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Previous: >>469951998
Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Biden allows the Ukraine to strike targets in Russia with US weapons - https://archive.today/cWfPG
>France to send "military instructors" to the ukriane - https://archive.today/iAtY3
>Russian jamming making some US PGMs ineffective - https://archive.today/1K5Or
>Kiev now recruiting meat from the prisons - https://archive.today/kcIkd
>NATO to organize mandatory arms supplies & financing to Ukraine, at least 100 bln/year - https://archive.today/jjBSo
>RuaF liberate Arkhangelskoye, Battlegroup 'N' keeps advancing in the Kharkov Region - https://archive.today/CgiGm
>Scholz still refuses to send Tauruses to Ukraine - https://archive.today/sJ9QH

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▶/chug/ Art, Logo Repository, Templates & Important Archives

▶/chug/ NEW CLIPS Archive

▶/chug/'s MUST-WATCH videos

▶/ourguy/ Patrick Lancaster


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Thanks for the bread!
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Cheers to 430k dead Russians and cheers to 430k more
>the numbers that killed a nation's hopes and dreams
“Oral sex in exchange for freedom” was offered to a conscript by a Shopping mall (TCC) employee in the Chernihiv region

Such a statement was received by the prosecutor's office, said former Verkhovna Rada deputy Igor Mosiychuk.

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Cars are the tool of opression.
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hahahaha you are a genuine retard. Go back to the drawing board and try again, fag.
god I miss Hitler so much
I swallowed my first redpill in 1994, in middle school, when our economy teacher got very thin lipped about 33 to 45. Used my school ticket to go to the big city, and read OG in the uni library for several weeks. Realizing the amount of Siegerpropaganda got me pretty hard back then, I was a sheltered kid.
E-bikes are pretty sweet, they don't need to be insured here and they can get up to 25 mph/ 40 kmh.
>a marathon
takes like an hour or an hour and a half on a bike. how obese are you?

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The brave police officer who was stabbed in Mannheim 2 days ago by an Afghan Muslim, has been officially confirmed as dead now. RIP.

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now the mem is correct
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One death should be a lesson for millions
>without intereference, germans would dominate
so if no one fought you, you would dominate?
think about that for a second fritz
Exactly. Our numbers are growing. Pan-Whitism for the win against the jewish menace. This is relating to the other polish flag lol. What a jew/tool. The sad thing about poles is I really can't tell.
There was nothing brave about him

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Why are a bunch of beaners showing up on West Virginia?
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There is nowhere left
umm la raza or something
America is ours. fuck timmy gon do?
Whites don’t work.

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I would say it's over but it never even started for us

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Do the yellow cap bottles also have the humiliation link?

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Gets fucked around. His livestream audience immediately deluges the police station demanding accountability. Bwahahahaha..


The real madness begins at around 17:00 min mark...
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Why don't he constitutionally carry an AR 15 into the police station instead.
Understand that the example in this post is one auditor who seems to focus on private businesses and in no way substantiates him claim that "they are all" anything. I will admit that auditors will seem quite off-putting when you first begin watching them.
Pretty good at 55 min mark
He gets his tires slashed for trying to attend a city meeting (open to the public but he's not allowed in) and then calls the state police and against his wishes he gets the Charlestown police dispatched (they hate him). When the Charlestown police arrive he just dismisses them yells at them go just go and they do. Bretty balsy.
Is this the anglo kike DNA at display?
>Get out of my face this is assault!

Poland is the only Slav country to escape poverty and third world status. Is that why Russians are so butthurt about them?
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Estonia is more russian than poland
Pretty much, it's also why Putin invaded Ukraine
Ukraine wanted to become like Poland but he can't allow neighboring countries to be successful because then he can't blame all the poverty in Russia on the West
but you shit in the street
We dont think about polacks at all mate
We can't stop winning Polandbros.

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I believe that we should protect our planet from environmental dangers or threats, but environmental movements are occupied by faggots and drones who do not understand economics or science.

Is my concern unfounded, and are there any environmental movements that have not been hijacked by retards?
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Climate alarmist are definitely real though, claiming everything is caused by climate change and everything is causing climate change. Usually for nefarious purposes, or just to gain profit. Vehicles make up like less than 1% of total carbon emissions, if everyone switched to electric cars it would barely make a dent, but if everyone does switch car companies stand to make killer profits.
And you're right about environmentalists being faggot retards. If someone isn't pro nuclear power, disregard them completely. Faggot environmentalists are the people who convinced the German government to shut down all their nuclear power plants. They are now importing excess power from Russia at a huge mark up.
>> The problem with livestock isn’t just the amount of resources we use to feed/care for them, but the fact that animals themselves produce a lot of CO2, Methane, and other greenhouse stuff by passing gas and other metabolic processes. Moving the location of the farms wouldn’t change that sadly, although there are some animal diets which cause them to produce less greenhouse gases.

livestock can help if raised on pasture and not feedlots, see the movie 'Kiss the Ground' for regenerative agriculture QRD

Climate change is real. Climate change in the mainstream sense is not real. We aren't contributing to the rate in any way, and to do so we would have to increase our CO2 levels by 100x the amount we currently are. We are currently leaving an ice age. To us the climate is "warming up" but to the earth it's just returning to a baseline temp, historically speaking.
The ecosystem will be fine. Even humans may not go extinct, but the western quality of life can't be sustained if there is too much bad weather related shit going on.
Co2 is a necessary component of organic life on earth. Higher levels throughout earths history are marked by higher levels of biodiversity. The vast majority of Co2 produced is from naturally occurring processes. If you destroyed all human life and industry you would only reduce Co2 by a couple percentage points and afterwards it would likely increase as life retakes land we currently occupy. Maybe we should be focusing on actual pollutants rather than an inert gas that nature requires to live.

>Color woman takes all books

This is why we can't have nice things.
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take these
Liberals are insane for inviting such interactions. There's one of these on someone's lawn in town and it just tells me they are vaxxed, boosted, and welcoming their replacement. Pathetic losers.
looks more like a fat boomer karen who seethed that it wasn't full of bibles
We dont even need physical books, we have tablets and endless free books.

Women just love to look smart reading them in public.
I’d rather have street libraries that shitting streets

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HAPPENING! Putin raises taxes in Russia again!
>just two more tax hikes to win the war, blyat!
>the 3-day special military operation that has lasted over 830 days goes according to plan!
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Your anti-Russian propaganda falls flat because living in Europe and the US sucks

Nothing about your jewish anti-Russian propaganda is organic
why do the kids of Russian oligarchs all live in the US and Europe then instead of Russia?
Negro, we are losing purchasing power by other means, probably even worse.
Just getting as much money out of his serfs before fleeing the country
and your russian propaganda really needs to decide if the ukrainian elections are free or was it coup'd

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Im just wondering, because black people genuinely don't care anymore about racists. Plus whenever someone calls a black person a "nigger" to their face they'll get the shit beaten out of them.
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I say nigger constantly basically every time I drive by myself. Remind yourself daily that niggers should be culled.
Those are the 12-15 yr olds we have larping in here.
What do you get from posting shit like this on /pol/ all day, currycel?
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had to make me pull out the tnd compilation
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Lexiconical control is one of the first and foremost tools of the (((enemy))). Anywhere you can say nigger openly is a good place to be, since they are a biological weapon against the high trust society - it is not only not profitable for (((them))) to let one exist.

So we say nigger openly and freely where we can. Nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger.

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So, now that the cop from Mannheim has died, i beg the question ... was it worth it? (tackling the white guy who wanted to unarm the attacker kek)
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>when we turn 18 and have served
More disinfo from this low IQ crypto kike. You DO NOT need to serve in the army to be allowed a gun retard. I know plenty of hunters who haven’t spent a minute in the army but have rifles galore you Nordjugo
a single stab can split one of your jugular veins in half retard
I know the cop just wanted to attack white people, but did he really just need to ignore the knife wielder?
Jews have the right to kill goyim, if the goyim is white the better.
Guy in blue jacket fucked up as well and was actually attacking the bystander who was pinning the knife dude down. He actually pulled him off and then the muhamed got up and was able to stab the cop.

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Just this single picture alone says more than any amount of words ever could. Girls look and behave like streethookers whilst the boys both look and act every bit as if they were still in a kindergarden. I see this every day and it's generally even worse than picrel. Yet nobody talks about it. Instead everybody is like

>"What? Our kids are completely fine. Did you watch the yersterday's football match?"

or my favorite

>"There's nothing wrong with our kids. Btw did you hear about the government's plan to increase tax on cigars from 3,69% to 3,70? So terrible!"
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You're an imbecile. Never reply to me again.
Kys you dumb Croat.
They aren't. They were taken at a teenage disco in Ireland.

A simple reverse image search would've proven that, you computer-illiterate Amerigolem.
It's because they are trying to stick their ass and chest out. It's a sign of insecurity.

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>be whiteboi
>see indian guy vaping outside a coffee shop
>tell him to stop vaping because /pol/ told you indians are weak and you wanna throw your weight around
>the indian ends up being a punjabi
>literal warrior descendents who fought off muslims and rode into battle on horseback with swords
>get stabbed and die like a bitch infront of chink wife and chink kid
>in embarrassment whites have to push fake news and call white boy a dindu nice good guy

Let's never forget this event and acknowledge that /pol/cels only make fun of south indians who they know are weak and easy to bully. Around Punjabi Alpha males you are all submissive, quiet, and compliant. Be also aware we read your comments and are ready to snap your necks at any time, I've started carrying a knife and brass knuckles just in case any cumskin wants to get uppity.

Know the difference, it could save your life.

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Lets leave aside the fact that not even pakis are at this level of subhuman behavior for a second. Jeets couldn't even ride on horseback, they had to go with the inferior chariot tech tree. Hence the puckered asshole on their nigger tier flag, equivalent of Angolans putting a kalashnikov on their own flag. You are literal niggers at this point.
Anyways kys as soon as possible but not before poisoning your entire household consisting of 20+ pajeets that are somehow even more repulsive than you by dumping rat poison into the communal jeetslop.
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what happens in kota and why didn't it happen for you?
Yea I know I love white people. My wife’s family is all white. There are babies dropped on their heads in all countries.
Nice cope and seethe pajeet. This Just further proves Yall arnt ready for 1st World countries yet.

Also try this is America:

>you won’t because you know you will get your dirty mouth washed out with lead

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christian jesus:
>claims to be god himself
>has godly superpowers
>has the ability to send people to heaven
>the whole world will behold him
>will return before the anti christ

muslim jesus:
>doesn’t claim to be god
>doesn’t have any godly powers just slight and limited miracles
>doesn’t have the ability to send people to
>only believers will behold him
>will return after the anti christ to end his reign

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This is correct. The Qur'an specifically calls Gabriel PBUH a spirit, i.e. ruh, which is his functional description. He is differentiated from the rest of the angels in the following verse:
>˹It will be better˺ if you ˹wives˺ both turn to Allah in repentance, for your hearts have certainly faltered. But if you ˹continue to˺ collaborate against him, then ˹know that˺ Allah Himself is his Guardian. And Gabriel, the righteous believers, and the angels are ˹all˺ his supporters as well.
However, Gabriel PBUH refers to himself as an angel in the following hadith.
>Narrated Salim's father: Once Gabriel promised the Prophet (that he would visit him, but Gabriel did not come) and later on he said, "We, angels, do not enter a house which contains a picture or a dog."
Don’t waste your time with explaining the importance of the Tetragrammaton to Muslims. They don’t know what YHWH is, it’s not in the Quran
Why would Christians be killed when Christ PBUH has not only descended, but already defeated and killed the Antichrist? No explanation of this hadith refers to Christians being killed.
>فيكسر الصليب ويقتل الخنزير أي يبطل دين النصرانية بأن يكسر الصليب حقيقة ويبطل ما تزعمه النصارى من تعظيمه ويستفاد منه تحريم اقتناء الخنزير وتحريم أكله وأنه نجس لأن الشيء المنتفع به لا يشرع إتلافه ... ويستفاد منه أيضا تغيير المنكرات وكسر آلة الباطل — Fath al-Bari
>وفيه دليل أن الخنزير حرام في شريعة عيسى ، وقتله له تكذيب للنصارى أنه حلال في شريعتهم — Sharh Sahih Bukhari
>directly and explicitly refuting divinity
>"why do you call me good? There is no one good but God" etc
That isn't a refutation, at all. It's a question and logic-based statement.
He's pointing out that they can only call him good if he is God and wants everyone else to realize that.
He accepted the compliment, ergo he affirmed he is God.
I don’t care about your dipshit hadith collections which came 200 years after Mohammed.
Do you not understand the implication of the Quran not even saying that Gabriel is an angel?
The likely explanation is that a demon visited Mohammed in the cave which is why he tried to kill himself afterwards.
Your translators understand this dilemma which is why they try to insert the word „angel“ when it never existed to begin with, yet you call our Bible translations unreliable. The absolute hypocrisy

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What's going on in USA? If only there was a way to stop this. Thoughts and prayers sirs.
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Nearly all mass shootings are niggers killing niggers
>If only there was a way to stop this
abolish the FBI and CIA
There is a reason the black population has remained so stagnant in the USA
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Let's take a wild guess Pat?
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TND will solve this problem.

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How did Indians so quickly become the most despised race?
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I think people are sick of the corruption they bring to industries etc.
They are the worst of all categories combined
>niggers without charisma, strength or courage
>Asians without high IQ or problem solving skills
>happas without the respect for the white man's creativity
basically, everyone can find a reason to hate them and the one upside for them is they good subservient workers
Once they get uppity, they will face everyone's wrath.
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Shut up Suresh
>Most populous on Earth
>Refuses to stay in their containment landmass
>Refuses to go back to India after studying in the West (most chinks go back eventually)
>Loud and smelly sexual harassers
>Complete hierarchical mentality. Sucks up to those above them and shits on everyone below them
>No sense of fair play
I would like to personally apologise for the part my ancestors played in spreading these creatures around the globe. I'm sorry everyone. Fuck Indians.
They approach the West with combination of the worst practices they have back home. There's a reason why they are completely segregated in India and most third world nations go around openly beating their 'underclass' or anyone acting out of turn. They would literally get raped otherwise.

What if Nazis invented nukes first
They did
they kinda did dude
The holocause still would have never happened.
Nazis didn't want to invent nukes they thought the idea is jewish

Aryan Art is heavily suppressed by ZOG due to its motivational and inspirational impact on Aryan peoples. Much of the art of the Third Reich which wasn't destroyed outright is now hidden away in ZOG military bases, proving that Aryan Art is a political weapon.


In this thread we discuss why the enemy fears our art, why our art is so threatening to the occupation regime, why Aryan Art is so effective in grounding Aryan peoples in their history, and we share Aryan artworks which have a particular political, ideological, social or cultural effect in awakening our people to their slavery under the vile Semitic occupation regime.
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