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The Kansas state Constitution also has nothing about the supreme Court majority having to stay alive by the hands of the majority of Kansas citizens and we should seriously consider doing something about these treasonous snakes that don robes.

reprensentative democracy is a literal scam
you believe in santa claus

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were the nose calipers really necessary
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will use it at the first opportunity

This scene based on a true story. Later after the war the teacher said he suspected he was a Jew but didn't want to say.
Anyone who is seeking your friendship is likely doing so under false pretenses. You either know someone's cool to hang around with or you have someone who wants something from you, there is no in between.
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I’m starting to think all this shit was fake and the photos staged

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That's her balls
looks like Justin Trudeau
>meanwhile, in glorious Europa
EBT allows junk food which is nearly 100% seethe oils and corn syrup. The body can hardly metabolize either so it just gets stored and damages every organ. Banning that shit would make retarded poor people fuckable again.

this looks like a lymph mode problem too..

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No blond hair for sure.
Eye color uncertain.
Face is rather round than long.
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just throwing it in here. well-known national socialist artist Wolfgang Willrich.

Do you really think this works in today's atmosphere?

Nobody believes you.

Hitler has done more damage from the grave to your propaganda channels than all your trillions of dollars of efforts. Lol.

The recent AI translations of his speeches are brilliant.
>a new (((challenger))) appears, memeflag and all
malicious disinfo shills like these deserve to be publicly executed.

Why was Hitler's Half-Brother going round having professionally staged photographs of himself taken?

Aryan Art is heavily suppressed by ZOG due to its motivational and inspirational impact on Aryan peoples. Much of the art of the Third Reich which wasn't destroyed outright is now hidden away in ZOG military bases, proving that Aryan Art is a political weapon.


In this thread we discuss why the enemy fears our art, why our art is so threatening to the occupation regime, why Aryan Art is so effective in grounding Aryan peoples in their history, and we share Aryan artworks which have a particular political, ideological, social or cultural effect in awakening our people to their slavery under the vile Semitic occupation regime.
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What's stopping you from enlisting as Ukrainian volunteer ?
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CIA-occupied Ukraine is wrong.
>I would totally nuke Tel Aviv goy!
i'm not really into dying for the elite, but at some point... it is what it is
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The doll is a lot cuter. Oh and I don't give two shits about hohols
Why are you in Bongland and not Ukraine?

and proud cucks at that?
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You sound like a woman with her head on. Don't be a slut and keep your logic.
I telework about 18 hours a week and net (NET, pay your taxes before you report your "income" to me) over 6 figures. Own two homes to rent, one to live in. Haters will say it's fake. Assholes like the guy in the OP just make shit unfun for everyone around them, I know, I used to weld and fix trucks. And they do it all to net like 70k at the end of the year.
I don't even blame women for thinking like that. You're basically trading away your very short youth and your life force and even mental health to make Shlomo's depraved hedonistic fantasies come true.
Work is for NPC's, bunch of suckers collecting the change falling off the kikes coin pouch.

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5 years ago even people suspect of being incels were treated with absolute scorn by mainstream society and were viewed to be right up there with pedophiles. People suggested that merely using incel vernacular should get you threat profiled. Today Stacies on tiktok making woe me posts is seen as cute and endearing lmao.
If she was born as a boy she'd be an incel for sure. Terrible genes. Look at that forehead, unhealthy hair, eyes that are constantly closed 2/3th.
I was an incel before it was popular.
Let’s see the rest of her. Maybe she’s a fat piggy.

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I have never seen, heard or been present next to intelligent person who hate jews
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Intelligent people don't display their jew hate publically.
You don't need one because we already know
I hated most of the white Jews, they are racists as fuck. But not even close to the stinky catholics.
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That's because you've never met me.
You don't know anything.

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>Lose Iowa Caucus to Ted Cruz
>Claim GOP primary is rigged
>Lose Trump University lawsuit
>Claim courts are rigged
>The Apprentice didn't win an Emmy
>The Emmys are rigged
>Lose 2020 presidential election
>The election was rigged
>Get convicted by a jury in a trial
>The judge rigged it
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remember when he won and you said he rigged it?
Hillary Clinton conceded the day after Election Day in a nationally-televised speech. You can watch it right here:


Meanwhile, Trump still hasn't conceded 2020 and it's been almost four years.
Because the election was rigged and he is now a political prisoner.
Every single election ever has been rigged. The only difference is sometimes the rigging is hard enough to change the natural result.
He was just recently found guilty of cheating in the 2016 election

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Why does /pol/ memoryhole when the entire board was 100% on the Trump train in 2016? Are you embarrassed about it now?
Literally everyone here supported Trump and now you're called a newfag that needs to take his meds if you point this out.
Why are you continuing to out yourself as a newfag? Trump posting started only 2 years after /pol/'s inception. YOU need to take your meds.
I look like this btw.
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i hate trump, and i hate cuckservatives.
i want cuckservatives to leave.
crying about da poltaaaards wont make your sister stop fucking white guys, chang.
White libtards should be hung - all they want is a world where they are demographically replaced by browns and muzzies.
Nor will it stop the flood of brown street shitters coming to our country and importing their pagan values
I still think he was better than Hilary. But you know how our democracy is shit and we only get to choose between two turds every election.

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Shoe0nhead, one of the biggest liberal political commentators and sustained years of attacks from /pol/ for being liberal and not trad, is now a mother and has done more to for the White race and trad life than /pol/ ever has.

Is this the ultimate path for liberals and commentators that rail against /pol/, they just take /pol/'s position in the end?
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She has almost perfect tits
She married her online troll and had his baby. We're all gonna make it bros.
But pol said women over 30 were infertile wtf
>has done more to for the White race and trad life than /pol/ ever has
I have 4 kids, a loving, submissive wife, and a high value career. What the fuck are you talking about, faggot?

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How come the nuclear powered carrier is smoking????
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Op is. A faggot
it's happening
When does the truth get acknowledged?
When the mutt larp ends in ZOG humiliation

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It didn't change anything. It just once again confirmed that most people are retarded niggercattle.
10, 99% of the population are sheep. Also Australians are some of the biggest cucks on the planet.
0 i knew they were useless cattle to begin with, covid just proved i was right
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Actually come to think of it this was pretty much me too. Like I forgot I had to watch retards slurp of "Russiagate" and other retarded shit before covid

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Are we looking at a “Second Cold War” era?
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Nuclear war is based, it's like chemotherapy for the cancer that is our cities. Only jews don't want nigger hives destroyed.
I don’t think you would survive nuclear war and its fallout
>India and Brazil
>Aligned with China and Russia
Full retard map
We have been in Cold War II since Maidan.
>We have been in Cold War II since Maidan.
I'd argue since '99 with the Primakov doctrine.

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Everyone thinks all his issues stem from communism, capitalism, "fascism", (((them))) or some other bullshit conspiracy
It's pretty clear all of them stem from industrial technology. Without it, (((they))) wouldn't be able to control (You), even
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false. the widespread fear of death is a problem unique to civilized man. Primitive people don't have the same hangups. There are a lot of reasons for this. First, the Wilderness is an awe inspiring, majestic place that reinforces one's conviction in a higher power or universal order. Then there is the fact that the primitive man;s life was far more fulfilling, on a deep psychological and therefore spiritual level. Life is a series of stages at the end of which is usually contentment. Lots of anecdotal evidence from primitive hunter gatherer peoples showing their contempt for the civilized people's fear of death. Colin Turnbull's account of the pygmies is just one example.
You having leisure time is not conducive to the continuity of the current paradigm.
You're doing okay, but learn about Galen, learn about Marcus being blasted as shit practically all the time. Learn about why he was doing that. Study the Mysteries, anon. Learn why ancient men learned to no longer fear Death.
Cicero said the greatest contribution that his culture made to mankind was The Mysteries.
Hopefully one day you and those like you figure out why.
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In simple terms: Do you think a worm thinks about all the problems that come from metamorphosing? No. It just does it. Because it was supposed to. Technology is just the next step for humans. So what if humans die and all that is left is the AI and other technology we created? It was supposed to happen.

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Let's get real. A civil war will never come close to happening.
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I'm personally just making list of my jewish terrorist neighbors that dress up with their friends and go to protests screaming white power. We will get these nazi's
This. Or more accurately, it's mainly being fought by public officials with commoners only occasionally being sent out to cause a bit of damage.
Democrats will start the second civil war, just as they started the first. Americans don't need to act first. They only need to react to government firing the first shots. That's why, when it happens, it won't be stopped. Too many people are baiting each other to give any excuse to kill each other, like the boondocks' nigger moment.
Appalachiastan Boogaloo Boys
Gatorcel Nation

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>The election in 2020 was stolen
>We will win in 2024 by voting in the election

Why can't the MIGA NPC's compute this ?
If the 2020 election was really stolen then why would Trump be allowed to win this year ?
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Miga stole the election in 2016. They are hoping they can do it again in 2024.
That's no reason to make it easy for them. Is it really that hard to understand?
Just voot harder next time bro, works everytime
Weird this thread is being suppressed. Did I post something wrong?

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I can never get a clear idea of why people hate socialism so much. I think many people automatically dismiss socialism offhand because they are indoctrinated with the pro-capitalist ideology growing up.
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Socialism and Communism are not the same thing.
>well socialism is about this ideal that will never meet reality!
We know. It’s become a quasi-religious dogma at this point.
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you correctly pinpoint government as the problem but propose to solve it with even more government?? what are your thoughts on just reducing government to near zero? Then there will be no gov for the 1% to milk.
I know history and I don't like my tax money going to poor lazy nigger and spic leeches - therefore I hate Socialism because not muh problem
I work my ass off to feed my family. Keep your fucking hands out of my pocket and stop supporting people who do nothing.

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What an embarrassing shill
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desu i used to like this dude and his buddy when they lived in china and did motorbike vlogs, They would actually show stuff that most people dont see... now they are just grifters (paid by the us gov???)
Don't be mad. We just cucked the gook faggots again.
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He has a family now, and he's now doing the same videos as China Uncensored and the rest of the anti-China shills. I used to watch his videos a lot when he was traveling in China, but he decided to move to New York, a cesspool of degeneracy.

Apparently, getting stabbed and pushed on the railway is freedom. He ran away from kill Boer niggers, but in the end ended up with the same kill whitey niggers.
He could have moved to Russia and made videos there.
>it's over for China
>China is DONE
>China does THIS?! (no, seriously)
>They do THAT in China now
>China has already collapsed

Kek the absolute state of this Westohomo Shill. Look at his feed.

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