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The world is populated by survivors.
Cowards, traitors, submitters.
All those that would have fought back by now have been murdered.
Its pathetic really.
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Every single good man who died in a war fighting another good man, each good man wanting nothing more than to give a good life to his family.
They are human sacrifices
rape victims give birth to rape babies and teach them raped philosophy
My mom still watches Survivor
It's funny how they compete or a million dollars but most of the people on the show are ivy leaguers, business owners and corporate lawyers
My mother failed to see how this would make a show like Survivor redundant
All life is a sacrifice to the gods
The Spanish Inquisition led to the creation of the Ottoman Empire. It just shifted the problem from one place to another. Their hesitation in total eradication is not something to be respected.

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If Modi loses the election I am running off to Canada/USA/Britain/France/Germany/Italy/Greece/Norway
I hope my Aryan brothers will accept me
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Nepal should also ban all languages except English.
well, we are not special
it's classic jew propaganda
old = bigoted and conservative, young = open minded and liberal
they pulled this off in countries like america, canada, uk, etc, and then they pulled the same shit here literally
there are so many similarities in indian and western politics, it is scary
indian left wing is notoriously anti-indian and pro-globojewmo, and that's why the young people are so repulsed by it already, thank fucking god
even western youngsters are rejecting liberalism and globojewism
now, the only hurdle here is doing something about the media, law enforcement and judiciary
it will be a difficult battle, but we'll see how the third term goes
You’re exactly the type of Indian we absolutely do not want.
You still think elections are real. Stay in India, my friend.
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Fuck off, we're full. Don't come here. I'll rate you 0 stars and lie about how you ate half my pizza.

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Being fined 1.5 billion for ouch ouch words that someone doesn't like is not, in any way, constitutional. (((They))) just used it as an excuse to shut opposing media down. It's that simple.
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>For whatever reason, they love to divide everyone on election years.
It's a mystery right?
It's not like these are obvious steps to take to shut down the political opposition, that they have been talking about for years and years, right?

Your worldview is garbage, dude.
>no man they are just having some fun dividing people
Why doesn't he use his guns then? Come on you fat cunt!! You've been waving your guns about for years sayign you'll use them to resist tyranny. FAT COWARD!
meant for >>469903741
>>469903293 >>469903368 >>469903394 >>469903492 >>469903531 >>469903551 >>469903623 >>469903701 >>469903733 >>469903741 >>469903758 >>469903804 >>469903807 >>469903808 >>469903871 >>469903906 >>469903917 >>469903925 >>469903992 >>469904000 >>469904016 >>469904073 >>469904080 >>469904239 >>469904250 >>469904322 >>469904464 >>469904505 >>469904532 >>469904546 >>469904580 >>469904674 >>469904700 >>469904723 >>469904798 >>469904845 >>469904930 >>469905041 >>469905080 >>469905157 >>469905181 >>469905227 >>469905272 >>469905339 >>469905370 >>469905478 >>469905639 >>469905651 >>469905703 >>469905710 >>469906192 >>469906347 >>469906371 >>469906379 >>469906464 >>469906486 >>469906517 >>469906563 >>469906634 >>469906696 >>469906827 >>469906896 >>469906941 >>469906986 >>469907129 >>469907279 >>469907364 >>469907408 >>469907424 >>469907478 >>469907489 >>469907563 >>469907643 >>469907647 >>469907752 >>469907845 >>469908010 >>469908013 >>469908051 >>469908071 >>469908103 >>469908156 >>469908238 >>469908254 >>469908348 >>469908379 >>469908491 >>469908534 >>469908543 >>469908646 >>469908647 >>469908689 >>469908696 >>469908705 >>469908727 >>469908786 >>469908816 >>469908922 >>469908931 >>469908956 >>469908997 >>469909061 >>469909070 >>469909189 >>469909257 >>469909291 >>469909320 >>469909374 >>469909408 >>469909537 >>469909588 >>469909623 >>469909666 >>469909922 >>469910144 >>469910250 >>469910262 >>469910307 >>469910334 >>469910347 >>469910419 >>469910421 >>469910444 >>469910448 >>469910457 >>469910504 >>469910738 >>469910834 >>469910904 >>469911139 >>469911197 >>469911208 >>469911297 >>469911321 >>469911344 >>469911372 >>469911411 >>469911462 >>469911587 >>469911721 >>469911863 >>469912210 >>469912496 >>469912997 >>469913356 >>469913576 >>469913628 >>469913648 >>469913658 >>469913741 >>469913763 >>469913825 >>469914078 >>469914145 >>469914197 >>469914241 >>469914294 >>469914296 >>469914356 >>469914439 >>469914442 >>469914643 >>469914933 >>469915810 >>469917027
see you monday alex

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I am forgotten
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>muh maga
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probably not.
Americans enable jewish money and White genocide, never forget.
You now remember that she was reddit moderator
he meant it ironically

Chuds who have tried LSD, what does it feel like?
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This is kind of a good way to describe it. I remember telling someone it felt like my brain was overclocked for at least a day.
a taste of insanity.
It does last way to long
I was on lsd last night kek
Mushrooms really are the brain fixer, I'm not saying they could, but if anything could reprogram your brain to think new ways for months afterwards it's the shrooms.

Just make sure you're somewhere you enjoy and feel safe when you take them.
I have watched Baraka and Samsara on LSD, listened to Shpongle a lot, hard recommend.
I was blasting metal music on my JBL 90's speakers, listening to records, i was staring into a star, i saw the big bang and how it's all explosions and we are just present at this moment and later new explosions will happen, blast after blast. Then i read some Michiu Kaku and read astrophysics, it literally explains one of the thoughts that occured to me. Also while listening to Shpongle other days i heard a particular sound that they did in one of their songs and it was literally the same sound i am hearing during some of my trips. It's like a string being pulled and the sound echoes to a stop. LSD is based, i have 5 tabs hidden in a book... I haven't tripped for more then half a year.

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>country of criminals
>cringe muh liberty ideals from french revolution (that napoleon destroyed shortly after btw)
>perfect location with almost infinite land (perfect geopolitical location)
>had oil
>sucked talent off europe after the wars
>destroyed european colonies and empires
>took advantage of europe being destroyed after both WW to build the most powerful navy and dominate the globe
>annoying superiority complex
>pushed liberal ideas, consumism, goyslop and so on into their destroyed vassals (europe, japan and korea)
>pushed negrofilia
>couldnt even invade russia after WWII kek
the most cancerous nation to ever exist, overhyped shit nation of pirates who tricked us all into dominating the world.
the greatest mistake of spain was helping them get independence. we should have allied all to flatline them and then parition usa between europe and japan.
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No he's right. Stop licking billionaire boot.
>a fucking leaf
lol opinion discarded
you have to go back shitskin
Whiter and wealthier than you yet I can admit its true.
American Revolution predated the French

Good. The sooner we stop being an empire the sooner we can rebuild our nation.
>took advantage of europe being destroyed
Destroyed yourselves bros

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>Another day, another escalation
- Alex Jones studio shut down for exposing the Havaara agreement between nazis and zionists
- National pride month has started, HOUZEE!
- Volkel airforce base on the nuke list of the Russians because retard unchosen ministers approved the use of long range weapons
- Joris Demmink, child molester, who was the highest-ranking civil servant at the justice ministry and never prosecuted. In the case called Rolodex. Rumored to have worked with Dick Schoof when he was at the IND, anons please confirm
- The new coalition is look at the FvD for forming a majority in the senate
- Romania and Hungary block Mark Rutte being nominated as NATO chief
- Unchosen (ex) AIVD glowie Dick Schoof possible prime minister, he is a deep state asset and responsible for illegally spying on citizens through fake social media accounts, he is also pro-EU and SDG and pushed the corona measures
- Wilders is blocking people that criticise his choice for the glowie PM
- Free Gideon, corrupt judges demand 200 hour forced labour or 100 days in prison
- Thierry Baudet speech, there is a difference between zionist right and traditional right, notice that al successful ‘rightwing’ parties have Israeli influence
- Pro-Palestine protests tried to disrupt pro-Israel demonstration. Police intervened but was initially pushed back
- Football riots injured several police, they are exhausted and complaining. Keep up the pressure
- Antifa protesting against feminism
- Another attack with a umbrella on Thierry Baudet stopped by security

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Dan laten we in het midden wat de meest verstandige keuze is want ik acht mezelf in ieder geval niet competent om in te schatten hoe de gevolgen van de een of andere zienswijze tegen elkaar opwegen en ik betwijfel dat anderen die competentie wel hebben.

Bait maar ik hap toch even: al die ''randfiguren'' zoals Tate zijn van toegevoegde waarde ook als je hun manieren van denken en doen onwenselijk vindt omdat zij een tot voor kort ongehoorde zienswijze bijdragen aan het publieke debat. Onthouding van die zienswijze heeft veel mannen zoals ik groot leed gebracht: ik heb als kind niet van mijn sociale omgeving geleerd dat je als man leeft in een darwinistische hel waarin je uiterlijk, geld en status grotendeels bepalend zijn voor de kwaliteit van je leven en je daarom moet vechten als een leeuw om een bestaansbasis op te bouwen in plaats van alleen maar braaf naar school gaan, goede cijfers halen en dan denken dat je vanzelf weleens een lief vriendinnetje krijgt en een managersbaantje krijgt op een of ander kantoortje.
Ik geloof niet dat de beste man een debiel is. Ik vertrouw hem echter niet.
Iedereen die het officiele verhaal van de aanslag op 9 september gelooft heeft het commissie rapport nooit gelezen - en denkt waarschijnlijk dat de enige kritiek gekarakteriseerd kan worden door oneliners van Alex Jones. Net zoals Epstein wordt de waarheid verhult door goedkope memes, waarna mensen zich verder niks afvragen.
>Epstein didnt kill himself
>jetfuel cant melt steel beams
/pol/ heeft altijd gelijk.
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You know the rules
wegwezen hoer

I find it baffling that all the Blacked content is considered a jewish psy-op (which seems like a reasonable conclusion) but futa doesn't get the same level of scrutiny.

To me it's faggotry of the highest order, a degeneracy on par with exposing kids to troons.

I have never ever imagined that a guy could ever go
>That girl is hot, but you know what would make her even hotter? A dick

One of the most popular justification I heard for it is
>I'd rather see a a girl fuck another girl, than a dude, and a dick is just like an alternative strap-on.

This argument holds no water imo seeing how solo futa is often time more popular than a regular solo female pic.

So, what are the political implications of this degenaracy being normalized?
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Futa is based and redpilled and shall be allowed in the ethnostate
I wish futas were real.
gosh I love girls with huge dicks so much it's unreal
Moderators should be shot in the head with an AR 15
pretty much.
like 10% of people are totally straight bro.
and 10% of people are total fags bro.
then the other 80% is a blend mishmash of those 2 poles.

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Do you think that the treatment of german minorities after WW2 was too harsh or it was deserved?
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also i dont mean only the germans
i mean all of them.
You shouldn't look at it from today's perspective. You should look at it from 1945 perspective and trust me your perception of it would be vastly different.
you just had no clue what the fuck youre talkign about
lets go back further and send pollacks behind the urals where they belong
yeah, 1945, where the russians bailed you out
and today you hate them
worthless gypsy trash
You can try, but it would most likely end with you getting your skull blown the fuck out.

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How did he did it pol?

How did an Austrian lead the Germans?
He wasn't even german.
>Real Name: Alois Shicklgruber
no basis whatsoever.
Sage and report

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every group that isn't white or NE asian is

Mexibros get in here and tell us about your election, is the kikess really gonna win?
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True, they always rise to the top
Here are Mexico candidates
>socialst left wing
>progressive left wing
>homosexual left wing
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>don't care about politics in this shithole country
>been reading history for years to know Mexico's politics consist entirely on groups of interest that treat the country as a business and not a real country
>legit don't know what the current political landscape is
>decide to get out of my cave today to vote regardless because some countries don't even have that
>2 candidates are w*men
>leading candidate is a jewish woman
>the other woman doesn't seem like she can win
>the other is a guy who talks coherently but doesn't have a chance in hell to win
>don't wanna vote for either
What do I even do bros
You think your election is a setup, wait till you see the european elections, to even be approved in the eyes of the EU makes it all a globalist formality, as if they'll look at Hitler 2, 3 and 4 and say we'll let you even participate
Kek you got the pobre indio pendejo y prieto defending AMLO in >>469912614 boiling with this one

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You guys hate black people for any personal experience or it's just you being influence by a retarded internet board?
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Ah thats just a monkey I guess, thought it was a baby.
>can't even adjust to the culture
>over-represent crime

There are good ones, but if for every normal black guy there's 9 others acting like goons, I'm gonna assume it's one of the 9 i'm dealing with.
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Unlike leftgroids, I judge people by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin. It just so happens that a lot of the time, niggers just happen to be black.
You know how nice it was before we had to deal with this shit. No, you dont because youre a 15 year old mutt.
Skin color indicates racial characteristics, its not the skin color its what the skin color means. It always was about the content of their character, whats inside someone who has black skin. Not the skin, you know how many dumbfuck leftists think its literally just hurrr skin iz dark me no like. Paint white, me like u more.

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Previous: >>469926507
Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Biden allows the Ukraine to strike targets in Russia with US weapons - https://archive.today/cWfPG
>France to send "military instructors" to the ukriane - https://archive.today/iAtY3
>Russian jamming making some US PGMs ineffective - https://archive.today/1K5Or
>Kiev now recruiting meat from the prisons - https://archive.today/kcIkd
>NATO to organize mandatory arms supplies & financing to Ukraine, at least 100 bln/year - https://archive.today/jjBSo
>RuaF liberate Arkhangelskoye, Battlegroup 'N' keeps advancing in the Kharkov Region - https://archive.today/CgiGm
>Scholz still refuses to send Tauruses to Ukraine - https://archive.today/sJ9QH

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Life expectancy is decreased by inceldom. Will you have sex now?
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here I have it
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go back to this post you desperate idiot >>469932465
and try proving me wrong
something i already asked you for here >>469934216
but you ignored it
They say something like half of the polish population live outside poland. And even with mass immigration poland still has a negative migration balance. Which is disastrous.
Again, redirecting me to your made up cope lies wont change reality
You have been exposed as a jeet, hiv-hohlina

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How does everyone afford Moncler and Canada Goose coats? These things cost anywhere from 800 to 3k each
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The whole point is to show off how "rich" you are.
So if everyone wears fakes it very quickly loses its appeal.

Spending $1000 on a status symbol isn't too far fetched even when you're poor and make $7 an hour. - that's a months work to pretend you're not the loser you are.
I've never even heard of the brand prior to foreigners. I've never seen anyone wear one other than a foreigner.
>some people are just afraid to ever feel cold at all
Yeah North African criminals who have to stand on watch out all night long.
You see a lot of normalfags around here wearing hunting jackets if it's cold. A business man might wear a winter coat purchased at Mark's, winners, or costco, brands irrelevant. A woman will wear some kind of snazzy looking parka, brand unknown. Guys in my line of work wear whatever free jacket their company got them for Christmas. But having said all that, most don't bother with a jacket at all.
Isn't that like an amount everyone should save every month? So just buy one if you want one?

So did the U.S. astronauts actually go to the moon?
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Yes, a few times. Don't they teach you that in school?
What are you talking about? Which technology was lost? Can you specific about what technology was lost and why it has not been recovered in 50 years?
I don't argue with niggers.
The technology they lost ended up being the German scientists and a blank check from the government.

You know I realized it's probably better to be an enemy of India than an ally.

After all if it's your enemy, they cannot use their trick of being your friend while trying to undermine you. That takes away a lot of their power. When they offer you a deal that will probably be laced with long term poison, you can just tell them to fuck off.
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How do you propose to win against the poop waves?
India is in BRICS. India is a rival of the West.

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>no corrupted government
> no corrupted puppet leaders under controll of zionists
>no pedophile agenda in hollywood, government, church
>no fat sugar addicted cancer diabetes society
>no dumb media telling you what to think
>no elitist billionaires sucking off money from idiot uneducated masses (musk, bezos etc)
>no biggest army in the world to maintain cus youre scared of everyone else

and the list goes on
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>no corrupted government
stopped reading there. niggers tongue AIDS infected anus
If I ever have sex it’s gonna be with a brown girl

hail great mother mrna brother
lets cum with thunderforce
The literal Congolese warlords are less corrupt and tyrannical than the JewSA's govt.
love these kang AI images

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friendly reminder that that's a genetic fallacy and you should kill yoursellf
jewishness is genetic though
it's phish, you uncultured swine
what does that have to do with him commiting to a genetic fallacy?
>Space is fake
How do you actually function on a day to day basis?

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Like you, I feel pretty savvy about detecting psyops.
But what if even the most basic shit we've accepted as true, is also bullshit? Especially now, and as the narratives get seemingly desperate.
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Lol, it's fake like everything American. It was a temporary exposition for some fair.
No, your culture is.
Theres millions dumb ex yu commies that believe in partisan movies and what communist party was teaching about ww2 and history.
The delta between real events and what they bullshited can be from small lies to 100%.
Its a type of brainwashing that happens in the west for centuries.
Because you get depictions of battles or wars or things from vatican or Austria.
And those are established in your culture as truth, while you never hear the other side(s).
I am not denying that certain moral tendencies are inborn. Some people are naturally more concerned with justice or truth than others, even if parents never encouraged this - but it's hard to say how much this is inherited, much like IQ, instead of just random genetic variation; the genetic lottery. Definitely some inheritance at work.
Most obviously in the matter of intelligence. Of course niggers morals will be inferior to white people's, and this is inherited - but it is the intelligence that's the deciding factor, that is inherited, and which produces consequences for moral development - not the morality itself being inherited. It influences their ability to cultivate it.
A nigger can be raised on western morals, and if he is not too defective he is fairly likely to integrate and be able to manage this moral baseline.
But of course this will not be true for everyone. There is also white people who are outside these norms, but a smaller number than there would be niggers.
> From the perspective of what a normalfag would see - to fill the void and construct the expected worldview.

The point is that you don’t need to fabricate 1000 years of history while policing it for all of eternity to stop anyone calling it out. You can change the most important elements.

>From the perspective of religious authority - to cement their own power. Religion is supposed to be old, the older the better. Religion should already be few hundreds years old at the moment of its formation.
>What can an alien religion of semitic origin say to the population it reigns over to instantly legitimize itself? "We were there for more than 1000 years" is pretty good.

That is debatable. You can just look at the lgbt movement a sect within Judeo-materialistic feminism. Such a religion has come about and displaced the previous religion with ease. Social parasites create such religions and transmit them to normies. Sure they will invent a few stories about gay animals or gay sex in a random ancient civilisations but they had no need to remove a thousand years of history for their new religion to take hold.

>And there is another reason. There is something really bad in the actual history, ranging from deeply embarrassing to so horrifying you will shit yourself upon realization. In any case, it's not something identities built on medieval myths are going to survive. But there are enough clues for what exactly it was, once you understand that the construct is compromised. For example, ever wondered why are there articles in your language?

Do you have examples for us to shit ourselves?

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