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How do I become an investigative journalist and uncover corruption? I've been finding weird connections and following money trails in a variety of industries, but I lack a platform to actually tell people about this shit.
>lack platform
excuses excuses

With the $20/hr minimum wage in California being passed, consumers reacting negatively to the prices some of these restaurants are charging, and the overall shitty quality of the food, fast food is on the verge of collapsing.

Does anyone else see this as a good thing? Our country has an entire generation of fat asses who eat nothing but this stuff instead of cooking.

I have a friend who eats McDonalds constantly because he is too lazy to cook, he is now overweight, has blood pressure issues and is so god damned lazy he can't even get out of bed (he asks me to call him in the morning to wake him up).

Do you think the collapse of fast food with make people healthier and reduce health care costs?
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food service workers will rob you fucking blind too. you have to be posted up all the fucking time just to make sure all your shit isn't going out the back door.
also, almost every restaurant has spy cams in teh bathrooms now. don't believe me? just look around the next time you're in one once you see them you'll see them everywhere.
What degree
beesechurger :DDDDDDD
White is actually the absence of color. Please learn proper phrases before you try to talk shit Ping Ling.
Race mixing leads to that because of genetic issues. People think energy levels cannot be determined by genetics but then they see their race mixed kids always being low energy with rare exceptions that have to work harder than normal to achieve that.

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The best of us don't believe in god
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> You’d think they’d bother to educate themselves on the arguments they claim superiority on.
I like how they do not see the irony in this as claiming superiority on something like this is exactly what fanatics of a religion does.
I swear that if society collapses most zoomers will end up dying and be confused to why they are dying.
I already backed it up. The evidence is ITT. Just look at how long you’ve been in this thread.
>I already backed it up
>can't point to a specific example
>projects more
Only God knows why.
>Cause atheists believe jewish bullshit.
My brother in Christ, you literally worship a Jewish Prophet.

Irish MP says Netanyahu will burn in hell. Thoughts?
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Greece Rome vandals colonialism ?

Plus whites aren’t real christians they are pagan larper that ruined it from inside and groomed their own kids to hate them
Israel is a failed state. It will not survive the decade.

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Hello, the name's Vile, Vile O'Shekel
Why do so many of jew speak basterdised german language if nothing in common?
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Irish pirates are welcome to go down there and side with the Hamas pirates against the Jew pirates.

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If only you were a paramedic and really knew.
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Normies do logic by starting off with predetermined conclusions and then forcing the evidence to support it. That's why they believe all nigger problems are environmental or because of discrimination
>hey hey hey, there’s like, these STATISTICS, GOY!
>Well yeah, its reported by the same people who lied to us about goddamned motherfucking EVERY-GODDAMN-THING, but I mean goy, its!

Get fucked. Get forever fucked and buried.
You won't live past 2030, your sacrifice was necessary. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S027869152200206X
kek. thank you
The "vaccine" worked well enough for older folks who were at risk. The group that was older than 55 was better off with the shot. But as it has been proven by Australia and the UK, young people, especially children and teens, should not have been given it.

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How did he did it pol?

How did an Austrian lead the Germans?
He wasn't even german.
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The Thule Society was founded by Rudolf von Sebottendorf, a cryptokike and initiate to the Memphis-Misraim Rite, same paramasonic secret society that spawned the Young Turks, the Young Bosnians (who started WW1) as well as the Protocols, first translated and published outside Russia in 1919 by the Thulist Ludwig Mueller von Hausen
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>Mein Got! He wasn't even blonde!
Babies first history lesson
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I'm old enough to remember when Lavchad called out this fraud.
>How did he did it pol?
through a perfect storm of circumstances and hitler's unrelenting drive and lust for power which helped him take advantage of every opportunity given to him.
>How did an Austrian lead the Germans?
>He wasn't even german.
austria and germany had very strong ethnic ties to one another and unification was sought after since after the first world war. hitler's austrian-born status pretty much meant nothing, especially considering that he fought on the front and received awards for gallantry. his service in the military was also how he got into politics without an actual german citizenship

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I'm sorry my tax dollars are killing your sons, brothers, and fathers.
Please know it is not our people that want this.
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and you keep blaming everything on Anglos and Americans. Why don't you blame kikes and push back on the Chinks? Stop going into countries that are way better than yours. You only bring them down.
Go to bed and fuck your mom, you kangaroo raping cunt.
This. Zog fuckery. I personally hope you burn jewkraine to the ground.
shut the fuck up. I'm happy their soldiers are dying.
> Millions of jobs created
> Millions of Russian casualties
> Biden 2024
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Shut up fag. Try those rusty junk nuke duds

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When you realise they don't use soap, everything begins to make sense
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it's true, indians are the cleanest race in the world
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>highly educated
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very tasty saar
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How come 2 of best nba players r white?
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They are jews retard
Niggers and spics and the average American amalgamated brown do not make this distinction, though. So the fact it is making them cope and sneed is fine with me.
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Been in a coma the last 20yrs, pops?
My nigga.
>We're classified as white when mutts want to brag about whites being athletic
It's over.

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>I am forgotten

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I can’t be the only one to have noticed it, why do shills on other mass media platforms always use ellipses when it comes to their online arguments without substance? It is always something like “You should address the issues of racism in the United States because of the systemic effects…” and the ellipsis serves nothing to the post. Is it a reflex?
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>person who isn't an internet native doesn't understand typing with a voice

You've never used a computer to access this site, right?
A full stop signals that the sentence is over.
The ellipsis at the end of a statement or quote is to remove the idea that the sentence is over.
Your next interaction is typically to help them finish their sentence, or get clarity on what they mean.

Free engagement, while adjusting the way people respond.
they probably don't read a lot and/or have no care about proper grammar

what also pisses me off are people who capitalize things that don't need to be capitalized. the hallmark of a person who hasn't read books or is likely just plain dumb
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>boomers overuse ellipses
This. And they use it as if an ellipses does not have a set number a periods, which is three.
I believe their perspective is "the more emphasized the statement, the longer the ellipses."
>And they use it as if an ellipses does not have a set number a periods, which is three.

ellipsis is not three periods, it is it its own typographic mark.

why are you the typing police? it's funny

you don't have any "voice" online because you "type" with a phone. so you want other people to just use a phone and sound like the phone also. Soon, AI will construct your sentences for you when you interact digitally. You are plain so you think this is fine.

You have never used a computer to access this website.

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Just this single picture alone says more than any amount of words ever could. Girls look and behave like streethookers whilst the boys both look and act every bit as if they were still in a kindergarden. I see this every day and it's generally even worse than picrel. Yet nobody talks about it. Instead everybody is like

>"What? Our kids are completely fine. Did you watch the yersterday's football match?"

or my favorite

>"There's nothing wrong with our kids. Btw did you hear about the government's plan to increase tax on cigars from 3,69% to 3,70? So terrible!"
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just can't handle it bro
falling back on middle school tier responses because that's all you know that ever worked
I feel sorry for your failed attempt at entering into adulthood
maybe one day you'll mature enough to understand how the game is really played
pick up a history book or two it'll do you some good
You blaming capitalism instead of jews is cringe.
We have entered the era of perpetual disappointment where the next generation will always disappoint the previous one.
What does religion have to do with stopping International Jewry?
Literally the only reason why jews have any power is because of capitalism.

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The older I get (approaching my mid 30s) the more rightwing and nazi views seem cringe and retarded as fuck.
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I don't think you understand how genetics work. Genome works in a way that there's passive and active genes which are constantly passed on and depending on the genetic sequence, there are some genes which are practically impossible to be filtered out of the genome if there are certain points which are practically in everyone. For example, you may catch the gay gene from your grand-grand-grand father who wasn't even gay.
I thought it was all just shitposting and then I realised some of you guys are being serious
I guess I'm just not going to see eye to eye with you. I was using Nazi as an unofficial term for a person who is very authoritarian and into social engineering. You know the Soup Nazi from Seinfield? I'm trying to use sheep terms and sheep words here but I'm failing. Sorry.
Nowhere have I claimed that borders nor identity and land are fake and gay. I'm saying that they're not absolute. I guess they don't want to be Russians because Russia is a corrupt shithole with poor quality of life ruled by iron fist whereas Europe is comfy and well-off.
Notice how all the replies are AI fag "same here" but with no argument or anything just a bunch of peer pressure nonsense. TKD

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Why are most white Canadians poor white trash, who are destined to be serfs to wealthy pajeet landlords? Is it the sc*ttish genes?
jeet doesn't understand per capita
Canada was 53% White in 2015 when it came out America was 56%. Your ethnic data is faked, simply look up how White Toronto is. TLDR not 50%.

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Algerian illegal alien, homeless and subject to an OQTF*, is suspected of at least three rapes

a 14 year old girl
a woman six months pregnant
a third victim raped in a car

DNA then allowed investigators to trace an individual named Abdellah O.


*= obligation to leave the territory
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A 28-year-old Algerian burglar, under OQTF*, was sentenced to 13 years in prison on Tuesday, May 21, for the rape of a 19-year-old student.

Accompanied by his teammate, the undocumented Algerian migrant had come for a burglary. Realizing the presence of the young woman, her sidekick fled. He, on the other hand, decided to stay in the apartment to commit several rapes on the young woman at gunpoint.

The student's ordeal lasted almost two hours.

*= obligation to leave the territory


It could have been your sister or your gf.
Just think about it.
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Algerian burglar and rapist

Algerian man arrested for raping woman in Paris

It was around 5 a.m. when a young woman was on her way home
The 20-year-old victim was suddenly attacked by a man at a bus stop

According to videos recorded by surveillance cameras, the young woman was undressed then raped for long minutes on the sidewalk.

Aged 36, the suspect of Algerian nationality was already known to the justice services for a burglary.

My dad literally laughes at this.
Also can anyone point me to an alternative board ?
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With gypsies, the Nafri race is probably the worst. A plague in our countries and more and more keep coming. My aunt rented a place to some Algerians. He took everything, including the dish washer and he disappeared without paying rent. This guy had a master degree in his country.

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Why or how is Technology showing divisive content to people, then showing different User Generated content to either Women or Men underneath it which is further devisive?

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Jennifer! Jennifer!

There are niggers in Folkvangr just like in your illegal immigrants fantasy!

The pajeets come near Freyja and do an epic circle jerk of masturbating and we all feel like we are one!
Can read this
So the majority of leftist shitposts on the internet is fake? Lots of places online with the dumbest most retarded comments, takes, reactions that are hard to believe real humans have. Even 4chin has more authenticity than the majority of sites
The EU absolutely is in bed with big corporations. Apple owes the Irish government 13 billion euro (+ interest) worth of unpaid taxes, and our government greenlighted their decision not to pay what they owe. The EU clearly has no intention of enforcing its own laws, because if it did, it wouldn't sit idly by while foreign corporations brazenly commit tax evasion.
Most likely Asian. They struggle with capitalization. They tend to capitalize whatever words they think are most important in a sentence as opposed to proper nouns only.

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you didnt see the new Taiwanese President's inaugural speech? he basically said fuck chyna we're an american state now. chinese people were shocked by it and now taiwan is gonna get their shit rocked.
No, that is what China publishes as propaganda.
>chinese people were shocked by it and now taiwan is gonna get their shit rocked.
2 moar weeks
They literally lose everything you fucking idiot lmao. It's the same thing that happened to Hong Kong, now it's basically a dead city. Everything they were once famous for has dried up and gone now they're just with all the infamous things like no space, no peace and no manners.

>Dr. Anthony Fauci will testify publicly for the FIRST TIME since retiring from public service at a @COVIDSelect hearing on Monday, June 3, 2024.
There's something really important happening tomorrow.
Fauci is coming before the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic. This body just initiated criminal inquest, and effected disbarment from Federal funds (not military yet, working on it) toward Peter Daszak and EcoHealth Alliance.
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Did actively try to obscure the lab origin of the virus, that should be quite sufficient.
He administered the Gom Jabbar to every human on Earth
And let's be brutally fucking honest here - the world is disastrously overpopulated. We long ago replaced survival of the fittest with survival of all the most dysgenic trash among us. 150 years ago, everybody was pumping out 6+ kids. And 2-3 would die young. That's nature. Nowadays, every kid survives. And passes on their shit genes. We're 5 generations into that bullshit now, and we're wondering why everyone is ugly and stupid and crazy. This was a long time coming. And I do admire the beauty of it, allowing people to choose, knowing that anyone worth surviving would be clever enough to see through it.
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What is this real?
>to every human on Earth
Just the retards that can't read.

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This is fairly old incel lore, the meta has shifted substantially since that post's ideas were relevant
Looks are all that matter, what a woman will tolerate is entirely based on how physically attracted she is to you, in addition to intangibles like your social status and wealth
Looks > status > money, in that order
The whole "women love assholes" idea is a cargo cult trope that came from redpillers seeing women tolerate attractive men treating them like shit and concluding it was the man's behavior that kept the women interested in them, rather than his looks and/or status giving him the clout to be abusive and get away with it
Once you realize that looks are all that matters, genuine misogyny evaporates because attraction then just becomes statistical rather than some kind of arcane psychological game
>a male version of a feminist
>incel this buzzword that
You're mind broken buddy
that's not completely true. males with more dark triad traits tend to me more superficially charming, which retard women (90%+ percent of women) fall for because they're retarded.
>foid post and screencap
if you happen to have balls though cut them and piss off to >>>/r/eddit

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i'm with OJ edish

>Ticketmaster confirms data hack which could affect 560m globally
>Tommy Robinson leads 'thousand-strong' march in London as officers make first arrests
>Labour spark fear of huge ISA crackdown as candidate deletes one telling comment
>Labour risks union revolt over private school tax raid job losses
>Sunak suffers poll blow as levelling-up cash-for-votes row erupts
>Sunak pledges cash to towns as Starmer pitches ‘wealth creation’ amid election campaign
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A stingray will fuck you up. i lost my id because I got banned for sneedposting
Zing, the kitchen, might be getting to hot for him, let's see if the bad kind of antiZingger will stick around.
>getting thrown out of the synagogue for two reasons
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fruit of the loom should start to use the cornicopia doodad just to fuck with people

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