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Deep innawoods. Yellowstone or Jackson hole. I want to face off with a bear once and for all. Maybe I’ll kidnap a woman and bring her along to choose to face off against man or bear.
>who will stop me
Ethical hunters
Park Rangers
The bear himself
They will all kill you

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> Get away from the culturally enriching man with a knife!
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> You will not touch our beautiful muzzie franz...ACK
I can only imagine the words he must be repeating in his koma dreams...
will they get promoted by (((german government))) for allowing diversity to spread more, tho?
the headline is as retarded as "Auto fahrt in die Menschenmenge" (car drives into a crowd) back then during 2016 Berlin truck attack.
Im so tired of this bullshit.

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And the reason they are compliant and submissive around muslims:

Whites have a very deep jealousy/envy for muslims because muzzies do all the bad things they are not allowed to do and get beaten out of them as young children.

Indians just outperform whites on every metric so that creates a huge inferiority complex which they project.
I've never seen Indians hurt a white person or even mistreat one in public. Yet Muslims have kept whites under their thumb and in check ever since 9/11

But that seems to be the only behaviour whites respect as we can see through their submissiveness to muslims(because they wish they could do the same to others). So this is why despite Indians coming here keeping the economy afloat and contributing they still bash us.
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>Whites have a very deep jealousy/envy for muslims because muzzies do all the bad things they are not allowed to do and get beaten out of them as young children.
Wild take.

>Indians just outperform whites on every metric so that creates a huge inferiority complex which they project.
Then why are you speaking a white language on a white computer network in a white country?
i think that lady is east african
To all you genuine Indians reading this, I have a message. I assume you're not pretending to be an Indian by using VPNs. Many people posting here are. Don't participate in threads being created by these no good racists. They're good for nothing White Nationalists pushing White First propaganda. Pass it along.
Exactly my point. You can't pretend be better than whites while trying to get into a white county and get employed by a white employer. You being in Canada just dismisses your claims because otherwise you would be living in your country. Common sense.

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Why do so many wagies hate communism?
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Because we already had it and all it did was create a new parasite class that felt ideologically entitled to being parasites.
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>Why do so many wagies hate communism?

Because under communism they will have to work more, earn less. and then stand hours in breadlines
Because I've seen multiple times in history you faggots treat us worse than the capitalists.
You're jewish
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Commies are fags

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What's stopping you from enlisting as Ukrainian volunteer ?
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yeah I didn't realize the level of globohomo back in 2022, I just wanted to shoot Russians
I probably would have died the first month in some random ditch near Bachmut
Cowardice. Its fun to he a keyboard warrior. Not so much to get buttfucked by Ivan.
big folder of antiwhite memes you got there, shitskin. hope theyre paying you well
I support Russia
I do, actually. Russia is obviously a bad actor. But it isn't our fucking problem and if the faggots in DC want it can't actually be good for White Americans. Find me the pro-White politician that also supports Ukraine here in the United States? You'll be looking for a while because they don't fucking exist. But I get it, you're being paid to shill for ZOG so you'll just keep saying "ackshually real Aryans have always listens to kikes!"

Irish MP says Netanyahu will burn in hell. Thoughts?
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You want us to be mutts like you so you feel better about yourself.
They just casually omitted the venerable Deep Water Ocean Jew. Probably just an oversight.
Based potato niggers
This is the irish MP? holy sexoo
pavement ape

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The police officer that got stabbed on Friday by an islamist In Germany died today
He was only 29 years old.
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I miss this nigger!
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Imagine dying for Israel

The target of the attack:
>ZOGbot gets killed by one of the millions of Shitskins his ZOG masters flooded his country with
Good. All police need to be killed
they need to give them better training, he closed the gap physically to a knifeman and didn't control the knife. i hope there is a nationwide reform because this will get increasingly worse and if the police can't handle violent crime society will get a lot worse.

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I can never get a clear idea of why people hate socialism so much. I think many people automatically dismiss socialism offhand because they are indoctrinated with the pro-capitalist ideology growing up.
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I lived socialism you fucking mut'tard.
socialism is slavery, suffering, and death, you lying rat turd
Oh no not the commies pronouns pls no one cares.
then teach your youth better kraut. this anon didn't obviously>>469951435

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His name was Rouven Lichtenfels
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his name was zogbot niggerfaggot
Maybe he should have tackled the guy with the knife instead of the zogbot
He should have assessed the situation a little better before acting.
Idiot deserved it for not having situational awareness
>subduing the victim will the attacker is active
I love it when muzzies show their true colours, unfortunately the nu-right and nu-left alike are too cucked by Jew hatred to do anything

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German dead cop will be ripped apart so he can donate his organs
I wonder how many Refugees he will save
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Hope they take a big shit in his cadaver and sow it up
>He risked his life for our safety
Unless the writer is brown or jewish, this is false.
Do you think there are white people working for the news?
Lmao I wonder how many of his organs are going to go into sandniggers and their inbred demon spawn. Clown world is working hard this year.
I removed myself from the donor list over a decade ago and stopped giving my precious Rh negative blood as well.

Rouven L. is dead, killed by an islamist.

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The police response was comedy gold, Jesus Christ. Surprised it didn’t have the Benny Hill theme song over it.
Knife penetrated the skull and injured a vein in the brain. They been fighting to save his life since he arrived at the hospital.

what the hell kind of name is rouven
He still subdued the wrong guy. A guy punching someone isn’t the priority over the dude with a knife stabbing people. Cop screwed himself even if blue guy was a moron. Pretty much everyone in the video is fucking worthless.


the mannheim cop who tackled the white boomer in order to not been seen as racist just died...

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The blue guy punched the wrong guy so the policeman tackled him. The other ones just standing there are at fault. No one was backing him.
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I personally wish they just ripped your country in half after the war and gutted you of the only resources you have to offer, calling half of you Tennessee 2.5 and the other after some fucked up dish they serve the Ruskies like pic rel
Exactly, cucked in the head
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the turk did will drawing his gun quickly and taking down the muslim attacker.... especially considering he must have been taught by some fat feminist cunt to never never never use his gun and that its the absolute last resort...

... what can happen to u if u listen to this fat cunt is demonstrated by rouven l.
>in the West

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Let's get real. A civil war will never come close to happening.
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Fucking kek
Yeah. The deep state is either priming for a civil war scenario in the event of a Biden or Trump loss. They want the “right” to tip it off so they can paint them as the bad guys in the media. They will false flag probably. This all depends on if they HAVE ENOUGH RESOURCES to rig the election a second time and put Biden in for a second term with clearly waning support.

They may also be preparing for a civil war in the event of a Biden loss too however thus making it more difficult for Trump to exert control over the government and more or less attempting to put the blame on him for his “lack of cooperative leadership” or what ever Rand Corp think tank nonsense they come up with for the media. At that point they will bring in “mercenaries” (likely from China) to run covert ops and false flags because the actual leftists in America who a accept and are capable of committing violence is likely a smaller amount so they will HAVE TO contract out to other countries. More or less the democrats would have to bring in a foreign military on US soil to start a civil war if Trump wins. This would make the left foreign occupiers “contesting the crown” so to speak.

This is what historically happens in imperial level domestic politics. One side has to bring in mercenaries because most people swear allegiance to the title and not the man.
This has happened in
1, The Persian civil war from Xenophon’s Anabasis
2. The Papacy using the Sicilian Normans to prevent Lombard conquest of the Papal States.
3. The English Civil War
4. The French Revolution

Those are just the ones from the top of my head as well. It’s a common practice for one side in a civil war to bring in mercenaries because one side usually has mass public support.
All I want is a peaceful divorce. Shitlibs can keep all of their beloved niggers, spics, faggots, and trannies, and we get to keep the White people. Deal?
It's not going to be a blue v gray civil war but more like a years of lead scenario like in Italy in the '70's and '80's
>Let's get real. A civil war will never come close to happening.

The general public is too unorganized for civil war, more likely to have gang wars. With that being said it's easy to start a civil war if it is coordinated by the State, where some XYZ agency leads the charge and is financed, and this is a very plausible situation. "Both sides" will be bankrolled by any entity that wants to hold the victor in debt. Civil war as it turns out is big business.

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Are we looking at a “Second Cold War” era?
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Turkey literally said that they need to destroy israel and that NATO tried to do a coup against their goverment
claiming somalia as western is pure deluision, they have no concept of politics to begin with
Malaysis is muslim and has some real problems with the US and israel after the assasination attempt last month
The philipines hate the west because we attacked trhem for human rights violations when they purged druglords and the ISIS fighters in the south
Papua new guniea and guinea both still have literal canibal retard tribes sniffing glue, putting them on the side of the west is delusion

Nigger, your map is all retarded, just do like with haiti if you don´t know, leave it white
Erdogan’s rhetoric isn’t his actual policy. He is still very much aligned with the West. Malaysia and The Philippines both have bases from Western countries.
Papua New Guinea signed security pacts with both Australia and the United States. You are only showing off your ignorance. Also Guinea is aligned with Russia.
To call him "a close western ally" is a fuckign stretch, close maybe but not strong, you literally tried to coup him, TWICE and he keeps contradicting you
Same with orban
Papua new guinea is the place i google when i want to see canibals chucking spears at each other
Haiti if the one i google when i want to see people eating dirst cookies and somalia is the one i google when i want to see rubber boat pirates

Those are prehistoric people
All history on those countries was written by other people

Mexibros get in here and tell us about your election, is the kikess really gonna win?
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you are fucked lol
If you're poor in Mexico you will like AMLO, same if you're a shitskin, someone else in the thread resumed it pretty well, he along his party are the GIBS candidates, that's pretty much it.
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>99% of Mexicans have never seen a Jew in real life
kek get out of your little town
His security policy sucks but he is making an effort to industrialize the south/south eastern part of México. México was position as a top 10 economy by 2050 and that was considering only the north and center regions. If the south becomes industrialized, sky's the limit for this country and we can accelerate our growth. That's why I'm voting for 6 more years. After that, I will probably go back to PAN or MC.
go back to mexico subhuman

t. descendant of actual mediterrannean empire builders

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>Ticketmaster confirms data hack which could affect 560m globally
>Tommy Robinson leads 'thousand-strong' march in London as officers make first arrests
>Labour spark fear of huge ISA crackdown as candidate deletes one telling comment
>Labour risks union revolt over private school tax raid job losses
>Sunak suffers poll blow as levelling-up cash-for-votes row erupts
>Sunak pledges cash to towns as Starmer pitches ‘wealth creation’ amid election campaign
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Generationbrained zoomong
>"Man, I wish we could be that gay"
Zing, get a load of this Jewbag.
Holy fucking shit, the cop literally tackled the guy that got stabbed.
He deserved to die.
What a colossal fucking retard.

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As result after the Terror attack, Germans are already protesting along with Antifa against Nazis and Afd in Mannheim
Hoping for national violence
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Protesting is great. You feel a release and then you go home.
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they can stab germans can protest that just how it is in cattle land

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Why does nobody like classical music?
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Yes, yes I do.
Are you Django Reinhardt?
You might also want to check out the Aryan Art thread that's up right now, a few nice pieces have been posted in there:
I am a clasically trained musician and work with music in spare time, and to be honest, most academic musicians I know don't listen to classical, but enjoy pop in free time and hardly develop critical thought beyond "this is technically better therefore good art/entertainment".
Some people (especially slightly autistic) genuinely enjoy classical music, especially Bach, and I have definitely found it very enjoyable at times. Almost every type of music has it's place, as long as it can be critically differentiated from other similar stuff as outstanding.
But then again some people discriminate music just based on genre/type. Some think people actually "pretend to enjoy" more higher-entry-level music, which is complete bullshit to anyone with half a braincell btw, goes for classical but even more for conteporary composer or heavier alter more abstract genres. If you actually give it some time, you will find stuff that grows on you in any genre, easily, unless you have some childhood trauma or unreasonable aversion to that music. But that really isn't an argument.
What is bad is the oversaturation with music and garbage pop being played everywhere you go. And I don't think less of popular culture, you can actually read into it and find interesting societal patterns, but musically you have to see it for what it is, it's condensed stuff engineered for masses to desire more, like junk food. Very little substance. Although again, you can find pop music which is outstanding in it's field and making good pop music is mastery.
What some people also don't realize is that world didn't begin with them and classical is simply "approved" quality music through history. Go listen to some unknown classicist or romantic coposers - they are usually quite bad. Time has allowed us to weed out the best. We will know what the current best contemporary composers are in 50 years. And people find all of this hard to grasp. If it doesn't immediately satisfy them, they discard it.
For me, it's the soloist. I will always prefer a sonata, concerto or aria over a symphony or chorus. Small chamber ensembles are also good with me. I think many people might not realize they need more soloists in their life.


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this is why i cannot take this board seriously. bunch of child keyboard warriors that get btfo by 2 indian dudes on lunch hour as racist discords attempt to demoralise us when we have already been winning.
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>this is white
this is some mystery meat shitskin on skin lightening cream
this its never going to end so the Indians should shut up and let us do what we want to them
OP destroyed lmao
Absolutely, sharing your language with someone is like sharing your soul.
I mean he’s not wrong.

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How come the nuclear powered carrier is smoking????
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Hopefully the New Mexicant Navy of USA can deal with it lol, not my problem.
please be true, lmao, death to america
>shutting down global logistics is not a big deal
I dont think youve been paying attention to how far the houthis have been striking
>goes around for a slightly longer and more costly route
you're so cringe. semites are cringe.

LOL. red sea is like under 200 miles wide. You're making it sound like they're striking the American heart-land you fucking copium addict cum-fiend.

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