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Why do so many wagies hate communism?
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That's not communism that's just America in the 40s and 50s with the irish mob
Because I personally, intend to become a parasite and a tick. Working as a welder, or trucker, or shelf stacker, or shit covered farmer is for little peasant people. My comfortable financebro office with a 6 figure salary and options is just a better fit for me
They're either actually cuckolds or >>469950742

But Marxism sucks shit and is just as bad as capitalism, get a better solution.
Why can communist never answer these questions.
What is capital?
Who are the "capitalist class"?
Who are the "working class"?

I.have a busy schedule and don't have time.to wait in a bread line or go on a thirteen year waiting list to buy a car (the Trabant)

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It is really easy now, you can just fly here. That’s it. You can look for a job for 1yr, while you deal drugs and do crime.
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thanks for playing
hope next year i finished my master, so i can move out here


my grandpa was german, do i qualify for citizenship, and how hard is it to migrate there legally?
>migrate there legally
nobody gives a fuck about that here. Just throw away your passport and come here.
Also, the law does not apply to you. Do whatever the fuck you want.
I am white so unfortunately I don't think I would be allowed
wow this is so progressive :-DDDD

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christian jesus:
>claims to be god himself
>has godly superpowers
>has the ability to send people to heaven
>the whole world will behold him
>will return before the anti christ

muslim jesus:
>doesn’t claim to be god
>doesn’t have any godly powers just slight and limited miracles
>doesn’t have the ability to send people to
>only believers will behold him
>will return after the anti christ to end his reign

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5 “The ‘gods’ know nothing, they understand nothing.
They walk about in darkness;
all the foundations of the earth are shaken.
6 “I said, ‘You are “gods”;
you are all sons of the Most High.’
7 But you will die like mere mortals;
you will fall like every other ruler.”
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Jesus also goes on:
John 8:58-59
>58 Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am.” 59 So they picked up stones to throw at him, but Jesus hid himself and went out of the temple.

Jehovah's Witnesses cope and claim Jesus was calling himself a kind of Angel here, but the point is he clearly didn't consider himself to be a human being. He thought he was a living God.
5 “The ‘gods’ know nothing, they understand nothing.
They walk about in darkness;
all the foundations of the earth are shaken.
6 “I said, ‘You are “gods”;
you are all sons of the Most High.’
7 But you will die like mere mortals;
you will fall like every other ruler.”
Doesn't that verse refer to God saving him at the last minute and taking him to heaven?

Also fuck off to >>>/x/
>t. Verification not required.

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Why are Jeets literally everywhere now?
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Fuck your mother bitch streetshitter
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Back to turkey roach
Because no one has started killing them en mass to send a message that they need to fuck off and stay away.
Found the ESL poo.
Extremely servile race that works for nothing and does everything the jew demands

I'm responsible for psyopping zoom zooms into dating older women
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Millennial men will impregnate zoomer girls while zoomer guys impregnate millennial women.
Everyone wins
Also modern women live 5 years longer than men. If your gf is 7 years older chances are you're gonna die together. At least they had a good run ig, you can't live forever
>5’6 (at his peak) grandfather
>he wished he’d fallen in love with someone who wasn’t going to die a decade before him
If he didn't marry the hag he would have never gotten married
After having three healthy children and still talking like that, I can understand why Grandma left early
Guy had 3 kids. Women die all the time anyway, everyone does. He just missed his wife.

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The stupid pig who arrested the victim in a stabbing attack and then got stabbed himself got what he voted for and is now dead from his stab wounds.
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Kek, that blue kike made things worse. It's like jews have a reverse midas
Even though it was German, I still feel sorry for the man...
Because you're our vassal state.
>only here they still deal drugs
topkek bro. ive been to jail 3 times and the most criminal dudes in there are the wardens lmao. you can buy almost anything from them
you can watch like 70% of the cops run away from him when they see he has a knife instead of reaching for their guns

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Red one is the nigger removal button. It turns all blacks, jeets and spics non-violent, gives every one of them 20 additional points if their iq is bellow 120, makes them speak normal english without accent or ebonics and makes them gain significantly more european fascial features.

Green one is the faggot removal button. It turns all non-straight people in US straight. This includes homosexuals, lesbians, bisexuals, and even pedophiles and zoophiles. It also instantly cures all gender dysphoria and reverts every tranny back before they trooned. And to preserve this US will become the most anti-LGBT country in the world, preventing this kind of degeneracy ever from coming back to US for the next 200 years.

You can only press one button, if you press both it malfunctions and turns everyone into niggerfaggot. Which one do you press, and why not the other?
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I press both.
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this world will cease to exist someday, might as well get rid of it
I'll have a coke
I press the "jew removal button".
Probably the red button because I don't believe their are enough LGBTQIA+ people to make a difference.

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Women think it’s ok to walk around public with no pants on and just a large sweatshirt that covers their rotten crutches and shows half thier obese asscheeks.

and proud cucks at that?
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The workers that work that much just don’t clock out. Half their work is just doing nothing
Wageslaves disgust me and are guilty for enabling this evil, fucked up system.
It's Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder. They basically exist to work rigid schedules and have extremely lacking social lives. Usually married to gold digging whores that fuck niggers while they work 85 hours a week.
These are the middle manager types that gloat about how much they slave away for Schlomo. They're too dumb to understand the system, which is why they still take pride in working for this rigged bullshit.

Reminder that literal serfs didn't work 85 hours a fucking week.
He's a fat bald bearded cuck. That's all you need to know to understand. He gave up long ago and is gaslighting.

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Why do men torture women by forcing them to go to the gym where they suffer so much and make a face like this? Just look at this face full of pain and agony. Why are men so awful?
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Only men need to be fit. Women only have to be skinnyfat which requires zero effort.
It's healthier, the picture of the giga steroid monster you have in your head is physically impossible unless the woman takes steroids.
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Her personal trainer.
That's not how you use that machine
Why is this board so gay?

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Especially in canada.

Alot of bots trying to throw shade at Indians, but they get the most woman.

Have you ever watched Ozarks on Netflix? I think it does a pretty good job describing white people who live in Suburbs and small towns- I compare them to Indians still living in India; or Africans still living in Africa. These white people are living in small towns because they are INCAPABLE of moving to NYC or LA, even being here from many many generations. They are subhuman to be frank. Normal white people moved NYC already, just like normal Indians moved to USA/ Canada. You white people living in small towns, the same towns ur grandparents lived are worthless, have zero social skills, and should go find the tallest cliff. My parents came to canada with $1500 in the year 1999, and now have a net worth over 3 million. Thats the difference between them and the worthless white animals who lives here for 100s of years, in the same fucking place, and their worthless kids are incels typing on 4chan.

All the friendless incels on here lol. I have 50k ig followers, and I personally know Ian Connor (the best friend of asap rocky, and drake made a song for him).

Take refuge in Dharma. Take refuge under Vishnu and you shall never lose and be resolved off of all your agonies
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If india taught us anything it's never ever ever lose to lesser races
Can I fuck the yaksinis
Yes, and brahmins are the highest race
Why would you want to willingly ruin your life?
Fuck outta here h*ndu bioth

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When did you realize a majority of White christians will NEVER put race above their 'faith'? Its one of the key political moments of my life when I realized this. Learning about how many christian orgs exist purely to bring brown and black christians into my country was a slap in the face. To see so many of you worship Nick the Spic was another.
I have white tweakers stealing shit from me all the time. Same as all the NPCs who wanted me put in a camp for not getting the vaxx were white....nigs had my back.
>nigs had my back.
You had in me the first half.
“White” isn’t a race you retard

Aryan Art is heavily suppressed by ZOG due to its motivational and inspirational impact on Aryan peoples. Much of the art of the Third Reich which wasn't destroyed outright is now hidden away in ZOG military bases, proving that Aryan Art is a political weapon.


In this thread we discuss why the enemy fears our art, why our art is so threatening to the occupation regime, why Aryan Art is so effective in grounding Aryan peoples in their history, and we share Aryan artworks which have a particular political, ideological, social or cultural effect in awakening our people to their slavery under the vile Semitic occupation regime.
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Franz Peter Schubert (Vienna, Archduchy of Austria, Holy Roman Empire 1797-1828 Vienna, Austrian Empire)
Symphony No. 9 in C major, D. 944 - c.1826, 1st Movement
Symphony No. 9 in C major, D. 944 - c.1826, 2nd Movement
Symphony No. 9 in C major, D. 944 - c.1826, 3rd Movement
Symphony No. 9 in C major, D. 944 - c.1826, 4th Movement
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Time to go
Until next time, пpoщaйтe пoкa
Thanks of the great stuff and thanks for hanging in so late, cпoкoйнoй нoчи

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Total euroshit death

They can’t die off soon enough
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Rate the tactical dive into the lake
>that huge shadow
Alien mothership descending?
That dude jumping the fence face planting himself on the rocks below before going into the water
I sure hope you are trolling.
no one cares about amerifags

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So, now that the cop from Mannheim has died, i beg the question ... was it worth it? (tackling the white guy who wanted to unarm the attacker kek)
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He was an organ donor.
Why even focusing on wrestling the boomer, nigga jjust push him away and focus on the brownoid
He ignored tribal loyalty instinct , sorrounded himself with female colleuges and so sucumbed to darwinistic rules
Good riddance to the zog puppet. Maybe they'll even give a lil ceremonial funeral for his good service.
let zogbots kill themselves it's based
Not getting stabbed

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Race-traitoring cocksucking faggot. I find comedy in your death and I feel no sympathy for you. You tried to betray your country and felt the wrath directly from the evil you swore to protect. You deserved it.
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100%. They are no good muzzies or jews. they all need to be send back to their sandbox.
>mudslum cope thread
Well flag certainly checks out doesn't it
Deserved because Germans are inexplicably racist pigs. They deserve to be killed, unless they start respecting other cultures and other religions.
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In all fairness he is a retard for not focusing on the shitskin wielding a knife
Notice how Jews spaming this are all conveniently ommitting this was all started by an JDL/ADL linked "conservacuck" organziation publicly justifying and defending Zionism? Some even trying to portray the Zionist target as a "fellow Nazi"?

They were intentionally announcing and provoking this confrontation in an European state and amping it up by justifying genocide in Palestine and explicitely denying Palestines right to exist and defend itself, to draw attention away from Jews comitting massmurder in Palestine and any Pro-Palestine protests.

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Previous: >>469945273
Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Biden allows the Ukraine to strike targets in Russia with US weapons - https://archive.today/cWfPG
>France to send "military instructors" to the ukriane - https://archive.today/iAtY3
>Russian jamming making some US PGMs ineffective - https://archive.today/1K5Or
>Kiev now recruiting meat from the prisons - https://archive.today/kcIkd
>NATO to organize mandatory arms supplies & financing to Ukraine, at least 100 bln/year - https://archive.today/jjBSo
>RuaF liberate Arkhangelskoye, Battlegroup 'N' keeps advancing in the Kharkov Region - https://archive.today/CgiGm
>Scholz still refuses to send Tauruses to Ukraine - https://archive.today/sJ9QH

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>artistic choice cope
>Publicly consider a "Church Union" along the lines of Isidore of Kiev to support this effort.
I have developed a more complete framework for this purpose:
1. Propose to hold a Russian-Latin Synod of Saint Petersburg to resolve outstanding issues.
2. Discuss core calendar issues, including the Easter Computus, leap years, and leap seconds, at the Synod.
3. Establish that the SMO is a primary example of just war, fulfilling just war requirements at all stages.
4. Autonomous churches within the Moscow Patriarchate would be established to serve the Latin and Greek Catholics of the Russian World.
5. Hold an internal council on issues to discuss at a Synod in Archangel prior to meeting at Saint Petersburg.
6. Add the Emperors Constantine XII Palaiologos and Nicholas II to the Roman Martyrology.
7. Capital punishment, blessings of weapons, arms trading, etc. shall be permitted insofar as they are lawful.
8. Divorce, LGBT, contraception, fornication, sperm donation, and abortion shall be completely prohibited.
9. Ecumenical councils of the Catholic Church between 869 and 1965 shall be regarded as valid Councils of the Church; however, the Councils accepted by the Russian Orthodox Church during this period may be regarded as locally binding.
Is this better?
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Here we go again! Hohols never learn do they?
Isn't it just "peril" when the harm is only implied?
To be honest to make sure that it's not humiliating you should ask him if you can do it again another time. This puts you in a position of power as opposed to him forcing you to blow him once and you having no power to stop it.

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Do you think that the treatment of german minorities after WW2 was too harsh or it was deserved?
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it's possible that you're talking with an unhinged turk living on a german soil
Germans went totally parasitic mode when it comes to defence they count on the eastern countries to do the job and Americans to die for them and pay for defence.

No wonder Trump was mad. I'd be too.
>Hitler was intentionally vague
t doesnt know anything about anything
Youre jewish, stop talking and subverting our Führer Shlomo

>What matters is
what counts is strength and will. undo it if you can, if not then shut your turkish cum filled mouth
>alien religion that has no place in Europe
t muslim

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This guilty criminal felon deserves a public execution in front of all his supporters.

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Your next President.
Lol what a bunch of weak idiots
Where were you and you sissy friends on inauguration day? Coward pussy boi.
conservatives have no future lol
You are truly evil, brainwashed and worthless as a human being. Your parents are ashamed of you.

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