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Not upset so much as scared.
I see you made this just for me. Appreciate the effort ty roastyfren
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It will be here.
What's the song they used in that YTMND with the secret Nazi forest with the swastika trees? I can hear the song in my head but the lyrics were always just a blur of random words.

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the husband losing his job is one of the highest predictors of divorce
I thank the lord Jesus every fucking day for making me a faggot because women are insufferable and disgusting
and then they get a divorce and realise its even worse and then cry even harder, because they got jewed
Fpbp checked 88
The highest economic classes of women went to work motivated by the political goal to not be dependent on their husbands, but middle class women went to work because their husband's wages were too unreliable to depend on.

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Do you think that the treatment of german minorities after WW2 was too harsh or it was deserved?
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>No country has ever been more deserving of being wiped of the map 3 times. May there be a fourth
Germany deserves it more
>plunges europe into the Great War
>does it again
Fuck americans for allowing you to remain a nation and fuck Soviets for letting the Berlin wall to fall
too light
>Kill a future head of state
>Not starting the war
Serbs are generally based but you must be one of the brown turkic looking ones
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>>Germany liberates you from Russia in WW1
nigger you partitioned us alongside russia and austria, don't pretend to be a hero
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Your capital is minority white, your entire country will soon be as well and your PM is a jeet
I think you're acting too cocky considering the circumstances sir

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No matter how big or small the room is, how many stars the hotel is, all hotel rooms always have a single chair facing the bed.
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what door?
>he just found out about the twitter meme and came to post it on 4chins.
You might not want to lie on the bed.
That extra chair is not necessarily for nefarious or immoral purposes but could certainly be used that way.
Strange thread.
It's so you can sit in a chair while conducting business over the phone. It's also more comfortable for putting on your shoes.
If you reserve adjacent hotel rooms you can open the door and sort of combine both rooms.
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why do hotel rooms always have this stupid tiny desk that can barely fit a laptop? what is its purpose?

I call it the Reddit desk. It serves no other purpose than plopping a laptop on and posting on Reddit

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we just need a steel wall in the the Mediterranean to block everything south/south-east of Europe. the rest matters very little.
What's going on on south france

I would only agree to this if we could kick Croats to Austria and Albos to Albania otherwise no thanks

I'd rather have less land but without those subversive parasites in my country
Very cool
looks pretty pretty pretty good to me

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Why is racemixing bad?
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>95 average IQ in JewSA
>amerimutt flag
Not at all dude. Don’t get me wrong IQ can be useful for determining mental retardation as well as some problem solving skills, but is far from reliable in determining common, or even academic potential. My for instance has an IQ 1 above me putting her very much above the curve, but performs *very* averagely in academics despite trying harder than me.
More like 20,000
her idiots parent should kick her out of the house, no money nothing. Disgusting !!
*My sister for instance.

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i.e. marisa miller types
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That’s jews though
you are the faggiest gook that ever posted on /pol/
/pol/ rule #88
Is he wrong?

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there wont be a civil war
its all just a isekai for frustrated right wingers were they get to finally win after years of loosing on every front.
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The only good isekai is “Now and Then Here and There”
Looks like a mulatto
christ almight these pictures make the right look like absolute faggots.
become a bodybuilder and shave your head and beard off if you wanna be taken seriously.
That's a kike.
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you're right. It's going to be extremely uncivil.

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How did Indians so quickly become the most despised race?
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To all you genuine Indians reading this, I have a message. I assume you're not pretending to be an Indian by using VPNs. Many people posting here are. Don't participate in threads being created by these no good racists. They're good for nothing White Nationalists pushing White First propaganda. Pass it along.
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Healthy countries don't benefit from the presence of parasites. If whites are so evil you should go back to wherever you came from.
Too many
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fear the superior indian

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When you realise they don't use soap, everything begins to make sense
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You're village is too poor to afford the plane ticket sir.
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>mutt law
stop posting already you fucking degenerate
Stay in your landfill jeet
>The yardstick of civilization

Yes it really does all make sense.
and your point being?

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No blond hair for sure.
Eye color uncertain.
Face is rather round than long.
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hes white, of course non-whites would find him cute
In just six years, You went from a prominent imperial power that dominated the world militarily and financially to a bankrupt poor relative. During the 20th century, Great Britain sacrificed 2 generations of young people to WWI and WWII. Those two wars bankrupted Great Britain to the point that they have yet to recover. Fucking idiots.
pretty sure thats michael cera
1/4 (((Rothschild))) 1/1024 aryan
look at tyrone "mountain dew" hernandez here

What is the optimal reproductive age for a human female?
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25. 17-32 is the prime breeding window
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For some reasone literally everyone will seethe about this

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Let's get real. A civil war will never come close to happening.
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The corporate media constantly promotes the idea of civil war in America. Most Americans intuitively know that the federal government in Washington DC is the source of most of the problems regular Americans have.
A civil war that consumes all of America and all of the pain, despair, misery, death and destruction it would cause would not address the root cause of our problems, the federal government in Washington DC.
America has laws against treason and corruption.
We simply need to enforce the laws America currently has to protect our Constitutional Republic from traitors and corruption.
The Biden administration and the US Congress have lower approval ratings than King George did before the American Revolution. US States and counties increasingly pass legislation stating that they will not enforce any federal law, regulation or executive order that infringes on Americans 2nd Amendment rights.
The vast majority of Americans hate the depravity, deceit and corruption that they see in the federal government and Washington DC. The federal government has lost the respect and consent to be governed of the American people. The crooks and traitors in Washington DC will deny this reality as long as they can.
There will be no civil war, no matter how hard the corporate media promotes it because no force of any size will fight for the corrupt traitors in Washington DC.
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goyim are too retarded and lazy to start a civil war
ave, amicvs
Free America Group- FAG
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>MAGAs can barely talk to a woman
isn't this whole thing about the fact that Trump cheated on his supermodel wife with a porn star?

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were the nose calipers really necessary

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Mfw niggers exist near me




Can't you make your point without being a r*cist asswhipe, or is that just too difficult for you?
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me when i'm at my utmost tolerance of niggers existing (pic related)

Chuds who have tried LSD, what does it feel like?
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it removes the filters that your brain puts in place to stop you from going insane. You are thinking and seeng the stuff you see on it but your brain blocks it out normally.
Nice bait 6/10
it's a highly euphoric sensation combined with psychological confusion, and phantasmagorical sensorial overload, with possible religious, fantastical or terrifying demonic motifs, or all of the above. Temporal distortions are common where you can get locked into a sense that time has slowed or advanced beyond your ability to accurately observe.

LSD actually made me have a deep eternal hatred for kikes
The IRA should have blown your dad's balls off. Belfast will be free.

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I won’t say where I come from. To avoid being judged. But I’ve lived in Australia for 4 years now. Australians are the scariest people I’ve ever met. They’re extremely stupid and uneducated. But they don’t give a fuck and they are extremely violent.

They don’t hold back, I’ve been told to fuck off, I’ve been threatened, I’ve been told their ancestors would kill me in a heartbeat.

Also at work, they are insane, I can’t hold a job because they bully me. They treat me like shit. I have to work with people from other countries to fit it.

I hate the fact they date woman from my country and rub it in. It’s honestly really fucked up. It breaks my heart seeing my sister talking to Aussie guys on tinder. I wish they would go away. Worst of all they don’t care about aboriginal Australians.

It’s a scary thought knowing a small portion of white people conquered this country and boss everyone around.

Australians are the assholes of the world, forget hitler or the nazis. There people are worse. They are vicious. They are racist and are fueled by rage. Something is seriously wrong with these people.
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kek it was 2.5 Yuros in Bürlün in 2012
Damn Australians seems cool af
the phaggot is a canuck ;3
how bout eat some real food instead of goyslop.
ching chong up ya ming mong
chingalinga chinky winky wooo

Why are women like this? How do we save them?
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It's fake.
Kyle killed a pedophile and a mentally ill cunt. Based Kyle.
By forgiving her husband's killer she'll obtain the ecstasy of magnanimity and exalt her own virtue.
Women love killers. Biologically it makes sense, they're probably not even conscious of it.

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You input literal sand and the machine outputs CPUs

Russian CPU fabrication plants technology is 33 year behind the west (the west relies in Taiwan which is not geographically in the west, just politically)

Western sphere (Anglosphere + almost totality of Europe) use Taiwan CPUs

Russia uses Russian CPUs since today byt they are 33 years behind the west in functionality and speed


Taiwan now makes 3 nanometer CPUs. This is the rumor, nobody knows for sure. 12 nanometer CPUs were independently confirmed by nanomicroscoppy enthusiasts two years ago.

Samsung promises they can make 1 nanometer CPUs in South Korea by 2026.

>Russian CPUs that are started to be manufactured in June 2024 are in the size of 330 nanometers, this is 100 times bigger than Taiwanese

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Russian CPU is about as fast as this one

It is from the days when it was possible to produce CPU in USA and it was not necessary to do it in Taiwan instead
330 nm

What will 111 be??
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This made me depressed. Some empty shell of a man imitating joy over consumerism.
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Your clue is in the "duel Israeli citizenship" you dumb brown subhuman
this guy is like 23
He's pretty explosive for his size and shape, that freak would actually be a handful with a few months of striking and grappling training. He gassed pretty quick though.

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