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Daily reminder that they STOLE 45 trillion and civilization from my sacred lands they never invented a language but only cave scratchings , we thought them our ways and this is how they repay
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>the british government, crown, and the companies did it.
Noone stole a thing
We traded and colonised
The 45 trillion figure is laughably absurd
Ill fuck you bloody
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I wish they had decimated pajeets, they are an infection on this earth and clearly deformed.
You are superior at your tolerance for living in filth, squalor and shit.
Rishi is gone in July

Why are women like this? How do we save them?
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What do you mean why are women like this? She saw the evidence all of us saw presented in vourt and re-evaluated her opinion of her ex. She did right.

Nothing there to be saved. Don't even try.
Literally everyone involved in this story is Jewish. Why 100% of Jews push gun control should not be a surprise.
I wouldn't trust that bitch. What if she brings a knife and it's all a ploy to get revenge?
But then again women have 0 loyalty and she probably wants that chad dick.
>kills your boyfriend
"He cute!"

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Putin at age 25.
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he couldn't afford enough bananas back then during the communist regime
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This is a monument to Octavian Augustus in Rome, made during his lifetime when he was 50-60 y.o. Reminds you of something, huh?
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is putin a clone?
Looks jewish
Hes not, your entire political caste is though

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The reason why anime is so popular is because European beauty standards are horrible and zogged countries almost never produce anything of artistic value.

Only insane freaks jack off to Western cartoon porn, because it is so ugly and demented. And basically everyone who is over 140 IQ ends up becoming a so-called weeaboo.
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Whitoids always have that horse face.
and i asked you from what decade would you like.
learn to read you portuguese gutter slut
kys disingenuous faggot
>t. literal indian
get hit by a train cuck
Asking the decade is a coward move. Just pick one. I'll pick it for your coward brain, 2020, happy now? I'm making it easy for you.
>I'm making it easy for you.
no youre not you fucking retard
2020 wasnt a great year for movies.
"Run" was good.

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why are there so many female cops in western europe? four of them just got a male cop killed in mannheim because they literally stood around doing nothing.
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You should know what your leaders have joined you to universe seed.

Ability to hurt people and get away with it, pitches a tent in Shem's baggy pants, when that happens he orders his man to board a private flight to the US Mint in Virgina/Washington and back, and brings you a suitcase of unmarked $100 bills packed tight and delivers the message: "If you do exactly as instructed on these notes that come through this directive pipeline, then the suitcases keep coming. But if you don't, then we grow weary of your existence, and mark you as for-removal for processing in the rank ordered blame assignment algorithms. Understand.

Your bible your average fin uptook, is very clear not to make a deal with this devil, and yet you recently pledged in an armed alliance. Own it, it's yours.

Quotas. Quotas everywhere.
Yeah, exactly.

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Don't care, he never cared about you. Just about your money.
Nah. He is a goofy weirdo UHF guy who got a lot of attention and everyone takes way too seriously because he goes against the sacred narrative cow
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>he tried to con the government
OH NOOOO the poor government :(

Are they ok? :(

Fucking idiots. Why, of all places, do you think *this* is where your faggot propaganda will work?
>Infowar studios
Wait what studios ? He doesnt do his shit in his garage ? What a cuck.
>alleged parent goes to talk to national news
>can't keep himself from laughing his ass off
>smiles like a donkey in front of the camera
ah yes, quite sad :D
>tons of secret shit about it
>secret transport away from it
>names of children show up elsewhere
>school demolished and banned from any/all investigation
It's as legit as the holocaust.

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What are the political implications of millions of Americans being riddled with parasites but don't even know it? I've read about how parasites can influence the minds of their hosts does this explain a lot of the strange degenerate/immoral behaviors that are commonplace in America now?


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I don’t believe most Americans have worms, we are all way too fat for that.
If you have trouble losing weight then you definitely don’t have worms.
For you
since when is garlic toxic for humans?
I’m a gardener and work in the soil and whenever I take Ivermectin I trip balls from all the parasites dying off and releasing toxins into my body; it’s fuckin awesome highly recommend

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I’m getting to the age where I don’t understand zoomer memes and slang
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Most people don't realize how much they mature over time so when they see someone younger acting immature, they compare them to their current self.
You should read some of the media theorists like Marshall McLuhan and company.
They predicted with the rise of heavily visual media that people's literacy would drop. People would technically still be able to engage with the written word but at an extremely rudimentary level, they called this "semi-literate" and that people would start using words as mere symbols without really understanding their meaning.
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That's how it works though, usually the next gen is more retarded. Zoomers are the most recent generation so top retard. Will see what is next.
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Total fucking zoom zoom death.
I do love zoomettes and will probably marry one if she's a 19 yr old virgin. No hymen no diamond
not skibidi Ohio, u putting a fanum tax on my rizz rn

Will she fix Mexico?
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No, she doesn't even have a tail.
she can fix my testicular overflow
I have full confidence this strong woman will sort out all the problems

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This is just the latest attempt by the black lesbians who make up the majority of the WNBA to injure Clark. They are absolutely seething over the fact that a White girl has walked into the league and become its most marketable star.

>video of cheap shot below

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This mixed-race subhuman seethes because it cannot dominate.
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I see. The point of my first remark is that between advertising windows, merchandising, and online-gambling, there is nothing real about modern sport whether it's orchestrated boxing, managed outcomes of NFL, or on-court drama of the WNBA, it's all show business and vigs.
That gay negress sexually assaulted her in front of everyone and all she got for it was a free throw.
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>it's funny because
I can agree with this.

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>country of criminals
>cringe muh liberty ideals from french revolution (that napoleon destroyed shortly after btw)
>perfect location with almost infinite land (perfect geopolitical location)
>had oil
>sucked talent off europe after the wars
>destroyed european colonies and empires
>took advantage of europe being destroyed after both WW to build the most powerful navy and dominate the globe
>annoying superiority complex
>pushed liberal ideas, consumism, goyslop and so on into their destroyed vassals (europe, japan and korea)
>pushed negrofilia
>couldnt even invade russia after WWII kek
the most cancerous nation to ever exist, overhyped shit nation of pirates who tricked us all into dominating the world.
the greatest mistake of spain was helping them get independence. we should have allied all to flatline them and then parition usa between europe and japan.
>seething this hard
fpbp /thread. i didn't even read past the first line of all your gay shit OP
China will respond better to your whining
You have got the other half of America, what is with it?

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Like you, I feel pretty savvy about detecting psyops.
But what if even the most basic shit we've accepted as true, is also bullshit? Especially now, and as the narratives get seemingly desperate.
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The proles will never rebel and you know it.
More like: it's fertilizer for plants.
Pissing away your piss into the sewers is a disgrace. You're supposed to piss on plants.
Yeah no. Morality is biological for leadership casts, sure it is developed through argument between individuals. But it is because of the base biological instincts that these ideas form. Europeans are higher up on the pyramid in terms of morality and its efficiency for the tribe. Normies don’t have a strong sense of natural morality because they are followers within the ethnic group. Just have a look at all the various “civilisations” Christian’s have tried to civilise.
No, the problem is that they claim we’re at war all the time so then they can lie indefinitely, and worse, feel righteous about it.
>I've seen things, you people wouldn't believe
>Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion
>I've watched C-beams glitter in the dark, near the Tannhauser gate
>All those moments will be lost in time
This was all a psyop? Like tears in the rain?

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Why does nobody like classical music?
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Yes, I do. Play for me. I'm a vocalist in need of accompaniment.
Normies are mind programmed by pop and rap.
Because kike publishers have flooded classical music with kikes and gooks who have no connection to the Aryan spirit and can't understand our music.

We've been collecting an authentic gook and kike-free playlist for the Aryan Art threads:
Classical music engages the intellect. Modern music engages the body/flesh/animal spirit. No matter how you try to sell it, a good modern song is good because of how it makes your body feel. It's jammin'. By the time a modern sing has repeated the first measure eight times, a classical composer would have already introduced a theme and several variations.
>a semitone is not a note
You sir are the tard. There is 12 very distinct notes in one octave used in classical music. Just count the keys on one octave of a piano. Try piano was made for classical music.

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*ancap ball*
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>blame boomers instead of jews
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That jew was bragging that American can't have free healthcare cuz Jews steal that money to pay for their wars.
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I agree, but only to a certain extent.

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

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B*den rapes little boys so he is gay.
Big time.
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He should travel over there and file a formal complai- OH WAIT, HE'S BANNED.
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>at best...
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>coomerpole stalker
Just ask him if you can suck his dick ffs

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Herr Adolf Shekelstein
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All charismatic leaders are right, even when they disagree with each other Their rightness exists before they do.

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If the Third Reich had more pizza parties, they would have won.

Chuds who have tried LSD, what does it feel like?
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i've done over a few hundred hits of lsd.
and many other pyschedelics.
i played in that arena before.
when i was young it fascinated me.
but now, i am all set with going in.
You gotta have a bit of balls to try it and don't get scared on the come up, because you will be stuck in a bad place for the rest of the trip. There is no: I want this shit to wear off, you have to strap yourself and be comfy. I've done 40 lsd trips, most 300-350 micrograms and this was the most intense shit. I turned into sand, first 6-7 hours i was dealing with it standing up, but it got too overwhelming and had to lay in bad, so i felt like sand going trough an hourglass and my body melting completly. I turned on the TV and watched some local News station about politics and got grounded up, because it showed me that i am in the current diamension and it's just a trip, it was comfy. My worst lsd trip was when i decided to take a puff from a weed during the come up. Colors were orange, red, bright and happy colors, the moment i took a hit from the weed it went full scale grey, spider nests, i was hugging the pillow for 4 hours until it got better, i was even thinking of going to the hospital to get some drug that stops it, but i didn't. I also candy-flipped few times, it's even more intense and i kind of overdosed on mdma and lsd, i was cold and shaking, we were in a forest and a friend of mine saw me i am having troubles and gave me a bottle of rakja. It fixed me. Drinking a glass of whiskey during lsd trips helps take off the edge. I have done DMT too, but didn't breaktrough, one of the worst trips ever was that i got stuck in a time-loop. I could rewind my actions from one point to the next, just like pressing buttons and i was there for like what felt thousand of years. I still do drugs and i have experience, i have given a lot of my frens LSD, i am a good teacher.
It feels like small demonic creatures pulling at the fabric of your existence.
mushroom hits your whole body, acid is mostly in your head. ket is a tranquilizer.
It feels like frying your brain and losing a few IQ points for life.

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>Another day, another escalation
- Alex Jones studio shut down for exposing the Havaara agreement between nazis and zionists
- National pride month has started, HOUZEE!
- Volkel airforce base on the nuke list of the Russians because retard unchosen ministers approved the use of long range weapons
- Joris Demmink, child molester, who was the highest-ranking civil servant at the justice ministry and never prosecuted. In the case called Rolodex. Rumored to have worked with Dick Schoof when he was at the IND, anons please confirm
- The new coalition is look at the FvD for forming a majority in the senate
- Romania and Hungary block Mark Rutte being nominated as NATO chief
- Unchosen (ex) AIVD glowie Dick Schoof possible prime minister, he is a deep state asset and responsible for illegally spying on citizens through fake social media accounts, he is also pro-EU and SDG and pushed the corona measures
- Wilders is blocking people that criticise his choice for the glowie PM
- Free Gideon, corrupt judges demand 200 hour forced labour or 100 days in prison
- Thierry Baudet speech, there is a difference between zionist right and traditional right, notice that al successful ‘rightwing’ parties have Israeli influence
- Pro-Palestine protests tried to disrupt pro-Israel demonstration. Police intervened but was initially pushed back
- Football riots injured several police, they are exhausted and complaining. Keep up the pressure
- Antifa protesting against feminism
- Another attack with a umbrella on Thierry Baudet stopped by security

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Deze vrouw is een heldin.
Zelfs dit gaat waarschijnlijk vervelende gevolgen voor haar hebben.
>geheimhouding van die informatie op dat moment van groter belang is voor het land dan transparantie
Operatie Barbarossa is op den duur uitgelegd aan 't Duitse Volk.
Wanneer is er voor het laatst geheime informatie op die schaal openbaar gemaakt in onze moderne westerse wereld? Wanneer heeft een overheid voor het laatst zoveel vertrouwen in haar Volk gehad?
Thierry is een debiel.
Man lurkt op pol (al erg genoeg) geloofd niet in de maanlanding of 9/11 maar komt niet met argumenten die niet al 20x busted zijn. Hij is een randdebiel maar hij heeft soms wel gelijk over de politieke regeltjes in de tweede kamer. Daar ligt ook vlgns mij zijn enige kennis.
Dan laten we in het midden wat de meest verstandige keuze is want ik acht mezelf in ieder geval niet competent om in te schatten hoe de gevolgen van de een of andere zienswijze tegen elkaar opwegen en ik betwijfel dat anderen die competentie wel hebben.

Bait maar ik hap toch even: al die ''randfiguren'' zoals Tate zijn van toegevoegde waarde ook als je hun manieren van denken en doen onwenselijk vindt omdat zij een tot voor kort ongehoorde zienswijze bijdragen aan het publieke debat. Onthouding van die zienswijze heeft veel mannen zoals ik groot leed gebracht: ik heb als kind niet van mijn sociale omgeving geleerd dat je als man leeft in een darwinistische hel waarin je uiterlijk, geld en status grotendeels bepalend zijn voor de kwaliteit van je leven en je daarom moet vechten als een leeuw om een bestaansbasis op te bouwen in plaats van alleen maar braaf naar school gaan, goede cijfers halen en dan denken dat je vanzelf weleens een lief vriendinnetje krijgt en een managersbaantje krijgt op een of ander kantoortje.

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I am forgotten
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yes, be distracted by khazar milkers. great job.
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miss her like you wouldn't believe
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>why don't we hear more about this in the (((MSM)))!?
idk, why?
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>but muh fox news
comp'd af
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>fox news
speaking of didn't the wife of sheldon g adelson recently give trump 100 million? or was that just bs?

With the $20/hr minimum wage in California being passed, consumers reacting negatively to the prices some of these restaurants are charging, and the overall shitty quality of the food, fast food is on the verge of collapsing.

Does anyone else see this as a good thing? Our country has an entire generation of fat asses who eat nothing but this stuff instead of cooking.

I have a friend who eats McDonalds constantly because he is too lazy to cook, he is now overweight, has blood pressure issues and is so god damned lazy he can't even get out of bed (he asks me to call him in the morning to wake him up).

Do you think the collapse of fast food with make people healthier and reduce health care costs?
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Plenty of people still eat at the big places. McD isn't going to suffer.
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Why is fast food employment demand higher then the demand for actual fast food? Is taco bell the only job people can think of applying at in california/NY?
You don't have the capacity to compete with the people creating value in large cities kek. Remember them creating more value than you can turn around and compete easier than you for global goods LMAO
Otber restaurants are capable of doing it. So the ones who can't will be outcompeted
Horseshit. The local market determines lease/rent prices and insurance and property taxes have risen and passed on the the renter. Doesn't matter if its commercial or individual renters.

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