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Like you, I feel pretty savvy about detecting psyops.
But what if even the most basic shit we've accepted as true, is also bullshit? Especially now, and as the narratives get seemingly desperate.
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> From the perspective of what a normalfag would see - to fill the void and construct the expected worldview.

The point is that you don’t need to fabricate 1000 years of history while policing it for all of eternity to stop anyone calling it out. You can change the most important elements.

>From the perspective of religious authority - to cement their own power. Religion is supposed to be old, the older the better. Religion should already be few hundreds years old at the moment of its formation.
>What can an alien religion of semitic origin say to the population it reigns over to instantly legitimize itself? "We were there for more than 1000 years" is pretty good.

That is debatable. You can just look at the lgbt movement a sect within Judeo-materialistic feminism. Such a religion has come about and displaced the previous religion with ease. Social parasites create such religions and transmit them to normies. Sure they will invent a few stories about gay animals or gay sex in a random ancient civilisations but they had no need to remove a thousand years of history for their new religion to take hold.

>And there is another reason. There is something really bad in the actual history, ranging from deeply embarrassing to so horrifying you will shit yourself upon realization. In any case, it's not something identities built on medieval myths are going to survive. But there are enough clues for what exactly it was, once you understand that the construct is compromised. For example, ever wondered why are there articles in your language?

Do you have examples for us to shit ourselves?
>There is no point or reason to manufacture a thousand years of history and fighting against anyone that could discover a single flaw. The logistics of it don’t make sense.
Not all at once, but through a cumulative process. However, the thing is that most people back then had only the vaguest notion of "the world", or of "thousands of years of history" besides myths and biblical tales. For all practical intents and purposes, their world was limited to their local vicinity, their history was limited to the chronicles of their community and the tales of their elders. There was no central body fabricating their reality and its scope adhered to humanity's natural limits. Arguably, they didn't even have such a strict frame work of "objective reality" beyond what concerns everyday matters that they could verify by experience or from a personally trusted source, so there was nothing to corrupt. Anything like the global mass psychosis we see today was completely inconceivable.
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Reminds me of this - I don't have the full pasta. Apparently it's from some kind of "history" book.
tl;dr wy wuz kayngz
Poo in the loo detected
desu anybody who thinks there out to be one correct line of historical narrative is delusional and knows nothing about storytelling
Uncertainty actually is really important, and in history you will never have all the answers. You don't even get all the answers in the present day; how do you expect to get them 500 years ago?
So history is always full of holes, and people fill these holes this way or that way, it's inevitable, and precisely one thing that makes history interesting.
If there was a single timeline you could read and know all the facts nobody would even bother studying it.
As such history will always only bear the vaguest vestige of absolute truth. Why would anybody bother to write down a 100% unbiased report? And why would anybody believe this one over the biased reports (who may also claim to be unbiased).
But that's part of the fun.

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>"I believe passionately in freedom for women, and whilst many battles have been won in the past century, there is still a long way for society to move until women enjoy the levels of freedom that they should be able to. I am not afraid to use my body as well as my brain to deliver important messages."
Why do women use their body to protest? While it might draw attention to their cause do they not realise it also belittles their message?
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>My master, Sauron the Great, bids you welcome. Is there any in this rout with the authority to treat with me?
Is that the mernigger?
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It would be hilarious. Especially if it was am evenly matched 1 Jewish man to 1 Jewish woman.
>rape is not optional
Mandatory rape? She's been spending too much time in India.

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Schools had ended on Friday.

15 year old kids in Lapua city had jumped onto this tractors empty trailer.

15 year old was driving the tractor.


There was 13 people aged 15 on a tractor trailer which was driving around Lapua city after school had closed for summer.

They were sitting there and drinking energy drinks.

Police stopped them and the youngsters ran away everyone in different directions. The driver did not ran of.

Police told him to go home and stay there for the rest of the weekend.
Youth of today can't even have tractor party anymore.
Finland has fallen............

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Previous: >>469927983

▶Day: 829 - Daily battlefield assessment:https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>France gave Ukraine permission to use Storm Shadows/Scalp missiles to strike airfields in the Kursk and Belgorod regions, — BBC
>Major missile chimpout targeting energy infrastructure, 35/53 missiles and 46/47 shaheds shot down, damage to two thermal power plants reported
>Federal Government allows Ukraine attacks on targets in Russia with German weapons
>Biden allows strikes into Russia with US weapons, limited to territory near Kharkiv region. The policy regarding ATACMS use has not changed
>Seven boats destroyed in Ukrainian operation in Kerch (1x pilot boat, 2x ferries, 4x transport landing boats)
>New €1,16 BLN military aid package from Sweden will include Airborne Surveillance and Control aircraft (ASC 890)
>Belgium pledges 30 F-16 fighter jets for Ukraine with near €1bn in military aid
>Sweden is pausing plans to send Gripen fighter jets to Ukraine in order to allow for the introduction of F-16
>Ukraine will receive its first supplies of F-16 fighter jets “very soon”, but around half of its desperately needed foreign military aid is arriving late - Umerov
>Poland should not rule out sending troops to Ukraine - Sikorski

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Why is racemixing bad?
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Ofc bro.
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pic, "why", no effort
You're stupid and making up fake statistics. 99%?
Yeah ok, that's why there's literally no one who's pure anything when genetically tested right?
If you're going to reply, at least answer my question please. It's a genuine question.
I don't know what I'm more offended by in that video, the mudsharking or the retarded faces she and her human dildo keep making.

Chuds who have tried LSD, what does it feel like?
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Noted, thanks for the recommendation.
Here is my honest advice. If you have bipolar, personality disorded, shizchophrenia, don't risk it. You can bite the bullet hard and go into some episode for months. BUT, if you don't have such things and you don't have family members that have these diseases, and you are older then the danger age 27-28-30 years, ofc go for it. Start with 120 micrograms-150. Just take a shot of whiskey during the come up and don't panic, it takes 1 hour to hit you. After your trip you will feel stupid for being so scared of tripping. You will see how natural it is, it's meant to have this thing connects with our brains. It's like exploring, if you like exploring, you will love LSD.
I have pretty bad anxiety. Lsd made it exponentially worse. 2/10.
if you're a very dry skinned person it's ok, but if you're at all sweaty, you just feel cold clammy and shitty for the last 4 hours.
He had access to every drug you can think of and would always specifically come get me to do drugs with him. It was odd the extent to which he could get drugs. And when we did drugs together his presence was always weird, it was always like he was observing me and trying to fuck with my trip.
just do it and stop being a pussy. No one can explain a psychedelic experience to you. I would have an easier time describing to you a color I've never seen.

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taiwan party is netrual, they dont care about indepenace
Breaking news zipperhead communist faggots threaten to use force in regards to Taiwan for the millionth time, how shocking.....
are you going to be a
>/chinc/ - comfy happening in nationalist china
poster or a
>/cucc/ - Comfy Unrest in Communist China
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>Women claim they'd rather meet a bear in the woods than a random man
>Most men online proceed to say "women deserve to get eaten by the bear", completely missing the point and confirming it all at once.
And you incels wonder why the 4B movement is starting to spread outside South Korea...
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Women deserve to get eaten by the bear.
The point is women should have no choice because they should be the property of men.
it's literally only leftoids making hay about this the rest of us have gotten pussy so we know how retarded women are and didn't give a shit

The mistake was taking women seriously at all.

Men collectively failed the shit test.
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Sounds like someone missed out on teenage love.
You will never be emotionally stable or happy. Xxxgj

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What would your reaction be when you find out his behind the immigration crisis and the race mixing agenda

His behind the war in Ukraine that is teetering on becoming bigger

And his also behind opening a demonic gate that resulted in all the woke stuff that’s been happening

And his part of the whole gnostic/anuanaki thing that humanity being stifled on purpose
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That is not his agenda though; it is your agenda. You hate Christainity because it dominated for thousands of years and advanced mankind. Many were saved. The agenda is a way to subvert all of mankind. In the end it will fail and their will be much gnashing of teeth by your kind.
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>Shot in the dark
lol, it's a statement mocking you as a homosexual. Sorry that went over your subhuman head. But considering how you respond, I would believe you are a homosexual.
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which language do you speak to write something like this?
natively ebonics speaker?
hebrew, french or russian?
Why are you such a sheep?

>lol, it's a statement mocking you as a homosexual.
Yeah, no shit.
Which is called a "shot in the dark" because you don't know anything about me.
I say it "missed" because your "shot" wasn't true.

See, cuz the "shot" is this thing called a "metaphor"
I wasn't trying to say you were actually shooting at me.

Sorry that went over your subhuman head.

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>we couldn't have done it with out you
>otherwise we would be speaking german and been without mutts, trannies, and a fractured sick society
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because I dont like people who glorify the killing of their white kinsmen
Everytime I see this one and the pride parade crowd-fister, I close my eyes and think of this scene. It gives me solace.
2013 a gay cruiser docked in Kotor with 2000 gays on board. This was the talk of the town, people were fucking pissed. My fat old neighbor sat down with us and he gave us a 30 minute speech how he would handle the situation.
"I would set up in an elevated position with an M53 Šarac. As soon as the first wave of fags hits the beach RATATATATA then they start running and you give them short, precise bursts RATATA RATATA. Let's see them try coming here again, there will be no gays in Montenegro."
He was screaming the whole fucking time, we pissed ourselves laughing.
>20 years ago these guys would be idolized
by retards

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What makes women so genuinely stupid? Is it genetic? Are they never taught basic "problem" solving?
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Kill yourself JustPassingThrough.
She's acting like making coffee is as complicated as formulating medication.
Coffee is fine as long as it’s black. It’s no longer coffee if you put milk or sugar products in it as it turns it into some kind of milk shake or some shit.

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NGL the effort you schizos put into this is epic
i dont know really. maybe you should go away, think about it, then come back and tell me why you dont accept the radar ranging of the sun and planets?
female identifying planets can lactate and give birth , bigot
Volcanic eurption
give that to me in American please
>>932 miles
thank you

So did the U.S. astronauts actually go to the moon?
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Actually the Earth is flat and the moon landings were real
An interesting question though, because how does dust form on the moon when theres no wind or erosion or anything. Lets look what they say:

"The fine lunar soil is made of sharp and very adhesive particles, with a distinct gunpowder taste and smell. That said, lunar soil is prospected as a lunar resource, particularly for lunar in situ utilization, such as a lunar building material and soil for growing plants on the Moon.

Lunar soil is primarily the result of mechanical weathering. Continual meteoric impacts and bombardment by solar and interstellar charged atomic particles of the lunar surface over billions of years ground the basaltic and anorthositic rock, the regolith of the Moon, into the progressively finer lunar soil."
So earf is round but space is fake? That honestly makes sense my nigga
there have been stupid around (flat earthers) for ages. they still reference some book written by some nigger back in the 1800s.
the moon is flat. thats what they found out when they landed there and want to keep secret. thats why they push flat earth and moonhoax ideas. its all about the flat moon theory

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How does everyone afford Moncler and Canada Goose coats? These things cost anywhere from 800 to 3k each
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But what do young Canadians wear to not get singled out and bullied for not having current thing?
Poor people who will never own a house can afford to buy designer jackets. The wonders of capitalism. Also fakes and stolen.
That is the amount I save every month but I think people who buy cloths that expensive are trying to prove something.
Turbans or leased BMWs mostly
Yeah that goes for most clothes that are functionally as useful as cheap stuff. My winter jacket is ten years old.

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If ethnonationalism is such a good idea, why does the best modern example of an ethnostate, have so many problems with birthrates, school bullying and male suicide?
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My body is ready.
Diverse countries have all those exact same problems but with the added problem of ethnic tensions and a low trust society with no public services on top of them
All homogeneity does is bring your country back to equilibrium - diversity is actively harmful
racial mixing really fried your brain if your entire argument is based on the idea of keep mixing and just wait for the sick population to die out.

Social Darwinism? Neo-nazi skinhead? I was simply adding to your point the things that you ve omitted.
Anyways, genetical enrichment is only acceptable if the members of the different groups agree to. At least on that we can agree?
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Japan is a vassal state of the US Empire dude
Korea has the same problems

We keep it weak and demoralized intentionally.

Ethnostates are LARPy bullshit but Japan is a bad example.

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Are we looking at a “Second Cold War” era?
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World status: multipolar

More like the West just being btfo. America is the third hegemon now behind China and Russia
Utterly irrelevant.
I hate this bot.
You sound Russian
indonesia and malaysia are not close western allies/heavy western influence. they're like between light eastern influence and heavy eastern influence.
Gayer and more jewish than the first one:

Misled & Betrayed: How US Cover Stories Are Keeping a Cold War Weapon & Illegal Human Testing Secret


(this was used during the first cold war so you can guess what those big nosed apes have nowadays is much worse)

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I've been thinking
For what purpose would the jews even want to fill Europe to the brim with sandniggers?
They're their sworn enemies and they're pretty open about how they hate jews and wish upon their total destruction
What purpose does achieve filling yet another continent with them?

Also, someone else feeling pretty much demoralized with the world? I feel it's beyond salvation at this point.
I don't know what to do, I'm not even a basement dweller neet, I work out, I have a job, a family and even own land but what's the point if everything is going to shit. I have so many unshareable thoughts that I feel trapped within my own life, which by today's standards is pretty good.
Pic unrelated obviously
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Because you need us ok.
They opened the gates to the muslims at the siege of Toledo, you should know this.
The people spreading this theory to evangelicals are the least religious, most modern atheist commie trash.

The actual religious Jews say everything being done right now is an affront to the prophecies
where are u from? i need a friend in spain with my views. Everyone i know is fucking retarded.
It's not the muslims they wanted, it's open borders. Their history has proven that the jews always need escape hatches and new countries to flee to. Agitating for open borders under the guide of compassion for asylum seekers is just self-serving behavior ensuring they can dodge the next pogrom.

With the $20/hr minimum wage in California being passed, consumers reacting negatively to the prices some of these restaurants are charging, and the overall shitty quality of the food, fast food is on the verge of collapsing.

Does anyone else see this as a good thing? Our country has an entire generation of fat asses who eat nothing but this stuff instead of cooking.

I have a friend who eats McDonalds constantly because he is too lazy to cook, he is now overweight, has blood pressure issues and is so god damned lazy he can't even get out of bed (he asks me to call him in the morning to wake him up).

Do you think the collapse of fast food with make people healthier and reduce health care costs?
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>making a taco is not worth $20 an hour

Well it looks like in certain places that is exactly what 20 an hour is worth. You are like a retarded boomer going

>back in my day a can of coke was worth a nickel!

Ya retard, 20 dollars isn't really much at all.
Minimum wage knocks out smaller competitors.
I don't think most people understand the lengths the people at the top go with the aim of having a total monopoly.
Food is hard to centralize and fresh food is impossible to monopolize which is why they promote preservative-loaded goyslop.
Eye glasses and light bulbs are controlled by cartels. Most household personal care and cleaning products are controlled by one or two companies, same with bottled drinks and most packaged food.
Commercial rents are a big factor too. Some fast food companies exist only to hoard prime locations so that smaller operators can't afford the rent or to buy in that area.
The only mom and pop places that last near me have been open for decades, but when the owners want to retire the kids usually just sell to some pajeet or to a developer.
Revenue was 24B, so their profit margin is 30%.
>The workers is more than 80% of the reason why the job even sees a revenue
Labor is an expense not the source of revenuse
In California, the average minimum wage is about $15 for line cooks, $20 if you fall under the recent law, but you have to have more than 70 locations within the state( minus places that bake their own bread). So most only have to pay $15/hour. Studios are at the minimum $1500 now, even more if you live in a nice neighborhood.

In contrast, the minimum wage in say New Mexico is $10.50 (I think, about that), and studios can be found for ~$800.

It would be smart right now to live in a Van in California for a year or two, save up as much as you can, then go buy land somewhere in the Midwest.

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It happened at a buss stop
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> answer a bunch of questions and get a number
> think they are intelligent than others
You did know the SAT and ASVAB test results can both be converted to approximate IQ score right?
Stop being a chud. they're just having some fun banter
no one wants to rape ugly white landwhales
They’re like roaches. Once one gets in your house you’re staring down an infestation.
every eastern european country has already basically been india for large, foreign corporations
they outsource work here since the currency values favor them, they can pay min. wage which is fraction of min. wage in their native countries for relatively educated workforce (at least compared to africa)

Deutsche Bank, hsbc, pepsico, ibm etc. all the large companies have lots of offices here
they used to hire native populations but indians are doing 2 things
1) they're perfectly fine working for less than native people because they just want to be where white women are at because porn taught them they are easier
2) they are willing to use nepotism to get hire only indians, meaning 1 indian in managment will only hire other indians who then will gas him up into more promotions which lets them hire even more indians (see microsoft, google, england and more)

all these international corporations get to make shitton of money from cheaper labor since they get gibs from generous governments of europe and cheaper labor of south asians who want white women
to them it's ideal situation and nearly entire growh of eastern europe has been facilited by these international companies, we have practically no industries of our own and really no way to grow at all, since the regulations prohibit opening any factories because of nature/climate change laws and even if they did they wont outproduce china, they wont let us use toxic shit to grow crops better like in usa not that we'd manage to get as much crop as they do because there's just physically more land there etc. no matter how you look at it there's just no industries to grow here and every one of the international companies that do function in entire europe just wants to ethically replace everyone white and native with pajeets

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>Russian invaders: the saviours of the white race according to illiterate /pol/ retards
Pic related, the quintessential ethnic Russian.
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We do have central asian cartels. They are the biggest sources of ethnic organized crime. This is regarded to actual shitstanians, not russified and civilized citizens of asian republics (like the guy in oppic).
>Sariglar Sholban Vasilievich
I believe Sariglar is a Turkic name. You are just posting various ethnic minorities and expect us to believe that they are considered to be Russian in Russia, this isn't really true. Some of us can actually read Cyrillic.
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chuds do not understand that aryans ARE anti white mongrels hellbent on destroying The West.

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