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How does it feel knowing that the ruling class laugh at you when you think you are part of "their" group. It amazes me how fucking retarded you people are, bitching and moaning about not having money due to inflation/economy and then giveaway millions of dollars to a billionaire.

And don't think I'm some on my knees Biden supporter either, they are only slightly better, but the lack of critical thought on the right has taught me how easy it is to grift US conservatives.

If I ever decide to become a politician, I am 100% running as a Republican, I can literally say or do anything and no matter what, I will still get votes and millions of dollars just because of the (R) next to my name.
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>Big oof
Nope, I have you pegged exactly. You are just like the 1,000 people before you to try this exact shit.
You are some friendless homo or tranny that thinks you are some big thinker, but your brilliant mind never seems able to solve any of your problems. Strange.
Seriously, you life has no meaning to anyone. You could die today and it literally won't matter at all. Nothing will be worse. No one will cry. No one other than your parents will even notice.
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Again, the projection on this one is STRONG. I'm laughing at how legitimately stupid you are, getting triggered by my dumbass posts
you miggers unironically killed this board harder than any other liberal could.

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Here’s a simple argument:

To live/exist is to make the conscious decision that life is better than death/non-existence. We would all commit suicide right now if we genuinely felt non-existence was better than existence. In simpler terms: life is preferable to death, or being is better than not-being.

Alright, so how does being/life come about? Well, as we all know life is created only when a man and a woman have sex. The sperm (which only comes from men) combined with the egg (which only comes from women) creates a new life. This is how every single one of us arrived at existence/life.

Now, knowing this, it follows that to live in a fashion which at least allows for the possibility of procreation (in other words: being straight) is better than living in a fashion which could not possibly create life. In fact, if everyone were homosexual, humanity would end.

In other words, to be homosexual, or to advocate a homosexual lifestyle is to be a person who is ALIVE and who is taking an active stance against the mechanism which creates LIFE. This is hypocrisy.

If everyone were gay there would be no life. We are all here because of straight heterosexual intercourse. To be homosexual or to promote homosexual is to promote the death of the human race.

Homosexuality = Human Extinction = Speciecide

Homosexuality = Hypocrisy
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no one's trying to make the whole world gay, although maybe we should
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It's promoted by jews, of course it's wrong.
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Don't care, boys are too cute not receive love from daddy
There are people with all sorts of temperaments which can be argued have a genetic origin. There are feminine men and masculine women. However, “why would God make them attracted to the same sex if it’s wrong?” is not valid because the same logic can be applied to pedophilia, which we all know is wrong. If pedos have an innate attraction to children, then pedophilia is okay? No. We have free will and we choose the thoughts we entertain and which temptations we give in to.
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Gays have existed since ancient times.
Maybe biotech finds a cure but at that point it will also be linking humans to a borg hive mind so it won’t matter anyway.
Why can’t you just let a homosexual be if he’s not bothering anyone.

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>Ticketmaster confirms data hack which could affect 560m globally
>Tommy Robinson leads 'thousand-strong' march in London as officers make first arrests
>Labour spark fear of huge ISA crackdown as candidate deletes one telling comment
>Labour risks union revolt over private school tax raid job losses
>Sunak suffers poll blow as levelling-up cash-for-votes row erupts
>Sunak pledges cash to towns as Starmer pitches ‘wealth creation’ amid election campaign
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Every cloud
Just done the dishes lads.
Fucking hell
No shit?

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So, now that the cop from Mannheim has died, i beg the question ... was it worth it? (tackling the white guy who wanted to unarm the attacker kek)
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Basically this. But it was a chaotic situation. If you want to blame anyone but the actual stabbing mudshit, then the female police officers who literally ran away after the muzzie got up again instead of pepper spraying him, are in a very close 2nd place
Horrible way to go, surrounded by women and soys
You wrote Jesus wrong.
seems like there were multiple missed opportunities by multiple people to stamp on the stabbers head
>the guy he tackled had punched the true hero who had already subdued the terrorist
You're right

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False equivalence. Incels would pair with their looksmatch in a heartbeat if she gave them a modicum of attention during their formative years. But no, those average women would rather get pumped and dumped by chad in their teens and 20s.

Now, I'm a cuck, I'd still settle for a blown-out roastie landwhale (if I got any matches on tinder - maybe I need to wait till my mid 30s, I'm late 20s). On the other hand if, by act of god, some younger woman would want to be in a relationship with me I'd feel absolutely zero guilt or shame despite the prevailing social attitude regarding age gaps.

Honoring the taboo around age gaps was part of the social contract that was torn apart since the sexual revolution - why should I uphold my part of the contract if my looksmatches don't uphold theirs (settle with an average man while still fertile).
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Right wing cucks trying to blame both sides when only women are responsible.
i just want someone who isn't lying when they say they like me
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Just wanting one that isn't fat excludes about 40% of females, now wanting a reasonable one, that's gonna exclude almost all of them actually. For that, a woman must have endured some sort of hardship and moved on from it; a very difficult thing in these times. Heck even guys have real trouble experiencing problems and moving pass them. I believe that in at least the basics, most people need to grasp at an early age that they can't always have what they want and that compromise is often the wining move for everyone.

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Dubbed the "roof ninja". Here is the bodycam footage

>30 minute video made by some retard
You expect me to watch all that? lol.

Mexibros get in here and tell us about your election, is the kikess really gonna win?
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If you're poor in Mexico you will like AMLO, same if you're a shitskin, someone else in the thread resumed it pretty well, he along his party are the GIBS candidates, that's pretty much it.
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>99% of Mexicans have never seen a Jew in real life
kek get out of your little town
His security policy sucks but he is making an effort to industrialize the south/south eastern part of México. México was position as a top 10 economy by 2050 and that was considering only the north and center regions. If the south becomes industrialized, sky's the limit for this country and we can accelerate our growth. That's why I'm voting for 6 more years. After that, I will probably go back to PAN or MC.
go back to mexico subhuman

t. descendant of actual mediterrannean empire builders
Blackrock has been here since 2008, during Felipe Calderon's administration lol. I don't care about feminist policies since men will still be violent towards them. Haitian and amerimutt migration are a non-factor, Mexican culture is superior. It takes 3 generations for an immigrant American to feel culturally American. An immigrant Mexican feels culturally Mexican within a generation.

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say his name

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5 years ago even people suspect of being incels were treated with absolute scorn by mainstream society and were viewed to be right up there with pedophiles. People suggested that merely using incel vernacular should get you threat profiled. Today Stacies on tiktok making woe me posts is seen as cute and endearing lmao.
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A woman being "unlovable" is the inverse of a man being an incel. This woman is definitely not claiming to be an incel.
being unkissable is an art
They aren't, they're admitting to being roasties
doesn't mean
>I can't find guys interested in me
it means
>I let a guy way above my league do unspeakable things to me and the next day he ghosted me for another whore how could this possibly happen
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I miss having male spaces, it was so nice just to go be a nerd with the boys.
We used to have women "watch" (AKA distract and flirt with players) our dnd group, but me and the DM ended up kicking them out because all they wanted to do was cause drama and distract the boys/make fun of us for being nerds.
pic related.
>are a preference
lol no.
They are all that is available in muttland.

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this is why i cannot take this board seriously. bunch of child keyboard warriors that get btfo by 2 indian dudes on lunch hour as racist discords attempt to demoralise us when we have already been winning.
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OP destroyed lmao
Absolutely, sharing your language with someone is like sharing your soul.
I mean he’s not wrong.
Yes, it's pathetic. But you're also Indian.
This is what all leftists look like.
The women and the men.
Behold: the progressive

The fact that not even Chad millionaires can't hold a marriage terrifies me. What should be the expectation of a regular guy?
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well, you didn't call him liar though, you brownoid.
Welcome to /pol/, faggot. Long time die hard Patriots fan here.
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Victoria Secret was that all their "models" were mossad assets and the entire company was a front for blackmail and money laundering. Dude married a basically used up shabbos whoreand got the feminjst door prize.

Slowpoke news reader and pikachu face could not have predicted this.

Maybe don't marry fucking golddiggers? Just a thought.
>For men, it’s strictly physical pleasure
For some maybe. If it was just physical, you'd be fine with just paying a hooker. But normal people want to be loved.

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Post pizzagate stuff, rothchilds, space stuff, whatever
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Rushia was right and Aqua does have a boyfriend
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they all do.
the Irish are going to do anything meaningful to stop their complete displacement and minority status on their island
shut the fuck up hhhjj
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There appears to be a new laws of physics and some new technologies in open use.

It centers on consciousness, hyperspace, and electromagnetism.

These principles have been encountered as psychic abilities which may include out of body experiences, near death experiences, astral projection, telepathy, telekinesis, remote viewing, levitation, teleportation, and others.

Beings are involved as well, either extraterrestrials with advanced technology, or native hyperspace entities. This could be a simulation.

There are some well-known studies that look into these new physics. Tesla's work on scalar waves indicates some kind of hyperspace that can be accessed by hyperdimensional waves. The CIA looked into the Gateway Process and the Psychotronic Universe and tentatively determined reality is a hyperdimensional hologram where consciousness is the dominant factor.

Dr. Steven Greer, a known UFOlogist, has revealed the military has had anti-gravity since 1954, and it has something to do with the hyperdimensional consciousness field. He has provided photographs of aliens that were summoned during meditation. He asserts UFOs are electromagnetic gravitic vehicles with zero-point energy that can turn into pure consciousness in hyperspace through astral projection.

Dr. Robert Duncan, a cybernetics expert, has revealed the military is using supercomputers with AI hooked up to antennas that are being used to telepathically torture people by inserting voices and visual hallucinations into people's minds, along with being able to remote control their bodies. This is related to Havana Syndrome.

Officials state people will panic if they do a disclosure, which indicates there is something to disclose. A recent congressman was briefed on the subject and told reporters to "lock your doors."

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Weird. I couldn't find the video on his channel before. I guess im dumb. Thanks. That's my favorite "declass" video. Most seem staged or exaggerated in importance.
>work for cia
>make nanochips to stop illegal horse swapping
>crazy guy shows up with nro and nsa badges
>"how can we make 8 billion of these?"
>"will they be rejected by the human body?"
I found it odd that this interview didnt trigger some pattern recognition for greer in 2020.
that reminds me of nano domestic quell

>Nano Domestic Quell Press Release
>Defense Nanotechnology Research and Development Program
>Nano Domestic Quell PDF

>Blood of a Targeted Individual, 6 days after slide preparation - Full of Technology (100x optical magnification, phase contrast microscopy)

>Everybody Knew CV-19 Vax Was a Criminal Bioweapon – Karen Kingston

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>CIA Officer Jim Semivan on his Close Encounter Experience
>Ex-CIA Officer Jim Semivan says Aliens are Jinn
>Former CIA officer Jim Semivan truth behind UFOs

>ALIENS ARE JINN - Official Trailer - Islam & UFO UAP Interdimensional Ultraterrestrial - Hypothesis

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The police officer that got stabbed on Friday by an islamist In Germany died today
He was only 29 years old.
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may he rot in hell.
not my problem.
the lil nigga had no experience. no situal awareness. he was only in the police force to fuck these gymwhores so called policewomen in the back seat on break.
none of these cops were right wing anyways otherwise they would have immediately shot the invader.
maybe next life he will have better target acquisition and priority.
Outlander Out!!!

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It's easier for whites to get work based on their names alone, according to research from my area of Canada.
Whites have social advantages that non-whites could only dream of.
Whites don't face racial violence to even a fraction of the degree that non-whites do.
Whites get less jail time than non-whites and treated better by the justice system.

Despite having life on easy mode with cheat codes, whites somehow are the biggest losers in not just my own home country of Canada. They are losing in any country they are pitted against other races with. In the U.S., they aren't even on the top 20 highest earners. It's all people from South Asia or East Asia.

Whites are also proud NEETs, a movement not to different from the Hikikomori in Japan, which is basically what happens when you have such an easy life that you are depressed and don't want to do anything.

Whites also under produce and are constantly complaining about how hard it is to have kids, despite every Western government giving them cash and tax incentives to have children.

Whites also can't buy a house to save their lives, which is pathetic because they have been here for centuries. If anyone should be fucked by this, it should be newly arrived immigrants that have to start from the bottom, but nope, we own more land than whites.

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>It's easier for whites to get work based on their names alone, according to research from my area of Canada
Oh absolutely . I throw every Indian resume I get into the trash as Indians believe lying on your resume is a fucking obligation. We had to change our own employee vetting system just to deal with Indians. My company flourished in a Canada where lying on your resume was a cardinal sin.
I used to interview Indians. When I ask them shit like "how do you have ten years experience in a five year old technology" I just get a blank stare for 30 seconds and then "oh it must be typo." Zero honesty , zero integrity , zero remorse.

Indians dont want to live in a country full of Indians and either do I or anyone else.

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Everyone thinks all his issues stem from communism, capitalism, "fascism", (((them))) or some other bullshit conspiracy
It's pretty clear all of them stem from industrial technology. Without it, (((they))) wouldn't be able to control (You), even
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I wouldn't expect much intelligence from someone born a country that starts with the letter B
it actually starts with Б
Your country starts with a half formed B, did the gypsies steal the rest of it?
preach brother
>Study the Mysteries, anon. Learn why ancient men learned to no longer fear Death.
>Cicero said the greatest contribution that his culture made to mankind was The Mysteries.
>Hopefully one day you and those like you figure out why.
didn't they just take a shit ton of hallucinogens and participate in banquet orgies? seems pretty decadent if so.

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Why is racemixing bad?
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The idea is to save the West, not destroy it in the guaranteed civil war that would happen because the tyrants will not go willingly.
The Samson Option is literally destroying everything if they can't have it.


Our concern is born out of seeing it happen time and time again that the White girl ends up pregnant and abandoned, and a sprog in tow is a guarantee that she will never manage to have a White family.
Her life potential and bloodline are ended when all it would have taken is for her to ignore the media blackwashing propaganda.


>80 IQ

It's closer to the high 60's mark if you're talking actual sub-Saharan africans.

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white women will never be as beautiful as korean women
I don't even care about white supremacism and this video makes my blood boil lmao. Nazi cucks must be seething.
Just makes more niggers. Mixed kids always associate with the nigger side.

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China landed rock robot into moon last night, they had a previous lander there as well but that one wasnt capable of digging through rocks

This new one is.
China will collect a few moon stones and return them to Earth. Then China will give free samples of actual moon rocks to friendly countries. As a proof.


>The mission's ultimate goal is to return to Earth the first samples from the moon's far side

>China's lunar lander "is now expected to use a drill and a mechanical arm to gather up to 2 kilograms of moon dust and rocks from the basin, a crater formed some 4 billion years ago."

and proud cucks at that?
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Working a lot can be a decent strategy to amass money for savings/retirement.
I dont think its something to be super proud of though.
Maybe if you build up your own business. Probably better off looking for a promotion in general than working 80 hour weeks.
My thumb rest comfortably on right alt. Or the space bar if it's a game with jumps like wow. Thumb reaches alt or shift as modifier keys
mexican construction workers sometimes work for only 2 hours near me while playing carnival music. just a couple of days ago I explored a half built house and saw a bunch of discarded cerveza cans on the ground. 2024 must be the year everyone realized to not suck mr. shekelstein's dick.
it's up to you, no one is going to give you what you are entitled to, you have to ask. (squeaky wheel gets the grease and all that)
try the ebenefits website, or even the deers site, or hell you can request it directly from the VA if you went to medical and especially for a surgery there IS a record of it. and yeah even if you made out good with the GI bill and saved a 10's of thousands with the VA home loan saying no to a free 300+ dollars a month is on you

think about it this way, veteran compensation is less than a drop in of a drop of government spending. and better those couple of hundred go to you, someone who served. vs...well any illegal immigrant, criminal, or business stealing tax dollars.
just my 2 cents. good luck.
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I guess it could work, you must have big ass hands though, also check'd.

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>Notorious IRL streamer Ice Poseidon holds scavenger hunt in Austin Texas for all streamers that want to join in.
>High IQ white guy finds final clue to win 30k prize.
>Gets jumped and maced by La Raza supremacist streamer who steals the clue.
>Gets declared the winner.
>All's Fair in Love and war etc.
>Chat rages but won't do shit.
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Yeah if the white guy wasn't armed and didn't beat the shit out of the spic or shoot him its his fault. Let the white guy learn the lesson the hard way. Shitskins are never to be trusted and if necessary must be put down like animals.
Paul Shekelsteincohenberg
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>without an ethnocentric instinct
You're seeing the right data but drawing the wrong conclusion. Whites still have an instinctive in-group preference, but are highly susceptible to being brainwashed into disregarding it or persuaded into seeing outsiders as part of it.
The biggest reason is a heritable cognitive trait called agreeableness in psychometrics. It's basically propensity for cooperative and altruistic behavior, and negatively correlates with a propensity for interpersonal conflict. It's what made our people effectively governable at a scale scale that no other peoples in the world have achieved. It's the x-factor that made white civilization possible at all, and is the reason we're letting (((our rulers))) give it away to peasants, barbarians, and animals.
Two world wars made Europeans weak and the future conflict will be the death knell. I honestly think they’ll never recover, but nobody wants to talk about that yet.

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