicken comes after the egg, without first being able to prove the egg exists. You've been brainwashed and you need to look further into philosophy and discover your own truths
Nope. Religion isn’t real. No one is Jewish. Nice try though fag.
How can someone that doesn’t exist be alive?
The church is the living resurrection.

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I am forgotten
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>why don't we hear more about this in the (((MSM)))!?
idk, why?
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>but muh fox news
comp'd af
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>fox news
speaking of didn't the wife of sheldon g adelson recently give trump 100 million? or was that just bs?
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I can fix her.
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>muh maga

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Previous >>469862886 (Cross-thread)#

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)

>Al-Quds Brigades: In a complex operation, our mujahideen were able to snipe a Zionist soldier and bomb enemy soldiers and vehicles with mortar shells in the Tal Al-Hawa axis, southwest of #Gaza City.
>Hamas - Osama Hamdan to Al Jazeera: It is unacceptable for occupation forces to remain in Gaza or manage the Rafah crossing. The Interior Ministry in Gaza managed the Rafah crossing before the war and will continue to do so after the ceasefire.
>Al-Qassam Brigades destroy a gathering of enemy soldiers and vehicles with mortar shells in the Tal Zorob area in the Tal Al-Sultan neighborhood, west of #Rafah.


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kek based
what is the website?

IDF war-gaming Hezbollah war expansion, probably from the base in Safed.

Hezbollah should hit it right now.
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I think you might be lost. lol.

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This jeet came to canada just 2 years ago, now became the Indian ronaldo
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He looks like arab
Must be better looking jeet
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WTF is wrong with you!
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His indian u retards
like we even know who the fuck that is
Cause yall incels

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Putin at age 25.
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Looks jewish
Hes not, your entire political caste is though
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Now it all makes sense
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Do you think that the treatment of german minorities after WW2 was too harsh or it was deserved?
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I cum on your mother's face while maggots are oozing out of her rotter cunt.
I dont speak your irrelevant gypsy language
youre germanoid, you have no right to call anyone shit, not only you got raped by russians youre also getting raped by turks now.
Yes, germs were always invaders. Now you are invaded by muslims and there is nothing you can do about it, except whine on the internet. Get stabbed on the street, proud invaders.

Watch this and see German opinions of Poles and Slavs.

Retard. Schact was the BIS central banker that created a scam money system. It was a banker operation.


Videos from March 2024
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I dont. But she dead
no, they're not
the kid smiles like a monkey, or ron perlman, and has a very elongated skull, towards the back
the captain has typically jewish fur
and the blue shirt is gayer than cum on a moustache
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>an automated twitter account that is YOUR only proof that the carrier is sunk is THEIR only proof that the carrier is fine.
You shitskins are beyond pathetic
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Biden Cultists , what the fudge is going wrong ? The conviction was suppose to destroy Drumphies!!?? He’s still winning !
>trump being cross promoted on tim pool
Tell me you're controlled without telling me you're controlled

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This is the first image that comes up when you search God on Google. Say something nice about him, saars
TKD, including this kike
god created man in his image? then we are like god which means god is like us humans, that means god is a lying thieving murdering scumbag piece of shit too
I don't worship niggers.
>spherical planet
Fake n gay

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is he wrong though?

>inb4 its localized you cunt,we're doing fine

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>immigrants destroy state's ability to enforce its own laws
>people take the law into their own hands and remove immigrants
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If only you were a paramedic and really knew.
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>finally admitting what I said in december 2019 having known about rex / agenda 21 30 in advance
give me one good reason not to destroy this planet entirely

Honestly I hope you never learn why you're wrong...
This, the Trumpvax was originally a beautiful shot.
Most health care workers here killed people by suffocating them through muscle relaxing substances.
Literally one injection and subject was dying slowly for minutes till they suffocate.
All were ofc put on Corona deaths for money.
Total death of all nurses, doctors who did this is a must. No mercy can be shown. They're worse than most prisoners.

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Something something 60% of young men are single but only 30% of young women are.
Something something women after 30 are more likely to be single then men after 30.
It’s the new take on “why don’t incels just marry femcels” but now they label old women as the femcels instead of 20 year old goth girls that hate men on TikTok.
18 year old women belong with 18 year old men, not 25+ yo men and definately not 30+yo boomers which is creepy asf
He actually believes she’s a virgin. Imagine what she will look like in about 10 years.
>what do you want from your partner?
I want her to be loyal to me
I want her to be with me through thick and thin
I want her to respect or even try to engage in my hobbies and interests, doesn't have to be all of them but it would mean a lot
I want children, at least 4
I want her to stay in shape, because a woman who maintains her beauty for her man is a sign of loyalty
I dont want tattoos
I dont want another man's children
Being a virgin means she has self control
>Literally dont be fat, dont be a cunt, don't be disloyal and be a virgin
I know hags from all over the world and I can confirm that most of them are desperate for a man to love them. Some had previous relationships but others were still virgins due to their antisocial lifestyle, one of them was planning to kidnap me and take me to Ireland.

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why are there so many female cops in western europe? four of them just got a male cop killed in mannheim because they literally stood around doing nothing.
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Yeah, exactly.
Need to cull, violently, all simps.
women should never be allowed to be cops
Spbp, women are a ridiculous gender>>469927091

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How do we fix this?
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You can’t please a bitch with your sexual experience and lack of cock size become trans instead desu
Kek....feel sorry for White women. Imagine having to marry a White fag you dont love just to have a place to stay and raise kids. Living with white mwn is excruciating to anyone that hates whiny effeminate men.
Lower the marriageable age to an age before they become this intolerable.
Call it out. It's the female equivalent of a guy saying he only wants to date women with big tits/ass.
>Destroy the Internet.
Or we could keep using one of the greatest inventions ever made and simply revoke women's right to vote.

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Previous: >>469918954

▶Day: 829 - Daily battlefield assessment:https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>France gave Ukraine permission to use Storm Shadows/Scalp missiles to strike airfields in the Kursk and Belgorod regions, — BBC
>Major missile chimpout targeting energy infrastructure, 35/53 missiles and 46/47 shaheds shot down, damage to two thermal power plants reported
>Federal Government allows Ukraine attacks on targets in Russia with German weapons
>Biden allows strikes into Russia with US weapons, limited to territory near Kharkiv region. The policy regarding ATACMS use has not changed
>Seven boats destroyed in Ukrainian operation in Kerch (1x pilot boat, 2x ferries, 4x transport landing boats)
>New €1,16 BLN military aid package from Sweden will include Airborne Surveillance and Control aircraft (ASC 890)
>Belgium pledges 30 F-16 fighter jets for Ukraine with near €1bn in military aid
>Sweden is pausing plans to send Gripen fighter jets to Ukraine in order to allow for the introduction of F-16
>Ukraine will receive its first supplies of F-16 fighter jets “very soon”, but around half of its desperately needed foreign military aid is arriving late - Umerov
>Poland should not rule out sending troops to Ukraine - Sikorski

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Thats what Im asking
Why are the rules ignored, yet they cant be fun and post political ponies
Arent Ukranians major cloppers?
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yeah, how. i don't trust him Habib, he is a shabbos goy.
Not tall enough to be considered a man.
Bong's bringing the Bants today.
Muslims has to be biggest traitors. Kabob's own nation is at war with Ukraine and he is bothered about pali more than his own kin.
I gave your mom some iron dome last night, bitch.

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