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109.5. If jews are still allowed, that’s not a full one
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>being tricked that it is only 109


it's over 1035 last time I checked. Even the ADL admits to 109 because that doesn't look as bad as 1000+
you right i guess...
>no understanding of memetics
why even?

1030 is a lot more than 109 you subhuman filth

>Ticketmaster confirms data hack which could affect 560m globally
>Tommy Robinson leads 'thousand-strong' march in London as officers make first arrests
>Labour spark fear of huge ISA crackdown as candidate deletes one telling comment
>Labour risks union revolt over private school tax raid job losses
>Sunak suffers poll blow as levelling-up cash-for-votes row erupts
>Sunak pledges cash to towns as Starmer pitches ‘wealth creation’ amid election campaign
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did you watch What you wish for? I have it downloaded.
they carved up and divided half the planet and made the natives hate each other with lies and deceit. top kikery if you ask me.
I grew up in the peak District, there just wasn't any of them then, seeing them in the city is bad enough but seeing them next to dry stone walls is just perverse
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>Iranian girls are easy. They're the most confused and materialistic of the middle eastern communities and will do anything to sleep with a brit.
Really? Why's that?
It's true that the priority should have been the active stabber, but that little bit happened in about 3 seconds, in >>469958020
From 0:08 where he fell on the blue guy to 0:11 when he got stabbed.
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>they carved up and divided half the planet and made the natives hate each other with lies and deceit
let me attach gigachad for you

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say his name
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Nobody wants a war in Russia. Sabre rattling Trannyatlantics don't represent the German people.
We don't get kickback from BlackRock and Rheinmettal to shill war with Russia for hecking Discount Russia "Ukraine"
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Blood bag in fake jew news
Get stabbed w a foot long knife and magically keep blood contained in plastic baggie.

Hollywood jew tricks*
*sponsored by israel
Classic /pol/ Always mocking white men dying in terrorist attacks and praising Palestine! I love it here.
meds now

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Let's get real. A civil war will never come close to happening.
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>said the hambeast on twatter

Welp, you heard xer, guys.
Guess all we can do now is just pack it up and go home.


Billy Bob and the Buck Breakers


You DO realize that Lincoln was a Republican, right?
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It would be very fitting based on my alignment and location
Rocky Mountain Ski Club
we go door to door executing registered democrats and inhabitants of homes with rainbow flags
They do. In a third world hell hole that's cAlled the USA. Jewish puppets hahaha

Taylor Momsen was bitten by a bat during a show in Sevilla, Spain, on Wednesday, May, 29, 2024 in La Cartuja Stadium.

Now she might get the rabies VIRUS and DIE.
She will get rabies SHOTS for the next TWO WEEKS.

ROCK AND ROLL MOMENT…in Sevilla Wednesday during “Witches Burn” a BAT clung to my leg…in the moment I was performing and had no idea until the crowd kept screaming and pointing…yes he bit me…so rabies shots for the next two weeks thanks the staff at the hospital who dubbed me #batgirl after seeing it on the local news…
#pwrup #BATGIRL
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Now the bat has herpes
>Now she might get the rabies VIRUS and DIE.
>She will get rabies SHOTS
So she won't die.

Im so proud. We did it, the fat fuck is getting gone and as a bonus he was crying too. Years of shilling here everyday have paid off. Now we can continue unabated! Whoo! I can finally relax. I'm going for a big weekend up north in the sunshine. We did it /pol/!!!
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OP is a glownigger.
You are evil. Go back to red.dit with the rest of the faggots.
This. He had a beef with David Icke and then whoosh, he's gone.
Bet youre a neo-bong

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Ordering mainstream media to not report about what happened to Eisenhower will not hinder the truth.

USA shouldn't sacrifice it's navy ships and troops for Zionist regime.
Don't mess with Iran and Yemen.
Leave the red sea or much worse will happen to Eisenhower.
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modern torpedoes are dogshit for sinking capital ships
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I smell a rat.
>a damage this big
it would be minor damage, easy to cover up.
the point is to show it can be hit at all.
we don't know if it can because no information is coming out.
Did a mutt tell you that?
yes, dogshit genetics kike, we've met before, thats how I instantly recognize you as subhuman, inferior trash

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This guilty criminal felon deserves a public execution in front of all his supporters.

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You stink of desperation and overcompensation weakling.
No you lolol fuckin coward retard. Where were you on inauguration day? Lolol
Beta Men for Biden!
All trump supporters are going to hell and have no living future
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>You stink of desperation
It could be worse


Thread for the discussion of National Socialism, White Nationalism, the Third Position, racial identity movements and the Jewish Question.


Gottfried Feder - The Manifesto for the Abolition of Enslavement to Interest on Money https://archive.org/details/manifesto-for-abolition-enslavement-interest-on-money-gottfried-feder
Gottfried Feder - The Programme of the NSDAP https://archive.org/details/GottfriedFeder_TheProgramOfTheNSDAP
Adolf Hitler - Mein Kampf (Dalton Edition) https://archive.org/details/mein-kampf-dalton-translation/


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It wasnt realized but proof of concept it can stand was made
Volkshalle at best was a model for future germania city
Pretty sure that mu-pi makes a "b" sound. So you just posted "vub".
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I remembered it but wasn't sure about it so I just took the easy option lol
Good evening everyone!

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Especially in canada.

Alot of bots trying to throw shade at Indians, but they get the most woman.

Have you ever watched Ozarks on Netflix? I think it does a pretty good job describing white people who live in Suburbs and small towns- I compare them to Indians still living in India; or Africans still living in Africa. These white people are living in small towns because they are INCAPABLE of moving to NYC or LA, even being here from many many generations. They are subhuman to be frank. Normal white people moved NYC already, just like normal Indians moved to USA/ Canada. You white people living in small towns, the same towns ur grandparents lived are worthless, have zero social skills, and should go find the tallest cliff. My parents came to canada with $1500 in the year 1999, and now have a net worth over 3 million. Thats the difference between them and the worthless white animals who lives here for 100s of years, in the same fucking place, and their worthless kids are incels typing on 4chan.

All the friendless incels on here lol. I have 50k ig followers, and I personally know Ian Connor (the best friend of asap rocky, and drake made a song for him).
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Nice VPN you've got there, kikenigger.
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The brave police officer who was stabbed in Mannheim 2 days ago by an Afghan Muslim, has been officially confirmed as dead now. RIP.

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now the mem is correct
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One death should be a lesson for millions
>without intereference, germans would dominate
so if no one fought you, you would dominate?
think about that for a second fritz
Exactly. Our numbers are growing. Pan-Whitism for the win against the jewish menace. This is relating to the other polish flag lol. What a jew/tool. The sad thing about poles is I really can't tell.
There was nothing brave about him

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Cars are the tool of opression.
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hahahaha you are a genuine retard. Go back to the drawing board and try again, fag.
god I miss Hitler so much
I swallowed my first redpill in 1994, in middle school, when our economy teacher got very thin lipped about 33 to 45. Used my school ticket to go to the big city, and read OG in the uni library for several weeks. Realizing the amount of Siegerpropaganda got me pretty hard back then, I was a sheltered kid.
E-bikes are pretty sweet, they don't need to be insured here and they can get up to 25 mph/ 40 kmh.
>a marathon
takes like an hour or an hour and a half on a bike. how obese are you?

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Why are a bunch of beaners showing up on West Virginia?
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There is nowhere left
umm la raza or something
America is ours. fuck timmy gon do?
Whites don’t work.

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I would say it's over but it never even started for us

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Gets fucked around. His livestream audience immediately deluges the police station demanding accountability. Bwahahahaha..


The real madness begins at around 17:00 min mark...
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Why don't he constitutionally carry an AR 15 into the police station instead.
Understand that the example in this post is one auditor who seems to focus on private businesses and in no way substantiates him claim that "they are all" anything. I will admit that auditors will seem quite off-putting when you first begin watching them.
Pretty good at 55 min mark
He gets his tires slashed for trying to attend a city meeting (open to the public but he's not allowed in) and then calls the state police and against his wishes he gets the Charlestown police dispatched (they hate him). When the Charlestown police arrive he just dismisses them yells at them go just go and they do. Bretty balsy.
Is this the anglo kike DNA at display?
>Get out of my face this is assault!

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Do the yellow cap bottles also have the humiliation link?

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I believe that we should protect our planet from environmental dangers or threats, but environmental movements are occupied by faggots and drones who do not understand economics or science.

Is my concern unfounded, and are there any environmental movements that have not been hijacked by retards?
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Climate alarmist are definitely real though, claiming everything is caused by climate change and everything is causing climate change. Usually for nefarious purposes, or just to gain profit. Vehicles make up like less than 1% of total carbon emissions, if everyone switched to electric cars it would barely make a dent, but if everyone does switch car companies stand to make killer profits.
And you're right about environmentalists being faggot retards. If someone isn't pro nuclear power, disregard them completely. Faggot environmentalists are the people who convinced the German government to shut down all their nuclear power plants. They are now importing excess power from Russia at a huge mark up.
>> The problem with livestock isn’t just the amount of resources we use to feed/care for them, but the fact that animals themselves produce a lot of CO2, Methane, and other greenhouse stuff by passing gas and other metabolic processes. Moving the location of the farms wouldn’t change that sadly, although there are some animal diets which cause them to produce less greenhouse gases.

livestock can help if raised on pasture and not feedlots, see the movie 'Kiss the Ground' for regenerative agriculture QRD

Climate change is real. Climate change in the mainstream sense is not real. We aren't contributing to the rate in any way, and to do so we would have to increase our CO2 levels by 100x the amount we currently are. We are currently leaving an ice age. To us the climate is "warming up" but to the earth it's just returning to a baseline temp, historically speaking.
The ecosystem will be fine. Even humans may not go extinct, but the western quality of life can't be sustained if there is too much bad weather related shit going on.
Co2 is a necessary component of organic life on earth. Higher levels throughout earths history are marked by higher levels of biodiversity. The vast majority of Co2 produced is from naturally occurring processes. If you destroyed all human life and industry you would only reduce Co2 by a couple percentage points and afterwards it would likely increase as life retakes land we currently occupy. Maybe we should be focusing on actual pollutants rather than an inert gas that nature requires to live.

Poland is the only Slav country to escape poverty and third world status. Is that why Russians are so butthurt about them?
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Estonia is more russian than poland
Pretty much, it's also why Putin invaded Ukraine
Ukraine wanted to become like Poland but he can't allow neighboring countries to be successful because then he can't blame all the poverty in Russia on the West
but you shit in the street
We dont think about polacks at all mate
We can't stop winning Polandbros.

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HAPPENING! Putin raises taxes in Russia again!
>just two more tax hikes to win the war, blyat!
>the 3-day special military operation that has lasted over 830 days goes according to plan!
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Your anti-Russian propaganda falls flat because living in Europe and the US sucks

Nothing about your jewish anti-Russian propaganda is organic
why do the kids of Russian oligarchs all live in the US and Europe then instead of Russia?
Negro, we are losing purchasing power by other means, probably even worse.
Just getting as much money out of his serfs before fleeing the country
and your russian propaganda really needs to decide if the ukrainian elections are free or was it coup'd

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Im just wondering, because black people genuinely don't care anymore about racists. Plus whenever someone calls a black person a "nigger" to their face they'll get the shit beaten out of them.
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I say nigger constantly basically every time I drive by myself. Remind yourself daily that niggers should be culled.
Those are the 12-15 yr olds we have larping in here.
What do you get from posting shit like this on /pol/ all day, currycel?
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had to make me pull out the tnd compilation
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Lexiconical control is one of the first and foremost tools of the (((enemy))). Anywhere you can say nigger openly is a good place to be, since they are a biological weapon against the high trust society - it is not only not profitable for (((them))) to let one exist.

So we say nigger openly and freely where we can. Nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger.

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