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anyone notice a coordinated takedown of A.I.? im getting 50 videos a day like this, and tons of botted comments everywhere that ai is a failure, ai is finished, ai is a hoax.
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Buy an ad
I noticed you post like a brownoid losing its job when ai meme dies down
Sucks to be you, poo


also bot

yep they know they're fucked
You are another brownoid losing its job in tech once ai meme dies down
Get a real livelihood, faggot

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What political and social influences led to us not being able to beat women like you could back in the 50's? Also have you ever had to beat a woman you loved into proper submission? What was it like?
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It sound absurd but some women (who live in ghettoes for example, but not only them) love to be punched, or they need to be punched otherwise nobody can stand them around. it's also a form of attention seeking.
This is the reason it's a bad idea to involve yourself in any fight between hysterical couples.

Of course there are many cases that work as expected (they hate it and are punched unnecessarily) which inspired all the concern trolling from jewish feminists.
For example my grandmother was almost beaten once but she was strong enough to punch her husband, he gave up and never tried to do it again.
Why did you stop?
I was close one time to slap the shit out of my ex gf, but I kept my cool and I didn´t do it. Looking back, it was better that way because I´d probably end up in jail for beating her up. But man, she was really pushing it.
punching them from time to time calms them from their neurocity, it resets them, very healthy, they love being bluntly liberated from their overthinking auto inflicted nightmare
Based Pole-bro

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Why is racemixing bad?
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dont care if women go out of their way to shit their genes down the toilet
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It doesn't occur in reality, only in Jewish-controlled porn and media (social and traditional)
To be fair, $1000 is a pittance in exchange for making humiliation porn aimed at demoralizing your own men.
clearly you don't live in amsterdam
Take some time to have some introspection as to why you feel that way. And stop wasting my time if you're not going answer my questions.

And you were trying so hard lmao
Bump lol

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Jewish Rabbi speaking at UN conference of the mistake of creating the state of Israel.

I love crows. Feed them peanuts and beef jerky and they bring you shiny shit.
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Thought experiment: israel is occupied. If I remember correctly from school, there are 6M jews living in israel. Most of them would flee to the usa.

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Do you think that the treatment of german minorities after WW2 was too harsh or it was deserved?
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not by pollacks
youre worthless gypsys and always have been
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Whatever you read here about WW1 and WW2 is likely untrue anyways.
Yes. It was Polaks, who did this and Stalin approved it. Same with Czechoslovaks
On that note:

>posts a video of a hasbeen coprophilic shit eating pedophile

ahhh the essence and representation of schwabe "culture".

Videos from March 2024
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post the video of the actual missile strike.
>descended from dwight david, who was married to mamie doud
>himself descended from david jacob, who was married to ida
>himself descended from jacob frederick who was married to rebecca
yeah, goodest goy, alright
keep coping and seething
Is this also why they started claiming to have UFO technology the last couple years?
In 2 days wtf is gonna happen

All my problems are the Jews' fault.
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Here you go
>I'm not.
But you're promoting an anti-White agenda.

>It's less that I'm "defending the Jews" than that I'm poking fun at antisemites.
That's defending the Jews. Why are you acting like there's something wrong with antisemitsm?

>As to why I'm doing it, because it's both easy and entertaining.
So you're a shitposting shill? That's being anti-White as well.

>I'm waiting on something rn so I need to amuse myself.
You're an immature, anti-White, kike loving faggot. Grow the fuck up you normie bitch.

And yet you're acting like one and doing their work. What a fucking cuck you are.
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we shouldn't make fun of manlets
Yes, but unironically.
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>i hate joos but i also worship joos

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The reason why anime is so popular is because European beauty standards are horrible and zogged countries almost never produce anything of artistic value.

Only insane freaks jack off to Western cartoon porn, because it is so ugly and demented. And basically everyone who is over 140 IQ ends up becoming a so-called weeaboo.
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Next time just mention your fucking adult movie you fucking retard. You shot yourself in the foot and you're complaining? 2020 as in decade of 2020, not the year. That would've been obvious and it's easy because it's recent, but no, you just went to cheat right? Searched for 2020 movies because you don't remember a good one. Just stop bothering me, my opinion of you is already down enough.
? i watched it it was a good movie
and you say "2020's" if referring to the decade.
I genuinely hope you get raped and bashed you stupid ugly cunt
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jacking off to cartoons at all is fucking pathetic.
Asian beauty standards are pretty fucking gay, though.
You're veering into video games, and companies like Blizzard have come since those started. Even in Judaized America, whites still do that medium better.

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The best of us don't believe in god
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Me actually fighting you, is a matter of money. Look, if you got the 2k for me to fly to Az. Lets make it happen.
>It's such a comfort knowing that atheists will have to experience so many horrifying pains in hell
hope you're a false flagging atheist
>i believe ron wyatt found all the things he said he found.
You're welcome to your personal feelings and opinions
>shroud of turin is the real deal
Not really but you do you
>still hiding behind a memeflag
>still making excuses
I'm an atheist and I think I'm stupid. I don't think it's a result of atheism, and I'm not retarded per se. But I sometimes say things that are just so fucking stupid it haunts me for the rest of my life thinking that I said it out loud.

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Is this some sort of kek god prayer? Something always happens.
We should be over there. Sounds like China is showing off that they control Bidenpuppet.
What does China govern about Taiwan?
Welcome to the board.
Nothing ever happens
Death to happeningfags
Nothingburger bros keep winning

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Don't tread on me
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They're a hard counter.
lmao'ing at this fat faggot, he couldn't chase an American if he tried
They are really fucking brave, and in touch with nature. If you treat animals like shit, they will give you shit back

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New color revolution against orban fascist regime in Austro-hungary
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mazel tov! israel help!
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>Hungarian people are racist as fuk
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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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sounds like a buncha alien lore

wheres my trump dox
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Reminder that I am baking. Worry not and be just.
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I no longer have any worry
hey you're back that was quick

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Let that sink in...
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>a lighter smaller bridge is going to cost more that automobile bridges which must carry more weight over wider lanes
>source, numbers I pulled out of my ass
>We spent 11 billion dollars and 9 years to build picrel.
Anybody care to take any wagers on how much better all the "15 minute megacity" building projects are going to turn out after they con the goyim into funding that fantasy?
>They would if it was easy and fast.
So not a train.
Never said you couldn't, retard. But we're not in a thread about cars in Europe are we?
open your eyes retard you are psyoped into shitting on euros and worshipping the jews shoveling black and brown shit down your orifices.

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I’m getting to the age where I don’t understand zoomer memes and slang
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That's gen alpha, anon
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Same, and were definitely not the only ones. My theory is that its the first generation with full access to the internet and it was forced on them from day 1. Theyre all braindead iPad babies that need constant flashing lights and noises to be content. Their memes are literally just noises and pulsating graphics, theres no "content". Its a generation made up of literally all autists, a genuine devolution of humanity.
zoomer shit is easy
the way new niggers talk i need a fucking codex
Is there any evidence that millennial high schoolers were actually better?

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Matriarchy is streamy marching on backed by technical progress and I don't have a clue what can be done, bros.

However, Herman Wirth, a Dutch-German historian, a Nazi and scholar of ancient religions and symbols, co-founded the SS-organization Ahnenerbe, claimed that matriarchy is the genuine Aryan type of society organization.

Was he right?
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The females in the pack don't have any benefit, they do both the child rearing and the work
Also the fact that the alpha male of the pride breeds many lionesses should tell you about the patriarchal structure, they literally have breeding harems for the king of the tribe
There is absolutely 0% anything matriarchal about lions, and you keep backpedaling to your ridiculous claims that there is, even though I've already taught you, not a single study into lions has ever implied anything of the sort
Its something you pulled out of your ass
You could have just gone and watched some documentaries about lions to find out I am right and you are retarded
Look this Wirth guy is obviously fucking deranged, ignorant and retarded
Ive never heard of him before but why do you insist so hard that he was right about all of these things, when all historical data tells us the exact opposite?
Its literally the opposite of what you are saying, semites are highly matriarchal, Aryans have always been extremely patriarchal.
Semites literally used to sacrifice their own children to Baal or Molok, and now today jew women are saying abortion is their religious right because its tradition for them to sacrifice their offspring.
The jews brand their male offspring with genital mutilation, not their female offspring. Its obvious who wears the pants in a jew household.

You are obviously running some kind of really pathetic psyop trying to convince Aryans to accept matriarchy, its just not happening buddy. We are all fully aware that matriarchy corrupts any race that adopts it, and eventually leads to their own self caused destruction. Women are genetically incapable of ruling.
As on my mind, Aryans should be considered those folks who are the most adapted to the living on the North biologically, so obviously it's redhead/blond people with pale skin and blue eyes. The fact most of that people lives today in the northern countries, know as the most egalitarians societies are another point to the Wirth's theory. Idk what do you consider a thin ice here.
>so obviously it's redhead/blond people with pale skin and blue eyes
So you handwave away other people groups that live in the north, who don't have those characteristics, but are adapted to the north. When confronted, you go for genetics, which doesn't make sense. Since people groups have different genetics, but similar survival strategy. You just want fantasy to be real.
Yes, that is why his word should be taken with a grain of salt.
>kike keeps repeating his original argument which was refuted many times already
You argue exactly like Hitler wrote that jews argue, you forget that you've been refuted already
>The fact most of that people lives today in the northern countries, know as the most egalitarians societies
Not by our choice, its forced on us, its extremely recent and not how we lived for 99.999999% of our history, and its literally rapidly DESTROYING our societies. Completely decimating all order, rationality, rule of law. It is literally destroying our nations at breakneck speed to allow women to vote, to allow them in politics or workplaces.
Its anti-Aryan and anti-civilization.

Stop your pathetic kike tricks already. Absolutely nothing at all backs Wirths theory, every single historian ever acknowledged and still acknowledges that Aryan societies have been patriarchal through all history.

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If only you were a paramedic and really knew.
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ahhaahhaha thanks for the laugh. I know that's true... It's sad but its funny too hahahaha. :D
Haha our company's safety officer got forced to resign for pointing out the zero flu cases mystery. I say "haha" because he was kind of a snitch. He got the covid scam right but also got paid 150K to basically do nothing except meddle and get people in trouble for non-compliance. Live by the sword, die by the sword.
nigger cop
I was and I know, hospitals deliberately killed people.
If you are unvaxxed, why care? They took the posion let them enjoy their fate.

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GIGA HAPPENING! 500,000 (HALF A MILLION) Russian invaders killed and crippled during the past 830 days of Russia's 3-day special military operation!
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The claims of 6 figure casualties didn't even get thrown around until it leaked repeated that that was what the Ukrainians had suffered.
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No, it won't.
some of you will claim this as being false but i bet most of you will say its at least over 100 thousand russian deaths. ATLEAST, no way its not

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Erik Prince of Blackwater fame gets his hot sis and hundreds of the world's powerful international moguls, oligarchs, heads of state into a group cope sessionl.

tl;dr - democracy is dead. democracy is a lie. democracy was a mistake. wanting a sustainable, homogenous society that prevails over the financiers and shareholders is marxist rhetoric. ordinary citizens-their wage slaves-do not deserve democracy and will not have the illusion of it in their new world order.

The Biden regime is antisemitic; supports hamas. All muslims and islam itself are hamas. all palestinian babies are hamas. The universe belongs to the Jew, God's chosen.
America was made to serve the Jew.
They want Israel to raze Gaza and the West Bank, eradicate Islam, systematically assassinate Iran's government and dissolving the country to build the third temple for the prophecy, and they'll get the white boy to make it happen.

Anything and anyone that do not align with their insular world view for their globalist welfare state ought to be assassinated with precision drone strikes.

These fellow extremists sit in on your governments.
Up until now these asynchronous geopolitical alliances have been such out of a false pretense of mutual pragmatism, protection for the broken world as it is, we're now pivoting to a geopolitical paradigm driven by an actual globalist cabal of extreme neolibs and judeo-christian zealots under the guise of freedom (to rape), ironically to end what freedom still exists. The freedom to have a difference of opinion.

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