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Previous: >>469931400
Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Biden allows the Ukraine to strike targets in Russia with US weapons - https://archive.today/cWfPG
>France to send "military instructors" to the ukriane - https://archive.today/iAtY3
>Russian jamming making some US PGMs ineffective - https://archive.today/1K5Or
>Kiev now recruiting meat from the prisons - https://archive.today/kcIkd
>NATO to organize mandatory arms supplies & financing to Ukraine, at least 100 bln/year - https://archive.today/jjBSo
>RuaF liberate Arkhangelskoye, Battlegroup 'N' keeps advancing in the Kharkov Region - https://archive.today/CgiGm
>Scholz still refuses to send Tauruses to Ukraine - https://archive.today/sJ9QH

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roads covered with anti-drone nets interesting...
...also kot at 4:38
How is battle for Chasov Yar going on? Any developments? I stopped following this shit seriously since it dawned on me this will drag on forever.
Modernised. Electrically-operated
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Is liberalism more dangerous than communism
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>I know a lot of people who decided to move on to things like Evangelicalism, the Baptist Church and other sects.

Out of one abrahamic judeo christian pot of goyslop psyop into a other. Not for me, far eastern spirituality at least has a more sensible approach.
Take your meds you are arguing with people who don't even exist outside your small brain
liberalism and communism are the same societal poison. the difference is that liberalism is watered down whereas communism is that same poison in it's pure form.
A few years ago the government enacted a complete ban on abortion 100%. To the point where if a woman goes on vacation pregnant, and comes home not pregnant she potentially can face scrutiny or prosecution of circumventing the ban. I dislike abortion and even I think the government is overstepping its boundaries of our personal lives.
There were huge nation-wide protests for a very long time because of it.
I should add there's no separation of Church and state here. The Church is actively political and I've been to a fair few masses where the priest has advocated voting for one political party over another. Even at weddings and funerals.

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are you smarter than magnus carlsen?
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I have no idea of how smart he is and neither do you.
Hyper focusing on shit tends to bring massive brainrot though, so some of us might very well be.
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And you're not
Hans Niemann isn’t Jewish though.
Not in terms of chess savviness, but there are likely other fields yes.
Stockfish makes the same moves for any given board state every time. It’s not about strategy, that’s made up boomer shit about playing the player. It’s about memorization.

>America just called off a launch
>meanwhile China just went to the moon
It's literally fucking over
China is the new leader of the world
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Better than just kicking around on a piece of ground in their home town, waiting for someone to how them the way.
But will the chinks tell us the truth about the alien structures on the moon?
>China lands on far side of the moon
>doesnt care about muttoids
>quick post how the muttoid regime dumped 100 state subsidized junk sattelites into lower orbit and wins on twitter!
>quick make a bait thread about China on /pol/ to cope about it!
muttoids raging about humanity again
How many Chinese astronauts have walked on the moon?
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Nick Fuentes?
What happened? We were a socially progressive community which recognized white women as goddesses back in the days when Skyrim was popular. Now, every thread is, "I Hate Women So Much It's Unreal".
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Keep spamming your cuck fetish porn mutt boy
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your cock still doesn't work
brown christlarpers are homosexuals
Christians always lose because they cant into humor. Look at the butthurt christcuck memes. Just look.
NJP? That's the one headed up by a fat jewish man names Michael Painovich, right?

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This is just the latest attempt by the black lesbians who make up the majority of the WNBA to injure Clark. They are absolutely seething over the fact that a White girl has walked into the league and become its most marketable star.

>video of cheap shot below

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You literally would not understand what you're looking at because you have a mental illness.
Fuck off with your cuck fantasies.
How to get a wnba gf? Preferably a White one?
be a nigger female

>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

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Stalker has been very active lately. His salt is growing
that's a man
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Summerfags going to be migrating in
is this pic real chat??? :O
awesome pull coomerpole ^-^
this is correct

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Whites are a slave race that does 90% of the legwork in fucking itself. WNism means you just want to continue the slave cycle.
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something went wrong tho
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>part 2
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>part 3 final

because by definition the poleeece job is to enforce the laws OF THE STATE regardless of wether the "state" is a commie shithole or freedom loving repubic
This if these White “nationalists” were serious they’d love niggers and be bootlickers like 90% of Whites on earth
>inb4 the hyperboringthesehoes spirit
Correct sadly, 90% of whites at this point are culturally Jewish due to a lifetime of brainwashing and Jewish culture. Nearly every kike scheme reply’s on whites doing the grunt work. I wouldn’t call myself a white nationalist, I’m just not culturally Jewish.

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This is where your aid money is going to.

>Zelensky's fat goons mercilessly threaten and hit hohol who refuses to fight while colleague tries to film it, as if the world cared that they are being genocided
he has the duty to die for freedom and democracy, chudmonkey
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>getting threatened at gunpoint to die by artillery fire
Some soviet traditions never die.
He does the western waddle really well

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As Israel loses more and more support around the globe, the Zionists are doubling down on the God's Chosen People Schtick.
A plan that requires an act of God is a lousy plan.
Magical thinking during a crisis never ends well.
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God wont do shit.
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Not really.
How can any one of the sweet lil mutant israeli kids be safe, if the entire country is smothered in jew pedophiles?
The amount of sexual abuse would likely create the gayest country in the world if they weren't careful.
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Talk about chutzpah, we did it for you.
Impressive is that their plans do not require nearly as much self-delusion as their foes' plans.

Nukes aren't an act of god, nor is putting hysterical showboaters in their place all that risky.

Sure, the screams echo around the globe but in the end the silence that follows it is more meaningful.

I suppose that's the bitter irony for Palestinians in general: Almost all accusations they level at Israel bounce right back and hit them worse.

Logic and reality do not care for PR.

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Being that she's a literal 20/10, I'm pretty sure you guys can find it in your heart to forgive her. Calling her a one in a million beauty would be an understatement. What a loss it would've been.
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Does anyone know when you unlock olog hai, cave trolls and uruks in divide and conquer total war? I'm in turn 70 and still stuck with trash orcs.
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HQ photo
how much did the testosterone damage her womb
There's a good chance she's barren, thanks to the drugs. She'll never be a woman.
>white women betraying their fathers episode n°3573280475

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based MAGA protester running around with a book of printed Hunter Biden dong photos.
Where can I buy this book of hunter biden dick pictures?
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> I wasn't going to vote Trump, but because some guy in a van shoved a book full of dick pics in my face I guess I have to
A tale as old as time.
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It's funny no matter how you look at it
GLOBAL NEWS aka one of the LPC's media propaganda wings. They must be broadcasting with the heaviest, largest 2SLGBTQIAP+ flag at half mast for how much Zion Don has ruffled their feathers.

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>fuck around and kill 40,000 Muslim civilians in the past year
>fuck around and kidnap 10,000 Muslim civilians in the past year
>fuck around and starve 3 Million Muslims
>displace 3 Million Muslims in the past years on top of 5-6 Millions already displaced
>fuck around and justify genocide of Muslim country
>fuck around and glorify genociders
>fuck around and and deny basic human rights to Muslims
>fuck around and deny freedom of expression for Islam and demand Islam to cuck to political Judaism and radical Jewish terrorism
>find out and get stabbed
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go fuck the goats achmed
kikes know that their time is running out :)
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jews run pedophile rings and blackmail top politicians
>Don't go to Palistenia to actually fight, heck even to just for humanitarian help
>Stab untamed 40 year older from the back
Muzzie subhuman, you satanic cultists always make it so easy to yourself
>lets proof the goyman wrong by posting my jews raping and mutilating kids collection
Classic Jewish selfidentified 110 IQ post

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>Union of Turkish cumguzzlers
lol, lmao even
Balkan kings.

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Why do they think they are welcome anywhere?
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If they weren't why would we vote for it?

"Police ‘left children at mercy of Pakistani gang paedophiles’ in Rochdale">> https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/rochdale-police-grooming-gang-paedophiles-b2478657.html

"Police left children ‘at mercy’ of Pakistani grooming gangs, report says">>
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>Why do they think they are welcome anywhere?

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What are the political implications?

>1 in 7
Thats a lot less than previous generations. It indicates that they're rejecting the debt system, as compared to their parents and grandparents.
I'm 100k liquid, I could buy so much genz ass and I am, genz 18yo whore ass.
Not so fast. What they don't buy with a credit card they buy with those modern layaway lenders like Affirm. Sezzle, After Pay, etc.

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Are refunds even requested by people like this?
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oh, right derp
lol sleepy brain still
Next time take 4 jabs
she's not even old enough to retire lol
What's the best heart hospital in the world?
Maybe we could go visit her and finish her off with objective facts
Meanwhile more antivax virgins have died from heart attacks than vaxxed chads. How do you explain that incels?

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Huge gathering of people in Kyieff!!
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there is absolutely nothing wrong in celebrating death of slavshit untermenches xD
Right wingers always hated Slavs you retard. You've found vassals among Slavs in everyone except Russians and Serbs, we just don't pretend to care about "saving the white race" since we know what you think about us.
Putin is sending an army of street shitters to invade Europe. Go fuck yourselves kikes.
>Putin is sending an army of street shitters to invade Europe
You invited them into your countries yourselves, and you aren't doing anything about it, which means you're okay with it, which means you should welcome more trash Russia sends, what's the problem here?
Pajeets, one million pajeets for kweef

> Sudden cut in pollution meant less shade from sun and was 'substantial' factor in record surface temperatures in 2023, study finds
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>coal and diesel soot is keeping the world from burning

wtf i love china now?
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This you?
I like how climate change magically disappears when new homes need to be built to house more migrants.
I already pointed that out long ago. Tear down natural flora and fauna, create artificial environments, pollution provided haze over the artificial areas because plant and soil life could no longer disperse heat and create humidity, then bureaucrats removed the haze via pollution control and now everything is burning like an ant under a microscope. You absolutely cannot remove air pollution covering without removing the artificial environment it exists in.This is global warming and it is absolutely man made.
>heat island effect

We turned turned forests and grasslands in to solar batteries of concrete and steel. The shade from air pollution is likely the only thing stopping runaway global warming.

I’m tired of living
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I'd fill so full of cock you wouldn't have time to think about how tired you are, now that is what I call pair bonding.
Then die.
Or don't.

It'll happen anyway desu, why exert youraelf for it.
some 18yo with unhealthy hair
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Hi everynyan!

Me about to sleep desu!
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I'm dating an autistic woman, she is sweet and nice and doesn't want kids, I hope to marry her someday

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