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Be the American that the Japanese believe you are, anon
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Always shoot the niggers first and always
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just be yourself bro
Tankgirl is the new forge master in Monster Hunter. Warhammer reject is a character from Sony's new 5 on 5 arena shooter.
She...she....alooka like me!
what exactly it the correct response to humilitation rituals again

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Previous: >>469937150
Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Biden allows the Ukraine to strike targets in Russia with US weapons - https://archive.today/cWfPG
>France to send "military instructors" to the ukriane - https://archive.today/iAtY3
>Russian jamming making some US PGMs ineffective - https://archive.today/1K5Or
>Kiev now recruiting meat from the prisons - https://archive.today/kcIkd
>NATO to organize mandatory arms supplies & financing to Ukraine, at least 100 bln/year - https://archive.today/jjBSo
>RuaF liberate Arkhangelskoye, Battlegroup 'N' keeps advancing in the Kharkov Region - https://archive.today/CgiGm
>Scholz still refuses to send Tauruses to Ukraine - https://archive.today/sJ9QH

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Here's some REAL Ukraine combat footage.
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Lil nigga was in the wrong hood, had to be shown out by the Big NIG.
Even trannies aren't this delusional, Jesus Christ
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kots are very territorial
I wonder what the plan of this all is. They'll likely see that as the peace treaty that gets signed in switzerland with russia being represented. Then what, western intervention to enforce said peace treaty?
Shit like this makes me wonder why king cuck here won't remove us from Nato already.

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I'd correct the left

Right needs dumping in a river
Which one will leave for a guy first?
would the left
put that dude in the right on fire
someones failed son.
Happy Groomer Awareness month
There is no pride to have in sexual orientation. Especially sexual orientation that is bad for the people participating in it.

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why does /pol/ hate gays now?
is it because of the christcucks?

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>t-trump lost!!
Fake news. Trump is in his Shadowprez term, that began when "Biden" "won" the rigged 2020 election so that he can fight the Satanic Deep State.
>b-but the MSM said he lost!!
Debunked. Everything that happened under "Biden's" "term" was actually President Trump's doing this whole time.
Cope harder. Project 2025 is approaching soon and it's going to wipe Deep State shills like you off the face of this Earth. There's no preventing it, you have less than a year.
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aviation brainlet here, does this mean the trip Biden took to Philadelphia was not on Air Force One? Is an empty call sign rare or peculiar?
So the rampant inflation and 10 million invaders are Trump's fault? Fair enough, I guess.
Joe Biden has never flown under the Air Force One call sign, prove me wrong.
what about Jan 6?

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Why do so many wagies hate communism?

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>Pol was once again right
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goodbye loser. now the dutch police can cry about it again, like a bunch if losers
>Why did he immediately jump on a white guy?
Because that boomer was attacking the guy holding the stabber down
Very plausible that they'd win, because German society would want to fault him and not their policy.
pick one
regarding german press:
"tried to save the man in the blue shirt" :-D
also: unqualified 15+ police officers
also: superunqualified female police officers
also: deserved by his decisionmaking

hope that wins another few votes for the right-wings

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> I would rather be a lonely incel
Yes, certainly. Bad company is the worst, No way I am going to sacrifice myself to fix some demographic issue. Not my problem.
The reality is that the chud will settle for anyone its just that he has sour grapes because no one accepts him.
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>it's not the jews
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I just want a reasonable GF isn't a phone addict and isn't fat. This makes me a misogynist apparently
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they don't want you to breed

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Just this single picture alone says more than any amount of words ever could. Girls look and behave like streethookers whilst the boys both look and act every bit as if they were still in a kindergarden. I see this every day and it's generally even worse than picrel. Yet nobody talks about it. Instead everybody is like

>"What? Our kids are completely fine. Did you watch the yersterday's football match?"

or my favorite

>"There's nothing wrong with our kids. Btw did you hear about the government's plan to increase tax on cigars from 3,69% to 3,70? So terrible!"
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Why don’t you fuck a few whores to get your confidence up?
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the girls are being groomed for niggers, and the boys blinded so that they can be later sacrificed for a jewish war (or castrated so they dont revolt)

there's only one solution to this problem...
It's literally gynocracy causing this. Mothers want their daughters to be the "you go, girl" girls, and their sons to be eternally dependent puppets. If fathers tell their slut daughter to dress modestly, and their deadbeat son to grow a pair,
and stop playing video games, they are immediately divorced by their witch wife, which ruins their financials and status.

If fathers were legally allowed to beat their wives into submission with acceptable force, we'd have a healthier society.
Chaddy Daddies PLEEEEEEEASE X(
because hes based and gives no fucks
you on the other hand are regulated and controlled by a womans vagina, you trade value systems on a whim based off what is most likely to get you clout and therefore access to vagina

you are an effeminate niggerfaggot, kys

and proud cucks at that?
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>house nigger
>Working over 12 hours a day 7 days a week.
Hah, lmao even.

I mean yeah. VA fraud is rampant. The healthiest person I know is “fully disabled”. He talked to a lawyer while serving and took notes to say “owie ouchie”.

Every person I know who served is a disabled veteran. Every. Single. One.
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yeah because they are gaming the system, yet they all seem to be able to hold down jobs lol.

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The houthis struck a US aircraft carrier and nobody seems to give a shit:
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its not so much people dont care, its more the highest priority of the us government is to protect its image. paper tiger
>source: the Houthis
kek I hope they do it again
and again
and again
(as a prank)
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I wish it were true but it's not.

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5 years ago even people suspect of being incels were treated with absolute scorn by mainstream society and were viewed to be right up there with pedophiles. People suggested that merely using incel vernacular should get you threat profiled. Today Stacies on tiktok making woe me posts is seen as cute and endearing lmao.
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its an attention grift you dumb cunt
femcels don't exist
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Women always invade the spaces of males like the fucking rats that they are.
>video games
>tabletop games
>incel culture
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cause we won again.
no matter the slur or label they use to attack men, we turn it into a badge of pride, which they then appropriate.
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Plenty of black anoos for her to love. Go wyte womyn, go!

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>thread about anything

why do christcucks take any thread and shill their kike on a a stick multiracial hippy slave dick cutting cult?

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What are the ramifications
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>government bans TikTok
most people who take a major, public, and shameful L like he just did will try and law low out of the public eye

but not this clown, baka
pure narcissism
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I get my news from banned sources and I vote for felons

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What was the anti-white agenda like in the 1990s?

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Why is everything so big in America? Is this what peak capitalism looks like?
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buying bulk is cheaper, retarded niggers
>married with 3 kids
>wtf why would anybody need to buy big packs of chicken breast?????
>euro can't comprehend buying food for a week worth of meals
>noram can't comprehend eating fresh food

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GIGA HAPPENING! 500,000 (HALF A MILLION) Russian invaders killed and crippled during the past 830 days of Russia's 3-day special military operation!
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your dogshit cretin friends were shown exactly the amount of respect their displayed good faith permits


Bold of you to assume anyone has any friends on 4chan.
> British Intelligence
What was the name of their propaganda division again? Bellingcat?
The purpose of intelligence services has never been to inform the public truthfully.
you dogshit genetics cretins repeat same pattern 24/7 in multiple languages on multiple platforms for several years

you are fundamentally inferior to my species for believing your methods work

You want to keep this train going? Fine.

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Like you, I feel pretty savvy about detecting psyops.
But what if even the most basic shit we've accepted as true, is also bullshit? Especially now, and as the narratives get seemingly desperate.
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your country is fake, but the meatgrinder is very real.
>Rape babies have no fathers.
Jews were goths once.
It’s seem like a little factoid when compared to their overall behaviour. Maybe it’s the difference of ethnic groups that have expanded by conquest and therefore in some small parts have produced offspring through rape or war brides while jews have offered themselves and their daughters to the martial free standing ethnic groups in order to enter the leadership of the ethnic group that they are infecting.
stop reading/watching news completely.
plebbit fuckwit, there's a difference between minor differences in retelling something and 100 men's deaths being covered up intentionally.
I'd like to batter your face in
Same thing with Latinos. If it got out into mainstream they are related to Maori and are Southeast Asian not Meso American the gibs would stop and the border would be closed because it would be official they're not our problem. But the elites want them destructively here, so anything proving Hispanics are not really Hispanic gets automatically deleted. Especially here. I suspect it's a lot behind the No Look At The Poos Instead threads. That started same month speculation started to spread that spics are not who they claim they are. Started right on the dot. Also explains perfectly the weird way it's all spics, some all over the world, doing most of the posting.

Won't work. On deep level, everyone knows. It's spreading.

This is available on YouTube for everyone to see without age verification let that sink in

Bikini line with Berodin Blue Hard Wax and The Wax Queen.
>JewTube is degenerate and jewish
We already knew that
That's such an ugly pussy

Irish MP says Netanyahu will burn in hell. Thoughts?
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>foreigners are still getting imported en masse to ireland
>still voting in foreign politicians
>irish politicians are largely still pro immigration, even talking about """white privledge""" the irish have
you couldn't keep the brits from tearing your country in two, you couldn't keep your language or culture in tact, and now your poised to even lose your racial identity as well. There's nothing to feel good about, Ireland is finished. What will it even mean to be "Irish" in 20 years?
>resists the jew
You're being used by muslims!!! They're using you like parasites!!!

Oh the irony
You want us to be mutts like you so you feel better about yourself.
They just casually omitted the venerable Deep Water Ocean Jew. Probably just an oversight.
Based potato niggers

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