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If only you were a paramedic and really knew.
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Where'd the flu go, dipshit? What happened to the seasonal flu deaths? Or ANY reported death that wasn't WITH covid? What happened to the standard practice of autopsies to confirm cause of death? So many convenient changes to protocols, just in time.
Why bother.
There's still a pandemic, remember. Take your booster, and don't forget to test and tell us all when you catch it AGAIN.
Did people get vaxxed in Russia? Was there a mandate?
Make sure we never find you or you'll be compelled to get all the boosters you somehow missed.
>donald trump impeached twice; convicted on 30+ felony charges for banging a literal hooker and paying her off somehow "altering the election" (it didn't, in fact everyone knew about the affair because the hooker broke her nda.....and trump won anyway)
>ralph baric, shi zhengli, peter daszak, and anthony fauci literally unleash a worldwide PLAGUE on all of mankind, killing millions. this leads to a phony (not)vaccine that kills even more, all to get Donald Trump out of office (ie altering the election)

so wait, when do baric and fauci go to jail? or do we just take matters into our own hands because justice doesn't exist?
>or do we just take matters into our own hands
You always have to be prepared to do that, even if you can find a way to congress before such an event. Be serious.

It was all of the above.
Train the Militia. Start with you. Seek Jesus, get trained.
>"A select militia will soon become a standing army."

Or cry.


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Being that she's a literal 20/10, I'm pretty sure you guys can find it in your heart to forgive her. Calling her a one in a million beauty would be an understatement. What a loss it would've been.
She looked better as a tomboy desu.
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Does anyone know when you unlock olog hai, cave trolls and uruks in divide and conquer total war? I'm in turn 70 and still stuck with trash orcs.
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HQ photo
how much did the testosterone damage her womb
There's a good chance she's barren, thanks to the drugs. She'll never be a woman.

What will 111 be??
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It isn't the Jews, it is, as Putin stated, the Anglo-Saxons. It was the Anglo-Saxons that killed Ch*ist. It was always the Anglos.
Putting all the Jews on a Muslim island archipelago in the Indian Ocean is literally the best plan I had ever conceived… What the fuck, Maldives? You ruined everything.
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>imagine not being able to get that excited for anything anymore
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>It's actually pretty rare for minority groups to be wholly exterminated, no matter how persecuted they are.
You mean white men don't fully genocide their enemies? Even when nearly fully destroying their enemies they say
> Here's a reservation of lands for your peoples
> Oh it's fine Japan just don't have a military and we'll protect you and you can just keep being Japan.
> Oh you tried to turn Germany tranny gay and bolshevik we'll just put you in camps with swimming pools and theater stages
Kikes are the only people that genocide that I'm really even aware of. See Bolshevik Russia. Where kikes killed 66 million Christian people. Oh but that wasn't a holocaust noooo.
Nobody ever hears about that.
Kikes were genocidal in Rome after turning Nero to their religion.
Kikes holocaust others, jews genocide people.
White men cuddle their enemies after defeat.

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What's /pol/'s opinion on psychedelics?
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I don't know where to get them anymore.
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its the equivalent of messing around inside your system32 folder if you have no idea what you are doing.

FED drug for boring people without the capacity for original though or deduction. AKA a FED
- Oh you need a fucking chemical to figure out you dont mean shit?
-You need a chem to give you an excuse to express yourself.

Everyone I know who have taken phycs are dull people who are searching for an anwnser. Then do this stuff and talk about how there is awnsers as they start cognative looping.

It is so fucking dumb. ego death is literaly just pretending to have a grip on reality. But they are still just lost children with no purpose.
we all have free will. just dont be a retard
don’t know but people talking about their “profound” experiences on them are retarded

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What makes women so genuinely stupid? Is it genetic? Are they never taught basic "problem" solving?
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Her look at the end lmao
I think I figured it out desu;
>women are multitaskers by nature while men are more one at a time processors
example: eating a multi dish meal
>guys will access the meal and generally eat 1 dish at a time to knock them out
>women will bounce between each dish and consume small portions of each with no regard to size of dish or difficulty
>eventually the women gives up, even if she is 75% done the whole meal she will still see all the dishes still present and deem the task impossible
This became the bedrock for how I talk to women, it explains far too much about their behavior. Its like bill burr's joke about how women will argue, they'll bring up crazy out of nowhere shit and lead you away from a point just for them to double back to another point and shit. It's actual schizophrenic behavior. All women have it, just some are better at managing it.
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While riding my bike, I've noticed most women don't even notice things around them (i.e. me almost running them over with muh bike). How can they be so oblivious to their surroundings? Even when I think they notice me coming, they don't. They might even look at my direction and not even move, not even flintch, nothing. They mostly look at their phone and the horizon, or something. What's up with that? Are womeme spatial intelligence fucked up?
Women can’t think for themselves, they only can regurgitate what others have taught them
imagine going through this effort to play multiple roles in a skit and you make it about absolutely banal shit no one can relate to or could possibly care about.

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Previous: >>469931400
Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Biden allows the Ukraine to strike targets in Russia with US weapons - https://archive.today/cWfPG
>France to send "military instructors" to the ukriane - https://archive.today/iAtY3
>Russian jamming making some US PGMs ineffective - https://archive.today/1K5Or
>Kiev now recruiting meat from the prisons - https://archive.today/kcIkd
>NATO to organize mandatory arms supplies & financing to Ukraine, at least 100 bln/year - https://archive.today/jjBSo
>RuaF liberate Arkhangelskoye, Battlegroup 'N' keeps advancing in the Kharkov Region - https://archive.today/CgiGm
>Scholz still refuses to send Tauruses to Ukraine - https://archive.today/sJ9QH

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I can filter them by shift clicking them. And a refresh cleans the filter.
Ugly nigger.
He must be paid, when I want a serious discussion he never ever replies, only emotional bs with him.
>I have no doubt that if the mutts were pushed into action, they could ramp up production
not with DEI, and rolling that back isn't happening, the entire patronage chain would unfurl
He has been making threads, especially "why russia" threads since 2017.
He's just massively butthurt about russia, probably a diaspora belter.

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When you realise they don't use soap, everything begins to make sense
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sir, clean the shit from the keyboard after typing, it damages the computer sir (also remove memeflag lmao)
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those inventors should invest in some toilets for their people back home saar
Still doesn’t understand you’re supposed to shower or bathe without clothes lmao

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Why do they think they are welcome anywhere?
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Bro, I have no idea, and I SERIOUSLY don't give a fuck.
Go look it up on ... I think they put it in the wrong place, but it's in Beautiful women or something thread.
You LIKE this SHIT?
Dude, its repulsive to me.

I bet some Chink or Jew is going "FREE COINS" right now..
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>Other countries that are not as understanding and tolerant will come to the same conclusions much faster than Canada did.


"Arrest Made in Central California Bio-Lab Investigation">> https://www.justice.gov/usao-edca/pr/arrest-made-central-california-bio-lab-investigation

Speaker Kevin McCarthy on the Reedley Chinese Bioweapon Lab">>
Because easily the lesser evil next to (sand)niggers.
And frankly if getting pajeets in gets (sand)niggers out then i'm all for it.
but it doesn't get sandniggers out and you're using a jewish false dichotomy as if we should have to settle for either option
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I used to be indifferent towards the Jeet race. They never cause any trouble in Western Europe and there are very few of them. Two weeks ago I was competing with another senior software dev for a position in Brussels. They decided to give me to the other guy because fresh out of the boat he accepted a 300 euro daily rate while the position for a senior would require a 600 euro minimum. Now I hate them because they are slave labor brought here to destroy the labour force in our countries by the people we all know. Check pik tel

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shitholes are now called not 3rd world, but "global south"
fucking americans and pc language

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>Russia ahead of China like it's Day & Night
Yeah I don't buy that
this but israel is red
its not pc language, 3rd world referred to non-aligned countries during cold war, ie capitalist - 1st world, communist - 2nd world, yugoslavia said fuck this we are third world, countries in UN who did not like proxy wars just were 3rd world.
>you can draw a straight line and get a clean separation
>but not Australia
White supremacy confirmed.
It is basically correct, the real Third World counties were intended after 1945 to be more like Iraq, Syria, North Korea etc.

What race in Star Trek is supposed to represent Jews?
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>Wat? Their entire culture aligns with prewar japan who slaughtered any outsider coming on their island.
This is the correct answer

The Orion Syndicate are space Irish.
See how fucking groomed you are?

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Why are most white Canadians poor white trash, who are destined to be serfs to wealthy pajeet landlords? Is it the sc*ttish genes?
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cool story bro, now go advocate for that in public . You're a delusional joke.
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It's just a pajeet
The two characteristics that define the pajeet above all else are their obsession with money and social status, and their extreme inferiority complex towards whites
These two forces acting within the pajeet cause him to compulsively look up any statistics that could make whites look bad, which gives him temporary relief from his envy, but eventually the envy returns which forces him to compulsively perform this ritual again
If only the pajeet stayed in India, he would never have to encounter whites and make invidious comparisons to himself and his race in the first place
>accuses me of being a fed while using jewish misdirection and sophistry the whole thread
ok poopesh
Those conversations are being had everyday by people that just a few years ago would have been repulsed by the same conversation. Shitlibs even hate your "people"
Your time is running out Ranjeet
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It’s true only French Canadians and Quebec is not white. It’s also a well known fact that Anglos are mixed with Indians too. Case closed

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Schnauzers are good dogs.
Because things dont happen in a two week span nor do they happen in the ''public sphere''.

They happen in tre private sphere and the first sigh is a normalisation of some discution like ''there are too many migrant'' and such without any form of counterbalance since pretty much everybody understand that mass migration is the problem.

The best way to accelerate it is to simply talk calmly always be on your best since you prepresent said ideology. Dont go full 1488 but just say something like ''i do not believe that emmigration is a net positive for our country'' or ''too many migrant will not assimilate and create ghetto''.
You cannot be this stupid
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>And we should be doing as much as possible to accelerate it.
start with listening to these:


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>what is replacement?

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Do you think that the treatment of german minorities after WW2 was too harsh or it was deserved?
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mmmm yes. just like the https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%9Cberfall_auf_den_Sender_Gleiwitz faggot
Because horthy was a traitor to the axis and wanted to get out of the war
fuck slavs, though.
>relocated willingly because they didn't want to be Soviet citizens
Okay so if you move once I burn down your house and shit on your bed will this count as moving on your own accord? Being forced into the position in which you have to take decisions you would not under other circumstances precludes the outcome from being authoritative argument
Idiot there were tons of people that willingly stayed in and weren't expelled. Are you historically illiterate, there's still quite a lot of Poles and people of Polish origins in Belarus/Lithuania. Also majority of people living on those lands were of East Slavic origin and that's why it was incorporated into USSR in the first place.

Poland even had to expell Ukrainians living west of the border with USSR.

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What are the political implications?


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>Women claim they'd rather meet a bear in the woods than a random man
>Most men online proceed to say "women deserve to get eaten by the bear", completely missing the point and confirming it all at once.
And you incels wonder why the 4B movement is starting to spread outside South Korea...
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He became the leader of germany and killed all his enemies
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>all his enemies
personally I respond 'I'd rather meet a bear, too, if I met a woman in the woods she would probably shoot me dead then claim I was trying to rape her soon as simply say hello to me'
So what was the point if women aren't saying the would rather get eaten ass end first by a bear than by you?
maybe you could say
>I'd rather meet a sheep

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>The election in 2020 was stolen
>We will win in 2024 by voting in the election

Why can't the MIGA NPC's compute this ?
If the 2020 election was really stolen then why would Trump be allowed to win this year ?
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That's old hat. I'm just curious about the cope they will use after they do it twice in a row.
Their actually is a chance. Since everyone, but a few total fucking idiots, know the election was stolen and since nobody is backing Pedophile this time and doesn't believe he'll win - there's a good chance they won't be able to steal it, without actually saying "yeah we stole it - what are you gonna do about it?" and starting a REAL civil war.
How about using those millions of guns that you guys always boast about?
We'll vote harder this time!
Because falsification gets harder to pull off when done frequently.

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Let that sink in...
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We all have millions of nigger and boomer mouths to feed, Hans.
Where are you proposing any of us get the money to build such an endeavour?
Yes and if you're black wearing a mask in 2024 we all know that you're up to something.
The guy I'm replying to meant social masks not covid masks
I see inheritors of the land their ancestors helped colonize. I see your flag and I see a seething hooknosed turco
Yeah 21st century is crumbling infrastructure, them stupid chinks don't understand

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something definitely is in the wata
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At least none of them trooned out...
Wtf happened to the first guy on the left. Started as a chad, ended looking sad.
>1st pic
Table filled to the brim with American goyslop which is the most sloppiest of slops
>2nd pic
>3rd pic

Don’t get me wrong, they don’t know better because they are raised in the hell’s cape that is USA.

Also, not a single guy in this pic looks like he has ever done something physical be it sports or a job.

Haha lastly you can see it some plain taste woman who has decorated the living room. All beige
This phenotype right here. I'm familiar with this one. Very self-assured, very libtarded, completely obtuse, doesn't leave safety ever. When you look at them, it's a big teeth mouth that juts forward. Is that supposed yo be vaguely threatening? These fags never do anything physical.
what is it with dudes and beards? just because you can grow one doesn't mean you should

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It’s not our fault we got made homosexual, we don’t choose to be this way
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>one in ten French people straight up identify as "far-right"
Holy fucking based.
Of course far right haters muslims blacks and women
They wanna groom all the white kids left
this attitude is what lead us to the situation we're currently in where people think men can be woman and there are 15,000 different genders.
stop giving them an inch

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Like you, I feel pretty savvy about detecting psyops.
But what if even the most basic shit we've accepted as true, is also bullshit? Especially now, and as the narratives get seemingly desperate.
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Thanks bb
They werent temporary. Notice how the constructions photos alll have scaffolding and vanilla skies? Ill let you figure that one out.

Being European doesnt afford you to more history and insight. That history you have just brainwashes you more. It is your crutch not your strength over us. Tartaria existed. The titans of industry came here and found it abandoned. Then erased history. Used the power for themselves and enslaves mankind.
Thank you anon.
We are talking about fabricating hundreds or up to a thousand years of history.
Americans have been lynching people as late as the 80's bruh. Usually just random niggers but the last time we did a Jew it created the ADL.

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