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Will she fix Mexico?
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The last jewish president turned Mexico into a neoliberal narco state. I can't imagine what the next jewish president is going to do.
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No. What happens to meloni? To geert?
She’s jewish
War is coming for Mexico. Just who with is the question. Whenever jews show their power level bad things happen.

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The best of us don't believe in god
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>puts the burden off on others
More excuses
Would you fly out to fight me?
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>so smart he can’t distinguish correlation from causation
why does it make you waaaay more likely to be a tranny?
we can do correlations all day long
I'm not the one who wants to fight. That's you and like usual, when confronted, you cower and put the burden on others with excuses
Belief in the human spirit vs belief in "trust me bro, i wrote 400 peer reviewed papers, now your son is actually your daughter"

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There is one mindset that maliciously dominates the Right — the worship of Strength and the Worship of Righteousness.

That if a person have these two in terms of Political and Physical — he would be the model, the victor.

But that is wrong. The strong and the righteous does not win. Rather, it's precisely because they're VICTORIOUS that they are STRONG AND RIGHTEOUS.

You are operating on a false equation.

The ancient peoples knew this. The conquerors knew this. The warlords knew this.

Ancient Persian Pagans, when in war, do not pray to Mithra. Mithra is reserved solely for the Kings.

No, the Soldiers of ancient Persia prays to VERETHRAGNA — the God of VICTORY.

Do not pursue strength. Do not pursue righteousness. Do not pursue Wisdom.

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the foul and paradoxical conquest of the strong by the weak by underhanded means
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these invaders foul as they are, the most foul in the hisrory of man, are dependent on those they subjugate for all things, both economic support, and muscle (where would they be without the cops, glowies, and zogbots?)
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we have to free ourselves
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we have to cut the tree out from under the invader
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they depend on civilization, order, subjugation and a domesticated hapless population
they cannot survive under chaotic, primitive conditions, they are obligated parasites of civilization

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The older I get (approaching my mid 30s) the more rightwing and nazi views seem cringe and retarded as fuck.
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You are the alien nigger.
Your moms ass?
Retarded Euro graze animal
Pretty much all hate speech / nazi stuff/ extreme communist stuff is all glowniggers being glowniggers
they like to play both sides
we are just pawns on a chess board for them to play off against each other. The best move is to turn the golem against it's master
Nope, although I’m not such a social misfit and rage addict that I can work happily alongside Jews in a very lucrative field. They’re generally very intelligent and family-oriented.
Going to a Jew coworker’s kid’s first b-day party this afternoon.
Stay mad.
Stay poor.
Stay never having a son who will carry your name.

The schafenfreude of tormenting lesser men.

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I can’t be the only one to have noticed it, why do shills on other mass media platforms always use ellipses when it comes to their online arguments without substance? It is always something like “You should address the issues of racism in the United States because of the systemic effects…” and the ellipsis serves nothing to the post. Is it a reflex?
smug leftoid faggots. simple as.

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When you realise they don't use soap, everything begins to make sense
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>soap up!
>get that soap on ya!
>Jeets believe soap and shampoo make your dick smaller
Did some ancient diety play a trick on them or something?
It's like the devil sabotaged their civilisation







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looks like pakistan
jewish "people"

So did the U.S. astronauts actually go to the moon?
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>Says the guy who has never critically examined the moon landing story
another assumption
Yes, and to deny it is pure skitzo and conspiracy levels of cope and niggery.
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Only a retard would think otherwise.

There’s so little time in our lives and you choose to waste it on this.
its a very strange thing whatever the reasons behind it are. its like a cult.



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>"I believe passionately in freedom for women, and whilst many battles have been won in the past century, there is still a long way for society to move until women enjoy the levels of freedom that they should be able to. I am not afraid to use my body as well as my brain to deliver important messages."
Why do women use their body to protest? While it might draw attention to their cause do they not realise it also belittles their message?
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This is an instance where doxxing is a boon for society. Dox everyone of this dumb no hips having cunts and spread the word to everyone they know.
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Bate man

Kill yourself JustPassingThrough.

They appear in the pupils.

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I've been thinking
For what purpose would the jews even want to fill Europe to the brim with sandniggers?
They're their sworn enemies and they're pretty open about how they hate jews and wish upon their total destruction
What purpose does achieve filling yet another continent with them?

Also, someone else feeling pretty much demoralized with the world? I feel it's beyond salvation at this point.
I don't know what to do, I'm not even a basement dweller neet, I work out, I have a job, a family and even own land but what's the point if everything is going to shit. I have so many unshareable thoughts that I feel trapped within my own life, which by today's standards is pretty good.
Pic unrelated obviously
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where are u from? i need a friend in spain with my views. Everyone i know is fucking retarded.
It's not the muslims they wanted, it's open borders. Their history has proven that the jews always need escape hatches and new countries to flee to. Agitating for open borders under the guide of compassion for asylum seekers is just self-serving behavior ensuring they can dodge the next pogrom.
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>For what purpose would the jews even want to fill Europe to the brim with sandniggers?
It's a lie propaganda made up by nafris.
Nafris have no reasons to be in Europe
So they use to say it's not their fault
it's the fault of the jews who forced them to be in Europe in mass
Absolute nafri retard bs schizo crap
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Lol Globohomo is in deep shit
1 week before the EU election this was the worst timing for a mostly pissfully Migrant to chimp out
Except normies aren't even aware that this occured because there was an immediate media blackout. Not to mention the fact that voooting doesn't matter.

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New color revolution against orban fascist regime in Austro-hungary
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I wish you were castrated so you couldn't breed
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Color revolutions are the Soros State Department admittimg that they do not care about democracy. The only ones that worked in the former Soviet Union led directly to completely avoidable wars.
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Previous: >>469927983

▶Day: 829 - Daily battlefield assessment:https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>France gave Ukraine permission to use Storm Shadows/Scalp missiles to strike airfields in the Kursk and Belgorod regions, — BBC
>Major missile chimpout targeting energy infrastructure, 35/53 missiles and 46/47 shaheds shot down, damage to two thermal power plants reported
>Federal Government allows Ukraine attacks on targets in Russia with German weapons
>Biden allows strikes into Russia with US weapons, limited to territory near Kharkiv region. The policy regarding ATACMS use has not changed
>Seven boats destroyed in Ukrainian operation in Kerch (1x pilot boat, 2x ferries, 4x transport landing boats)
>New €1,16 BLN military aid package from Sweden will include Airborne Surveillance and Control aircraft (ASC 890)
>Belgium pledges 30 F-16 fighter jets for Ukraine with near €1bn in military aid
>Sweden is pausing plans to send Gripen fighter jets to Ukraine in order to allow for the introduction of F-16
>Ukraine will receive its first supplies of F-16 fighter jets “very soon”, but around half of its desperately needed foreign military aid is arriving late - Umerov
>Poland should not rule out sending troops to Ukraine - Sikorski

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>stop blaming the shitcountry that is stealing trillions of taxpayer money that could be spent on schools, hospitals, infrastructure, pro-family incentives and more
Reliable vehicle, they drive it till the day they die
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Very true. History shows that social democracy is significantly superior to other forms of economy and government

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Nietzsche drops some redpills on the Jews:
>The Jews, however, are beyond any doubt the strongest, toughest, and purest race now living in Europe; they know how to prevail even under the worst conditions (better even than under favourable conditions), by means of virtues which one would like nowadays to mark as vices—owing, above all, to a resolute faith which does not need to be ashamed before 'modern ideas.'
Is he wrong? People say jews are inferior, but why? Jewish tactics are le morally wrong? Does this not speak more of our poisoned morality than the evil of the Jews? Its illogical, our morality, specifically christian morality has lead to our destruction.
Heil victory.

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How does everyone afford Moncler and Canada Goose coats? These things cost anywhere from 800 to 3k each
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Does he have a wife?
>Kids avoid outdoor clothes
Or do they avoid going outdoors?
Yeah it's not too bad out here and they do go outdoors but you have a point there, kids nowadays definitely spend more time indoors lending to the fact they don't like jackets etc
>Buying used underwear

Disgusting, kys
The only people I see wearing those things are nogs who are probably drug dealers

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The simps and the whores are a mating pair in the pre-information age. The internet is acting like a profelactic and their instincts are panicking because ancient mating strategies are failing when very recently they were successful.
Your incel cult is radical feminism for men. You're delusional and hypnotized by 'women bad' propaganda fueled by cherry picking degenerate woman and biased research and polls.
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you're attempting to move the conversation away from objective facts to subjective opinions
>complain about feminism being root of all evil
>fails to acknowledge the root of feminism is Jewish

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Why is racemixing bad?
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Do you really think people can't see past your posturing?
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Whites, epigenetically, are the only people that produce beauty and advancement innately.

If Whites dilute or lose this trait, which miscegenation reduces or destroys instantly, then the world’s beauty and advancement dies with us.
He looks beyond debile
Great ragebait
True, but I find bleaching to be a noble cause. Just kill the males and keep the females. Also, no monogamy
It doesn't really matter. Upper class whites will continue to breed with each other as they always have, and lower class whites will breed with niggers and browns as they always have. There is a huge lower class of mixed race brown mystery meat people with trash culture and that's never going to change. Some part of that is white.

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You chuds who support Russia, do you not realize this could destroy the entire liberal democratic American world order and all the progess we have made since the end of WWII? Russia winning would bring us a 100 years behind, instead of exploring the stars well be slaves to Putin is that what you want?
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>the global order, will end?
you promise?
>do you not realize this could destroy the entire liberal democratic American world order and all the progess we have made since the end of WWII
I don't support Russia but if you're saying this would be the result if I did, then I hope they win.
I don't negotiate with vampires.

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How much of a role did Walt Rostow play in convincing Lyndon Johnson to escalate in Vietnam? Every time I read a history of the Vietnam war, his name shows up, and he seems to have been the main hawk, and Johnson seemed to be controlled by him.
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Thanks OP. Kikes like Steve Sailer always blame the goyim for the Vietnam War, I'm glad you did a little research to show there's always a jew behind the curtain.
Here's some from Wikipedia:

As national security advisor, Rostow was responsible for developing the government's policy in Vietnam, and he was convinced that the war could be won, becoming Johnson's main war hawk.

The Ambassador-At-Large W. Averell Harriman called Rostow "America's Rasputin" as he considered him to have a sinister power over Johnson's mind, as he always pressed the president to take a harder line on Vietnam against the advice of his more dovish staff.
I doubt one jew can have so much influence in a decision like this.
Those people have think-thanks, meetings, ... to plan what will happen next.
Nah LBJ was a huge kosher faggot and would do whatever the jew nearest to him requested. He definitely had sway over LBJ

read this

>Johnson stated at the time that: "I'm getting Walt Rostow as my intellectual. He's not your intellectual. He's not Bundy's intellectual. He's not Schlesinger's intellectual. He's not Galbraith's intellectual. He's going to be my Goddamn intellectual!"[89]

>Rostow consistently argued to Johnson that any effort at a peaceful resolution to the Vietnam War would be "capitulation".[97] In his reports to Johnson, Rostow always put the emphasis on information that portrayed the United States as winning, becoming Johnson's favourite adviser on foreign affairs.[98] The optimistic reports that the hawkish Rostow wrote were much preferred by the president to the more pessimistic reports written by the "doves" in the administration.[98
>In particular, Rostow persistently argued to the president that a programme of sustained bombing would force North Vietnam to cease its support of the Viet Cong and thus win the war.[104] Rostow believed that strategic bombing alone would be enough to force North Vietnam to capitulate, and became the main advocate in the White House of Operation Rolling Thunder, the bombing offensive launched against North Vietnam in February 1965.[105] Initially, Rostow believed in only bombing certain targets as a way of warning Hanoi to cease supporting the Viet Cong, but he changed his mind, coming to favour an all-out bombing offensive that would completely destroy the economy of North Vietnam.[106
>Much of Rostow's influence on Johnson was due to his insistence that to protect his domestic achievements that Johnson had to fight the Vietnam war, and moreover that the war was eminently winnable provided that the correct policies were followed.[103] For Johnson, Rostow offered him a way out of an unpleasant situation of fighting a war in Vietnam that he rather not fight to protect the Great Society by promising him what Rostow insisted was a path to victory, as Rostow noted that presidents who win wars were usually also popular presidents.[103]

That one kike is responsible for getting 50,000 White Americans killed in Vietnam for nothing.

Why are women like this? How do we save them?
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Maybe her boyfriend shouldn't have beat her ass so much.
This, women have evolved to keep their offspring safe, and make more offspring, and that means they're primed to cozy up to whoever is the biggest threat. Everything like loyalty, logic, observation, things we associate with intelligence, are traits that evolved in men for the purpose of hunting. You can't expect them in every woman, when they're present, it's often an outlier.
All women are like that too, some just hide it better, never forget beauty in women is camouflage for what lies within

She's a kike woman who just lost her 'boyfriend (access to easy resources). She is now moving on to the more promising new opportunity for resources because that is exactly how a jewess brain works. They are psychotic and evil, more so because they are Jewish than because they are women but both are factors in the above behavior.
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Welcome to mcdonalds may I take your order
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Basedbob enjoys his based job
White people don’t apply. They pay too little. McDonalds employs a revolving cast of welfare niggers who have to prove to the government they sometimes try to get jobs.
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I'll just have a fillet o fish thanks
Can I get uhhh...Big McGoy burger with a side of Frieslop please.

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