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Mars is flat this pic is fake.
singapore is flat
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Earth is hollow
>CO2 is by definition a pollutant
This CO2 must come from Uranus or aliens or another solar sytem to be so dangerous to Earth.

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>It's something that we refer to as "humor" in the first world

Says abdul from pakistan living on welfare in Denmark
>they said I could be anything
>I chose to become Wojak

please bloody jenny saar u must dalit anti india sentiment content immediately
all indian-origin-hyphen-memeflag-hyphen-host country basedchadanonbros have to report this thread now SAAAAAAAAAARS!!!#
censorship is the way of the jew, the only caste higher than brahmpton
They're mostly inbred and dysgenic. You didn't even need to show the freaks. Their people speak to how much they don't belond on this planet.
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This paki...kek

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New color revolution against orban fascist regime in Austro-hungary
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If you're young and not a socialist you're heartless
If you're old and not conservative you're brainless
Winston Churchill (I think)
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yep. a tale as old as time itself.
let's assume they win and hungary join ukraine alliance.

do they understand that they will be send on fromntlines?
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White or brown?
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Whiteness as you are defining it is not a physical trait, it's mental.. almost on a spiritual level.
White people KNOW we are white and don't need proof.

Besides.. pink nipples = white
And i bet yours are chocolate brown achmed.
post nipples.
>literally flaming
Have you never setup a campfire?
>white or brown
Neither... gay

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The war in Ukraine has begun three years ago, and we have been sending Ukrainians all the necessary support ever since. But the war is not over. Now it's become a slaughter where people from different countries get killed. With that, Ukraine goes on losing it's territory. I think, given the circumstances, the US has to admit that this conflict doesn't bring us any significant benefits and leads to a waste of it's weapons.

I've just watched an interview with prof. Mearsheimer who studies international relations. Having no illusions, he explained in detail why there's only one way Ukraine can end this conflict – by becoming a neutral state and refusing the idea of joining NATO. Moreover, according to him, it's neutrality must be permanent. If it doesn't happen, the war won't end, and the West's shipment of arms only encourages this scenario. I actually agree with Mearsheimer because we can supply our weaponry to Ukraine but it surely doesn't end the conflict. The only option for the US is to stop supplying the arms and steer Ukraine towards a diplomatic solution.

Also, the US is said to have something to lose, which is not true. The American Conversative (https://www.theamericanconservative.com/?p=467849) did research on the subject. First, the shipment of arms to Ukraine earns the US nothing wasting it's resources. Second, helping Taiwan now is a priority as it has many semiconductor and IC plants. If China takes over Taiwan, the US economy, unlike Ukraine's, will suffer huge losses. Third, Ukraine's neutrality doesn't mean it's lack of independence. For example, Finland once became neutral and now is a rich and developed state. Fourth, it doesn't change the US security as we are separated from Russia by an ocean and multiple allies.

We have to think what we really want for Ukraine: endless massacre or peace? If we are to really help them, then we must encourage it's peace negotiations with Russia and use our leverage to reach a better agreement.
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Double the weapons
More long range missiles
TZD is the only solution.
Get off my board, zigger tourist.
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How many times do we have to say it? Anal sex is sex. If Russia can't get behind anal sex than the war must go on.
Memeflags calling people kikes is like a pot calling a kettle black.

Not until you go back to yours.
>ZOG shill newfag thinks this is his board
Nah, I'm not going anywhere, slavnigger.

With the $20/hr minimum wage in California being passed, consumers reacting negatively to the prices some of these restaurants are charging, and the overall shitty quality of the food, fast food is on the verge of collapsing.

Does anyone else see this as a good thing? Our country has an entire generation of fat asses who eat nothing but this stuff instead of cooking.

I have a friend who eats McDonalds constantly because he is too lazy to cook, he is now overweight, has blood pressure issues and is so god damned lazy he can't even get out of bed (he asks me to call him in the morning to wake him up).

Do you think the collapse of fast food with make people healthier and reduce health care costs?
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Mickey'D's works just fine in countries with significantly higher minimum wage. Not only will fast food stop but even if it did nothing would change. Your fat "friend" would get fat off delivered chinese or freezer tendies or what ever.
My children are half white=half lazy and stupid

Half-australian you mean
Your children probably hate you for making them half Chinese. I'd be lazy too if you were my father. You don't even live in your homeland.

I work minimum wage and me and my fiancee live with my parents.
I pay for my own food and utilities. My parents own their house so I dont pay rent. I pirate shit and never buy, download all netflix shit or vidya that I want from russian trackers and get subtitles from free projects. I repair my android phone every time something breaks with chinese parts.

Question: what the fuck do people do with their money? Everyone complains that its never enough, while I save 75% of my paycheck every month. Invested quite a bit in all kinds of shit and its making good returns. Bought enough tools to start a side business and still got 70k PLN leftover savings. My friends make double my salary and spend it all just in time for the next pay slip.
Smart people buy Bitcoin
Smart people buy all kinds of shit.
Shalom Rabbi. I agree. you should take out about a dozen loans at 24% interest to buy Bitcoin. Oy vey
Can you hide Bitcoins in your ass?
Lmao, with a mnemonic code safely hidden away in your brain you can be a literal billionaire. Might be a bit of a hassle to launder that much though.

is love real?
Yes, but not for men since they're incapable of feeling true love
man invented love, idiot
Not since people only got married in their 30s.
man fucking built the world FOR woman becuase HE LOVED HER and she wants nothing but to destroy it and ask for more. in fact shes now askign you cut your dick off and stop being toxic. women dont know love and anime girls and lesbo mangas are all made by men
Nope it's just a feeling like many others.

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You chuds who support Russia, do you not realize this could destroy the entire liberal democratic American world order and all the progess we have made since the end of WWII? Russia winning would bring us a 100 years behind, instead of exploring the stars well be slaves to Putin is that what you want?
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in what way will we be slaves to putin?
exploring the stars means setting up work pods for slaves on mars. that doesnt sound like fun. how about we just exterminate the vermin on this planet (non whites and all religions) and we just live in paradise?
I don't support russia.
I still don't know what a "chud" is. All I know is, you sound like completely retarded children when you try to """"insult"""" us that way.
The entire liberal progressive bullshit campaign should die.You should all be hanged on the next best tree.
>Russia winning would bring us a 100 years behind

I don't even know how to insult you in a valid manner, when this is actually your knowledge of geopolitics and history.
>do you not realize this could destroy the entire liberal democratic American world order and all the progess we have made since the end of WWII?

honestly i just need blood to flow. dont really care whos blood.
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Das rite, fuck Globhomo-Timmy gonna do against DA BOYZ?

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I was promised a nigger tape years ago. Where the FUCK is it?
You fell for the blue ball meme

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This poor trans child has to explain herself in front of a bunch of old, white, christian men because you guys are out of touch from reality.

Let. People. Be. Themselves.
It's not a difficult concept to grasp.
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>Let. People. Be. Themselves.
people that are incapable of being themselves and decide to be something they aren't.
Letting people be themselves = letting them be mind controlled by Jewish propaganda.
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the dead eyes on that kid are the tragedy here.
those are the eyes of a little boy that was molested.
that kid has probably had a dick in him.
moms that convince their little boys they are girls is always just a horrible crime, messing with their development and making them delusional about the reality of their bodies...
but getting sexually assaulted and thinking you are a female because of what mommy's boyfriend does to you while shes at work is not something to encourage or say "bullying people who molest kids is so wrong" people who defend them are just as bad.
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This is why God is so important to societies, Evil easily can deceive people with their feelings using a kid that still don't understand the consequences of his manipulation...God can't be deceived.

A true misanthropes dream is for us to exist forever, eternally shackled to the sufferings of Earth.

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>"I believe passionately in freedom for women, and whilst many battles have been won in the past century, there is still a long way for society to move until women enjoy the levels of freedom that they should be able to. I am not afraid to use my body as well as my brain to deliver important messages."
Why do women use their body to protest? While it might draw attention to their cause do they not realise it also belittles their message?
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So they're against war? Do they demand an immediate ceasefire in Ukraine?
Female “freedom” does explain the lgbtq movement also.
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>i wouldn't rape them
Do you think they'd be annoyed if you told them that?
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Interesting. I've often wondered if Adam had refused to eat the Fruit how GOD would have rewarded him and punished only Eve.

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>Women claim they'd rather meet a bear in the woods than a random man
>Most men online proceed to say "women deserve to get eaten by the bear", completely missing the point and confirming it all at once.
And you incels wonder why the 4B movement is starting to spread outside South Korea...
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I’m confused.
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>I’m confused.
There's tutorials on the internet about making a lace trannybro.
>4B movement
Have no clue what that gay shit is.
>Tell me more about how being an untreated mental defective social reject who spends most of his life in a state of rage is better, anon.
I wouldn't know. I've never been a tranny.

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I think Usury should be outlawed. Now.
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you're going to jail.
what kind of daddy doesn't let her suck his dick?
I must not ToT. ToT is the mind-killer. ToT is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my ToT. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the ToT has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.
i think you shills who are posting borderline child porn need a bullet in the head

is that your plan now, post faggot tranny pedo shit since it's all one big bag of the same faggotry and then hope this honeypot they got going gets shut down? you realize they'll go after you before they do that since this plays has value to them (in their minds anyway)
Is there any torture too brutal for 'men' that are sexually attracted to pre pubescent children? I honestly don't think there is. The more brutal and public the better.

What is the optimal reproductive age for a human female?
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my hapa daughter unironically looks almost exactly like this but she has light brown hair
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I already have random mother fuckers staring at her in public.
Hungry weirdos everywhere

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Like you, I feel pretty savvy about detecting psyops.
But what if even the most basic shit we've accepted as true, is also bullshit? Especially now, and as the narratives get seemingly desperate.
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Is that from one of his books? Great context, OP delivers as usual.
It sounds like you are really mocking the idea of applying basic organic systems to understand human society. The thing is even if “history” is fabricated you can still find and observe these insects to understand basic organic principles. Which you can apply to understand our world and to disassemble all of the lies they feed us.
>be Roman
>"human sacrifice is so barbaric haha"
>to the guy sitting next to you in the Coliseum
misquoted, rip
If you take a look at who benefits from the events happening, you can start to siphon away the lies.

For example, take Diddy as a recent example? Who was benefitting from all the death and drama? Him.

Watch the outcome

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It happened at a buss stop
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this might surprise you rajesh but you can hate muslims and jeets at the same time
i can count on one hand the number of muslims i have met in my life but i see more jeets than whites on a daily basis so one of those groups is far more relevant to me, yet im not fond of either of them
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"Arrest Made in Central California Bio-Lab Investigation">> https://www.justice.gov/usao-edca/pr/arrest-made-central-california-bio-lab-investigation

Speaker Kevin McCarthy on the Reedley Chinese Bioweapon Lab">>
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>It happened at a buss stop
not buying this stupidity. more than likely, she instigated it by insulting/abusing them.

many such cases. during the migrant crisis, i'd see this happen constantly in Italy.

usually a middle-aged or older guy going mental in a train station. having a loud conversation filled with racial slurs, or outright telling people to fuck off, go back home, etc.
She voted for this.

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Just this single picture alone says more than any amount of words ever could. Girls look and behave like streethookers whilst the boys both look and act every bit as if they were still in a kindergarden. I see this every day and it's generally even worse than picrel. Yet nobody talks about it. Instead everybody is like

>"What? Our kids are completely fine. Did you watch the yersterday's football match?"

or my favorite

>"There's nothing wrong with our kids. Btw did you hear about the government's plan to increase tax on cigars from 3,69% to 3,70? So terrible!"
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It's called being a pragmatist you dumb boer cunt. The fact that people on the "right" are more concerned over magicks and prophecies of long dead rabbis than taking action is exactly why we're in this fucked up situation.
>he still thinks muh capitalism is anything other than a cover story
I mean yeah, most girls get quite fat nowedays. They start getting fucked when they're 15, get fucked a lot, their brain takes it as them being socially secured and it stops keeping them in check so they turn into fatties by their mid/late twenties. Women are still the same dumb cows. It's just that the society has changed and instead of them getting fat after they've had kids and secured themselves a husband, they do it before now.
>he thinks the elites are movie super villains and not bunch of half demented boomers, out of touch yappies and women who only think in terms of immediately profit
What? Millennial and Gen X women were the ones losing their virginity at 14 zoomers are unironically not having sex period

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I am forgotten
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hello sir.

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who's going to do anything? you won't do shit, nigger. john podesta is walking around right now, not being harassed or shot at by anyone. what the fuck man? you'd think with levels of noooooticing this high, we'd be clear of this shit by now, but no... it's like they're protected or something.

what do you think is going on here?
never mind, they deleted it all from the archive. there is only 2 distinct posts I can remember. after that there's nothing left
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they suicide whoever they want. all this shit is done in the open. it's sanctioned.
>john podesta
he became senior advisor to the president for climate change stuff, he's probably protected, although, like Ghislaine, you don't hear from him anymore

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